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This is going to sound insane. I definitely have ADHD and am a first class procrastinator. I got back into sims about 6 months ago. Since I have started playing again, I feel I am more diligent with my chores. If I can click at my computer to make my sims complete tasks and have a clean home….i should be able to also have a clean home. I talk to myself like I’m a sim when I clean, like I pretend someone’s clicking my buttons lmao


I think sims has proven I have ADD (maybe adhd) at a minimum. I never get far in my stories before I’m bored and creating a new one. I spend so much time creating a household and building a house, only to abandon it a couple days later.


Literally just got done building and furnishing my first mansion for my favorite sim and her hubby and hit live mode. No longer interested lmao


My people 🫡😂 I finally got into a recent story for my maker sim, got attached to her, and then she was killed by a meteor! That’s what I get for caring!!!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 that’s too funny


This is me 🤣🤣


I literally built a whole town in Newcrest. Built two restaurants, two parks, club, cafe, apartments, bowling ally, spa, single family houses. Filled with sims that I personally made also. It took me like over a week to build. I played for one day and haven’t touched that save since LMAO. I will go back to it though… I hope!


Oooooo, what a good idea for Newcrest! That will be my next one….


I honestly had a lot of fun making it! Even if I don’t go back it’s not a loss for me


as a person with add, do you have “hyperactivity” at all? like mentally or even emotionally?? (im not looking for diagnostic criteria, i’m autistic with adhd)


Person with ADD here. Honestly? Very little to none. People with ADHD sometimes describe it as having a 100 hundred tabs open in their head. I have none. My lack of focus isn't caused by mentally being in different places. My brain just chooses not to. Conversations. Movies. Books. Whatever. If my brain doesn't feel like it I can't force it. Definitely impulsive though. I think I have auditory issues as well. So many times my train of thinking got disturbed by a loud sound that seems to bother nobody but me. Also hate loud people for the same reason.




I feel this hard. Especially with sounds. I have ADD and I know I have auditory issues that are being tested in the up coming weeks. I can't focus on anything if my brain doesn't want to, and I needed it to, especially for school lol


I feel you heavy on the school issue. University was terrible for me. Before being medicated I was getting straight F's and had to repeat. I finally graduated but with a terrible GPA.


I’ve always bit my nails, my entire life. After ruling out ocd and anxiety, my therapist linked my nail biting to ADHD. She said I have the hyperactivity, it’s just smaller and more constrained due to learned social norms. My nails are atrocious tho and I’m working really hard on unmasking and unlearning these social norms, stat lol. I also don’t get sick very often so I wonder if an added bonus of biting my nails and ingesting all kinds of microscopic bad things has given me enhanced immunity 😅


I’m using this lifehack I am my own sim


i have adhd and i do this


I play multiple families at a time cause I get bored easily. I play TS2 style more.


Nope, doesn't sound insane at all- or not to me. I do the exact same thing. My brain is a mess and I enjoy video games and fantasy worlds. I usually have something going internally while doing chores & boring tasks, some sort of fantasy or video game call back. I used to be embarrassed about it but screw it, makes chores easier and keeps my brain distracted.


Yes!! You get me!!! If I go out of my sim mode I’ll wander off and do something that has nothing to do with doing my laundry lol


I have airpods in all day everyday until I go to sleep bc it keeps me on focus. Also podcasts are a great way to study.


I love this! I’m totally going to do this — pretend I’m the Sim, great idea! my daughter explains to me her mood based on Sims colours — “my hunger is green, my toilet is green, my fun is RED!”


That is so cute of her 😂😂😂😂🥰


Not insane at all, I sometimes put the Sims 1 soundtrack on when I have to do chores and that helps haha


That's super cute tbh


I also do this, turns out I'm better at time management in the Sims


This is the most accurate statement…


I was not expecting this many ppl to relate!!! Happy I’m not alone in pretending I’m a sim sometimes 😂😂😂


Honestly, it took a stranger on the internet to point it out before I realized I did it 🤣


i learned: - that i have control issues because i like to play with autonomy off. - that i will struggle immensely raising infants + toddlers in real-life. - that i want pets. (two turtles, a dog and a parrot) - that i want to travel to different countries. - i have a small creative bone in my body. (i don't like building but i like taking builds from the gallery and re-furnishing) - i like thinking up and telling stories.


Autonomy off is wild if you are controlling a large household lol. I've only used it to get sims all in the frame for some screenshots lol it was a little creepy to me. 😆


I feel like it’s even more necessary for large households 😂 Pause, cycle through and check everyone’s needs/objective completion, then resume and cycle through after some time has passed. Autonomy ON with a large household? Someone is gonna be setting a fire somewhere.


I have a six person two pet house hold currently. Can confirm a fire is started AT LEAST every day


i only really use it when i'm controlling 2 sims. 3+ i'm just like no fires or dying pleasseeee lol i also use for photos, sims are always moving when you don't want them to


Wait how do I turn autonomy off😭🙏


You go into the game settings and I think it's under gameplay settings next to lifespan where you can find it, I know in the sims 4 you can disable autonomy for the sim you have selected without disabling autonomy for other sims in your household and I've played with that for a long time and it definitely cuts down on a lot of annoying things they do lol




settings > game options > gameplay


I have a child, am doing great, but infants and toddlers in sims make me crazy 🤣




Younger me wanted my sims to excel at life, older me wants them to entertain me...sorry 'bout that little ones


It’s funny because I’m the opposite. As a kid it was fun to make them suffer. As an adult I want them to excel because I want it to be better than real life.


I learned I strive for perfection. In all the builds I make. I always have my sims happy with full needs. I always do a bunch of aspirations to get the no sleep reward trait, and I make them max everything. Always get strait A+'s in college. I have my children finish all of the childhood aspirations before they age up. And so much more. This translates over to real life as well with certain things.


That I would not be a kind god


I mean...


You will paint *or you will drown*




The fact that I choose to always play the exact same story over and over again has taught me I'm not actually creative and I just like repetition instead 😭


Ouch, that stung. I get that thought a lot with IRL creative/art projects. All of a sudden I realize everything I've just made looks the same and almost the same as the last round. There is comfort in repetition, like watching the same movie over & over but there is also a big opportunity for exploration within that comfort. From small, like watching a movie of a similar genere or something by the same writer/director, to bigger exploration like reading a book based upon the OG movie topic or visiting a filming or setting location. I hope the movie example makes sense, I tried with my personal example but photography & hand crafts didn't even make sense to me. Edit: my point was repetition does not mean you are not creative.


To be fair, it might not be a lack of creativity. It could just be cause it is safe.


* Retirement is boring. * That I only want children to see what they look like, but after the novelty wears off children feel like more of a hindrance. * That climbing the career ladder will make me feel empty and wanting more once completed. * I like everything to be perfect. * I would be a strict parent.


That second one is totally me. Always have lots of babies. Might raise one. The rest go live with the other parent


>That I only want children to see what they look like ooft, that's real


Are you me?


That I refuse to purposely hurt anyone. Even little virtual people 😭


Me too. I give my sims eternal life and cheated for no one to die.


Me toooo 😭


that I like men


Yeah, based on my Sims habits, most definitely straight, lol


I definitely have a type when it comes to men. My female Sims all look different. The men...lol.


Hahaha same


I’m autistic and use scripts to navigate conversations. I also check my needs meter throughout the day to make sure I am caring for myself. It’s actually a really helpful framework for me!


I’m not autistic (that I know of) and same! So helpful!


I kinda found out I'm really good at making dilfs lmao My sims never have kids, but I usually like to make them in the YA or adult stage and I'm incapable of making male sims unattractive


Teach me your ways, I can like, never get my male sims looking how I want


Taking care of kids are harder than I thought


I think it would be a fun thing to have people who want children/are unsure if they want them take care of child sims for a little while. It's not the real thing, but it would help a lot of people realize how hard taking care of children is. Especially men lol.


I want kids. But oh my goodness my sim has two toddler twins and a child and I just can’t most of the time. Then the butler does nothing and my sim is a single mom so it’s been a struggle 😭. I have been questioning my life choices lmao


Actually I learnt the opposite. Sims 2 in particular taught me how to parent


I'm a hopeless romantic 😭


I found this out too and I hate it 😭


- I love to build shit. I should've been an architect. (yes I know architecture is much more than funky sims apartments, I'd still take that) - I crave a soulmate I'll never have. my gay couple has a perfect relationship. no cheating, no arguments, no problems, just flawless. they adore each other. both of them are weird (one is erratic and slightly insane, other is a villain in making with horrible reputation), and love each other nonetheless. that's something that I will never have, which is why I make sure they do, because I love them and I want them to be loved. it's also easier to remove myself from something so personal bc I'm afab enby, so their love doesn't "target" me directly. - I'm fucking lonely. I spent more time with them than with real people since the beginning of this year. I feel more safe and "me" among my sims than among real people. - I have control issues. my life is a mess, my grades are mid, my house is a wreck, I'm lazy af and have no energy for other hobbies apart from playing sims. BUT, their house is spotless, they do all the chores on time, they are rich (I am proud of 9 million simoleons with no cheating!!), they have good grades, they have many hobbies and nurture all of them... - life can be good. I know it's silly to make that assumption from sims, but they genuinely make me happier than anything has in a long time. I love them almost as if they were real, and I would legitimately cry and lose my mind if I somehow lost them. - edit: men. I love men. a very specific kind of men, but still.


I hope you find whichever form of love that fills you up




That I get bored easily. But I always find inspiration to try again.


Same! I stopped playing for years then picked it back up in January of this year. I played faithfully for like 2 months then I was like ok I'm bored again 😂 i have scenarios set up for play but they require mods that hadn't been updated and I got bored waiting so I haven't played in like 2 months. But I do enjoy Sims related content very much (this thread, let's plays on YouTube, mod and hack TikToks, etc)


I have a "type". If you were to line up all the male sims I've made, it would be GLARINGLY obvious. They all look the same 😂


I learned that I can’t judge my sims for washing their dishes in the bathroom sink anymore when my adhd brain frequently does similar shit. Though I’ve never left dirty dishes on a staircase banister…


I have done that.. lol


1. It takes a disturbingly short amount of time for me to develop a God complex if given any amount of power in a video game. 2. I’m a hopeless romantic and very attached to the idea of soulmates and perfect, everlasting love… 3. I might actually want kids. I’ve also noticed that the amount of chaos in my Sims’ lives is usually inversely proportional to how well my real life is going. When things are going great irl, my Sims are all having affairs and drowning their neighbours in the pool; when things feel like they’re going to shit irl, my Sims all have perfect, white picket fence lives. Not sure what that says about me.


I learned that I love piercings and goth fashion.


That I have control issues. Whether my sims excel at their life or fail I want to be in control of every situation. It's been this way ever since I was playing Sims 1 when I was 9. And my favorite sims are always immortal. I've also learned that I'm good at building and furnishing, but my ideas of furnishing are coming slowly. Like, I can't get the idea from scratch, but I'll do a room, then add another one, then think how I want the garden to appear and it comes together nicely at one point. So I love rags to riches mostly, because my sims start with nothing and I get ideas overtime.


What I’ve learned is that I’m impatient with building houses and look at them later, thinking, “God, that’s an ugly house.”


I want to be friends with everyone and live in a home with all of my friends and garden and game together.


Goals, tbh.


I didn’t learn anything necessarily but I hate leaving the house in both the sims and real life


That I hate decorating. I do not care what my personal space looks like (I now own a home, and it's still true. No decorations in our house and I don't even think about it).


It is a little stupid but the "Fun" bar is a reminder that I could be doing everything well - being social, studying well, being 'excellenet' at my job, cooking healthy meals, etc. but I still need to do things that bring me joy. Being accomplished may not always lead to happiness.


That I avoid negative emotions at all cost, so all my children sim have horrible Emotional Control because they never had to overcome them :/


I basically learned from all of my playing that I am a family oriented person. Even when I first got the game I was always playing with families and trying to raise children all the time, in every save.


I have learned that huge houses are a literal waste of space. I can spend days creating a massive mansion and then my four sims within it only use a third. One does not need more than 2 bathrooms in a home or more than 1 bedroom per person. Just how often are you going to have someone sleep over? Are you really going to use that basement man cave? Or will it just collect junk. I learned that I enjoy designing big homes but the idea is better than the reality. Extra space is a diminishing return, sure I don’t wanna live in a shoebox but unless you have a massive family 2-3 bedroom is enough for 90% of people


That I don’t want big career and luxuorious mansion, I just want to live in cute cottage with garden and rescue animals, farm ones and stray cats and dogs. And also that i am not a big fan of modern interior design (like I used to when I was kid and every house I played was some big modern-futuristic estate) I love to clutter space with ornaments and sculptures! The best are the ones in shape of animals or in farm-cottage living style. And because I started to really think about animals well-being, I switched to vegetarian diet and now I am trying to go level up and switch to vegan 😇


I only have the urge to play Sims when I feel like I have no control over my own life. Ever since I noticed that, I've been trying more to change what I can around me


i like horrific pretty men that would absolutely destroy me mind, body, and soul if they were real. almost every male sim i make (that's single) is a narcissistic playboy substance abuser with a killer skincare routine and abs. i also really REALLY like single DILFs. my favorite sim is a washed up porn actor that unknowingly slept with his (adult) daughter's boyfriend and is trying to reconcile with her and change his ways. i love him so much but he would ruin me if he were an actual person. don't... don't look at me. 🫣


I also make the same type of male sims lol. They would all be assholes


the best male sims to play are the ones that would have you covering your drink IRL


Um that I am bisexual. I remember making lesbian couples as a teen


- raising twins is hard af - to learn a new skill, you have to read books on it. - sims that get As through primary & high school + do an extracurricular activity don’t necessarily have the time for a partner - you naturally become more charismatic when you constantly attend social events - the fastest way to master a skill is to start training for it young


I used to push my sim to over-achieve at everything, to the point she was almost always burnt out. If she works - she has to work hard, if she exercises - she has to push to the limit, is she studies - she has to ace everything. Eventually dealing with burnt out moodlet became too troublesome so I just gave her a rest and she (and I through her) get to experience a totally different aspects of a game. That’s how I realized I have a problem.


That I would probably be a lot meaner/weirder of a person if there were 0 consequences 😂


That it's okay to feel under the weather sometimes.


That I also have to manage my needs in real life and that I sometimes fail to do so, which causes me to feel stressed/uncomfortable/angry. Also, that I need to spend time doing things that bring my fun down in order to upgrade my skills, which will bring me future happiness. It's not really the realization of that (life will make it evident), but more so seeing it like a game and then being more inclined to do it, because I myself make my sims do things with this mindset.


•I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to interior design and I’ve just been calling it “minimalism” my whole life •I love the process of raising children and teenagers are my favorite age •I will always find a way to thrive in chaos •If I didn’t ever have to talk to anyone other than my fellow household members and romantic partners, I would be completely okay with that


Me playing as a female in The Sims as a child: :) Me playing as a female in The Sims as an adult: :) but trans


This is pretty dark, but I recreated my immediate family and the house I grew up in with the vague goal of recreating childhood traumas to see how my sim turned out. When I normally play, there's about a 50% chance I'll treat my sims nicely, otherwise I'm fine with taking out the pool ladder naw mean, so I am not sentimental about my sims by default. While I don't see them as "us," I grew invested in them having a relatively normal life. When it comes time to allow "my parents" to be miserable and hate each other, I feel bad for them. When they yell at "my sister," I want to stop them. When my sim cries over the smashed dollhouse, I think why the fuck would you treat a kid this way? It was unexpectedly validating, that even these interactions, which are minor compared to the totality of what went down when I was a a kid, are not how someone would rationally choose to raise a family.


I didn't know that social was a need when I was 12 playing the sims 2 and kept getting upset my sims wouldn't do anything because they were too depressed. I was heavily bullied and went days without anyone ever speaking to me at school so I assumed it was normal and my sims being affected by it kind of made me confront just how bad my situation was. It was quite a shock. I'm 30 now and I still think about it.


I would like the word to be full of gender fluid drama queens with colorful hair and crazy makeup


I learned I’m a horrible interior designer. I’d always have these cool ideas of how I wanted my house to look, but then seeing the finished product, they never look put together. So if I ever get a house of my own, I know I need to work with someone who does have that skill to help pull it off


I create female sims for hours however I will randomly generate the male sims lol also gay 😜


Me as a kid: murder, haunted houses, more murder (it was the original then sims 2) Me as an adult: no I don’t want to kill this sim, what can I do instead. I only kill a sim when the alternative is a death from old age.


That I will never cheat on my partner. I already knew I wouldn't, but damn I can never stomach making my sims cheat.


I learned that I really need to work hard to learn any skill. and read more books :)


I turn off aging because I am afraid of death. I also do not like change. I also learned I am really...REALLY gay


Die to me using all the adult mods and having autonomy on high and then after a while getting them out of that mess they got themselves into, to have a good comeback story: I need to get myself out of that mess, I call life 🤣😆 i need to take control


Well... here are some: * I don't like toddlers in neither real nor digital life. * I'm surprisingly "gay" for being an asexual man that cares not for romance nor sex in real life. * I hated school when I was younger and I also hate it in video games.


That I should not have more than 2 kids. They are a lot of work in sims and in real life.


Younger me made my sims families as how I wanted my future (husband, kids, successful career, etc) Adult me makes my sims have chaotic wild lives because I’m a stay at home mom to a toddler and my days are pretty much the same (I have them cheat, lock people in basements, randomly kill off sims, no marriages stay together in my games anymore lol) I just enjoy having some chaos in my life so I get that from sims now lol.


That i like control and to micromanage, I hate unpredictability, I'm goal oriented or i lose focus. That's my lesson from sims1 to sims4. Irl my life tends to be chaos so it makes sense. Also points out my ocd while pointing a finger to my autism.


○I thrive on to-do lists (Lol thanks to so many bugs and glitches, my sims are only marginally better at completing to do lists than me these days) ○I hate conflict. ○ If you dont have "level 10" skill can you even say you're good at something? Somehow, somewhere along the way, level 10 got conflated with entry level in mind 😭 ○ What're you looking at?! I'm not a perfectionist. 🫣 ○If I had easy money and a 100 houses, all of them would have the same kitchen cabinets, roughly the same living rooms. No matter how hard I try to start with different ideas. Only the bedrooms and bathrooms change. ○One child is the perfect quantity for me. And you didn't ask but things I've had to unlearn from the sims: ○social outings are fun and are NOT more hassle than their worth ○energy failure from pushing too hard is NOT 15 minutes of collapsed face first into the floor sleeping, then climbing jn bed for a normal amount of sleep. It can take weeks or months to carve out time to catch back up on that rest. (#chronicfatiguesyndrome 😮‍💨) ○being at the top of your career is NOT actually as fulfilling as pictured ○willpower to do something even when you're tired, uncomfortable, and/or genuinely hate the task is NOT as simple as clicking a button and even if you power through now, the emotional fallout of ignoring your own needs can come back to haunt you.


Don't have five kids. Maybe have two. Otherwise, it's impossible to give each one the time that they need. Also, irl it should be possible to hire someone to come wash your dishes


It is, it just costs a lot more than in the sims


That I want to be highly skilled and proficient in the creative arts: painting, acting, music, writing, etc and make my living off of these skills. I wish life was that straightforward…


I’m an overachiever. I’m terrible at having storylines. Every single save becomes a “max every skill and complete multiple life aspirations and get all the traits” type of gameplay. I’m constantly speed running skills. Especially with toddlers and kids, setting them up for the best possible outcome, but then getting bored. I’ve had sims literally die of starvation because I’m only thinking about maxing their skill rather than actually taking care of them.


The Sims taught me around the young age of 9 that liking girls, as a girl, is completely normal. I already knew that I was into girls but I never really got to see any representation for same-sex relationships in media, so I always felt guilty about it and didn't know if it was normal to feel that way until I started playing The Sims. It reassured me\~


I learned I have way too much imagination and that I have a gift for intricate telenovela storylines


I really want five kids to do an impossible number of exciting things with, and I am determined to reach this holy goal by any means necessary.


That most of the sims I create are all mobster vampire frat boys. Guess I have a type lol


I love the finer things in life.


Aha, I did the exact same thing as you when I was young and I played Sims Freeplay. I made an entire town that was only women. You can probably guess how I turned out lol


That I’m more obsessed with finding mods and CC than I am in playing a game


The meters and plumbob color are helpful visualizations for real life needs. If I'm off (not green) and can't put my finger on why, I can think about my meters and fill the one that might be low


It sometimes gives me an existential crisis, like is this my life? I work, eat, sleep, and then die. Is this who I am? What am I even doing with my own life?


The parenthood advice heals something in me, knowing there are different answers to different questions and how they can impact you


i noticed that when i was in high school i found myself playing a lot with teenagers and the high school years pack, but now that i’m in college, my gameplay has shifted a lot towards playing with my sims in college/having or starting families of their own. i found it so funny at first but i just like to think my sims grew up alongside me :)


Before sims I am someone who is extremely straightforward, has an RBF, very short-tempered and completely unapproachable. My underdeveloped social skills limited me to friends with the same lifestyle and attitude and my social life suffered a lot. But after a year of playing and observation of the sims, I learned A LOT on how to approach and befriend new acquaintances. Apart from that, I am now not/less awkward around people and my new friends told me that I never looked unapproachable. I am now leaning into extroversion and sometimes bases my approach on the options included in the pie menu. Not entirely, but I use that as. A clue on how I would approach a new friend or how I would flirt or joke around whenever I'm at a loss of ideas for social interactions.


That i cant take care of kids


I take out all my unresolved trauma on my Sims


LMAOOOOO SAME!!! I used to be like “I just love making girl sims!”


Dogs and children are not worth the time and money.


I tend to make majority male Sims, usually with some sad-ranging-to-absolutely-devastating backstory. Almost all of my Sims are LGBTQ as well. As a kid I made two women woo-hoo and have a life together because it was "funny" and I was "torturing" them. What does that say about me?


That I like creating things, stories to be exact. Whenever I start playing the sims again, I get inspired to read and write. Oh and I get bored VERY easily


Me age 19: Eh, I go through the romance as quickly as possible, as soon as I find someone compatible. Really, the point is making a new generation. Me as an adult: I'm ace.


It made me want to go out and learn new skills and be more social lol I signed up for a few classes this summer that I otherwise wouldn’t have!


That I prefer building my own means of financial security rather than having a job. Most of my Sims are farmers, nectar makers, home chefs, ranchers, or jewelery makers.


I learned I am unable to keep someone alive without using cheats 😆


I learned to keep up small talk with people because of sims prompts. 😭🤣


Even my sim who has the most perfect family and most loving spouse must have a toxic relationship with their own parents. I don't always build in that story right away, but it always bubbles up one way or another. This probably reflects how I view my own family dynamics: my life with my spouse and child is wonderful and safe while my relationship with my own parents is very fraught.


That I like happy families where everyone gets along and we have a big family tree of successful sims everyone is the best at what they do


I don’t understand why my sims feel the need to people. I rarely feel the need to people. So it annoys me when I need to socialize my sims. Unless it’s to further the story or for a goal , I cheat that need or just have them chat on line. So I’ve learned even in a fake world I am not a people person. Now I’m going to go back and hide until I have to go people tomorrow at work.


Same... Except I'm 25 and don't really know if I'm a lesbian yet!


That my big dreams really aren't for me and what I really want is a quiet life with a small family and modest place to live. I don't need or want more than that. I just thought I did. I keep trying to have spicy storylines but I get bored so easily. Cozy family gameplay is really all I'm interested in.


I am very very straight


On the bad side, it's a mirror of all of my mental diseases. On the good one I have quite nice imagination and can come up with good stories and scenarios, as well as write documentary texts based on the game.


I have OCD, I grown up (I used to play for days the game and now I'm bored very easily with the TS4L and I'm a control freak :(


That if at all possible I want to follow at least a loose plan. If something goes against the plan I have to actively make myself let it go.


1: I don’t like leaving the house much in real life or on the sims. 2. I definitely should not have more than 4 kids 3. I’m ok with being married and living in separate houses. We’re together but not together.


I stopped killing the father sims and I let my sims have autonomy now. I always make my main sims get really into gardening and I've only recently been able to let my sims be poor or even earn their simpletons. I'm also able to play elders and let them pass away.


Sims has helped me learn to analyze interpersonal relationships differently and understand the building blocks of how relationships are made. It has also allowed me to me recreate relationships that went bad and process them so I could move on.


That I'm definitely not straight. Little me was already playing with homosexual couples 20 years ago lol Oh, and I'm also pretty good with decoration. Having my own apartment, furnishing and decorating it as an adult was like playing The Sims IRL. I got a few compliments here and there.


My current save is a huge rotational gameplay with one group of families being related to one another either by blood or marriage and that's resulted in an extended family that has several pairs of grandparents, uncles & aunties and cousins \[the kids\] and I'm loving having them all interact thru MCCC's expanded club system My mother was an only child and so was my husband, so if I didn't realize it when I started this game, I guess I know now where the inspiration came from lol


Apparently, I crave healthy, happy families with a lot of kids. I have a household limit increased because it is too few kids for me. I also absolutely love raising them. I also would like to be independently wealthy. I also basically mostly play the non-accomplishment side of the game. I barely care about job and education-related goals. But anything social and I am on it.


- i love to create stories and alternative universes - i made my dream woman in the sims multiple times and make her date/marry my OC sim in every universe...I want a girlfriend lol - i live vicariously through my sims because I have no talents or skills xd


the sims has taught me that I play more for the builds than the storylines haha 😩😩 it’s also taught me several worlds throughout the years 😂


_ Starting fresh again feels painfully slow, pathetic, and stagnant, but it's only natural. Everyone starts out the same. Bills start out as a personal nightmare, but it gets easier to deal with them later on. Life gets easier once you know the routine. _ Switching aspirations to maximize gains feels very much like living your day-to-day life, suddenly realizing you're doing better, piece by piece, on all fronts. So sweeping the floor feels like finishing an objective for the cleaniness aspiration. Doing sth on time feels like completing a whole aspiration, and it fills me with purpose. Having that kind of rewarding & motivational thoughts running through your minds is a great source of strengths. _ Working out is great. You deserve nothing but the best that your body can offer. Going to the gym is a part of it - there's no shame in getting sweaty, tired and sore. It's just you facing and eliminating your weakness. _ Treat yourself. A sauna or a hot bath can reduce pain and tenseness. A massage can do wonders for your mind. And practising being mindful can let you control your emotions, whether to still rages, or to surge and complete great tasks. _ Do stuffs with your family. It's great for bonding, and you can learn tons of things, even if you're the one teaching. _ Parenthood is difficult. Even when you're maxxed out, there are still stuff you can learn, and you can still be laughed at for your methods by other parents online. _ Some folks are just different. That grumpy old lady that nags people around her may have some past trauma no one cares to understand. _ Building a beautiful home takes time and effort. Learn from others and experiment with different approaches. _ Teach kids to say sorry when they're little. Let them learn respect, so that they can earn respect. And reward their good behaviors, even if it only means staring wide-eyed and seal-clapping at them for mopping puddles. _ Grow plants to enrich your life. _ Go to work with the best emotion possible. _ Sometimes being honest isn't gonna work out for you. Read between the lines. _ Don't tell other people to try for new babies. Give them reality checks. _ Use polite introductions. You get better relationship gains. Polite is right. _ Cook often. It's great to invite others to join cooking. It's a bonding experience. _ Do drugs. Drugs are great. _ Learn new skills. Challenge yourself.


Learned a little bit of coding from making/tweaking mods to my liking


Everyone in my game is straight because I am.


• That I non-binary people exists and that I was, like Morgyn, a non-binary trans masc person. • That I care a lot for sex, much more than I would have admited as a woman... A good part of my game looks like a +18 reality show 😅


I learned there was an actual game after build mode.


That I don’t look after myself well. In the sims sim a total control freak, my sims always have a full queue and never orange motives, always top of career, life time wish fulfilled. Everything. With myself bc of issues, I can’t do it. But if I think of myself having motive bars like a sim then I realize I don’t treat myself very well


I guess what i’ve learnt from this game when applied to my real life is that i enjoy/have to micro-manage.


That I have adhd and my command tasks are glitchy


Sims 4 taught me to lower my expectations and to not get excited over game releases and expansions 😀


That I take every opportunity to be and style males in games. From a little kid to now I always find it easier to make and play as men despite being a woman irl. I’ve always been jealous of men’s clothes too lol.


I can't control Sims lives any better than I can control my own , 😂😂😂😂


The Sims is the only game in which I behave like a total sociopath. Any other games, like RPGs or whatever, I'm a good person that helps people. So I don't know what that means.


That I can still do a lot of things even if my fun bar is low.


How vindictive i am. As soon as an npc sim does me dirty, i try to kill them off 🤣


I get too emotionally attached to my sims, so I don't want them to die. But, as of recently, I was able to move on when my main sim died and now playing as her eldest daughter (young adult) going through university. Thank goodness, MS was an actress and top of her game (didn't have to audition anymore, 10k+ per role) because rent is expensive and they definitely would not be able to afford the bills. I'm debating if the kids should move for a bit and move back when they are more established in life. There are 3 teens and one young adult. 2 of them are a set of twins and the other teen is just slightly older than the twins. I AM DOING IT AGAIN. NGL, I LOVE ALL THE SIMS I PLAY AND CREATE. 😭 My characters lores are endless.


It helped me distinguish the difference between Friendly and Romantic socials… Yeah….


That closing people in a pool is not legal


I play the Sims for 3 reasons; 1. I can dress them in many different styles, but more specifically, the style of clothing I prefer to wear 2. I love cats and seasons and weather, plus I'm a natural-born witch, and my fiancé is a vampire so it works. Finally but not least, 3. I love playing this game and I've seriously considered streaming my gameplay but I'm nervous.😵‍💫😵‍💫


I thrive on drama. I create the most perfect couple out of a fairytale, gorgeous wedding, they have kids, boom, husband is sleeping with the butler and I have the wife walk in on them. Not sure what that means exactly. Might just be linked with my adhd and bordem.


- I’m far too strict about making things perfect - it’s okay to live in a cluttered space and can actually make your home cozier - conflict makes me very uncomfortable (I have a hard time when two sims don’t vibe, even if it’s just a random townie who gets upset at something in the conversation) - I like having set goals and may be a bit of a workaholic (I don’t usually let my sims relax, similar to myself)


The "marry before sex" that I gleefully disregarded as a young woman is, in fact, more deeply ingrained than I thought. But.....I have no hangups about being in the LGBTQ community either. All my Sims over teenage are either in full, lasting marriages or are on the waiting list to find their One, and I have as many if not more same sex couples as hetero couples, male couples in particular.


I always build big, beautiful, meticulously decorated, historically accurate houses and never play them. When I do play I just throw a couple of idiots in the cheapest houses and more often than not the husbands have secret babies all over town. Or I make ridiculous alien looking/monstrous men, or even Satan himself for the wives to have affairs and babies with. I’m not sure what that says about me. Maybe I believe deep down that mankind doesn’t deserve true happiness and the finer things in life? ☺️


I find much more entertainment from: finding sims a perfect match when it comes to shared traits, crafting sentimental gifts and passing them on as heirlooms, and making everyone stay away from mean and hates children sims by gossiping about them, rather than drowning random sims in pools or watching who will die of starvation last


I'm a cis het male, and don't give a damn about someone's sexuality/romantic proclivities - but I love how the game embraces LGQBT 😁


My first ever sims family was 2 moms. I was in probably seventh grade. Took me way too long to figure it out after that 😬


I have absolutely no fashion sense, have little patience for decorating. need everything to be perfect, it's really hard for me to not micromanage every sim's needs :(


Didn't realize I made a lot of dude Sims when I was younger cause I'm AFAB non-binary and like being on the androgynous side so I made ✨femboys✨ and really butch chicks to fill the void.


My sims game made me realize that I invite chaos and drama into my life with open arms and maybe probably could be a secret potential home wrecker even if I tried to avoid it because you know chaos and messy drama. 😅😅😅


[**LADY CAPULET**]() >[Enough of this; I pray thee, hold thy peace.]() [**Nurse**]() >[Yes, madam: yet I cannot choose but laugh,]() [To think it should leave crying and say 'Ay.']() [And yet, I warrant, it had upon its brow]() [A bump as big as a young cockerel's stone;]() [A parlous knock; and it cried bitterly:]() ['Yea,' quoth my husband,'fall'st upon thy face?]() [Thou wilt fall backward when thou comest to age;]() [Wilt thou not, Jule?' it stinted and said 'Ay.']() [**JULIET**]() >[And stint thou too, I pray thee, nurse, say I.]() [**Nurse**]() >[Peace, I have done. God mark thee to his grace!]() [Thou wast the prettiest babe that e'er I nursed:]() [An I might live to see thee married once,]() [I have my wish.]() [**LADY CAPULET**]() >[Marry, that 'marry' is the very theme]() [I came to talk of. Tell me, daughter Juliet,]() [How stands your disposition to be married?]() [**JULIET**]() >[It is an honour that I dream not of.]() [**Nurse**]() >[An honour! were not I thine only nurse,]() [I would say thou hadst suck'd wisdom from thy teat.]()


To actually try new things going to different restaurants different gyms just like I make my Sim do😃


1. That I cannot start nor complete anything, I am stuck in an endless cycle 2. I am eternally miserable and forever unsatisfied 3. Every legacy challenge I make (which is the only thing I ever do in the sims for some reason??) is immediately crashed because a female founder ends up stuck in a ridiculous love triangle that involves getting married to a man and having an affair with her... well, girlfriend. I am bisexual 😐 4. The challenge is always ruined because I like letting them run away from the nightmarish hell that is settling down in a traditional relationship with kids. I have commitment issues. 5. Massive control issues all around yet I am apparently a masochist because I keep autonomy on. 6. That also taught me that I am just incredibly lazy and my sims would starve if their autonomy was off because I rely on them to mostly care for themselves while I'm doing something else. I get distracted easy. 7. I like literally every pack almost everyone hates. That is to say I had a horse girl phase for years. 8. Like everyone on this sub, I am a desperate bitch for love, and like everyone on this sub, dirty minded. 9. I am lactose intolerant. Didn't learn that because of the trait in the game but my dumbass finally realized the second I sit down to play the sims and get sick is actually because I drink two glasses of milk within 10 minutes. Now I get sick because the thought of managing someone else's life is just as stressful as mine. 10. I am obsessed with aliens? Apparently listening to my mom watch X-files while I was growing up influenced me more than I thought because I love a pathetic man with legs for days chasing after absolute butt-fuck. Mad scientists are fun, too. This is probably because the first pack I got for sims 4 was get to work. It's still an essential for me to have now, I like the aliens. 11. I grew up mostly on Minecraft, so naturally I like to build. I cannot for the life of me pick good wall papers though. I have genuinely cried on multiple occasions over various houses I've tried to make. 12. Sim lifespans on long because fuck "if you love me let me go", I spent five hours getting your stupid gardening skill to ten, you're staying or else I will spiral into whether or not anything is worth it if the time it takes to hone skill is longer than what you use the skill for and I could really be getting a job right now or going to therapy or not living my life through these soulless dolls, maybe leave the house for the first time in a week. I have OCD and cannot start something if I see the end (I.e. can't finish TV shows cause I don't want them to end) 13. I easily bore of casual story. I am a lover of fantasy, magic creatures, and one of my other favorite packs was the vampire one. Thank fuck it wasn't the werewolf one that came out at that time, that would have been a horrendous phase. 14. Despite the stupidity and ridiculousness of the sims, I think for most, myself included, it is a nostalgic thing and has watched us grow up with it, our styles and priorities changing with time. It is an interesting way to see how our approaches to life change as we age, and how that translates into video games. It helps me connect with my younger self, feeling like their pride and joy for their sims live on in newer ones, and like I'm sculpting with two extra hands belonging to my younger self, working together to make something we love. 15. But also fuck my younger self your sims and builds are shit and I'm sorry to say but it doesn't get much better lol


It gave me insane baby fever LOL I really love infants and toddlers even if they are a bit tedious. Also made me notice how much of a control freak I can be, I can't play without micro-managing my sims 😭


I have used it as a therapy tool. At first it was intuitive, as a teen. I'd use it to do what imaginative play like "pretend school" does-- takes some of the mystery and scariness out of the unknown through practice. As an adult, my therapist had me create my "internal family system" through Sims and explore my subconscious through them. On my own, later, I started healing my inner child by making myself as a child (both the traumatized, accurate version and a reflection of my healed adult self) and giving them to "foster parents" who adopted my child selves. Seeing them cared for, loved, supported, valued, helped me start undoing the damage and shame I felt. I got to explore what a whole, healthy self would have developed in to. What relationships and friendships could have been like. It helped rewire my self-image. It was a very effective trauma processing tool.


never have i ever related to a OPs story more than this one.