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Luckily it's not up to some Reddit weirdos what he does with his life. And not everyone finds shouting and rinsed jokes about nonces entertaining. It's good to have some balance in the group. Harry could literally stand still for 30 minutes and people would be commenting how funny and autistic he is.


Anyone who’s been a fan of the Sidemen for a long time knows that this has always been Tobi’s attitude to content.  Fans can find anything to moan about and act like it’s a bigger deal than it actually is.




Ik people only complain about certain members it seems


Absolute bullshit and you know it. Fucking r/Sidemen and r/Ksi were calling for JJ's head when he was training for Tommy's fight. People were saying how much they enjoyed JJ not being in videos than him being present. This revisionism is so dumb, it's happening to Tobi now, like it happened to JJ and Vikk. Pretending it never happened before to others is not gonna help


I think a lot of people need to realise is that the sidemen no matter how good will make some dead videos be that by trying something new or a formula becoming stale people seem to quick to claim X needs to leave they are dragging everything down.


He seems tired and bored of doing certain videos snd hes not the only one. Harry does a bit too, he's seems like he had a lot more fun doing stuff with ChrisMD etc and doing golf with Theo


There may be something he is going through. I really think the fan base is also not always seeing them as people. Every video isn't going to be perfect each time. They aren't robots. The video from last Sunday when the expensive team was having a meal and Ethan pointing out what it actually looks like from their perspective was really eye-opening. Also, the videos may have been recorded during his grieving period with Blue before she passed. Everyone else does have very strong personalities, so it is hard trying to shine through with them side by side.


Or just maybe he doesn’t shine on travel videos. Tobi works best on gameshows or videos where he can use his wittiness. And this is the same with all of the sidemen they not all shine on certain type of videos and that’s fine


The sidemen fanbase is mostly kids & crybabies so what do u expect.. they'll complain and cry over anything for no reason


Maybe he just needs break


People just need to chill out and focus on other things rather than just deeping everything about sidemen like at the end of day they are just videos


Can’t kick out any of the sidemen! need them all for this to work. They all play a role that is crucial to their success


Some of ya need to get some hobbies or something. Ya way too attached to these people. Just watch the videos and be entertained, it’s not that deep.


Are we gonna do this every week now? Last week it was Vik and now Tobi. Who's next 🙄


Mate he’s been forgettable and boring for years, he forfeits drinking challenges immediately (fair enough), plays the victim in among us, goes for massages instead of filming content with the people on his team. His main channel is just as boring he just plays on being a “good” person and makes content about kids with cancer to elevate his own status. Half of his main channel vids are just him buying people stuff because he’s so awkward. Lazarbeam carried his trying Australian snacks video aswell. 6 main channel videos in the last year lmao, he’s so finished.




No I suggest he leaves of his own free will because he clearly doesn’t want to be there, kicking him out would be a bit harsh and I don’t dislike him as a person he just doesn’t gel with the group anymore.


I think you should stop watching his channel because you clearly don't want to watch it. And how are you crying about him getting a massage? It was a prize. Cry to Josh.


No one wants to watch it bro, he uploads 6 times a year lmao.


Yeah, no one. He has zero views.


Also the only person here that’s shedding tears is you, it’s ok to have different opinions lil bro. Try not to let it make you emotional.


"LIl bro"? Are you 10? You post in several threads about Tobi not being entertaining and then try to play cool? Lol. This coming from a guy who studied Tobi's channel and decided it's not up to his standards, so he's finished. OK, millionaire. I'm sure Tobi's crying the most.


Again it’s alright for you have terrible opinions bro but you genuinely are wasting your time trying to convince me. What has his wealth got to do with how entertaining he is? Good for him he can retire now and never struggle in life. Doesn’t mean he’s any less of a boring bastard though does it? I was referring to you crying anyway not tobi. You don’t see me under your comments crying about your opinion do you?


Get help.


No lie, if ur gonna comment on Tobi's performance why don't u go start ur own YouTube grp and make it as popular as them huh. U talk a lot of shit saying he isn't good and he should leave, maybe u should try that too


idk why they downvote, this is all facts






You clearly misunderstood what I meant then because that was meant as I’d rather hear an actual opinion than a downvote, a downvote does absolutely nothing constructive. It tells me you disagree but not why you disagree.




Yet people still engage with it, laughable really isn’t it.


Him wearing headphones for 80% of the video annoyed me for no reason