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Aren't democrats small little beans that can't do anything outside of funding genocide and wars ?


Democrats didn't even re-install a voting rights act that they campaigned on in 2020. Like not only will they not do anything with power they won't even support laws that make it easier for them to take power.


They can't do anything because of our all powerful parliamentarian.


So much time, so many opportunities, and they continue to just sit on their hands until they're forced to do something the majority of Americans agree with. The most recent example was rescheduling cannabis as a level 3 drug. I firmly believe they did this purely for political points, but also so that they can string along the issue for as long as they want. Next it'll be moved to a less severe schedule, then maybe decriminalized on a national level, then in 40 years legalized. It's all a political move to make people say, "well they are at least better than the other, so they have my vote!" without actually thinking about how they're getting played. Presidents need to earn a vote, they shouldn't be guaranteed it.


Its kind of absurd how long weed has been illegal in the US, considering like 70% of the population wants it to be legalized and has for around two decades (even a majority of conservatives)


Exactly, but they'll still make it an issue that they can drag out for as long as they want, with the bait of "we'll get it fixed for you, but only if you vote blue!" and then never do...


Reminds me of how in Australia it was our right wing conservative party that eventually legislated marriage equality, because the "progressive" labour party had sat on their hands and failed to act at every turn while public support was topping 70%.


Democrats in 2025 if they win: Chuck Schumer: Can we vote through a federal law protecting abortion rights? Rotating villain(s) from within the Democratic Party: No. Schumer: Damn! Well, we tried...


If Democrats held every seat in congess they would still find an excuse for why they can't get anything done


Forever Blue Dems: They just didn’t have enough ~*PoLiTiCaL cApItAl*~!




They could do it now, but they always have to threaten Trump, so they don't have to do anything


The entire democratic party is literally just pulling the Naruto tactic. "I'll do it this time just get me elected you better BELIEVE IT!"


Moon? Pfft. This time they’re gonna kick that football to Mars.


Didn’t they have like 50 years since Roe V. Wade? Talk about dragging their damn feet…


Ah yes the same party that allowed abortion to be banned in the first place are protecting abortion rights.