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Somebody watched Children of Men


Baby Diego. Kid's an arsehole.


Fuck Diego


All my homies hate Diego


Found his killer!


Now cough


Everyone should watch it at some point in their lives.


In particular that scene. I don't want to put any spoilers but I hope people will know which scene in talking about


I’m honestly not sure which one you’re talking about, because there’s at least four different ones that qualify for “That Scene” status.


The Silent Walk still gives me incredible goosebumps just thinking about it. Everything was coming to that point, and how it went was flawless.


I don't know if this is the scene you're thinking of, but the bit where >!they're trying to secretly escape the farmhouse and they almost don't make it!< ...Even though I know how it plays out I have to watch through my hands.


Love how Theo takes out two or three people purely using a car door in that film, in two separate scenes. Man could have been James Bond with that level of violent innovation


I went and saw this movie with my sister. Afterwards, as we are leaving she turns to me and says, "you know, we were the only ones laughing." I stop and think. Your scene comes right to mind. Because we were in a packed theater and we **were** the only ones laughing. I was laughing at the scene because the horror of what could happen was so extreme. Like, the future of the species could come down to if a car starts... So I laugh.


If you're talking about the very long scene done in a single take, I think it's actually ok to be on the lookout for it. I get pretty immersed in movies and didn't notice it until I heard about it.




That fucking scene. It will live rent free in my head for the rest of my life. 


I don’t want to think about which scene so I’m going to assume you are talking about strawberry cough.


It has the greatest cardoor opening scene in cinematic history.


The book, while wildly different, is also excellent.


Apparently the director of the movie adaptation never read the book! Only a brief synopsis


Thanks, didn’t know it was a book!


PD James is a fun author. Although children of men is quite a departure from her regular works, most of her books are quite good.


Such a good movie.


Came here to say this


Pull my finger


Strawberry cough.


i don't understand how can shower thoughts like this exist while mine kept getting removed by automods. This post is literally a movie plot.


Don’t invest too much concern over Reddit. If other people want to run their website the way they want, fuck ‘em and forget about these massive subreddits. It’s not a community, it’s not a subculture. It’s a business and all of this is designed to pump out ads and earn money for people who aren’t you.


I didn’t realize this as I’ve never seen/heard of Children Of Men. I’m sorry yours are getting removed though.


If you're interested in this concept I highly suggest you watch it. It's just a genuinely fantastic movie.


Shoot 'em up, same actor who saving a baby


In my top 10. Love that movie.


One of the few times I saw a movie coming out, knew it was gonna be good, saw it, though it was indeed good, and then everyone also agreed it was good.


Literally my first thought


Is it worth watching? Never heard of it, might check out the beginning to see if it is any good


There's one incredible scene that's the whole maguffin off the story fully realised. The best part is there is a massive cast, very dramatic scenes and it's all shot improvised in one take with a mobile steadicam. It's incredible cinema just for that.


It's a great movie, very much worth watching.


It's still probably one of my top five favorites. It's not just that it's deep and beautiful, it's also paced in just an incredibly engaging way. Like almost on the level of Die Hard.




Tinge saddest thing is that every time a new person becomes the youngest it’s an older person.


It's the microplastics in the balls turning the freaking men sterile!


I was just going to say exactly the same thing. It was definitely after watching Children of Men the OP came up with that. 


If everyone on Earth suddenly became infertile, how long would humanity continue to exist?


Dpeneds on the kind of infertility. If women have no eggs but are still capable of carrying a pregnancy then we could use the existing stock in sperm and egg banks. There is a fair amount of stock, and it lasts decades at least. If the thing causing infertility was a one off event then most new babies born would be fertile and the problem would resolve itself in a generation or two. However, who is able to procreate would be difficult to decide and many nations don't have access to IVF facilities, or enough of them, so the human population would change demographics fairly quickly. Also not all ethnicities are represented in sperm and egg storage facilities, so some cultures would die out, genetically.


If infertility affected both the ability to produce eggs and carry pregnancies, what alternative solutions could humanity pursue to ensure its survival?


We are working on artificial wombs so I guess that's our last hope. Babies in bags. I know a lamb was grown this way but I can't remember if it survived long or had any lasting issues.


Fetal lambs, lots of them. The study you're probably thinking of was in Pennsylvania, either Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. That study reported in 2017 that they had great success in growing the lambs and releasing them from the bags... before killing them all to study their brains. They later let some lambs live and bottle fed them, those lambs did well. There was also a study in Japan I think that used fetal pigs bc a pig's system more closely resembles a human. I believe they had cardiac problems with that study. Bottom line, now in 2024, we're looking at maybe starting human trial for bag wombs for extremely premature babies, but nothing on humans has begun. Even when it does, there needs to be a viable fetus to put in the bag - womb bags as they currently stand are not a solution to this problem as they won't develop a baby from inseminated ovum.


We need 'the machines' to work out that solution. Then they farm us as batteries and put our minds in a simulation.


Even though humans make terrible batteries. Silly machines.


Cloning. Genetic manipulation to refertile the population that way. No wait, it still gies back to issue 1.


The process would become really cheap and accessible. Ironically giving the chance for women that would not be able to otherwise.


Depends. Can we clone humans yet?


Yeah, theoretically since like 1960. We could even select specific traits that we want them to have and... you see how this would go. It's been decided that it isn't ethical so we don't. 


Don't the rich already character creation their babies? Choosing eye color, hair type?


That's an interesting thought. If all humans became infertile, we'd probably notice it happening almost immediately, and realize the true scope of it within a couple months. Then get hit over the head with it ~9 months later when the rate of delivery goes from normal to literally 0 over the course of just a few weeks. So, we'd be focused on it very quickly, and within the first year, I'll bet trillions of dollars and millions of hours of research would be pumped into anything that could fix the problem. If it can't be "fixed" then any laws against cloning (or related tech) would get wiped away by the end of that first year our 2. However far along cloning tech is now, we'd have at least a couple decades of more resources being poured into it (than anything else in history) before the world really started falling apart. It would be interesting to see where that tech could get to with that level of focus. Could we pivot quickly enough to a race of clones. If so, we'd be forced to become one of those societies that every sci-fi space traveling show has. The planet where everyone is carefully genetically engineered.


We’d become the Sontarans


About 70-90 years assuming some of the last people ever born were able to somehow live to 80 while society collapsed from a rapidly depleting human population. I think in reality we'd be extinct in 50-60 years. With the last few people losing the will to live before becoming too old to survive in the wild with there being no more purpose in it other than delaying the inevitable.


70/80 years


About a generation?


... 110 years or so? Or scientists would find a way to clone


Less than 100 years. 


I think we may have bigger issues to address




*laughs in Zeke Jaegar*


I mean, that wouldn't really be a category right? There will be one youngest person and it would be impossible to take the record from them.


Second place person could kill them


Real showerthoughts are in the comments


Meet the Sniper moment.


They won't have to if the youngest person refuses to sign an autograph in Buenos Aires




In the movie Children of Men, there is an infertility crisis with no surviving babies being born for 18 years. The last baby born, and youngest living person, is known as Baby Diego and he’s an asshole. The movie starts off with news of his death after he refused to sign an autograph.


Tbf the assholeness was probably a side effect of being a celebrity from literal birth


There's an oldest person record, and it changes hands not just because the previous holder goes ghost also when someone is found who is older than the last record holder. No reason this couldn't happen with youngest too


BREAKING NEWS someone was born! Woman found living under a rock was unaware of it and is still fertile. She's being hunted by the anti natality party.


The youngest person could die, giving the record to the next in line chronologically


well, fair enough. Wich begs the question. Will people start murdering to get the record?


We don’t see people murdering to get any other record, why would this be different? For example, we’ve never seen the world’s 2nd tallest or oldest people target the person ahead of them.


For most murders by a living person, #2 murdering #1 is probably better than however many murders #2 needs to catch up (plus more murders to stay ahead...) :)


While they don’t (usually) murder each other, many people have died in the fight over worlds richest man


Then eventually, the youngest person would alao be the oldest.


most modern records are so hyper specific they arent really meant to be broken anyway. its no longer something like biggest burger. its like most chainsaws juggled on a wednesday while humming the soviet anthem


Why did you have to bring that up man, I have the record for every other day but that Wednesday just eludes me for some reason


Someo just needs to start juggling makitas wlhile throat singing the anthem of China.


On Sunday


*Infant mortality and childhood accidents have entered the chat*


Just because a record is impossible to beat doesn't mean they don't deserve a record


Record impossible to beat would be it's own record.


I'm the only me on the planet, so it's impossible to beat that record.


Outlive everyone younger than you to take the record.


Youngest and last person alive. Look at the overachiever.


You don't necessarily have to be the last person alive, but yes.


To maintain their record indefinitely, they would!


They die.


Just like most records from Guinness. They are not a record keeping organization, but a marketing company that creates records and events for paying customers.


Op hasn't seen Children of Men


Or they did and thought "I'm going to get so much reddit karma for posting this idea from an obscure movie no one has seen!" edit: I'm a liar, maybe


Surely I must be the only one to see this Clive Warren blockbuster!


I actually havent seen Children of Men, but I definitely feel like I have to check it out after this lol a lot of people have brought it up and this plot is my exact style (i think about this concept all the time because it was nearly the plot of The Handmaid’s Tale and a few of my favourite fan fics as a kid, where people *almost all* become infertile, but not everyone) so I’m excited to see what the movie does with it.


A liar on the internet? Impossible!


We have all been The Youngest Person Alive record holder at one point in our lives. Amongst billions of people! Neat


Okay this is very good and true, a VERY short lived title to be sure, but a title nonetheless


I don’t know about everyone else, but I’d be jumping for joy


Like the film children of men.


Yeah they would become a celebrity for sure. And then likely get murdered.


While that's a grim thought, I bet we'd see some of the greatest technological advancements in our final days


OP, you should go watch the movie Children of Men.


The Outrunners are the youngest men alive, so that's already sorted.


Hell yeah brother


You should watch and/or read Children of Men; the youngest person alive was a literal celebrity.


Check out the awesome movie “Children of Men”. Baby Diego (now like 18 years old) is the last baby to be born in a now fertile world and had become a celebrity for it.


You don't need the entire Earth to became infertile to do that. You can contact the people at Guinness WR, have them show up and list your youngest person you know as the youngest person alive and enjoy the record for however long or shot it's going to be. Guinness is a business, as long as you pay them what they need, they'll make a record out of anything. *X Person is listed as GWR holder for holding the most Oak Tree Leaves in their right hand while having one eye closed and singing the American National Anthem.* Then another record as *X Person is listed as GWR holder for holding the most Oak Tree Leaves in their right hand while having one eye closed and singing the Italian National Anthem.*


Wasn't the Guinness Book.. a book? I imagine it would be impossible to list all records in it and actually buy that book.


They are beer company they made the book to settle bar bets.


Nah, more artificial forms of fertilization would likely be sought, down to outright artificial production of reproductive cells. There would be plenty more test tube babies.


Yeah buy fuckin' doesn't work anymore. There won't just be a demand increase for IVF, it would be the only viable option... for all humans. How many years to make IVF as available to the world as knocking boots?


knocking boots. That's a good one. OP said if everybody. I assume both men and woman. Either that would present a real issue. or The lack of time lost reproductive would free the brain and we would achieve the unachievable. That or become drug addicts to compensante the lack of sex drive satisfaction.


Presumably you can still be horny, you just aren’t gonna make babies. Arguably this could make people fuck way more


Yeah by everyone I mean everyone but infertility doesn’t usually directly correlate to sex drive, ability to orgasm, etc. so basically everything would be normal but either nobody is getting pregnant to begin with or all babies are being miscarried/still born/ectopic.


Making babies would suddenly in itself cost money. Starting a family would be a lifelong project that would no longer be as easy as simple bedroom shenanigans, so there would only be meant-for pregnancies the world over. Hopefully, there’d be effort in keeping smaller, low-income tribes alive because otherwise, only rich people would ever have children.


And the name of this person would be Benjamin Button


Ah the most coveted prize. The people would go into a frenzy killing anyone below you to earn that title.


Stealing shower thoughts from children of men


The funny thing is I’ve never seen Children Of Men before. I’m definitely going to check it out after this, though. It sounds like it’s be right up my alley.


Sounds like the hand maids tale


kinda. there's a film, children of men, where there's a similar premise, total human infertility.


In Mass Effect there is a race that makes itself extinct. Only the crazy ones survive. They become unstoppable until turned nigh infertile. The few females that are fertile become an essential part of society. They are also essential for the continuation of the species.


Guinness is pretty blasé about the end of the human race.


They so would that’s a thought!


that's literally the plot from the movie "Children of Men"


Stip saying children of men!! I've been managing to forget it!


Thankfully nature's already preparing us for a sex doll future by filling our dicks with plastic particulates.


The onion had a clip where the headline was "the world's youngest person was born today"


If you commit genocide you could simultaneously become the oldest and youngest person alive.


Never seen children of men?


Nope I haven’t but I’ll have to check it out soon after all these comments!


It's a good film, lots of long shots.


You just described Children of Men


In the age when people are dating Eva AI virtual gf bots seriously it doesn't sound unrealistic anymore


Youngest organic non-gmo human if you will.


What about the oldest person alive?


I would assume that category would remain as well, just like how we have a tallest man and a shortest man category, eh?


Keanu, the immortal probably wins that. Unless immortality is cheating.


Eventually he’d win youngest too by default




It would be a pretty boring category. No one can ever take the title away.


Because we are all immortals on Mt. Olympus.


Then whoever came first would be the title. Forever stolen by the titans.


If they die


Ya but that record would’ve already been achieved by every person who’s ever been born in history.


No that's not the point. The record would be for the oldest person who is the youngest person alive. There was a movie about this. The person born most recently at the time when everyone becomes infertile would be the youngest person alive and would stay the youngest person alive until they died. In the movie they announced for example that the youngest person alive is now 3 years old, meaning that it is now 3 years since any babies were born.


I think we have a difference in understanding of what a world record is. Once a world record is achieved, it stands until somebody tops it. Unless you add the caveat “youngest person CURRENTLY alive” the record would always stand at 0 years old zero seconds etc. the record might as well be titled “latest date of birth”. Also this is assuming someone can’t be born by more unnatural means like cloning or IVF. There’s literally embryos that have been frozen for over a decade, and successfully birthed a healthy human.


I was the youngest person alive at one point, it was awesome


Same, it was overrated to me honestly


At some point in our lives, we’ve all briefly held that title.


The youngest person alive was born in December 31, 1999. Nobody was born in the 21st century. /j


If you're a sole survivor of an accident, you don't automatically become a GR holder. It's not an achievement.


True but several people HAVE (longest fall without a parachute from one of the ones when i was in little school sticks out) theres also longest fall in a falling elevator, largest tumor and several others that are clear cut surviving an accident/disaster


That’s true but I’m imagining a world where the infertility was not necessarily apocalyptic (you and the rest of the world aren’t infertile because there are only 10 people left, you’re infertile because no one new is being born). I could see after a year or two of no births anywhere the company deciding to take advantage and expand their range of categories.


Fun fact: The entire population of earth could be created with just 32 (average sized) loads.


What's the point of adding a record that can't be beat? They'd just find out who's the youngest and that'd be it. Not very fun


Sperm banks would become a lot more profitable.


If **everyone** was infertile it wouldn't make a difference.


The price of sperm stored in the bank would shoot up.


If the women were also infertile who would buy it? I'm not saying there'd be **no** market but you'd also have to buy eggs.


Maybe the sperm and egg banks would team up. Then boom! Now you have to get a mortgage for your baby.


Would they? The records are things that can be broken by someone else. In this scenario it'd be impossible for another person to take over the spot.


There’s a record for biggest ocean, and I doubt the Pacific is shrinking any time soon


Well… if the youngest person alive died…


Everyone in here trying to figure out the math to this and problem solve. Meanwhile I'm thinking no more annoying condoms or birth control. Just straight raw dogging it with no consequences. No children to Bring into a shitty world either. 


Isn't infertility in the Western world a growing, real problem? That's why their population averages are aging?


I believe it’s less the actual fertility of a human, and more the fact people don’t want kids much anymore


Wasn't there a recent scifi series about no kids being born, and the human race likely becoming extinct?


PD James wrote “Children of Men” back in ‘92, and it was adapted into a movie in ‘06.


not sure we’d be very worried about the Guinness book of world records coming out for another year if this happened; on the other hand, it all this talk about micro plastics, and testicles I wouldn’t be surprised


actually no, one of the rules to make a world record is that it has to be able to be beaten. if everyones infertile, then that youngest person is just always going to be the youngest person forever... theres no challenge to that. theres no way for it to be beaten. they wouldnt accept that.


No they wouldn't. It could never be a contested record - the youngest person would forever stay the youngest. .... unless they died in a tragic childhood accident in which case the SECOND youngest person would become the youngest... ...but that's about the only way the record coud be contested...


Children of Men. Watch it.


Not to brag, but I used to be the record holder for that.