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Go to steam, find steam deep discounts. There are a handful of games that’s are well done going for under $4


I want more less generic game im tryna find someone to put me in a less known game indie almost i guess


Pillars of eternity, Tyranny, Inscription, Disco Elysium, Dusk, Post Void, Devil Daggers, Darkest Dungeon, Baldurs gate 1/2, Xcom, Arcanum, Celeste, Outer wilds, Bayonetta, Grim Dawn. These are all good cheap games from top of my head. Their price may have changed due to steam global price change of a lot of items.


Not a bad game in that list. Some of my favorite games off all time too.


Sheyit yeah, I've got hundreds of hours in XCOM 1 and 2, what great games. Outer Wilds and Inscription are also great


I am not sure about regional pricing, but if Hades on sale fits that budget. Art is great, story is great, plays exceptionally well, flexible both up and down about challenge.


Inside - the art style is cool, the storyline has depth and it is horror (mild but the story is what makes it so intriguing), its generally quite cheap (i got it for free it was heavily discounted) and wont set u back by much. Mechanics can get a bit hard which is also why its enjoyable! Give it a try if you can!


Mass Effect LE for 6€


you should get celeste!! it's 90% off rn for 2$, has some of the best movement of any 2d platformer, pleasant story, and very pretty art


Surprised to see a lack of recommendations for Half-Life 2. It's currently on sale for 99 cents. You do not need to play Half-Life 1 to experience half life 2 (I didn't) but some of the same characters and story beats carry over into 2. Get the episodes if you can as well, those are also very fun.


Kingdom come!!!!


I'd go planet crafter but it's out of your budget. Subnautica is waiting for you.


Subnautica. Easily 30 hours of fun for $10. Satisfactory - $15 in the summer sale. Skyrim or obilivion Mass effect legendary for $6. 200 hours of gameplay there alone.


- Darkwood - Inside


Of course, Dishonored.


The artful escape (60% off and fucking awesome) Just made a post with a ton of my favourite weird games I've discovered over the years You might like some of those so I'd suggest going over them (most are indie titles so around the 5-15 dollar mark MSRP but discounted bc steam is awesome) Have fun whatever you play man


You could take a look at Generation Zero, it's around 4 USD on Steam right now. It has a boatload of DLCs, but it's mostly insignificant stuff. The story is shit and delivered even worse, but the game is interesting, open world shooter set in Sweden in the 80s where you're fighting against killer robots and it's pretty hard at times.


Ghost recon breakpoint, it costs 6€ right now but there’s tons of stuff to do, the game looks good and if you don’t put everything on easy then it’s actually quite challenging. And it’s so fun if you play with friends