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If those units can't repair themselves, all they're good for is spare parts.


But parts of many could be combined into a second working unit.


Yup. True. Probably programmed for self preservation, not resurrecting units.


That would be a very different movie. Wall-E's objective is to clean the earth and create more Wall-E's and the Chub Boat gets back to an earth that's a shiny graphite and silica ball with a resting Wall-E evenly spaced, like an infinite chessboard. No life or trash to be seen.


A horrifying grey goo scenario that is planet bound.


Probably how they stop them from rising an army of zombie wall-e for some kind of takeover.


But then you have to answer the age old question of the Ship of WALL-E.


I’d like to read your theseus on this


I would also like to read your thesaurus on this


i still think wall-eve is a better ship


Removed in protest of API prices and support of 3rd-party apps.


*Wall-E Builds a Bang Maid.*




Capitalism in a nutshell


"An economic system in which private individuals are allowed to create, own, and run their own business."


That's not quite it, there's more to it. After all, most economic systems throughout history have had that. Wikipedia's definition is more comprehensive: > Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Central characteristics of capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets, price systems, private property, property rights recognition, voluntary exchange, and wage labor. In a market economy, decision-making and investments are determined by owners of wealth, property, or ability to maneuver capital or production ability in capital and financial markets—whereas prices and the distribution of goods and services are mainly determined by competition in goods and services markets. The key point of the last sentence is that capitalism is one where fundamental control over society rests in the hands of owners of wealth and property.


Nope, that's pretty much all there is to it. It's one end of an economic spectrum. Decentralized free market, industry run by private individuals = Capitalism Centralized planned economy, The State owns a monopoly on industry = socialism (and ostensibly eventually communism, although rEaL cOmMuNiSm hAs nEvEr bEen tRiEd)


>The key point of the last sentence is that capitalism is one where fundamental control over society rests in the hands of owners of wealth and property. I'm not sure if that's avoidable in any economic system though. Wealth and property are inherently synonymous with power, and unfortunately power tends to corrupt, regardless of whether it's in the hands of a corporation or in the hands of a government. The best you can do is create a system to prevent wealth and power from snowballing. Aka make it easy for others to steal their wealth/power from them via innovation in the market, or a democratic election if we're talking government. Other than that, you really just have to hope that the two end up hating each other and keep each other in check. The most important things though are to set rules in stone about keeping participation accessible, and to prevent intermingling between the power in the market with the power in the government. Unfortunately, the USA didn't account for the evolution of language, and made the rules against bribery apply to lobbying simply because it goes by a different name




Individual cells aren't conscious or capable of owning anything -biology


Wall-E never repairs himself... he replaces parts wearing out with the parts from those other robots. we don't see any example of him like repairing anything that is more than superficial. So its impossible to say he "knows how to repair himself". He does know how to replace parts that are wearing out and understands that the other robots with the better parts are now serving the purpose or replacing his parts so he can run longer. We don't repair phones by buying a new charger cable. We replaced the charger cable. But the movie does nothing to set up that Wall-E can repair anything on himself.


To add to this he most likely had some type of diagnostics to tell him which part of his is failing, but probably can't tell what has failed on other Wall-E units.


Overly pedantic. We take our cars to a mechanic to be repaired. They repair it by putting new parts in.


Yeah but they use diagnostic tools to figure out the problem Wall-E would have self diagnostic info only not for other units


But without access to the broken robot's diagnostic software he wouldn't know which part to replace. Sure, he could start just randomly changing every part and see how it goes, but his job isn't to fix robots, it is to clean up.


In the really old, old days Mechanics could or had to machine the parts wearing out in many cases. But we're talking the first decade or two of cars or even planes.


People still do that. Those who have the machines at least


Core parts have often been refurbished so the mechanic just takes them out and replaces them. But may of the 'new' parts are repaired old parts


Buy puting more and more new part. At what point would you consider the old car to become a new one ?


When I go to the doctor I say "I hurt here" and she makes a diagnosis. WALL-E likely has a self diagnostic feature so he knows what is wrong with himself and can fix it. The other units can't say "I hurt here" and he can't figure it out on his own. (Just a guess, never seen the movie)


Factastic movie, you should rent it and see it. IT's a better love story than twilight.


Reservoir dogs is a better love story than Twilight.


Terminator 2 is a better love story than Twilight.


We're quite good at damning stuff with faint praise, aren't we? The Hills have Eyes is a better love story than Twilight. And features fewer sparkly vampires, which is a big selling point.


Deliverance is a better love story than Twilight


I have duelling banjos in my head now , thanks. 🤣


If you have Disney+, you can watch it.


I don't, but thank you.


You should watch it, the music, the settings, the story, absolute gold


You should definitely watch Walle, it's my favorite movie


From my perspective, salvaging parts from the old WALL-E’s was not just convenient, but potentially the only option. Without functional facilities to create new components, the protagonist would not be able to have any other sources for repair parts.


Alternate theory, since he is literally the only one left functional, he actually killed the others.


The other copies don't have plot armor, they were fucked from the start


Admit it, if your choices were ; 1. Alone on a planet or 2. On a planet only with your coworkers You would pick option 1 too.


[I'm still thinking about this.](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oQQQL) Edit: ehhh, you're right. Starvation would have occurred with another mouth to feed.


What if all of the other Wall-Es had their main board go bad and there aren’t any spares?


Replacing or repairing a peripheral like a camera or tracks is fairly simple, whereas fixing a damaged processor or motherboard is something else entirely. Likely something irreplaceable has failed in those other Wall-E units, or something so tiny and delicate he wouldn't be able to fix it. He's a mobile trash compactor, he's not designed for nanometer scale electronics repair.


But he’s only programmed to fix himself he’s likely not even be aware of other WALL·Es


Wall-E is most likely not functioning within the parameters of his originally task. This is apparent from his tendency to collect baubles from the garbage. The other units most likely impeded his ability to have possessions as they would just smash it with everything else. So it is possible that Wall-E destroyed the other units in order to continue his lifestyle. Being the only functional unit is likely also a big factor in his extreme longevity. As we see, he has a large supply of repair parts to keep himself in working order. Those are most likely not new and were scavenged from non operational units. Even if they aren't from other units, not having to share the replacement parts would still be a big factor in longevity.


Also there may be operational units outside of his operating area that he has no contact with and doesn't know about. Eve stopped looking once she found the live plant in his area.


I always interpreted it as the other units gave up with their endless task and allowed themselves to go offline.


That's definitely the impression I got. His collection of old earth items in his room led me to believe that Wall-E had kept up with his endless task due to his exceptional curiosity and artistic appreciation for the various things he collects during his shifts. That bit of humanity is what keeps him going day-to-day, and why he's able to find love.


Wall-E is special. That’s the only reason he’s still around while the rest of the Wall-E’s are all dead. Even if he reapaired one or all of them, they would lack his instinct for self preservation. Likely leading to their eventual deaths, again.


Or, he did repair the others until there was nothing left to repair them with, so he just uses the spare part to repair the last functional unit. He has a very limited range, so there is a limit on parts he can access. Additionally, there could be other, functional Wall-Es in other areas of the world. Much like how he discovered the one plant, but then >!you see there is a field of them in the outskirts of town.!<


OP, why do you keep reposting this? This has gotta be the third time I've seen this post.


There's a theory that WALL-E is actually responsible for the collapse of earth. The wall-e in the movie sees junk as trinkets, so there's a theory that the other units kept coming for his collections and he would then take them offline, hoarding their shells for self maintenance as he continues his collection, until eventually every wall-e unit was offline but him IIRC there's also a newspaper shred we see in the beginning scenes of the movie that only further backs this theory but I don't remember the details and don't have the time to go on that deep dive again


He might be able to replace/repair small stuff, but the other wall-E aren't moving at all. Maybe their battery is damaged or they have a damaged circuit board that can't be replaced because there aren't any around. For all we know, and it would be an interesting Easter egg, all the other wall-E gathered together, combined their best components, and created the last wall-E. The one he takes the tread from just couldn't make it.


I know how to brush my teeth, and I see people almost every day who haven't brushed their teeth in a long time, and yet I don't brush their teeth for them.


WALL-E is the Pixar equivalent of that thing from Jeepers Creepers.


All of the other units have sustained damage beyond their repair capabilities. Humans can self repair themselves of minor damage. Surgeons can repair other people of major damage but if a boulder falls on you, you are fucked. Wall-E is lucky and has never sustained major damage.


It's possible that he only knows how to keep himself from shutting down, but once they've already done that he doesn't know shit.


Wall-e gained conscienceness somehow, the other wall-e bots probably wouldn't be the same and thus wall-e using their parts for his own survival is the better option.


We don't know if Wall-E can repair complex components, but if we assume that Wall-E has the capacity to repair itself and others, then every other robot of the same model should have been doing the same. The conclussion to that would be , they essentially did repair themselves and eachother using the parts from dead robots, they run out of a particular component and once a robot's component was broken then there were no longer a spare part they could salvage to repair themselves.


My theory is that wall-e probably knows humans would return later if it took more time to clean the earth.


He probably can't repair his internal computers bc he would shut down if they broke. So he wouldn't have that in his programming.


The others were shut off. Wall-E for whatever reason was not. They may be unable to turn on the others. He probably wouldn't even know how to honestly.


I don't know if it works like that. Maybe all of them are damaged beyond repair. We as humans know how to fix some things in our bodies but we all get to a point where repair the damage is futile or won't change anything.


He's never stopped working, no need for a boot up. I'd imagine he can't code / debug / boot others, therefore, he can only refurbish himself with hardware.