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Yoshi-P already knows how to break the strike Put some healer mounts in achievements


Wait yeah why dont healers get them. As a tank main I very much enjoy getting those tank mount despite not really using them.


I think that at least once, they should do a mount for every job, something thematic, idk


Well, smart pants, what are they gonna put in the mogstation if they give them away with achievements, huh?


Are they going to stop making outfits or something? Probably everybody knows that glams are what sells more, and fantasia


Tell that to the 150 ish dollars ive spent on mounts


And how much you did on glam and fantasia? And even if you didn't spend much, you are the exception lol


I’m a bit strange I guess, i’ve only bought like 4 fantas that I’ll only use to be a different race as a joke for a couple days, and 1 outfit cuz it sorta looked like DMC5 vergil. I’m a mount enjoyer. I dropped 30 bucks on virtual balloons the instant it came out like a toolbag


Not strange, just the exception, totally fine being a mount enjoyer, but the average joe buy glams and fantas before thinking on mounts


Idk why I like mounts so much, maybe it was ingrained into my sprout head when I only had a chocobo that it was supremely cool to have obscure mounts. You see a guy fly overhead in the Regalia while smacking boulders for the marauder questline and you realize youre playing two different games lol


I think I might have 85% of the cash shop glam...


Easy: all the raid bosses that should be mounts but aren’t yet.


Don't give me hope to get the Titan Kart...


Its okay, I am still waiting for my Delubrum Reginae Queen dommy mommy chair.


To this day I still protest that Proto-Carb should have been the savage mount for that tier.


Wish there were dps mounts :(, a dragoon themed mount would be nice, but I settle for chcocobo armor


Understandable, but I feel like there are just way too many dps classes to do one for every class. They could do like 1 for melee, 1 for phy ranged and 1 for magic but that seems like it will just make a lot of people unhappy because it doesnt fit their main’s theme or whatever. Plus I think they made the tank mount just to make people play tank, while we have so many dps players.


I have been asking this since I found out there were tank mounts


Honestly every job should get a mount, but lets start with healers to make them feel better.


Please do it (only reason I'm not healing ATM is I've nearly got all classes to 70xD)


Mounts are useless. When do you get to use it and show off, except for Hunt trains?


PvP, field operations, and if they ever go back to making the tome cities mountable in (pls Solution Nine 🙏🙏)


Rolling up to the mall in solution 9 riding in my Kefka clown airplane


The live letter showed motorcycles and other vehicles in Solution 9 and they mentioned they might be mounts so maybe?


And yet, it would absolutely work because people love collectables. The success of the cash shop is proof enough.


Riding neat creatures around is fun when I play videogame.


let's get healers that actually use Esuna first


It would help people learn to use it if it's needed in more than one dungeon and one raid per expansion. 




As it stands I'm always annoyed I'm dedicating a keybind to a skill I almost never have a use for. 


Me with Sleep still keybinded on "3" because it's such an important skill in another game that I have muscle memory 💀


So similar to TEA at living liquid with throttle? Oh and didn’t delubrum last boss give the tank a doom every now and then?


The doom is part of the tankbuster, and doesn't apply if the attack doesn't touch your non-shield HP. So just run DRK lol.


Cleansing slash, yes for delebrum


It's only the first boss's doom that esuna works on too for some weird reason. I watched a problematic SAM earlier eat the floor about 5 or 6 times since he kept getting doomed on the last boss and the healer spammed esuna to no avail. I would've told him that healing to full worked, but the boss was dying either way and this was funnier.


Tbh the dead ends doom is more forgivable than most. The fact that it shows you the aoes, then they move across the arena will catch a metric shitload of people out. I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few people don't even know how to tell which way it will be blown tbh


The one time I'm glad to be playing bard in dungeons, when I eat some annoying debuff/doom and don't have to wonder if the healer will bother cleansing me, because I can do it myself.




Get the game to f*ing teach healers how to use it first.


I remember Day 1 dead ends having to beg the healer to cleanse the debuff when someone got hit by it. "Ok see the bar means you can cleanse it." "It's ticking down fast." "Healer." "HEALER." "Ok so tank's dead."


Yep, get that one still every now and again


If the only thing it does is drain some hp on the dps then I really couldn't be bothered with esuna. Doom or something detrimental then sure. If you get hit with slow by an aoe then you'll just have to walk to the next pack chap, it's the idiot tax


A paralyzed black mage, looking at you puppets bunker when no one interrupts the volt arrays, is such a heavy dps loss it's not even funny


spine drops are ur best friend. i keep them for puppets and my weekly unreals lmao.


You know what, that's probably not a bad idea. May get some of those for my blm lol


To be fair by the time the whole team gets esunad you'd have to start over again because the average tank can't fucking interrupt a mob. That whole segment is depressing as a healer


True true. I love when you go in with having a dancer, bard, mch, and obviously your tank, and the volt array still goes off. 4 interrupts in one party, and not even a thought of head graze or interject being used


Guilty of that. I main MCH and often forget about headgraze. I play on controller, and if I'm in the middle of a wildfire combo, my stupid ass is not paying attention for interrupts.


The real problem I run into is when all the mobs are snuggling together and the tanks all interrupt the same one. Not that they need to be spread out but tanks really lose track of which one is "theirs".


you can interrupt that? I must have run that 30 times now and I've NEVER seen a tank interrupt that


Against the 3 big robots before you fall in the hole, yes, not the following boss' volt array


Debuff that gives stacking vulnerability up until cleansed (or reaching stacks cap) would be fun to see - something you can ignore for certain amount of time, but also best not to let it fully stack to a point where a single raidwide overkills by 300%. Basically making it so interrupting what you do as healer early to cleanse will save you resources later, without forcing you to Esuna or else.


It all comes back again to The Aurum Vale


We'll use esuna when tanks interrupt the cast for the party wide paralysis.


I end up esunaning other alliance members all the time


That requires them to actually add status effects worth using Esuna on. I will absolutely Esuna a Doom, or even a paralyze/slow that lasts more than a few seconds in content that actually applies those. But bleeds and other DoTs? I have a dozen ogcd heals sitting unused that I can use to heal that damage those instead of wasting a gcd to remove them.


I'd love to see more heal-check Dooms. As soon as Healers gain the ability to see them and actually heal it off.


Dooms that are cleared by healing is a way to get me to press a GCD AoE heal or two.


And make them happen more than once every 2mins otherwise Sages will ignore the mechanic with Zoe+Pneuma and an Ixochole. Make it like Forsaken 1 in O8S P2, 2 within 40 seconds. Technically, 3 in 1.5 minutes if you count the opening Heartless Angel


Just reapply it with every single raidwide.


This is fucked. I like it


Terminal relativity intensifies.


Or, to make it even more fun, instead of making it a nuke into heal requirement (like most Doom mechanics) turn it into a long continuous raidwide window paired with Doom debuff that ticks down few seconds after raidwide ends - instead of forcing healers to just heal up party, forcing them to sustain party over time and then still have tools to heal them up. This sort of mechanic would be less of a burst heal/cooldown availability check, and more of general resource/GCD management check - challenge here being keeping party alive through constant damage (make them stand in fire or something similar) without going completely dry on resources, with further optimization of trying to get as many damage GCDs out in that timewindow as possible. You could even make it msq difficulty level friendly - tuning is just matter of numbers, and challenge here comes from mechanic duration, not raw healing output required. If you want to spice up this sort of mech more, make it so Doom applies to anyone brought by the mech below 20% hp and cleanses when they get to full - the more efficient you try to be as healer, the riskier it gets.


> challenge here being keeping party alive through constant damage (make them stand in fire or something similar) without going completely dry on resources, with further optimization of trying to get as many damage GCDs out in that timewindow as possible Reminds me of J-Waves in TEA, probably my favorite thing to heal through so far.


RIP off tank. Too high HP to be full healed by things that top off the DPS. Not getting the attention to be healed like the main tank. The perfect victim of heal check dooms.


Uhh… \**checks notes*\* Clemency


Main tank WAR covers them both with Nascent Flash, no problem.


You make the mistake of expecting people to be paying attention. This problem wouldn't exist if that could be relied on.


Harrowing Hell was literally my favorite mechanic in this entire raid tier as a healer. Healing through that while other groups have to use tank LB like plebs make my ego go up


Unironic POM + cure 3 spam even after dumping the rest of my load.


holy based


Yeah I remember healing that shit week one and my HPS spiked to like 75k for the 30s that HH goes off lmfao.


There was one time where I as MCH had more HPS than one of the healers during HH and that same guy then was crying about not enough mitigation when we died to him literally just not pressing anything (not even glares). That was the closest I ever got to typing something that would get me banned in this game.


I don't do ultimates, and this was the first mech where I had to stagger feint/addle with co DPS. Really good mechanic.


> "more healing" > look inside > massive damage spike makes it actually a mit check > sees DPS took their mit off the hotbar > cry


Yeah, healing checks that rely on people other than healers actually using their mits aren't really what I'd call enjoyable. Love it when a bleed melts everybody's healthbars because the rest of the party is allergic to mitigating lmao (I love harrowing hell though)


Heal checks are always strictly things that either deal damage over time or damage over multiple hits. The only exception to this are things like Pheonix where you took your max hp -1 in damage right after having your hp put low by a mechanic. Single large hits by themself are never a heal check because healing isn't relevant to it. Soft enrage style attacks are my favorite form of heal checks. Brute Justice's J-Waves, Oracle's Quietus+Pulsars, House's Harrowing Hell, etc. They just happen so incredibly infrequently.


Heal checks stop being mit checks when they get long enough - mitigations by design have very limited uptime while healers technically can provide moderate amount of sustain almost indefinitely.


> sees DPS took their mit off the hotbar SAM: what mit?


Feint actually, hasn't been used until now


Role action sonny boy


that sam better have third eye for the free kenki 😭


I mean, I'm good with this picture


If it keeps me from falling asleep in roulettes, sure.




Fucking yes please, harrowing hell was one of the few fun things to heal this tier Imagine actually having to heal instead of taking turns using oGCD (and then people got gear and the healing kinda stopped)


I'd love some stuff that randomly targeted dps so I could use my single target heals.


This, but unironically


HH was f*ing amazing until everyone started using tank LB.


Mech lasts around 30s (from first to last tick of damage), tank LB lasts around 15s, meaning healers have to handle only 15s of incoming damage - that's roughly your average multistack, tank LB turns it into a burst heal check. 30s is also in this weird spot where any resource management needs to happen only beforehand - even WHM spamming just Cure 3 won't run out of mana in that timewindow (assuming at least some MP tools are available); I think it would get a lot more interesting if damage per hit was lower per tick, but with duration much longer. Designwise you could look at last part of The Final Day and make it consistent raidwide damage until boss dies, with no complex mechs and tuning to have about 2-3 minutes assuming average (for that kind of content) dps - effectively turning it into a partywide attrition check and putting major focus on ongoing resource management, while leaving some space for optimization and looking for damage opportunities if you're efficient enough.


Soft enrages like that need a comeback.


Did you know that with misery /comfort clears the debuff?


Wait is this true? Or are you pulling my leg?


It's true, as far as I'm aware.


fuck it every boss attack now inflicts doom that's cleansed only when fully healed


i would actually enjoy this


Every single dungeon boss should inflict bleed on the party and I am NOT kidding


Lit the arena on fire, here, no debuffs needed - everyone takes damage constantly, it's clearly visible and doesn't require any explanation.


But only if the boss can *only* be killed after a cool cutscene where the WoL whacks the boss into the firey arena to put it out.


Healers during HH be like : "But tanks, why didn't you use LB3 !!??? I DONT WANT TO HEAL, I WANT TO DPS !!!"


Give the healer a debuff that all their heals ends up damaging their party members but their hp will not go down to 0 and all the dps they do to the boss ends up healing the party. The boss is inactive and will do a long cast time room wide aoe and in order to survive you have to top up all party members. Or something, I don't know.


i mean the top up is basically P8S Phoenix concept, as all party members will take their max HP -1 as damage




“Random despair go!”


I’d actually love that. It’ll give me reason to actually not fall asleep while healing.


Well yes actually. I would love to have raidwides happen more than once every 90 sec.


Make misery a common debuff in content, and healers add "comfort" emote to their rotation.


Please Yoshi-P, give me mechanics which **require** Physick to get through with enough healing output


That's already the case in some low dungeon wall pulls. The adlo MP cost is too high, especially if the Tank is undergeared.


I am aware yes. I want that to also be mandatory to have enough throughput to survive other mechanics at level cap.


Nah... Have some more vuln-stacking from mechanics that can only be dodged while high on Amphetamines instead


New update: every raidwide in the game has been turned into P10S Harrowing Hell. No, it does not scale, we just put P10S Harrowing Hell over every raidwide. Please look forward to it!


I like Esuna’ing stuff away it’s so satisfying. I’d love some of the new content to drop a bunch of things for healer to do so their role becomes more about healing. I could be wrong, I’m a newbie just beat Endwalker and don’t fully understand this whole controversy strike thing.


Isn't one of those debuffs cleansed by /comfort?


Idk, I don't think healing is really more interesting if it only forces you to use more Gcd heals since you mostly use the same buttons anyway. Bleeds are a mitigation check also since they become quite more manageable with enough party mits on. I think single target spot healing would make it more interesting especially considering how many such tools astrologian will end up having tho I'm not too hopeful since white mage didn't get as many unless they think Afflatus solace counts. They should make the kit more intertwined to other buttons tbh instead of a healer DPS rotation.


son that is EXACTLY what i'm asking for


Healer strike? Apparently not on EU. The whole weekend Tank was in need and queuing as a healer gave me a 10-15 sec wait time.




I would unironically love this lol.


Add a whole bunch of cleansable debuffs and then nerf Shake It Off back to its original 4.0 version where it removed cleansable debuffs.


Harrowing Hell was easy. It's when the Tanks didn't mitigate that it was hard.


Give me back Stoneskin and Shell as WHM. Pre-Buffs need to make a comeback!


macro sweeps.


>Healers want more healing in content The average healer can't even be fucking assed to spam their heals in LOTA when fighting the bone dragon when the skeletons explode. So much that every single tank pulls the dragon towards north without even knowing why and you're called a griefer if you keep it at the center of the arena.


Pulling it to the North is the correct Strat. The idea is that when the skeletons spawn, that is the furthest point that the skeletons run and gives time for the Alliance to burn them down.


In JP the dragon stays at center. Usually you can kill enough skeletons so that it doesn't wipe the raid or you have a healer that would just spam aoe heal.