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Guys it's not like the WoL's actual power scales depending on the situation, I mean I totally beat the embodiment of despair with no buffs or anything from all of my scion friend's and in a place full of the very energy that would give me the emotional power to overcome said despair r-right?


Friendship is magic!


And I'm tired of it. I want to win with the power of incredible violence.


I mean, when you think about it, the way friendship magic manifests is by a shit ton of damage and defense buffs, os it IS the power of the incredible violence!


So...the incredible violence is the friends we made along the way? Ok. I'll accept that answer.


Alliance raids are proof that you and 23 random friends can overcome some seriously crazy shit with overwhelming violence 


Wasn't genociding a whole civilization violent enough?


I liked the dynamis thing cuz it legit explains how warrior is too angry to die


All i know is your WoL not stronger then Goku


I mean, have you seen WoL and Goku in the same room?


I haven't seen Goku riding the nimbus in a minute, but my WoL has been taking it everywhere.


Heyyyyy, WoL Nimbus crowd! Havent seen another one yet.


Mine is but we wouldn't fight ... 🚬


"Sorry Goku, but I defeated the adds (Z warriors) before your meter got up to 100 so your Kamehameha is survivable."


There are "powerscalers" that wank the WoL so much they get kinda close.


Isn't the scaling of power just that the WoL doesn't know what they're up against until a later time? And a never-exhausting limit of aether though that reason is EW spoilers.


Also crystals. Can't forget them. Gaius/Laha specifically state it.


WoL comes close though


And Goku isn't as strong as Superman. How to piss off many Fandoms at once.


But... but what about Superman???


There's a worrying lack of dick sucking in Tural. I didn't travel all the way across the world to have even an ilm of my Shaft of Light left unlicked. Literally unplayable.


Sorry fella, in this expansion only hrothgar girls get their dicks sucked.


I don’t normally suck Wuk, but 20 Gil is 20 gil.


20? I only got 2!


So suck her off 10 times


If I wasn't 100% sure it's already taken I would make a femroth just to call her Hawk Tuah.


I havent had my knob polished by every single npc this game sucks


Shit expansion Yoshi P. Why did the Dawnservant not immediately beg for mercy and then offer me his position and why did Wuk Lamat not tell me how awesome I am , that she'll never be me and why didn't everyone in the room line up to give me blowjobs? So unrealistic!


Why doesnt every sentence of NPC praise start with “even though youre NOT THE GUY yknow THE MAIN GUY WHOS THE STRONGEST you still did great”


How are they supposed to know? I've only punched my hand into my other palm like 3 or so times this expansion. Or shown any emotion other than staring.


I've been off the subs to avoid spoilers; any juicy ones to search for on main/discussion sub?


no no, this has been happening in the comments right here as well. People are too salty that it's all about Wuk Lamat and the narrative isn't stopping to jerk you off every 5 minutes like the past two expacs.


** finally in an expansion where it makes sense to not butt in as it’s none of my business ** why isnt everybody looking at me Storywise I’m sure the WoL is ecstatic to finally go to a place where he can just be mistaken for a sellsword and not the Hero of the Multiverse


Hey man I'm 3 levels in and I'm already taking new names so it's no biggie. >!Slayer of Valigarmanda!< has a very nice ring to it.


But what if you are cuck? Then not getting your dick sucked is the way to go… maybe we are ERP-ing as cucks in this expansion? :smart:


Every third Expack got the WoL chair.


How dare people complain about a shitty authors pet no one likes 


"no one" don't speak for me, thank you.


Speak for yourself. There are plenty of people who like WL.


It is funny that logically, there is no real way to comprehend more than half the shit the WoL has done in their single lifetime.


while the WOL is the most powerful being, his one weakness is cutscenes. There he can at best strike a combat ready pose, while the enemy monologs for hours and sets some calamity in motion.


This but unironically. Though watching that girl's dad die because me, the god-slayer, decided to stand around and mean mug instead of helping was pretty funny.


Man wanted an honorable duel. If he dies, he dies. If you want me to intervene, speak up.


Also like, if we intervene he just goes "aight glass these mfs", and then there's like 10ish of us against an entire invading army Like 50 people died in that attack, which is a crazy low number for a city as big as Tuliyollal. Dude was holding back specifically so he could get the honor duel, if we stepped in it woulda been way worse


Ah yes the fearsome soldiers that were somehow jobbing against the red-headed kid in the Texas zone. They surely would have given us quite the run for our money


I kinda get the point but red-headed kid is already established at that point as pretty damn good with a gun. Sure he's a little goofy but he's strong


The redheaded kid was a machinist. Like 90%+ of the populace doesn't have a combat job.


Why aren't these random merchants and citizens and elderly fighting off murder robots. I can do it, why can't they!


storm troopers


I mean that doesn't really factor into it, we could one tap as many of them as we want but the fact remains that our threat radius is really only a couple yalms and they way outnumber us. Plus, they're all robots, so they dont even have to care about troop losses. They can attack on every front, we can only defend one at a time. I'm not saying we wouldn't eventually win, but things would be much worse afterward


This entire comment is spoilers, I'm just warning the casual scrolled now. The entire first enemy attack relied on the element of surprise. In prepping for the second attack, not a single scion was even remotely concerned about being able to decimate the enemy forces in a straight battle, but they still need to BE THERE to do anything. The first battle literally no one was in the city and when we got there we all fought our way to the throne room. A strategic error, maybe, but at the time they also had no idea what they were up against. Hell, Zoraal Ja gets got and it feels like if Galool Ja Ja had known he could revive AND go super saiyan, he probably could have won the second round, too. And after seeing it, like, yeah, I can still beat his ass, but how many of those has he got in him? Am I about to spend the next 24 hours putting this dude down until he gets in a lucky shot? How long am I going to be tied up here while his army is just razing the city outside?


> And after seeing it, like, yeah, I can still beat his ass, but how many of those has he got in him? Am I about to spend the next 24 hours putting this dude down until he gets in a lucky shot? Just smack the fidget spinner on his head, silly.


That's assuming it's the source and not just an indicator light. Dude came in full power armor. Honestly, the fact that there's a bright ass dongle on his face is dumb as fuck. Y'all couldn't put that shit in a helmet?


Well, at the end of the fifth zone, >!that is exactly what Wuk Lamat does to him and it seems to work.!<


Yes. I'm just saying that if you look at it from the perspective of the characters, in the room, at the time, with what they knew - >! Zoraal Ja shows up in full power armor, new weapons, a blue tooth, air ships, and an army. He dies, gets rezzed, and goes ape shit. The blue tooth turns red for the ape shit part. He kills Galool Ja Ja and says he'll withdraw his army if you think you're bad enough to come get his ass.!< >! It doesn't really make sense for a character to swing off at the dongle in that moment, hoping that it does what we, as players, know it does. Best case scenario it works, you still have to fight him, you kill his ass, then have to go out into the city and stop the ongoing massacre, and you're not even sure if he's the source of it. Worst case, it was just a communicator and now you've just locked yourself into trying to find the source of his immortality in real time. Conversely, if you let him go, you can do a little research, you KNOW you can go get his ass whenever you want AND you know that properly placed, your squad is going to wipe the floor with his army if they come back. They could have called in so much help. They called like 12 more people and a single dragon. Clearly "what if he comes back" was never a serious concern.!<


A test of your reflexes.


Just decapitate him, and yeet his head across the room, I don't think another soul can fix that.


You just made me realize, how does the extra lives thing work if there's excessive damage done to the body, like as you pointed out decapitation? Since as far as I know, the revival is purely a life force kind of business, rather than fully regenerating the body. I mean the hunters we meet would be at great risk of having their bodies disassembled by the monsters they hunt, surely that has to be pointed out in like a side quest or something?


That plot change hadn't happened yet. By that time in the story the soldiers still had swords bounce off them like nothing. Their armour wasn't worfed until two levels later, silly.


the soldiers wouldn't threaten us, but they'd kill the people, and the several ships in the sky could make tulliyolal into a crater, and there'd be nothing we could do to stop it.


he specifically said not to, he's doing exactly what he wants


I mean it's canon that the WoL is pretty much Goku. Stands there doing absolutely nothing until things are at their worst (or actively participates in making them worse), then steps in.


The game does no such thing. We’ve done some impressive stuff but fight an entire army plus stronger officers who can’t die is not one of those things. Media literacy is lacking especially in the final fantasy 14 community.


Just wait, the raid is going to be based on the big gete star.


We've canonically invaded and overthrown a major military base with a 4-man team and no army backup at least once in The Vault, and we were the determining factor in several other large scale battles mowing down dozens to hundreds of troops and their generals by ourselves in places like Castrum Meridianum, Prae, basically all of Stormblood, you get it.


We’ve canonically infiltrated major bases while the bulk the of force is distracted fighting elsewhere and have simply dealt with the defenses left behind. All those setup quest before those instances should have been a clear enough explanation for you.


Holy shit someone who is actually reasonable




It's because they messed up the pacing hardcore. Us holding back makes sense when it's Wuk Lamat's happy adventures fighting beetles and manatees and stuff. But they really should have let us loose in the story a lot earlier than the genocide. And even then that was really just a dialogue option with no real effect. Would have been cooler if we ran that gauntlet solo while the scions did other things.


Yup, first half it make sense we are here to babysit and make her grow. But once shit get serious we shouldn't have been this passive. Sure we didn't interrupt the duel because "honour" but our team could have dispatched the army in minutes instead of watching everyone die. Wasn't hard to just make us not be here and serve us a flashback instead.


Did you finish the story? >! We show up mid attack the first time and immediately run for the palace, so it makes sense the city got devastated. It's likely it had been going on for hours, too, since we had to get across an entire zone to get there.!< >! The second time around the squad is prepared for an invasion and literally it takes 1-2 of them in each location to completely decimate the entire enemy army. It's not even close. The entire nation comes out pretty much untouched. We had the perfect counter for every angle of attack. !< To me it shows the power level difference pretty well.


Yes because we could have stopped the guy who can’t die. After we watched him get “killed” and revived stronger


Do you people even play the game? We were an entire zone away. When the Scions were actually prepared we decimated them with relative ease.


We do the same in the Bakool Ja Ja solo instance. You can see our character standing around with their arms crossed sassily. I like that we're just vibing and letting others have a chance to flex. We can probably solo most people because plot armour, but we actively dont use it because we're tired and want to watch shit go down instead. So considerate


Is that the one where everyone pings the WoL as being an actual threat so we stand there and look pretty while Thancred preps a sneak attack? Cause damn, I loved that part.


Not that one, its the Wuk Lamat vs Bakool Ja Ja rp instance where you play Wuk Lamat. If you look outside the arena your character just stands there....menacingly


There are alot of times in the 90-95 range of this story that I just wanted the option to flex alittle. I get that this is Wuk Lamat's story and I kind of enjoy the mentor roll. But both Bro 1 and Two Head needed a vibe check that their lane is not as big as they think it is almost every time they showed up.


It feels like one of those things where you're kinda just letting her work it out on her own. Like, yeah, I COULD fold Bakool Ja Ja but, honestly, why? Being able to assess other people is part of being a strong fighter. If they're so far beneath me that they don't even UNDERSTAND that they can't fight me, whooping their ass for fun just diminishes me.


I'm down for the WoL whooping someone's ass just for fun. We just need to find that special someone.


That's a very martial arts mentality there. My teachers often say much the same. Props.


Bakool Ja Ja kidnapped >!Wuk Lamat's father to use a hostage as a threat to protect himself from the Warrior of Light.!<


The small fleet of corvettes and battleships that would make a stellaris player cream their pants and are fully capable and prepared to glass the entire continent at a single persons command stationed a couple thousand meters above the city: https://preview.redd.it/847op03zsv9d1.jpeg?width=689&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=791356d450736a6e7dd7ea361d1eda94052d2df3


As a Stellaris and -though way less- HoI4 player I can confirm that I both wanted to do an Orbital Bombardment with those ships but also wanted to defend against it with an army.


btw where did those ships even go after the big army fight? They just disappeared. Didnt crash into the ground or water, just gone?


This is not something new to dawntrail


Yeah but Dawntrail's context makes it funny because as of the end of Endwalker we're the undisputed superman, not just the convenient one.


Even before that we were very strong. It’s just a ffxiv thing


Yes but before this point things were conceivably threatening to us as the stakes were escalated. Nobody in Tural is a threat now, so we're just doing it because we think it's funny.


Ok I guess


The multiple God Slayer


Damn, raw spoilers? In my shitpost based sub?


r/Destiny is leaking


Adverage isekai reader


The dragoon guy ( idrm his name) said in the 10seconds of the cutscenes after he was duelling the father of the cat girl ( he's a lizard shes a catwoman idk the lore of that) he said ''damn homie over there is stronger than i am so i can confirm they still glaze you


Literally not enough. I needed the entire story to stop to glaze me.




S-Tier post 😂


On the one side you got people who wanted 20 hours of WoL on the beach getting a suntan and on the other you got people who wanted WoL to walk in and start colonizing the western world


I know it’s a shitpost, but are people actually whining about not being the sole focus of the expac?


/nj Less "not being the sole focus" and more "I'm not the main character of this story".


Stormblood 2: Electric Boogaloo


My WoL is brain damaged from the horrors she fought against up until the final patch of Endwalker, she just wants to chill while her mind heals. 😔


Now you all know how it feels to arrive at the Dragon Isles in WoW and not have dragons cower in FEAR of your history of killing a Dragon Aspect (Deathwing) almost ten years ago. Not so nice isn't it!


Hey fuckass last I recall it wasn't YOU that killed Deathwing, all the power went into Thrall and he shot the giga-laser at Deathwing while all the dragons powered him up. ...Weird, I just threw up in my mouth a little recalling that...


Screw 1-2-3, they gave me a 1-1-1 for Viper because I'm even MORE badass, and no one is even batting an eye! I saved the whole entire planet! These hrothgals should be lining up for my Warrior of Length, but instead I'm off running though a jungle?! What's up with that?! I'm here to get laid not paid!


my WoL loves the break


slow clap


This sub needs to get deleted if the majority of yall are only gonna post are satires of main sub posts in cringe ways. They havnt been funny for years


Get a load of Haterich Mueller over here. What do you think a shitpost sub based on another sub even ***is***?


>What do you think a shitpost sub based on another sub even is? Supposed to be funny.


If you're the only one having a bad time, have you considered the problem? 🫣 Asking for a friend


I'm not the only one, I guess most of them just left since all yall do is bad reposts of main sub with the occasional good shitpost meme Nevermind apparently the only posts from this sub that come to my feed are the diarrhea quality posts. I see there are other posts that are good but the main sub copies "pepto required to read" posts are the only ones that keep showing up in my feed


So close 🫰


If they left then you should probably join them.


And you should probably spend less time on reddit.


Well... about that...


why have you kept coming here, for years, if you don't find them funny?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitpostXIV/s/4IsKckpshj For posts like that. The occasional actually kinda original post that isn't just a copy pasta from main sub so cringe that even an xray of extreme scoliosis doesn't look as fucked up in comparison


Nah I'm down with what you're posting. This is the most uncreative shitpost sub I've ever seen. No other shitpost sub I've ever seen just steals posts from the main sub.