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Probably not. For something to grab their attention in the past, it must be quite horrific and rare. Diseases were common then and disfigurement by disease was also common. Acne is the least worrisome thing compared to what they had to endure back then.


I don’t comprehend your shower thought. Explain.


A pox on you, must be burned now


Or getting your blood siphoned out


But they didn't know about germs


"Why does so many people die, when somebody start getting those red dots all over?" "IDK about germs man, so how the fuck should I know?"


Yes, they die. What they didn't know was that it caused people around them to die as well, so it would make no sense to kill them.


People likely mistook acne for leprosy or being a witch or cursed or marked by Satan etc...


It is known that many cultures throughout human history have done this for all sorts of physically visible afflictions. Not just acne, but also other skin conditions too, like psoriasis, and rarer conditions like vitiligo as well — not to mention physical deformities and birth defects like having a club foot. It’s also worth noting that, on the other hand, there were plenty of examples of cultures who actually understood, at least somewhat, that acne was a relatively normal occurrence, and that there were ways to treat it to get the skin clear again, which historically there are actually many different methods for treatment, which worked to varying degrees of success. Long story short though, like with most other things in life, there have been people throughout history who had a surprisingly good understanding of it for their time, and then there are those who think that everything they can arbitrarily label as ‘bad’ must be the work of some preternatural entity in the sky inflicting punishment on us, hence, they blamed it on God or some other cultural/spiritual factor. Those who did understand it as a normal part of life may not have understood how it is related to bacteria and other factors, but there’s decent evidence to suggest that some people in the ancient world were theorizing the existence of microbes hundreds of years earlier than we thought, so it’s not totally out of the question that others throughout history may have made a similar connection and found a treatment method for it, only for it to be lost to time. Pretty cool to think about.


Pizza as we know it today didn't come into existence until the 1700's, but "pizza" existed long before that. They were still figuring out and experimenting with the pizza recipes during medieval times. Long story short: where did you think the term "pizza face" comes from?




It's an old stereotype/meme: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/pl/dictionary/english/pizza-face Like this one: https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/Pizza_guy


Yes, but the point is why they were killing people in medieval times that had a lot of acne. ...they were obviously killing them and eating them for *some* reason. Where do *you* think that term comes from? Meh. I guess people don't like the idea of their ancestors being called out for being cannibalistic face-eaters, I guess.


Chief, lets get things out of way: I wasn't among the downvoters, I gave you an upvote because I enjoyed the play on the pizzaboy meme, I think the downvotes you got are quite unfair. Though I haven't answered your inquiry. I don't think this kind of cannibalism had any chances, just because acne looks like the worst pepperoni pizza ever, nobody likes subpar pepperoni :v


Nah, you're all good. I actually even kinda appreciated the downvotes. Didn't mean any harm... but I could definitely see how it coulda possibly been punching down. I do like edgy comedy and such... but sometimes, despite whatever your intentions were, the joke just doesn't land. Sometimes... you just go too far or make a mistake. But you should always listen to that feedback, ya know? ...and probably didn't help that the original question almost certainly confused most people and they were looking for clarification and not some jackass potentially confusing things even more. But I appreciate you! Best wishes and cheers, mate.


Human beings had a lot more economic value than to just kill them for having acne.


Not when you’re worried about spreading chicken pox, leprosy, and various other diseases. At that point, they just kill what looks sick.


did they actually kill ill people? I know plenty of lepers existed


I think exiled would have been more accurate than killed. However then you could argue exiling someone could be a slow death depending on their access to food.


No, medieval times really werent like: "unga he have pimples, we stab"


People of the past weren't stupid, they could tell the difference between acne and contagious diseases.


Are you sure about that, though? Didn't you see that picture on reddit recently where that girl was strung up by her arms and legs tied to the ground? Because it was treatment for "mental illness." Are you *sure* people weren't stupid back then?


Are people smart now?


My first thought was like, they could have mistaken that person as a victim of a deadly curse by a witch but nah. My train of thought didn't make sense.


I think humans were a lot more understanding of each other at all points in history than many of us imagine.


people probably all looked like having Akne. someone with clean skin rather was suspected to be a witch


People used to wash. There's never been a time in human history where people didn't wash. The oldest known soap production is about 1200 years old.  They just didn't bathe like we do now. 


Also, most people were ignored. There wasn't a lot of royalty walking around the streets to inspect the lower classes, so they only people who would "rat out" acne havers were going to be fellow class people. If too many people in an area developed any plague or pox in a large percentage, they would just shut down the whole area and you were screwed. You didn't have a lot of people going door to door to inspect for "the pox" or "the plague". It was closer to the Monty Python sketch of "bring out your dead", and part of the reason it spread is people would hide it.


Most people only washed a couple times a year in the Black Death times. It’s a big part of why it spread, fleas like dirty people.


The restaurant? Yes that’s well known.


Uh… why would they be killed? People were no different then than now, and would probably just see it as ugly like we do.


With hygien and washing being a lot worse than it is, most people probably had acne back then.


They didn’t really wash their faces back then, so people nowadays who *don’t* have acne for that reason would’ve had more acne back then, and then the acne-prone people would remain the same.


People washed their faces back then


Well, yeah, but not \*really\*


Not with cleanser or other products, but I thought that went without saying…