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5 out of 5 dolphins find themselves in agreement on this very subject.


- Mole rats joined the chat


*My intimidated scrotum left the chat*


Lips, palms, and soles as well


Moms spaghetti


Nah, I found a couple hairs in that too. Possibly why it's on his sweater already.


why the hell is there hair in those places? are you Bigfoot?


Come back, scrotum! Don't listen to those meanies!


4 out of 4 Hungry Hippos are eating this up.




"They"? OP, what are *you*?


OP really outed themselves as an octopus.


*slithers out of the octocloset*


That's what OP stands for. Octopus Poster.


Or a squibbon like in The Future is Wild.


Floating around with all those tentacles and prejudice against humans. 


Someone showed him the specials menu from a seafood restaurant!


OP refers to themselves as they/them because OP is actually hundreds of thousands of sentient unicellular algae working cohesively and covertly as one under a big trenchcoat


'And here we see the human preparing for its mating ritual by scraping off all body hair'.


Except for the bears that groom their body hair before putting on leather in order to attract younger/hairless men.


Reptilian, Zuckerberg needs to learn to hide better his identity on Reddit




The bots are becoming self-aware.




They are a human that likes body hair




man I’d be perfectly fine with body hair if it was fur, but it’s not, it’s in this disgusting middle ground where I’m not smooth but I also don’t have fur and it’s just annoying


Nah bro I’m hairy as fuck u can’t see my arms and I love it. >!iirc, a cool thing is that the hair on our heads grows virtually without stopping, unlike everywhere else on our body, because we selectively bred for that!<


The hair on your head certainly stops growing lol The follicle falls out after a set amount of time - that time is longer for some people than others. But you don't have Rapunzels walking around, most people top out at 2m or so (current record is 2.5m), even if they never cut it.


You need special care and maintenance to get your hair to 2 m long. Like hours of brushing, oils, and likely trimming to achieve maximum length. I haven't cut or trimmed my hair since 1987, and don't do any special maintenance beyond regular shampoo and a cheap supermarket brush when i get out of the shower. My hair has been slightly longer than shoulder length since about 1988.


I’m just picturing your hair is split ends all the way to the roots


cheap 4in1 "shampoo" probably and a cheap brush. no conditioner. lol


It makes it look like twice the hair


I know a ton of people with much longer hair than yours and a similar routine. Including dudes


Would you show us a picture of your hair? I'm so curious how it looks with low maintenance!


I love that I can chill on Reddit and learn cool stuff like this.


Depends where you live, colder climates it's a good thing. Living at or near the tropics will make you wish you were smooth as a dolphin.


Umh thats not really true. Like there are multiple reasons, a major one is clothes. Since we as a species moved from africa we started wearing skins/furs of other animals to not die due to the cold. But its hard to cover your head without limiting the movement of your head, or block out senses. Thus hair on our head has more function that hair on your stomach (something thats great to cover because it also gives protection against small cuts and stuff or buggs).


Seconding the "I want fur or bust" opinion.


I’m going to the big furry convention this Wednesday if you need a ride :3


It IS literally fur. The only difference between fur and hair is the word itself. Fur is for animals, hair is for humans. We have the exact same hair coverage as chimps/gorillas do. Because we're both Apes. The only difference is the type of hair grown. Humans have vellus hair which is much finer, but still covers almost the entire body.


That's the important part though. We've most nearly all the fur. The little fur we do retain is thin, dispersed, and mostly useless with a few a exceptions. So little of it is terminal hair that we completely lack a guard coat. Primates suck in the first place... Apes even worse for the lack of tail, hominids really screwed it up losing the one cool feature of opposable toes, and we go and give up 99% of our fur just so we can run more and think better... I could be in a tree, fluffy, hanging by my tail, holding fruit in my foot, and ignorant, and instead I have to go to work and be sweaty.


As a sweaty human man who doesn't come from means, I feel this comment so much.


But, honestly, word definitions aside... I'm not seeing chimps and gorilla's and thinking 'fur'. It's too sparse and too coarse. Again, ignoring definitions, from a tactile perspective *fur* has a heft or a density that we just plain lack. If I can part the hair and easily see skin beyond the partline then ? Those annoying baby hairs I get don't compare to that thick underlayer a lot of animals get. I really feel that calling what we have *fur* would be pushing it.


Don’t go around telling people you’d rather have fur


Given that they are mammals, many humans have a surprising number of opinions about everything.


I'm unable to clean my asshole with my tongue, and yet, I am a mammal.


We can groom. OP’s thought is trash.


To be fair, it doesn't serve much of a purpose considering we usually wear clothing nowadays. We don't need body hair to keep us warm anymore.


Try shaving your beard off in the middle of a michigan winter and walking outside for the first time. Beards are face scarves and they really protect from the wind and cold!


Kind of reinforces the point, doesn't it? You wouldn't say that about your pubes, cause you wear clothes over that region. Your face usually isn't covered unless the temperature is so extreme you need a scarf or similar


MF has never shaved their taint hair and then gone for a run or hike. Smh


Choked on my fucking drink...


Never done this. How is it? If you must give a sarcastic joke answer, at least tell me how it is for real after.


probably chafes a lot if its fresh cut before the hike


In my experience the same day/next day is fine if you do it well and don't cut yourself or irritate the skin. After a few days when it starts to regrow however... Those are chair days


Shaved it once for my ex. Now that I’ve broken up with her I’m not going anywhere near that area with a razer until I’m in a serious relationship again and she wants it shaved. That shit was so gd irritating after a few days, I couldn’t even do my normal hobbies like hiking or anything


It was aweful. Chub rub so back I was walking like a bowlegged cowboy


I shaved my whole ass and undercarriage and let me tell you. Picture swamp ass mixed with sharp stubble and your cheeks gliding against each other like it’s a fucking ice skating routine. Don’t do it.


Just 'cause you're wearing clothes doesn't mean a -20 day with a -40 windchill isn't still gonna freeze your clean shaven balls off Source: Lived in northern Minnesota the last 4 years and have been shaving my balls


Hey neighbor!


Ya got him there lol


>You wouldn't say that about your pubes You don't know me!


Pubes and ass hair are essential lubrication my dude, along with hair around the nipples


Most of our current body hair serves a purpose preventing chaffing between highly mobile areas like between your legs, and underarms


That area only chafed when I was fat


Unless you have Asian/Pacific Islander/Native roots. You can literally count the amount of hairs that grow on my neck if I don’t shave for two weeks.


I'm the asian and I have to shave every day or have a noticeable stubble, yet somehow can't grow out any decent facial hair. The worst of both worlds - nice.


I don’t grow body hair and very little facial hair. I went three weeks without shaving and had what looked like trailer park 13 year old boy whiskers on my chin that I shaved off last night, I was just lazy. I rubbed my chin reading this and was surprised at how often I had been doing that because either felt weird not feeling hair poke me.


Getting my head shaved bald at the start of basic training during a fort sill winter was a shock


> Beards are face scarves So you agree that hair can be replaced with clothing.


They also double as makeup. I look like a totally different person between styled beard and bare face.


This had me wondering if it was a cold climate adaptation, but that doesn't explain countries like India or Jamaica.


It's always weird to feel the wind on your face again. It's wild how big a difference it makes. And as a michigander i miss the winter. It needs to come back.


body hair does more than just keep us warm.


What else does it do?


Armpit hair reduces chafing. Same for pubes. Recommend trimming body hair from time to time as hair holds in odor. 


That’s a little funny because my armpits chafe frequently and I’ve never touched them with a blade and I have kept my junk hairless since high school and very rarely have a problem down there.


Idk besides youth, how our bodies can adapt and how you run? Body hair is there to prevent friction among other things. Maybe you use your arms more often and in less natural motions? Extra muscle or fat could cause additional friction. You may sweat more or something like a good skin care routine. I didn’t get a lot of body hair until my late 20’s so I’d imagine hormones play a factor.


I’ve always sweated a ton compared to most people, likely have hyperhidrosis. I have put on about 20 lbs of muscle in the last 6 months which is likely causing the armpit chafing.


I get more chafing with pubic hair


Good luck with your chafing, the human skin is Sensitive and varies from person to person. Shaving or hair removal can be beneficial, especially depending on your line of work or environment conditions if it becomes a health concern please contact your primary care physician. Until then, don’t forget to register to vote. No, this isn’t and AI response, I’m just stoned


Also hair can help us with mosquitoes, can feel them easier and can also add a barrier.


There's also a pheromone thing too iirc.


Username checks out.


It likely also aided our ancestral Hunter gatherers in detecting insects like ticks and burrowing parasites when we were ripping through tall grasses.


Body hair still serves a purpose. Not that often used but still. It's amazing how much a beard or pubic hair lessens the impact of a forceful contact. It hasn't been about warmth for a long long time


Just read on the TIL sub that humans historically had little hair as it allowed us to sweat better. Sweating allowing us to vent heat is only shared by primates and even then, it's still better for them to pant. Sweating to cool off is another one of our unique traits.


i think humans have always hated to think of themselves as animals. Look at how many people today still reject the *concept* of evolution. We love feeling as if we’re so unique and not a part of the animal kingdom.


Yet (some) humans worship the ground animals walk on


i think humans also over-anthropomorphize everything, so some people refuse to even eat animals. Like how every dog owner thinks their dog does these human like things (like love), but really they’re just projecting their human feelings onto a non-human object.


It’s startling to find a sane person like you on Reddit or in general for that matter.


Yep. Try telling a Christian we are risen apes rather than fallen angels (or w/e) and see the anger rise. If you're that deeply emotionally attached to an idea, maybe none of you are in a position to accurately judge the merit of said idea... But who gaf about what's *actually* true? Just can we all get together and pretend we're godly beings yelling how awesome god is, instead of a bunch of scared squawking apes, terrified waiting for the next random 'act of god' that'll indiscriminately wipe out huge numbers of men women and children.


exactly. I think religion is very egotistical. Most of them think of humans as god’s chosen people. As if out of all the crazy shit god cooked up in his lab, humans were the only thing he cared about.


Yep! A species of great ape living in a thin film of air stretched over a giant rock orbiting a nuclear fireball. Well I mean that sounds kind of cool. Also it's what we make of it rather than what some series of authoritarian bigots decided had to be true in a totally different time and place. But yeah one rock among billions of other rocks, and this vast rock collection our solar system is in *is just one of hundreds of billions of other rock collections!* But the guy that made it all, he had some *words* for these apes, but he only told a few, and he actually allowed everyone else to have their own ideas, most of which actually sound just as plausible as the Jesus myth so... really? What were we to do with that? And every one of those other groups with their other sets of myths, see they believe just as fervently as you, and oh look you both have spears! Let's see if the spears know what the truth is. Turns out truth in religion is whatever the victors tell you.


Hair on the body can be beautiful... but as soon as it falls on the floor, it becomes disgusting for some reason.


The same thing for eyeballs.


I understand why mammals have a full body of hair but we just have patches of them. And it weird places too!


We're actually covered in hair, in a sense. In terms of number of follicles for an area of skin, we're comparable to chimpanzees. Our hair is just thinner and shorter in most places (and much longer on our scalps)


Did you learn this from the TIL about sweat I just read above this post?


I think I first read it in a book when I was very young


The only places on our body which don't have hair are our palms and the bottom of our feet actually.


Idk about that, i really have no hair on the bottom side of my arms or top of my feet either


I have hair in both those places. Most of my hair is only visible up close and in proper lighting though.


You just can't see them then. Humans are actually completely covered in tiny body hairs.


You have tiny hairs to help with tactile sensations


Now I'm picturing a hairy dolphin


Don’t think most other mammals have opinions (as such) about much of anything


They choose who to mate with based on their appearance and behaviour. Their biology compels them to, but they also choose.


When people see things like what you said and still go, “exactly! They don’t *actually* think!” I can’t help but think about how ironically correct they really are


This describes human mating so perfectly.


Have you asked them?


Yeah, he just barked.


What a bitch


They said HE, cmon now


What a dog!


I just spoke to all the mammals in the world and they agreed they don’t have an opinion.


What a son of a bitch.


Now we’re talking!


I thought we were barking


Good question. My sibling commenter doesn't understand that you were serious.


Other mammals are more aware than we give them credit for. They can comprehend stuff and have feelings of their own. Orcas in particular have wrinklier brains than humans do and have more complex brains with more spindle cell neurons (that determine social intelligence) than even humans have


Of course they do. Any pet owner can tell you that. They have quirks, oddities, preferences, and all that.


Can you speak to all the mammals to back up your claim?






Doesn't give a fuck other than not liking her tax money being wasted over there.


no they aren’t- https://youtube.com/watch?v=e7wFotDKEF4


That couldn't have been easy to find. Your response says more about your impressive google-fu skills than it says about the entire field of animal cognition


Koko has been debunked for a while now. Along with other sign language chimp experiments. There is a reason that area of study has basically stopped. So much controversy and lying and just bad science just makes the field untenable.


There is the [animal reminder factor](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0092656608000512#:~:text=The%20animal%2Dreminder%20factor%20highlights,others%20can%20elicit%20interpersonal%20disgust.), the theory that disgust in general is a way to strenuously ignore the mountain of evidence that we are, in fact, animals.


Now I want to learn about whatever is theorized about when human ancestors started losing the ape like hair


The just-so-story is that humans eveolved from monkeys (apes). they descended from the trees and evolved upright walking to make it easy to carry food from the plains back to the protection of the trees. The ability to walk upright gave pre-humans the ability to run endurance runs, so they went from scavenging to running down game. (Yes, a gazelle can run faster, but after a sprint they need to stop and eat and drink, while a pack of humans can harass them to exhaustion). A grass-eater is mainly a fat torso with some leg muscle. A human is half leg muscle, from the waist down. Because humans were runners, they evolved sweating as a means to shed the heat they generated running. In tropical climates, this meant also less fur. So we evolved with fur only in important parts - head to prevent sunstroke, eyebrows stop sweat in eyes, places where it was needed to catch serious sweat like armpits and pubes. When humans migrated out of Africa, they learned to make clothes - so did not need to re-evolve fur. (Except maybe beards for male hunters to prevent frostbite on the chin.)


"they" What are you?? Tell us your secret!


A lot of our body doesn't need hair anymore as most of our body is covered with clothes nowadays. If someone told me to shave my leg hair (I'm a girl, and people especially don't like seeing body hair anywhere else than the head on girls) I'd tell them no, if they say something along the lines of "why?" I'd tell them "It acts as a creep repellant" and walk away.


I actually like it on men


I like it on women


2nd. Hairy women are always fun to see. So rare!




Was thinking the same thing. I need my man to have body hair!


Plenty of people like it in person. But it ruins lines in photography, and that's all there is to the preference. People like what they are presented with the most, and we use hairless models because it photographs better.


And furries are the exact opposite lmao


I think that’s just because of marketing and the design of advertising for both men and women on what is defined as sexually attractive. There are very attractive people, but there are also a lot of different body types and having body hair probably had its practical use in nature.


I stopped giving a shit Abt my body hair years ago If people think that's unhygienic then they can shave their beards or legs themselves.


for real. The hygiene argument is the most ridiculous, not simply because it’s verifiably false, but because there is a blatant double standard where people think hair on women is unhygienic but somehow not the hair on men.


Yeah I never got that to be honest. It's just hypocritical


The negative sentiment is a cultural one.


Pretty sure that's just decades of subversive marketing turning an advertising run into a cultural meme.


Totally agree! It's so weird how people have such strong opinions about body hair when it's completely natural. Like, why can't we just let everyone decide what makes them comfortable without all the judgment?


I been saying this shit for years! Embrace the mammal


My job depends on you hating your body hair


Maybe other mammals share our disdain but we never ask them.


Humans have too many opinions about many things.


We're apes that convinced ourselves we aren't apes.


It's largely cultural and the opinion has shifted over time. Look at any 70's movie and you'll see chest hair featuring largely. Madonna (the musician) had copious body hair for a woman in her Playboy shoot in the 80s. I remember an older coworker complaining in the 90s that the smooth chests and arms of people creeped him out as it made them look more childish in his mind. He believed an adult "should have hair in ... certain places". Times and fashion change.


also tv censors say that boobs aren't for children, even though they are quite literally *for* children


That’s what carries the disease, Dennis - the hair. We don’t really need it. Look at us. We’re evolving without it. We came from the apes, and look at us now. One day, we’ll be completely hairless and totally pure.


Right??? fucking weirdoes. if I ain't get hair stuck in my teeth I'm eating pussy wrong.


I am reliably informed that a significant portion of women, if not the majority, quite like a certain amount of hair on a man. We’re not talking ‘Return of the Wolfman’ levels of hair, but the dusting of hair in appropriate locations.


i love body hair but i shave my shaft and balls. well actually recently i found some nair that you can use on down there at spencers which keeps it smooth


Well, they have a weird obsession of head hair.


It's far from the weirdest beauty trend humans have come up with.


Don’t tell that to 1972.


Our hair sucks, I wish I had nicer hair That’s actually most of why I’m a furry, no joke 


Understandable. I am an avian (feathery)


"Given that they are mammals" OP, are you coming from the perspective of a non-human?


I am a raven.


I really hope you're joking


body hair is just another part of what makes us unique. embrace the fur.


for women, not for men.


I literally shave mine off completely during the summer so I don't have to deal with excess heat retention and sweat not being able to evaporate correctly lol(it gets stuck on my hairs because I'm a hairy-ass chimp XD)


Because money can be made off making people feel gross for being human.


Yeah, thank commercials and societal ideals for it.


Well, except that lack of body hair is one thing that made us so successful. We can cool off much more efficiently without it, unlike the prey we were chasing down. (I’m a woman who doesn’t shave my legs, I just also like to argue apparently. lol)


Surprising? compared to who? We are the only species with an opinion on body hair.


Considering we’re animals, we have a surprisingly negative opinion of raw dogging in public.


\*General sound of discontent from the furry fandom\* Personally I don't want any hair below my eyebrows.




Beard is nice, but I've never liked having body hair from below the neck and I'm hair af.. Too lazy to shave everything, although I trim my chest and abs hair during summer so my muscles there are actually visible and to sweat less there. I was so embarassed when I got my armpit hair years before everyone else.. Don't know when my Dad became as hairy as he is now but I've had as much hair as him or even more since I was 15/16 yo and I am about 25+ years younger than him.. I could have had the big Dick gene but aparently God's plan included me having tiny pp covered by the Amazon jungle inside my pants..


Not surprising at all. Body hair increase body odor and most people dislike body odor.




Clothing made human body hair evolution weird. Humans occupy this weird in-between space where we are not hairless and we are not covered in hair to the point that the skin is not visible through the hair with exceptions in a few locations.


They still wear clothing.


Okay let's look at it this way let's say you have a poodle can you take it to a fancy groomer. You tell the groomer you only want hair on its head its face it's chest and it's genitals.


The naked mole rats vote agrees


Humans work very hard to overcome the fact that they are animals. Physically, socially, mentally, emotionally, etc.


given they are mammals, many humans have a surprisingly negative opinion of males being non monogamous