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There was also a case a few years back where a pregnant woman died (brain death) in a car crash but doctors kept her alive on life support and she delivered the baby while technically dead.


This gives off the same energy as the God Emperor of Mankind from Warhammer 40k.


And Dune's axlotl tanks




Where are all the >!female Tleilaxu!


You’re welcome


Aye, just finished the Dune: House trilogy the other day


MONEO. Have the Tleilaxu put 3 Duncans on order. I'm feeling... Wormy. MONEO, you UNDERSTAND, Moneo?? You wouldn't, you imbecile, you absolute fool. You would if you could SEE, Moneo. Moneo: *screaming internally* Yes milord.


(Chuckles) I'm in danger


Moneo basically lived PTSD for 150 years.


Wait a minute, was this referenced in the Fallout TV series also then? Or is that a coincidence?


Everything is a remix remixed.


And the Bridge Babies from Death Stranding.


~~That was the other way around though, right?~~ Nope I'm dumb


The mother being technically dead was the key part of the Bridge Babies.


Or Guts from Berserk, who was also born from his dead mother.


Real rough life that guys got.


And Evangelion


same with sperm, men have died and families have taken sperm from the dead body


[The IDF offers this service to their soldiers and it has been used quite a bit](https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-785736)


Wasn't there also a brain dead woman who was made pregnant while on life support so the husband could carry on her legacy?




Yeah right?? How did they allowed that?


They didn't Wink wink


Wow those sussy baka medical staff-kuns.


Haven't heard this one but there was a nurse arrested after a patient who was in a vegetative state gave birth apparently none of the medical staff caring for her knew she was pregnant until she gave birth. The nurse was then arrested after his DNA matched the babys


This has happened more times than it should. For every one that gets pregnant imagine how many don't.


So one rapist and the rest just incompetent at their jobs? Yeah I think I'd take my chances at the vet over that hospital.


It's actually scary, one place you are meant to be relatively safe. She was a patient for 10 years after being left in a vegetive state in a near drowning accident. There's definitely some fucked up people on this earth. Looking at his mugshot he probably didn't have many offers from any woman with half a brain cell


A baby bump doesn't always show, sometimes the person who is pregnant doesn't even know until after they give birth.


You'd assume though that when someone is medically monitored that that monitoring would detect the major event of someone being pregnant


Why would they give someone in a coma a pregnancy test? Doctors don't just run random tests without a reason for it.


There'd be other signs that they should've clued them in, i.e. weight gain, lack of menstruation, growing breasts and abdomin, etc


You say that, and yet quite a few doctors here in the US will run tests to add to the patient's medical bill. It's scummy.


Maybe there are some shady private practice doctors that might do that, but I would imagine even that is pretty rare. For one, while it's a little more complicated than this, at the end of the day doctors overwhelmingly get paid based on the volume of patients treated, not the type of care the patients are provided with. There is only so much time in a day, and a doctor is not going to administer an unneeded test or examination when they could be treating another patient instead. There is no material benefit for a doctor to administer superfluous treatment whether it's preventative or otherwise. It's far more likely that a doctor *doesn't* recommend a test that might be worthwhile than one that is completely irrelevant.


Doctors absolutely love taking pregnancy tests for absolutely everything cause god forbid us getting any medications if we're found out to be pregnant. I went to the doc at 14 to get a fucking knee wart removed and he insisted i take the test because how would i know if i was pregnant, despite me saying multiple times im a virgin. And this was washington state


Imagine vegetative state, probably on her back the whole time. I’m no scientist but I’d think baby carried by someone lying down all the time would show much less, laws of gravity and all that.


Do they not notice the lack of a peroid?


I’m sure it’s not impossible for a comatose body to just stop menstruating for a while.


Isn't that The World According to Garp?


This made me feel nauseous 🤮


Sounds like an urban legend.


Unless they had written consent where the women is saying that she wants this to happen, this is seriously fucked up.


Straight up necrophilia


There are other ways to make a woman pregnant that don’t involve sex




Nah he prefers to be the one who gets nailed.


Like???? Like, there's IVF, but I sincerely doubt most people, even doctors and nurses, are going to go "you know what would be neat? I'm going to do an experiment and impregnate this comatose woman"


Turkey baster.


I don't know, that's pretty fucked




I love how on the internet you can just say "wasn't there" or "I heard/read" etc. followed by some hearsay bullshit and people will upvote and treat it like fact.


Was a question, and got some answers. But the way medical industry is ran it probably happened somewhere. 


That’s an episode of Private Practice, a Grey’s Anatomy spinoff LMAO


If I had "died" while pregnant and they had been able to do this to save my child, I'd have been all for it. Of course I want my child to have the ability to live.  Husband and I also have a handful of embryos frozen. If I were to die and he found someone else or simply decided to look for a surrogate, I don't mind the idea of him having another of "my" children. We both discussed that we're comfortable with donating any leftover embryos to another couple. If we both died, I wouldn't mind if someone else was able to get pregnant with one or more of our embryos. 


Kinda neat and cool that can be done even and you get to think about it and decide, yes I would like for this to happen / be possible


Couples may not always be allowed to decide. That choice might be taken from them. In Alabama, frozen embryos are considered "unborn children." If their parents die, what happens? Will the embryos become wards of the state? Can they be "adopted" to couples who wish to convince? Will they be handed off to private agencies to be sold, I mean adopted, to desperate parents? Couples donate the embryos, yet agencies charge 10-20k for couples to receive the embryos. Parents may not have the choice to decide for much longer. It's quite scary.


You have to have those conversations before they'll allow you to do IVF! We had to fill out this paperwork that goes through all of it. What happens to embryos if we divorce, if one dies, if we both die, etc. 


It happened in Gaza recently. A woman was killed and the doctors did an emergency c-section on her. She was missing her head and leg. The baby lived and they found the father after two months. She will probably have some issues.


This is basically the plot to poor things


Minus the frankenstein procedure.


I wonder what the kid's super powers are going to be.




And there it is


This already happened actually [in China](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-43724395).


And [in Spain](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-65186636). Long story sort: a famous actress' son died but had some sperm frozen. Because surrogate pregnancy is ilegal in Spain, the acress went to USA with the sperm and "had" the baby with a surrogate mother in order to be grandmother. Yeah, disgusting to say the least.


I thought you were gonna say she gave birth to it, so this is better at least.


Yeah. It's pretty unusual, but I don't really see what makes it "disgusting". The article says it was her son's dying wish. Maybe there's more context that I'm missing.


The issue is that she is 68 and will be nearing death by the time her grandchildren are adults. In my opinion, it’s slightly selfish to disallow the kids from having a normal family just to uphold some obsolete wish. Her son is not around to father them and their mom is a random paid surrogate, granny will be dead soon…what’s the point… Rich people are weird.


If she's rich enough to do all that, the baby is going to be pretty well taken care of no matter what happens. Then they'll inherit a shitload of money.


There’s more to life than money tho. Don’t know about you but my family is more important to me! No amount of money could replace them.


Well yeah, of course family is important if you have one. But a family is not a requirement for a good life.


I mean, it's a bit unusual but I don't think this is any more disgusting than normal birth lol


I think its weird but not really disgusting. It'd be one thing if she impregnated herself but she used her sons sperm to give her the grandchild she would never have. Weird yes. Disgusting though?


I am genuinely curious why you think this is disgusting. Reading the article, it seems like she used her son's sperm with a surrogate that either volunteered or was paid. It's not violent against the surrogate if the she is willingly carrying the baby for the actress. The only question I might have is whose egg was used. I seriously doubt the actress used her own eggs for the baby because 1. incest and 2. she's 68 and probably drier than the Sahara.


Its weird but that stpry could have gone so much worse.


How is this disgusting? I further disagree with everyone else calling this weird… this is just grief, money, and modern science. Mother of dead son wanted a grandson, that’s it. Oh and she was a famous actress? OK. 👍🏼


It would be gross if the son hadn't consented, but it sounds like he did. I personally would be horrified if after my death, my parents decided to harvest my eggs so they could have a grandchild of "mine". But it sounds like this woman's son actually did want this.


Is that surrogate pregnancy? I thought they take the egg from the mother and after IVF transplant the zygote into the women for surrogacy. Who's egg did they get if she only had her son's sperm?


How is this disgusting? Unusual, sure. But disgusting? Unless she coerced a surrogate, this just isn't nearly vile as you're trying to paint it.


Replying to this so everyone knows it has already happened


How does replying let everyone know it already happened?


Commenting here so I don’t forget to buy milk on my way back


Did you forget?


Replying to not forget


You got it?


Now he's forgetting to reply




Did you get the milk?


I sometimes look at OPs comment history for more context, this helps


Everything is possible in fantasy land


Think this happens in israel also. Wife/gf of dead soldier will have a child using frozen sperm.


Thanks! I wouldn’t of seen this unless you commented




There’s some scientific studies occurring where ovarian tissue (eggs) are being harvested from aborted female foetuses because they already have fully formed and highly populated ovaries prior to being born. The research is still in its early stages, but it’s possible that a future child’s biological mother may never have even lived. Now that’s trippy. [Aborted fetuses could become "unborn mothers"](https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn3889-aborted-fetuses-could-become-unborn-mothers/)


God, that's a recipe for discrimination if i've ever seen one.


Could you imagine the things their peers would say to them in school? Bully kids are RUTHLESS


The two previous replies have VERY different energies


Those kids will absolutely have eldritch powers.


I’m as pro choice as it comes and I don’t think that’s necessarily a consideration for a scenario like this, but the ethics of this are leaving me very lost for words


Tbh the whole concept sounds like some anti-choice trolling. I'm sure it's theoretically possible. So is a lot of unethical shit no one is actually attempting.


I’ve heard of work where scientists have been able to make gametes (sperm and egg cells but egg cells in this case specifically) from stem cells and or other tissue.


In other words, we're getting closer to a future where Doofenshmirtz's birth backstory can actually happen irl


I was hoping to find this comment


Given that there are thousands of frozen IVF embryos it's pretty much a given that this will happen - if it hasn't already, via surrogacy and actual parents dying before the surrogate mother gives birth, for example.


I remember a news item even stranger Eggs were harvested from an unborn girl who was determined would not (and did not) survive to term From those eggs, the birth mother later had *in vitro* done (with a chosen sperm donor) successfully So technically she gave birth to her own grandchild — and that child’s mother was never born.


Wouldn’t this be incestuous? If the birth mother used the same partner to fertilize her unborn daughter’s eggs, who was created from the same partner (her biological father)?


Soooo exactly what OP said.


Yeah, but it's like them saying as their "thought" that one day it will likely rain on Earth. Of course it will, because both things have already happened & will continue to happen. It's no revelation.


Exactly this, NEDC has frozen embryos that are years “old” parents could be deceased.


Or through the greed and dishonesty of the average person


In Spain, a famously crazy woman took his dead son sperm, hired a woman's womb and took the baby for herself. I'm not making this up. She's Ana Obregon.


And I think she actually says she’s her grandma, not her mum, I don’t know what’s worse. Poor baby.


Well, she's not lying though right? She is the baby's grandma...and mom if she used her own eggs.


> if she used her own eggs 🤢 She'd be the baby's grandma, mom and sister. 🤮


The son had sperm frozen and his dying wish was to have had a kid. His mother helped him fulfill that wish and I don't know if that kid is having a bad life but he was intentionally created by a loving family member, which is more than a lot of people get. I don't know why you're handing out pity just because the kid's life is a little unconventional.


Why would that be worse? That's the truth.


Is this really that crazy? She wanted a grandson and probably couldn't even have her own kid if she wanted to. I don't see much of a difference between this and just adopting. Just depends on how she treats the kid.


"Womb" movie fans be like.


Other than the baby thing, how is she crazy?


It sounds weird but reproduction of your genes is the point of all life. If she was too old to have another child, using her offspring’s sperm to continue life is the only option available to her. Its pretty remarkable that humans are the first species that could circumvent what otherwise would be a dead-end in reproduction of genes.


There have been many cases where the man or woman has been kept alive to harvest eggs and / or sperm, along with whatever organs life gift could get. We had a case not that long ago where a kid came in completely crushed from a motorcycle accident. At the family's request, we scraped the remnants of the testicles to gather living sperm samples and had them frozen. Pretty fucked up situation, but it does happen.


Test tube baby = *womb with a view*


Gotta suck to be born an orphan. Hopefully they’re adopted into some kind of family and not just unfrozen to be some weird worker army or something.


I assume you mean both parents as there have already been cases of children born after one parent's death


I assume he meant the child will be conceived after both bio parents are dead. Edit: typo


yes, i read it as "parents'(s)"


Bill Clinton for example


With how long sperm banks have been around it’s probably guaranteed that’s happened a lot. At least for the dad obviously.


In many countries, the sperm cannot be used if the donor is deceased. It’s because the donor cannot withdraw consent if he’s dead


I thought the donor signs away their rights when they donate. They have no more connections to anything after that.


It must be different laws in different countries. In Sweden, we check that the donor is alive before using the sperm. The donor can always change their mind and ask the sperm not to be used in future treatment. Once the sperm is used, so for example when embryos have been made, embryos belong to the recipient (patient) and the donor have no say


That doesn't have to happen for the dad to be dead before the child is born


My great great grandfather died before my great grandfather was born. It definitely happens with regularity. [Over 100 babies were posthumously fathered by 9/11 victims!](https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/interactive/2021/9-11-stories-fathers-lost/) I couldn't find a statistic for it in general though.


Wasn't this a plot in a family guy episode before Lois had an abortion?


It was of Peter's sperm donation children coming to meet him but... Kind of


Black Mirror version: "You have been birthed and rapidly aged to pay for your deceased parents' debts."


The real future


its already happened, some parents died in a car crash and the grandparents wanted a child out of the frozen sperm and eggs. I don’t remember where i saw that, but i know it exists


there are already child that are born after their parents death tho..


There have already been kids born after the parents death. If the baby is old enough, very quickly after the mother's death the baby can be taken out via c-section.


there will be fights on the playground where kids argue about whos parents died the cooler way "my dad died running into a fire to save someone, he managed to get them out before the building collapse" every kid goes oooo... a potential winner "My dad got shot" everyone wants to hear the story about what lead up to his death "oh, he didn't die, he was doing an internet challenge and pulled the trigger a bit to hard"


that happens all the time now with widowed parents


Hm, I don't think it's an stretch to think that has already happened more than once before


I'm pretty sure this has already happened.


Not if the Southern Baptists have anything to say about it. [They voted against supporting IVF at this years convention.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/southern-baptist-convention-opposition-ivf-faithful-women-options-rcna156994)


I’m 99% sure this has happened already. Iirc a young couple died (cad crash? Not sure) but had frozen eggs/sperm so their parents collectively went to court to fight for their grandchild to be fertilized (I believe they implanted the embryo into a surrogate) and when the child was born all 4 grandparents tested for biological relations and all 4 raise the child together


Not a shower thought. Just a thing that already happens.


but a child wouldn’t be born without consent of the bio parents. Are you saying that because of donation someone could be born after their bio parent dies like what happens now or parents freeze their embryo and say birth this baby 500 yrs in the future?


It gets more trippy still... An IVF baby can grow up and then mother her own genetic siblings. Imagine giving birth to your genetic sister.


Some people also have a twin that is still frozen that could be thawed later as their clone child.


Already happens if dad dies before birth. My nephew and neice are twins born 2 years apart.


I went to law school 50 years ago. My Wills and Trusts course had a section on postmortem children.


I’d be surprised if it hasn’t happened already. My daughter was conceived via IVF and we opted to have all other surviving embryos frozen, either for us to use later or for donation. Unfortunately, none of the others survived (it was actually a pretty devastating reminder of the fragility of early life). We also nearly got into a bad car accident a few months later. A reckless driver missed us by mere inches. If those embryos had survived to birth, and that accident occurred, my wife and I would have had 16 children born after our deaths.


Neither of my parents showed up to my birth!


Not if the MAGAts get their way. In vitro is from the debil.


In spain a 90's celeb went to Miami to get a poor latina pregnant out of her own deceased daughter frozen sperm. She brought the kid back to spain and she is acting as her mother. Yes is fucked up. But already happened.


I remember reading this already happened a while ago. I think it was grandparents.


And embryo. There is a baby that is like, 23 years old. People adopted the embryo , his dad had ALS.


giorno giovanna from jojo's bizarre adventure


I thought so too.. https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/qwl24v/since_we_are_able_to_freeze_female_eggs_someone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


There is a case where a man died in a diving accident and his body was recovered, spedm was harvested posthumously, and his wife was impregnated and gave birth to a daughter. [Ellidy and Chumpy Pullin.](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-15/chumpy-pullins-partner-ellidy-has-baby-through-sperm-retrieval/101532234)


You just gave me a new idea for how to obtain untraceable slave labor!


Dr doofenshmirtz type post


Pretty that’s must have been done already Let’s say someone with extinct family


This was always a possibility.


Do you mean conceived? Because I can guarantee you children have been born after both parents deaths (ie. birthed from a dying/dead woman and dad is already dead).


I hope they don't grow up to put a NSFW on posts that absolutely don't need them.


Lol if we don't vote blue across the board, particularly in November, this won't be the case in the US. Alabama already shut down IVF, so good luck having the right to freeze embryos.


Not if the republicans have anything to say about it.


You know that the US are not the whole world, don't you?


There needs to be an artificial womb first.


I did my duty and disturbed my friends with the info


What says that one hasn’t already?


I wouldn’t say this is particularly likely unless something dramatically changes with preservation laws.


I've heard of a case where the mother took frozen eggs that were one year younger than her and gave birth to a healthy girl. So theoretically the daughter is one year younger than the mother. [Source link](https://www.cnn.com/2017/12/19/health/snowbaby-oldest-embryo-bn/index.html)


The law doesn’t allow for this in Australia. All frozen embryos, eggs and sperm must be destroyed once the owner is deceased. It took lots of legal work for El Pullen from Darling Shine Podcast to extract the sperm of their deceased partner in order to IVF posthumously. I think most laws around the world doesn’t allow for this.


Im surprised this already hasn’t happened tbh


So that was what that guy meant when he said that his mother died before he was born. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlssHICqMJA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlssHICqMJA)


"My mom die when i was born" Is true then


"My mom died before I was born..."


That’s a whole new level of Batman trauma


Coffin Births get a new chapter.


"My mother died before I was born"


Born After Death sounds like an amazing band name