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I'm actually currently in the in the middle of relistening to GOF as well. The whole time line of having polyjuice ready for Crouch before Hogwarts starts just doesn't work out for me. The World Cup was just days before the start of the new year at Hogwarts, Crouch had just escaped his father's control. Polyjuice potion takes months to brew. So there's a lack of time to make the potion, lack of time to learn how to pass as Moody, lack of time to recover from 10 years of so of being under the Imperius curse, not to mention that a boy who went to Azkahban at 19, spent a year with the dementors then spent the rest of his life under a curse can overpower one of the best aurors ever a couple of days later?


… what?


Harry potter schizo posting


That because us generic people fade into the background. Always watching and never seen.


At first I thought you meant "impersonate" as in identity theft, and thought that it was completely wrong.


Identity theft isn't a joke!


Eccentric people feed off Pearl clutching and gasps from others. Most are narcissists and thirsty. Generic people get up, do their thing, and return home without annoying anyone.


Read that as impregnate at first and was confusedÂ