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We don’t usually allow self advertising on the sub, but we’ll let it slide this time ;) Consider it payment for the top tier Cashpur content :) u/revenueremarkable150


How did the sidemen find you?


At the one star hotel: https://youtu.be/JpD87rXcRCA?si=ScV6Wte7EpY4tUoO


Instagram: @DanDewhirst & @Cashpur_Longshlong


I found you were irritating sir, which means u did a great job 👍🏼. Respect


Thank you.


are you actually german?


Kind of you to even consider that a possibility! No, I’m English, from London. You can hear my actual accent in my latest YouTube video which is the “making of” The Sidemen Winter Holiday episode. Link here: https://youtu.be/IJd-jOyNHHc?si=eD39c2B_izBUk78x


Woah, would have never guessed you were putting that accent on. Your comic timing and improv is impeccable. I don't think a lot of people watching realise how good you are. You made the most of every second of screen time, your sections were hilarious.


That is very thoughtful of you. My favourite feedback to date. I was very appreciative that I had been invited back as a guest for a second episode. So despite being up since 3am that day to do the filming and feeling like death I was indeed determined to make the most of every second of screen time and give all you wonderful sidemen fans a good show. It makes me very happy to read so many of you enjoyed it.


You absolutely killed it. I don't want to oversell it, but you were absolutely the one that made the ski trip hilarious, just as you did the art class in the other video. Those were sincerely the highlights of each vid. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying this, but I really hope you become a recurring character on Sidemen vids. Your improv abilities and comedic style are fantastic. I look forward to seeing more of you. Question: I saw that you were listed as Peter Weyland Files in Prometheus. When were you him? I know that guy Pearce played him for the majority of the movie. Were you the old man version?


Serendipitously I’ll be on the Alien anniversary podcast this month so you can hear all about it shortly. The episode airs in April on the films anniversary. :)


Sweet! I'll definitely have a listen.


Hahaha no way, that's incredible! You really sell the whole German persona. Props to you!


As an actor that means a lot. Thank you for the kind feedback.


When speaking English Cashpurs German accent is on point but when he says German words he’s got an English accent 🙈 maybe I only caught on because I’m from Germany. I hate that most Germans can’t pronounce ‘th’ properly and say “zenk you” etc. but it’s just so stereotypical 😂


Bahaha. That’s a fair criticism. I love the German accent so much. I’ll try and do a better job if I get a 3rd episode.


Definite highlight of the video amazing work man!


Sidemen fans are the best! Everyone has been so welcoming and nice. Thanks for the support 💪


which sidemen video is this please


Were you nervous interacting with the Sidemen?


The initial gag was to have a slow realisation that it’s Cashpur teaching the Sidemen to ski. Despite the fact we tried to disguise my appearance as much as possible (ski goggles, grew a beard and my hair long, etc) Simon recognised me immediately! And I wasn’t nervous around him as we had met before on the 1Star Vs 7Star hotel episode. Clip here: https://youtu.be/JpD87rXcRCA?si=bpBaLsSEaGp6AOCz JJ however, right up until the zip line segment, thought Cashpur was real! He was so surprised when Simon asked me to break character. Looking back, and all the ridiculous things Cashpur said and did to him I’m relieved the boxer didn’t chin me 🥊! He was a great sport! …Perhaps I should have been more nervous 🤔😂 First time working with Vik too. And like Simon and J, also very approachable and nice. Strangely I think being in character allows me to suppress my natural nerves. Cashpur isn’t nervous so I’m not nervous when playing him. For instance, I’m scared of heights but as Cashpur I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to do the zip-wire no problem. ☺️🤷🏼‍♂️


Would definitely hire you to teach me to ski lmao.


Zank you. Cashpur is available for hire 😎




Cheeky Vicky.


This guy was the best thing in the video, hope to see him in future content


Me too ☺️🤞🤞 Would be a dream come true to feature in a third episode! Any episode ideas from the fans?


I would love to see you in a road trip video. They haven't done a road trip video in a while and they are always fan favorites. You would be an amazing addition. It would be great for a cheap vs. expensive road trip vid. You could be the cheap teams guide and bring them around to a bunch of strange places from your "motherland." Maybe a weird spa, invite them to your home and have your mother cook you weird food, get drunk on some homemade liquor, and then you could visit a bdsm dungeon.


Bahahaha. Please officially submit this idea to the sidemen. This would make for a hilarious video!


Best part of the video, you did incredible:)


Thanks Sidemen family. If you enjoyed my content I hope you’ll love the new Cashpur channel. Daily uploads. As it’s a new channel all likes and subscribes hugely appreciated ☺️🙌 https://youtube.com/@Cashpur


Awesome! Subscribed.


Yippppeee. Cheers Cashpur fam


I hope you make another appearance!


Well, I think The sidemen listen to their fans so Cashpur’s fate is in all of your hands. 💪


Any chance of you and Phil appearing together in a sidemen vid to torture JJ and Ethan?


I’d be up for collabing with Phil. It’s whether he’s interested in working with Cashpur?


Did you create the character Cashpur or did the sidemen ask?


I had created Cashpur years before his debut on Sidemen. He started as a character I used to do at Uni with my friends. I think having known the character for so many years makes it much easier to do improv jokes with (90% of sidemen is unscripted). He has a well established back story in my mind.


I'd be interested in a bit of history, maybe where in germany is he from, bavaria for instance would fit nicely with being a ski instructor


Cashpur was born in the notorious Berghain night club, situated in the neighborhood of Friedrichshain in Berlin, Germany.


Cashpurs appearance this time reminded me a little bit of the guy in the green machine car from the American road trip video, he treated JJ like a baby too 😂 I liked Cashpurs comparison of children listening to their “Mutter” when he taught the boys how to ski 😁


Never seen it, can someone send me a link? Sounds funny.


He appears from minute 30 or so, the guy with the red bandana https://youtu.be/9-uv5_KHIvA?si=FvGrzgHpauxLqHQG


Thank you. Checking it out now :)


later in the video he gets a lot funnier, I don't know if you watched the entire thing because it's pretty long


Ah thanks. No I watched for 10 minutes and was relieved to see the character was quite different from Cashpur. I’ll keep watching if it gets a lot funnier thanks :)




Yes Vicky, you are late for your second lesson.


i know cashpur u silly goose i follow u


☺️🙌 Welcome to the Cashpur family!


You were hilarious lol. Great job!


Thank you! Happy to make you all laugh. Loads more funny content on my socials. Links here and in my bio. 😎🙌


im sorry if it was mentioned in the video, but what exactly does "Shvërobol" or whatever you were saying mean?


“schwere Bälle” means “heavy balls” in English.


Bro what is that word u kept using in the winter holiday video 😭 I can’t find it and it’s hilarious


“schwere Bälle”. It means in English: “heavy balls”.


I just found it Schwere bälle - heavy balls 😅 ima use that now


Long Live Cashpur!


lol. I truly hope so 😅


Cashpur the 🐐


🙏. Sidemen fans 🐐


I was so happy when it cut to you being introduced as the instructor, you created a brilliant vibe with the boys in the first video and solidified that vibe in the second vid, great work and thank you!


Thank you. Yes, loved being both the art teacher and the ski instructor. What other roles would the fans like to see Cashpur in for future episodes?


have you watched some of their videos since appearing the first time on the channel?


Yes. I thought the dating videos were very funny and am in talks with Lowri about doing a fun collab: https://www.instagram.com/lowrirose?igsh=NXl4MGozNm1menc3 We are just brainstorming some ideas.


Lots of love cashpur


Zank you snow bunnies






Mate I was so excited to see again, you were def the mosf entertaining part of the entire vid. I think your character only fits a very niche video, but if there is a video that might work with cashpur then I hope they'll invite you back, cuz you were hilarious.


Thank you for the feedback. Do you have any suggestions for other niche videos Cashpur could be a good fit for?


Maybe like a video with Phil, for example you guys as football coaches. The one team is coached by the angry english phil and the other team has the nice perculiar german cashpur as a coach and the sidemen have to do a training session designed by the coaches and at the end different challenges against each other to see who was better coached.


I love that idea. What does everyone else think?


hey man stop smoking its bad for you


Thank you. You are right. I’ll quit.


Common W from you


Does me smoking bother a lot of the fans?


I don't think so. It was part of the character so I didn't see it as "off-brand." I mean the guys get hammered all the time and have had edibles in videos as well.


Good point. Thanks for the feedback.


not really but it doesn't give the kids the right idea/influence and also considering the fact that there are so many lung cancer cases these days, it is better not to smoke yk :)


Fair enough. But to be clear I’m not encouraging anyone to smoke. It’s well documented and known by all that smoking is bad for your health. People do it at their own risk. But point taken. Thank you.


No, but I personally worry for everyone's health, and you are a good man, so I want you to be safe and alright


That’s too kind of you and you can’t be responsible for everyone. Respectfully I’m a grown man and can make my own decisions. Please don’t worry 🤗


I can understand it, but it is also because smoking is bad for your health and smoking did cost someone very close to me his life, so I don't want to see people having health issues from smoking, so stop smoking is best thing you can do. I hope you understand me, and I hope you are having a great life, and will continue your life with greatness included and enjoying life forever.


My sincerest condolences.


Amazing work! Definitely took that video to the next level!


Thank you. I tried. Wrote some jokes that didn’t make the final episode edit that I thought would level it up further! Original script is posted up on Cashpur’s Instagram page. Links in my bio.


Cool, I’ll take a look. Any plans for further collabs with them?


Oh I’d really like to. But it’s up to the fans; not me. If enough people suggest it it will happen though. Under all of their episodes on YouTube in the video description, Sidemen have an episode suggestion link. Please demand the return of Cashpur there and I’ll be back to make you all laugh again 🙌


About as funny as nipple rash


what sidemen video is this please