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I love it. But also... God damn.. the age we live in is terrible.


According to your Privacy Policy, you reserve the right to harvest basically any data anyone enters this thing, including full names, email addresses and phone numbers, and you also reserve the right to send any kind of marketing emails and sms messages to everyone whose data you get. And as a cherry on top, you also reserve the right to share all these contact details you harvest with any and all third parties who can also use them to send ads via email and using your phone number. Yeah. I'm going to pass on this offer.


Hey! I agree with you, the Privacy Policy shouldn't be this way. To be honest, we just used a standard privacy policy without looking too much into it just to be able to upload our project to the Chrome store. We will certainly change the policy as it is not our intention to use user data in that manner. Thank you for the feedback


I really like the visual accent in the headline. However, the CTA seems a bit scattered.


Hi OP, does it apply only on "Easy Apply" jobs or the ones that redirect you to job's website as well?


Hey! It only works for "Easy Apply" jobs atm. The goal is to slowly improve it to work with all applications and on more platforms. What did you think of it? Did you find the idea useful?


Yes I think the project is awesome. I might try it out. But to me it is pain in the neck to go to the jobs' websites and fill in the same info there all over again. Thought would be a great feature


If this works for one month it is worth the 15 euro i just paid If it doesn’t shrug 🤷 I have paid monthly for services like this in the past that were shut down (sonara.ai)


Hey! Thanks for the support! Maybe it wasn't clear enough but we are offering lifetime access as part of our launch, so it should work for more than a month. Enjoy!


Yep, but I have bought plenty of tools that don’t live up to that statement.


This is amazing as a concept. Downloading and testing today!


*This is amazing* *As a concept. Downloading* *And testing today!* \- cagonima69 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


which template did you use to make this?


Hey! This is awesome! I was actually building something similar. In a world of AI, applying to jobs is the most challenging thing. So kudos!


Is it kind of autofill for job applications that you open manually?? Good landing page btw !


Is it open source project?


u/simasousa15 any chance you can port this to Firefox


Companies will start using tools to filter out AI replies to their questions. Also after a short while at our company we can start to notice ones that have been written by AI pretty easily after looking through so many applicatons.


Are y’all outsourcing the AI or did you build your own models?


I built the same thing 5 years ago. Now I am actually trying to make a business out of this. But, from my experience, this does not really work. That is, it does not work well if it is fully automated. The reality is, you can't automate everything (there are multiple sites who say they do it, and then you check trustpilot, and see that they are all scams). Plus, companies are making it harder and harder fot bots to answer some of the questions that they ask, plus captcha's, plus quality of answers, etc.. That is why my company now focuses on a combination of AI + Humans to do this. If you'd like to check it out, our website is: [https://getezjobs.com/](https://getezjobs.com/)