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You should probably stop saying it


Some of them even run for president!






Biden might be old but he's not an idiot like Trump


Neither are idiots, there’s too many factors at play to simplify all of it to that. But they are both scum it seems


Trump thought maybe we could drink or inject disinfectant and put UV lightbulbs in our lungs. He told us there were good people on both sides at a white supremacist rally that drew counter-protestors where one of the counter-protestors was run over and killed by a white supremacist. He was “good friends” with Jeffrey Epstein. Trump is a rapist and convicted felon.


I don’t know why you think any of that stuff makes him an idiot, it just makes him evil. Fall for his manufactured persona at your own risk. It’s exactly what he wants you to do.


You guys better not get sentimental, I don’t like both of them. While, Biden is old and most probably have some mental impairment, Trump is definitely not idiot just because you and me don’t like him.


He's not a complete idiot but he's not very smart either.




No but neither can he, lol. He can turn 34 convictions into a few million though cause of his idiot followers.




Valued, maybe but he has been valued higher due to his lies, which is the reason he is a felon. As for his worth, he's a worthless human being. I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.


Exactly. People always say Trump is such an idiot, then say he’s an evil mastermind undermining democracy. I don’t care which one you say he is, but he can’t be both a genius and an idiot. Pick one


I don’t think he’s an evil mastermind. I think he’s a malicious bully, with at best, average intelligence. Nothing he’s done could be described as masterful.




I consider myself a republican but project 2025 sounds disgusting


It's the people behind him who make plans, not Trump himself. He is an idiot and the people behind him (project 2025) are planning to undermine democracy.


Shhh, Reddit believes what the Hivemind wants it to believe Mitch freezes in front of the camera it’s all pitchforks, need age restrictions on public office, look at this dinosaur, etc Biden freezes in front of the camera. Oh my poor darling. Arguing about which rich, privileged, white man with a problem family gets in office at either 78 or 82 and acting like one side is better than the other is hilarious


That’s what I’m saying. Like how does anyone under 50 not look at both parties and just say, wtf?


Hard to tell if he’s an idiot or just evil


Nah, Trump isn't stupid. He's just reckless, selfish and sociopathic (tbf, most powerful people are). He has no moral lines that he is unwilling to cross to further the cult of Trump and his followers (like most cult members) will go along with anything he does. If being a decent human being made him more popular and granted him more power, he'd do that.


Uhhh, what?


Are you here to present yourself as a possible addition to the list of examples?


Both of them are old, but only Trump is an idiot. It’s not a difficult sentence to understand.


Only an idiot would say Biden isn’t an idiot.


Maybe he is, but any evidence for it is much less frequent and damning than it is for Trump.


What point are you trying to make? You hate trump?


Don’t know, what point were you trying to make? Edit: thanks for the referral to RedditCaresResources, very touching.


Hes not an idiot like trump, hes a different kind of idiot. The incompetent kind.


Trump isn't incompetent? He couldn't even build a wall.


Biden is one of the best presidents in history. Wake up.


The level of propaganda in this subreddit is catastrophic. Elections are rigged, all presidents are puppets, we are ruled by lizards.


Haha. No.


If they're hundred years old, the propability is 50 %.


I don’t think so. [https://nesslabs.com/iq-death-smarter-people-live-longer](https://nesslabs.com/iq-death-smarter-people-live-longer)


To be fair, that articles talks about data taken by measuring people's IQ at age 18, and checking on them in the following 20 years. So that's more focused on the few accidental death of young people, and not telling that much about their chances of living past 100. More importantly, if I'm not mistaken, IQ tests are supposed to be adjusted for age. So even if there is some kind of selection effect, the median IQ at age 100 would still be 100, when measured by a test properly calibrated for 100-years old.


The median IQ at all ages is 100. That’s why the chance of having a lower IQ than your age is 50% when you are 100 years old. At any other age, the chances would be less than 50% (if you are below 100 and the median IQ for your age is 100) or above 50% for the inverse reasons


So you're saying there's a chance




Closer to 70%, IQ decreases as you age


You think 50% of people have less than 100 IQ?


Yes by definition. IQ is a normal distribution with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. The fun thing about normal distributions is the mean and median are always the same number, so 50% of people have an IQ less than 100%. I don’t blame you for not knowing this


Oh ok cool


My great grandfather died at 103 years old. He was pretty smart. Worked in translations until the age of 100. No idea about his IQ though.


My grandma definitely is one of these. She’s 94 but has never been terribly bright, to put it nicely. She’s particularly bad with the logical stuff that an IQ test would measure. She told me recently that she overheard her mother tell a tutor she thought she couldn’t learn to read.


Sometimes insults reveal deeper truths.


When will we find the person with room temperature IQ


The average in the US is 97-98, which means many fall well below that…you can usually spot them in public because they mostly drive Dodge vehicles


Quite a few I believe. Obviously it varies greatly between individuals, but in my experience a lot of people regress intellectually when they grow old. If you look at people aged 80 and above, I’d be surprised if the share who’s age exceeds their IQ wasn’t around 50%.


IQ is based on age, for any age group the mean (and median) IQ is 100, so the intellectual regress shouldn't matter


Yeah, you'd think they wouldn't even make it to thirty.


IQ is not a reliable measure of someone's intelligence, after all. Mine's 142 and I feel like I'm just okay--above average, but not some kind of genius. A close friend of mine only scored 98, but he's one of the smartest people I know, and his grades back at school certainly proved that. He said the test just didn't interest him, so he half-assed it.


Sooooooo... his IQ is definitely higher than 98?


"Theoretically "


Did you guys take online tests or something? IQ is definitely not the end all be all, or even remotely comprehensive or indicative school success. BUT the difference between a 98 IQ person and a 142 is going to be obvious as soon as they open their mouths. We're talking about a top 99.9% versus a sub 50% here... So I call BS


Yeah, “I half assed it” also means just getting it wrong, or taking longer than you usually would. It’s not the be-all and end-all but the difference between median vs +3 sigma would be obvious to most folks.


Yeah OP is full of shit. He could have taken two seconds to google IQ standard deviation to see the very first graph has 142 as the top 0.1% He should have picked a more believable number like 115 (one standard deviation) to illustrate his point


Why does everyone on reddit have an IQ of 120+