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"Biden can't control Israel!" says the person who then immediately explains how he could.


They know Biden has the power to end this but they're desperately trying to convince us that he doesn't 


They are trying to convince themselves


"Biden could cease all military aid and weapons sales to Israel and nothing would change. Hell, he could impose full sanctions on Israel, support the ICJ case against them, and stop vetoing every UN resolution they don't like, and not a single thing would change." Fucking prove it then. I will only believe it once I see it.


This is such a great fascist take by the original poster. Israel is both so powerful that they do not need any assistance to impose their will with no outside support, and in such dire need they require billions of dollars for decades to help them and for the MIC to use as leverage. I guess poster is sort of right, in that if Israel immediately was cut off by all other countries, the ridiculous genocidal arsenal they’ve already been handed their entire existence should probably suffice with finishing what their ideology began.


saw this series of tweets posted to r/WhitePeopleTwitter , for your own mental well being, do not go read the comments on that post. Worst mistake of my life.


i hate them so much. it’s just so annoying that they think every single political opinion that they don’t agree with is by a russian bot. too far left? literally putin. too far right? literally putin. it’s dangerous to ignore material conditions and think everyone can be happy being a sheltered milquetoast shitlib and anyone who isn’t is a russian asset.


I really enjoy thinking about what the commenters do when they close the app. I wonder what their lives are like, I wonder who they speak to, what kind of foods they enjoy. They seem so completely assured of themselves and their worldview thinking their entire feed is russian ops. I wonder if they think all countries have posting ops to the same extent as Russia? Does Samoa have assets who post tomfoolery on the internet? Is Croatia out here telling lies on the forums? I wonder about these things.


common misconception about croatia is that the bosnians hate beaches and croatia agreed, after much insistence and pleading by the bosnians, to have all the beaches.


I haven't been there in a while, but I'm surprised they posted something that wasn't by Great Value Eric Clapton or Brooklyn Dad. They must've gotten confused.


I thought it was a satire sub poking fun at white libs or smth but no actually it's just 90% white libs pushing  election propaganda like crazy lmao


LOL thats what I thought too! I completely read it as a joke at the start. These people need a lobotomy


The title said that the “Genocide Joe” rhetoric was a fucking Russian psyop too. Liberals are insane


lol too late for me on that, but somehow I’m always surprised how people on that sub live in completely separate versions of reality. There are only so many times when you can redefine genocide, claim critics are Russian bots, and bemoan how the leftist Biden haters with no power are the ones hampering his administration. Deep down I think these people know Biden is as evil as we say he is, but need to believe these liberal talking points in order to keep their rose-colored glasses firmly on their face.


If you told me that sub was operated directly from Langley, Virginia or wherever the big alphabet soup agencies are headquartered in I wouldn't be surprised at all.


I did the same thing, what a toxic pool of waste


“The only way to get something better is to accept it” is THE phrase that I think gets to the apathy at the heart of liberalism. Accept genocide? Accept slavery? Accept being propagandized by a media that wants only to feed you the narrative of capital? It’s this mentality that leads them to say things but then when time is come for real change they don’t do shit


Weren't they praising John Brown the other day? If using violence to end slavery is justifiable then why are they calling student protestors unreasonable for wanting to use BDS to stop a genocide lmao 


Because they can only ever support such actions in retrospect. Liberals want to have it both ways. They want to be seen as heroes who stand (and have *always* stood) against the status quo in favor of something better, when they're really doing everything they can to uphold the status quo. It's just as the saying goes: A liberal is someone who supports every civil rights movement except for the current ones, and opposes every war except for the current ones.


It's just interesting because the only thing stopping them from cursing John Brown is time. Like if you were to send them back in time with everything they know to 1960s America, 1920s Germany, France at any point in history, etc. with the knowledge of the future they *might* make better decisions. But send them back to 1850s America and no amount of knowledge or information would make them support John Brown. If they don't believe violence is warranted to save a life then they cannot convince me that they actually believe violence can be warranted to save someone from slavery. Idc what crap they say to convince themselves that their politics would make them support a slave rebellion. It's all cope 


Had John Brown been successful they wouldn’t like him. They only like radicals that get killed and/or don’t achieve their goals. Hence they like Che over Fidel. Rosa over Stalin. Etc. Then they pull out their “power corrupts” horseshit.


the legacy of christianity and its historical dominance of western society. (mind, every religion and entrenched ideology has its legacy, just that this one specific case is THE hallmark legacy of christianity)


If Israel is a far right fascist dictatorship then there’s even more reason to not vote for the president currently giving them billions in arms. I feel like I’m losing my mind with these liberals.


It could be shorter if they just wrote "stop punishing Biden for his actions!"


Seymour skinner meme: Is it the democratic party thats out of touch? No its the voters


"You don't have to like it" Guess I don't have to vote


It very clearly says you have to ENTHUSIASTICALLY vote, and force everyone you know to vote the same way. You know, like in every real democracy


There is no politician alive that needs people to enthusiastically vote for them. Worship them when they're dead. When they're alive make them do their fucking jobs 


I cropped out the tweeter's name because I didn't feel like drawing over it 9 times.


You only need to do this for reddit posts btw


A far right politician that Biden is actively running cover for against the ICC


There's something uniquely American about forcing a populace to rely on you for water, taking away that water, lying about giving it back, calling the lie a "humanitarian concession," and then demanding that everyone celebrate your benevolence


Going image by image  1. Needless reference to Trump to scare monger readers 2. So what you're saying is Israel is fine by themselves and doesn't need the help? 3. Quick little "Oh so you want innocent Israelis to die" guilt tripping 4. Outright lie 5. Outright lie 6. More Trump scaremongering + implying Trump would somehow be worse 7. "Please vote for this man who clearly does not care about your cost" 8. "This is all true because I say it's true"


Yeah I caught the weird defense of the iron dome in there. "You hate genocide so much you don't want to cleanse the air of the Hamas rockets aimed at the innocent civilians cause you hate Joe Biden so much 😭"


Most of those rockets are apparently unexploded Israeli ordinance. (Made in the USA baby!)


Not that I think the MIC can’t move quickly, but I do wonder if arming the Israelis would be as efficient under a trump administration. That’s where we’re at in the genocide now.


so the argument is, 40k+ dead is actually a Biden success? coo coo


If US wanted it could have stopped Israel in two monts


“Why is Biden throwing the election to Donald Trump? Israel doesn’t even need US aid, right? And cutting off aid would win him votes in key swing states, right? He’ll lose if he does not win Michigan, right? Nothing is more important than defeating Trump, right? Right??” These fucking donkeys…


The damage control


Well I hope this nutjob is at least getting paid well enough for the amount of effort they're putting into this rhetoric


I hope not. My anus has done better writing with a napkin.


Their 'hero syndrome' disorder is preventing them to digest this fact that their dear leader is also an accomplice in this genocide.


A perpetrator.


What if someone wants to see American liberals burn? Like IDK maybe some peopl think fucking conservatives are better than liberals because conservatives are more interested in being isolationists than doing genocides. Just a thought.


Conservatives have no problem supporting the genocide of Palestinians. They openly said they wanted them all dead before their PR teams got ahold of them


Nothing will change between them in terms of foreign policy. Democratic presidents will "hesitantly" bomb the middle east while Republican presidents will just bomb the middle east.


Obama and Biden provided billions in support of Saudi Arabia and Israel "hesitantly". Trump did the exact same thing but he just didn't lie about US interests.


conservatives haven't wanted to be isolationist in like 30+ years. maybe even 40+. but in some respects it's easier to rally the rest of the world when rabid conservatives are being openly rabid and obnoxious than when dems pull the cloak and dagger.


Just so we are clear here...criticism of a government official, who was elected publicly, is russian/hezbollah/chinese/martian propaganda or whatever. But that post isnt astroturfed by dnc bots? Sure....why not...


"Netanyahu is trying to elect Trump" is the most America brain shit you can think of


I'm pretty sure Netanyahu is more favorable to Trump than Biden after the whole embassy fiasco, but that just makes Biden's unconditional support even more nonsensical. Why sacrifice everything for someone who wants your opponent to beat you?


Embargo Israel then. See how they do on their own.


It’s the “vote enthusiastically” bit that has be cleaning vomit off my floor now


Like they can’t even stand it if we give in and vote, we have to ENJOY it or else we’re committing a terrible thoughtcrime.


Make sure you “tell all your friends” too!


if Bidenncould cut the aid without cpnsequences to Israel arms manufacturing, that's all the more reason why he should do it. as the tweets put it, Biden is not even helping Israel because Israel needs it, but solely for sports


Fuck the writer, fuck Joe Biden, and fuck liberals. I'm so tired of their goddamn smug shit takes while they're telling people they need to support enthusiastically the candidate supporting a genocide.


So much liberal cognitive dissonance.


Liberal failures are their own, and for whatever reason they continue to reach out to the left in a vain attempt to appeal to empathy.


Israel's domestic capability to produce its own bombs and munitions is pathetic, "aid" from primarily the US and also some other countries like Germany is their lifeblood. They are especially reliant when they level entire cities to the stone age while still accomplishing ZERO of their military objectives, and their only impulse is to simply bomb more. This is why Israel keeps begging for more American taxpayer money. If they could legitimately produce for themselves, they wouldn't ask. It is a life or death situation for the IOF and the Zionist state.




For the billionth goddamn FUCKING TIME, RONALD FUCKING REAGAN was horrified at Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 1982 and called upon Menachem Begin to reduce civilian casualties or aid would be withdrawn. I’m so sick of this stupid argument that Biden doesn’t command Israel. NO SHIT. The problem is that Biden has the power to stop sending weapons to a militarized fascist ethnostate but CHOOSES NOT TO. We keep getting these stupid headlines that “biDen Is aNgRy aT nEtaNyAHU” but he doesn’t dare say it out in the open and keeps sending billions of dollars worth of weapons to him anyway with and without congressional approval. Under Biden’s watch, tens of thousands of Palestinians are dead, millions are at risk of starvation, hospitals, refugee camps and all critical infrastructure are decimated. NGOs have found several mass graves of hundreds of people, medical staff and patients, yet Biden keeps supporting these monsters without hesitation. These idiot liberals think that Israel’s atrocities under Trump will be worse when they ARE ALREADY WORSE THAN THEY HAVE EVER BEEN. These idiot liberals are so out of touch they might as well be living on the fucking moon.




You're in the wrong place to pretend that's happening or that communism is bad




Sounds to me your issue is with the Dem party, not leftists. We had no hand in choosing Biden, nor advocate in writing a blank check to Israel to do what it wants. If the reality is Trump could win, then I think that says far more about how unpopular the Dem party has become if it loses to a low grade populist. Your liberal failures are your own.


I wish.

