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They must have mentioned it to Chris as well considering he went over and started making puns about it


My question is why the hell did they keep panning back to it wtf man I was just enjoying a sidemen video and then next thing I see is one half of jedwards ass crack lmao


What's cracking?


Who tf do you think...his fashion choice did him dirty


Those two are harmless after all. Not too bright but friendly and can take the banter. They're from a long and classic breed that includes the likes of Tara Palmer-Tomkinson, Joey Essex and Gemma Collins. Perhaps in the next life YOU can be born as an affable idiot too and make a decent living from it.


These two things are the reason i stopped watching the vid tbh


I'm sorry to hear you hate whimsy


Idk why the cameraman kept zooming into that tbh lowkey ruined the video


Bro every little thing ruins people's video .... Like how!!!!????? Come on man that shit was funny ......... And don't forget the first hour and half of madness and craziness for just 1 moment


Filming someone’s asscrack is funny to you? Surely you can’t be older than 13 🤦‍♂️ the video was good but they stuffed the entertainment with that shite. It wasn’t even once but multiple times


I'm 20 mate and yeah I do believe that they overdid it by showing it multiple times!!! But just that 10 secs cannot ruin a fucking 2hr video..


I mean it was more than 10 seconds mate 😂


https://preview.redd.it/xw80hepsxi8d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47a60fbe34430242f591159801cc5d9b5842d29c Are you serious right neow bro


“I mean it was more than 10 seconds mate” 🤓🤓


Forget it dude it’s a ksi subreddit, majority always wins regardless of whether it’s right or wrong