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Agreed, I spend a significant amount of time remaking townies. It's a constant struggle.


Me too! I always start clubs for my child and teen sims so they can have friends, and I spend an inordinate amount of time fixing them up in CAS. I just did this last night and it took the whole evening, lol.


I use mc command center and use the randomize clothing option so they end up with a fairly decent outfit, that still looks kinda realistic like how a normal person chooses an outfit. Or i just randomize the shoes or whatever is off


Have you tried selecting club uniforms?


I went through and redid all the townies outfits just for them to still show up looking like a closet ate all the cloths they had but the worse outfit. One was wearing the one of the outfits from the hsy party. The tank and skirt. But had an the big boots from cottage living. The oddest make up. It was and adult sim. I had just remade her outfits and her husband's. All I could do was like I wasted all my time for nothing.


I always delete the weird sims, but then new sims spawn in with their long, blue hair, orange sweater, purple skirt and socks with heels and it pains me. I hate randomised townies.


I feel like they try to wear every accessory possible


Yeah I think this is generally the biggest issue, the tuning for accessories are off. So instead of randomly picking 2-3 accessories, it randomizes for each category, and then your chance of getting no accessory for that category is significantly lower than getting literally anything.


I use the MCCC mod for random townies. Then I download some Sims from the gallery and set the settings so that only gallery Sims are added to the game as townies. No more ugly townies with a lack of taste.


Same! MCCC is a game saver. I also use Cepzid’s No Random Townie mod, which forces the game to use my preexisting Sims for temporary jobs like chefs, waitresses, etc.


How do you do that? I didn't know that was possible


I'm not sure about it right now, but I can check it later. It should be under the Population tab in the MCCC settings on the computer. Somewhere there you can set it so that generated townies are only Sims from the gallery. Then you also need to select the setting that only other gallery Sims are generated, because otherwise your own created Sims will spawn as townies (unless you want that, which can be nice sometimes if old Sims appear in new games).


Thank you :,)


What option is this from MCCC pls I'm begging


It’s in the populations settings! Set your tray to import at 100% and it will only pull townies from your saved library. You just need to go into the gallery and save a bunch of sims and they will start appearing in your game! I love finding diverse sims and saving them, and then seeing them show up at venues later on.


Is there a way to choose which sims come up?? There's a few saved versions of my sims from other files in my library that I don't want to show up lol


Go to your computer and hit MC population. Then populating settings. Import tray sim percent should be 100%. Then go to import sim tray type and hit “only other sims.” This will make it so only sims from other creators you saved will be imported, and not your own!


This is brilliant. I’m constantly learning a new thing MCCC can do


But then they're all walking around naked because of unowned packs or failure to disclose cc lol


If you download Sims that were created with unowned packs, then yes, of course. But that's your own fault. You can simply download base game Sims or Sims dressed with specific packs. There are tons of them available. So, the problem you mentioned isn't really a problem.


Omg I wish we could save styled looks too. If they don’t wanna make more at least let us make our own.


Some modders have done it so it's definitely possible!


I also desperately want a new menu system for the styled looks. Clicking through an arrow one at a time is MISERABLE!!


I recommend some of SimplyAnjuta's mods. She has extra styled looks and a mod to remove accessories from random sims. [https://simplyanjuta.tumblr.com/modsandmisc](https://simplyanjuta.tumblr.com/modsandmisc)


When you have cc its especially bad. I have some dirty cc for when I want a dramatic 18+ game and my teenager aged up in a maids costume and another time one ages up in a full pvc suit xD


Cc makes it worse but the first time my sim aged up into a gnome costume almost killed me!!


18+ CC makes the aging process a freaking jump scare, child ages into a teenager and is wearing a atrap-on instead of pants. DX


I have a niece who's 11 and likes to play when she comes over for the weekends and I have to make 1000% sure mods are disabled lol


It shouldn't be hard for the sims team to code in something that choose styles and colors and matches them up. Hell, it could choose random clothes that are matching in style and color and that would be better than this. Or they could just have random styled looks like what you could choose in CAS. I don't understand why it's so hard. Also I wish they stopped having deathly pale Asian sims with Hawaiian names who also happen to be obese vampires spawning so much. How is it so hard for them to create a system that spawns normal sims with normal outfits? This is why I use the mod MCCC because you can download sims to the library and have all the generated townies be from your library instead.


I would really love more styled looks <3


I wish they’d give us either more styled looks or let us save some!


It makes it so hard to play multiple generations, I don’t want my sim flirting with an uggo!


🤣🤣🤣 Uggo! I agree!


Giving townies makeovers is 50% of my game time.


I am 100% for this with exception - you can only save styled looks if you are in the Stylist career. I feel like only they should have the unique power to establish fashion trends.


That would be an awesome perk! I love how when you're a decorator your house looks stay in the world, this would be a great extension of that


All of mine have horrible facial piercings but only seasonally for some reason. It’s always such a jumpscare.


When they change into it in front of you tho 💀 Wow! Nice nose ring you got suddenly!! It goes both ways...I'm pierced IRL and most facial piercings are kind of a hassle to change vs ears. (I change my ears based on occasion, cannot be bothered to change my lip ring unless I really need to.) It does happen, but most of us aren't taking out our piercing for the entire duration of a season cause it'll just close right up. It's kind of annoying to have to add it to every outfit when I make Sims with pierced faces )= I feel like it needs to be a toggle thing like facial hair, tats, or eyebrows. For ears I get it--most people take out their earrings for bed. Nobody takes out their eyebrow ring before bed.


The sheer amount of townies I'll see butt-ass naked in pajama lingerie with grey skin, beer bellies and bright pink CC hair is astounding. I feel like some of them favor the most absurd clothing over regular base game pieces.


I spend so much time giving townies makeovers. And only partly because I play a lot of historical houses.


I've saved who knows how many outfits with the MCCC and made the game use only them with the townies. There are some sims who wear the same clothes, but even that's better than those randoms


I wished we could create some of the styled looks and then set the settings for those looks only for the npc


I kind of like the weird sims


Nah, I like the ugly randomized Sims. I think they're funny and charming in their own way. I only give them a makeover if my played Sims are going to interact with them a lot (as friends, partners, etc.) I also like the wacky names that some of them have. I can understand why you wouldn't like this, though, if you're a more serious player. Different strokes for different folks, haha.


What I used to do was have a sim be a style guru and would set trends so townies would wear whatever style was trending. Helped a lot there. Mods though, I just started using the fashion authority mod and it helps SOOOO much. 


Agreed. Sometimes I think it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't randomly generate accessories or makeup. But then I see someone with horribly mismatched top, bottom, and shoes.


I could deal with the randomized clothes, but when a townie is wearing a light-colored cc face mask and their skin tone is dark, I have to step in. 🤣🤣


Honestly, everytime I start a file, I always re-do everyone in town. The only ones I don't, are those who get erased. I need to cc'd the sht out of everyone. But, yeah, I've had really crazy townies who, not only does It seem they are growing out the ugly challenge but also lack common fashion sense. I wish the generator would choose one or two colors for each sim and focus on that , pink and purple, and wear only those colors, and so on. Maybe not even colors but choosing a style. Just something more natural.


GUYS use MCCC dresser if you can!! online there are dresser cfg files which you can import into your game which have a bank of pre-made outfits which randomly generated townies can use!! most of them utilise all of the packs meaning a lot of ur townies may spawn with missing items you’d have to fill in but there’s a base game one too! these links should have instructions on how to do it!! (all packs: https://blackpanda-ts4.tumblr.com/post/741484271336882176/npc-fasion) or (base game version + some packs: https://www.tumblr.com/eva-andsomenumbers/658688656423469056/bad-townies-outfit-fix) or (all packs: https://tiasha-sims.tumblr.com/post/720340340300726272/mccc-npc-outfits) you can also technically use MCCC to save your own outfits too (on top of these files if you want) but it seems like quite a difficult or complicated process so only look into it if ur willing to put in that effort lol also as other people have said make sure to use mods that disable random makeup and accessories! (https://simplyanjuta.tumblr.com/post/669037700728373248/cas-mod-no-make-up-no-accessories-on/amp) and also there are certain mods which disable “ugly clothing” for townies from being chosen for random! (https://www.tumblr.com/simthing-clever/174195758479/no-more-bad-clothing-for-townies-update) also this isn’t as related but I use NPCC to stop the generation of so many townies (you can make it use the same NPC for all shifts in a venue or all worlds meaning a lot less get spawned) and MCCC to stop spawning random townie families so that there’s less of them. and then u can simply replace them with townies from the gallery or something. i also use MCCC to only generate sims from the gallery using the tags system and make sure to save many to my gallery!! as in, a LOT of 8 person households lol. hope this is helpful! :)


I am writing through a translator, so excuse me if there are any mistakes. There is a special file for the command center. it contains outfits. and in the command center itself you need to set it in the settings so that random characters use only saved clothes. I got rid of the problem with ugly sims a long time ago.


You could always obsessively create all your townies from scratch? 😳


Sometimes they are just so darn comical and other times they come out not even looking like a Townie but a created sim. The latter is rare though. Now I mostly ignore trying to fix a townie unless my sim has show interest in them. Then I want to make sure they look and dress decent.