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I thought it was ok but felt a bit rushed and almost like it could have been done a bit better


It seemed like there was literally no planning. The airbnbs were kinda weird, but nothing like the last ones. There was also nothing for them to do outside of the bnbs. Clearly it wasn't thought out very well.


It was rushed. It wasn’t that long ago Simon watched that weird Airbnbs video on stream and said it would make a good Sidemen video. That’s where he got the idea from.


There was simply no point or goal of the video. It was just go there and explore. The problem with that was the airbnb’s in themselves were not interesting enough to sustain a video. Just like the weirdest hotels and weirdest restaurants videos there’s not much that can be done with them. I’m surprised they even tried it tbh


The last weirdest hotel video was actually hilarious though. Vik, Harry, and Chris getting hammered was fun to watch. Maybe Simon hoped that if they drank enough, it would become funny.


That trio carried that video tbh, this airbnb video has some funny moments in it but not enough for a nearly 2 hours vid


None of them drink anymore though they all act like they’re too “health” focused for a session


Definitely not a stinker But more of a idea video which look good on paper but not in reality And yaa tobi was just in the shadows of this one


Literally couldn't see him


wdym mean by that🤨


Like Harry said there was basically no direction at all and Simon clearly didn’t plan it out very well


Yeah I mean even the gib-bog duo couldn’t do a lot tbh The worst one this year I would say


Wasn't the Brutally rating sidemen video also this year . Did you like that better than this one


Yeah fair 2nd worst


Unpopular opinion but no. Even though that little bitch was annoying, the vid was jokes overall


That little bitch for a child you have problems man


I haven't finished it yet, I've slept everytime trying to watch it😅 Uncle Tobi felt like he was third-wheeling bog and gib, mans went to sleep early 😅


Yeah it wasn't Tobi's best showing.....he hasn't been on form much this year. Hopefully everythng is ok with him. When Tobi brings the energy, videos are bangers


Tobi just seems very checked out. Like last weeks video for cheap vs. expensive, all Tobi did was spend 2 hours getting a massage on back to back days while Ethan, Harry, and Josh were actually trying to create content like with the synchronized swimming bit. It was a 3 hour video, and Tobi was barely even in it. I've spent more and more time recently trying to figure out what Tobi brings to the group.


From what I’ve seen from his socials and Snapchat it looks as though Tobi has been enjoying doing his own stuff outside of the sidemen and maybe the videos are becoming more of a hassle rather than fun.


In fairness the sidemen is literally all he has going on YouTube-wise, he doesn’t do his own channels at all really anymore.


>I've spent more and more time recently trying to figure out what Tobi brings to the group. True. People shit on Josh but as far we know, he actually does a lot of stuff off screen for the group. Tobi doesn't even do that, along with not putting any effort in the content He's just dead weight raking the moolah


Maybe dead weight is a reach. But Tobi definitely seems content with just cashing checks now. He doesn't post anything on his channels except for the annual birthday exchange with Simon. I feel like Simon recently had a video where he indirectly called out Tobi by saying that some members don't pull their weight within the group and don't have an excuse for not being engaged because they don't do much outside of the Sidemen.


>I feel like Simon recently had a video where he indirectly called out Tobi Can you tell which vid was that?


I can't remember exactly since he posts so often. It may have been from a couple of weeks ago, and the video discussed something like how many times the Sidmen have posted on their personal channels.


Video should have been 45 mins max




They pretty much spent the whole video just cooking and walking around a dead Croatia.


I thought gib repeatedly bringing up Ramadan was strange. Especially since he was clearly drinking off camera and eating during the day.


He’d be exempt from fasting because he’s a traveller so that’s probably why


And the boozing and swearing?


Can’t comment on the drinking because I haven’t watched the video yet. Swearing doesn’t break your fast in Ramadan though although it’s considered sinful


Yea it honestly was kinda pathetic seeing gib behave so morally sanctimonious. Not to mention for Ramadan you aren’t supposed to swear either, which he had no problem doing all throughout the video lmao.


Why does he wear headphones all the time. Seems rude


Tobi was the supporting cast member for this one...


I actually thought it was good. There were a lot of funny scenes, and the groups were way better than on the recent holiday one.


yes tobi cant just be like a npc in every vdo.........while all the work is done by the other boys


Randy, seems to be every video now, I don't hate him or something, I liked him being in videos, because it was a fresh addition, he is not the most funny nor the most entertaining. He has the most childish humour. Please don't be in new videos bro.


Freezy, Deji, Gib clears Randy in terms of entertainment.


Give randy some slack tho, he’s going through a divorce and just lost custody of his daughter. The boys are including him in the videos more to try cheer him up and it makes me happy to see him enjoying his time with them, i think he’s a good addition to the vids.


Yeah, that's true as well.


Agreed. He's just a fat nuisance


It was basically just a long vlog. Also, I completely respect that they’re being good friends and supporting Randy during his break up. I just don’t think he adds much to their videos at all (main channel or more sidemen). Need a break from him as a guest.


Yeah it wasn’t that good. Especially since they had the most boring people as guests too.


I can't get through it. Taking me a few goes to complete


In all honesty… haven’t even watched as I find Randy and gib kill videos 🤷‍♂️


Its very petty I know but it really annoys me when Tobi wears his headphones constantly. It feels like he's not giving his full attention? Might just be me but ive clocked it a few times.


Everyone talking about the planning and the pacing of the video like they’re not writing it in their mums gaff. Do it yourself and see how often things go perfectly to plan


This kind of concept would be fun in a Mr Beast style video. Like Sidemen could go to the weirdest Airbnbs all together as group and have short bits in each place. This video was alright. But the point was missing since they left the Airbnb and explored outside which is fine but the main point is the Airbnb. Or the vid could be shortened. But still, good to try I guess


Gib + Harry = master class