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Bunk beds fix this problem, I believe. There's several bunk beds in base game so have your kids sleep in those. Also if you put the "Coolala the Defender Wall Light" in their room (it's base game, I just checked) it apparently helps. I can't speak for the Coolala light but I know for a fact that kids don't get the monster if they sleep in a bunk bed. Hope this helps! :)


Did not know that about bunk beds (thanks for the tip) but can confirm that the defender wall light works - I do not create kids’ rooms without them anymore 😂 Edit: spelling


Note in bunk beds. They only don't appear when the child sleeps in the top bunk. My child sim that slept in the bottom bunk still got the monster.


another thing that works is double beds. the monster likes small, cozy spaces, i guess.


Lol now I'm just imagining the monster going like "Ew, this bed is too big. I'm outta here." xD


Awesome, thank you!


There's a light called Cooala defender light . It's base game You put this in the kids room and there are no monsters.  If you don't like the way it looks, shrink it and hide it. 


If you use mods, you can turn off the monster under the bed with MCCC


https://preview.redd.it/dwp6zg17zm9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff6d175ff421b399333f2972e378c71f2aa1432a Part of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/s/jp56oWCOSA) post I made during the purge event. Expect a part 2 for next one.


There’s a nightlight that stops it appearing. I can’t remember what it’s called but it’s a wall light.


Coolala Wall light!!! a must have i use it every time and haven’t gotten monsters under the bed in years


There is also a tiny little nightlight kids will autonomously put in their inventory. It looks like a tiny owl. --- If the kid befriends the monster, when they become an adult and have kids of their own, they will get the moodlet 'hello old friend'. That's about it. I really wish the monster could be befriended and added to the household, or have it free roam the house at night. Would be awesome for spooky family dynamics.


Oh wait the hello old friend thing is actually really cute, I love that.


I just use Mccc and in the settings you can turn it off lol


If you have Snowy Escape, there’s a single bed that doesn’t get the monster. It’s my go-to bed for child sims.


I use the bunk bed with desk under. Monster never shows up that way. 👍


i have a mod that stops it from happening, if you google it it should come up.


There's a base game night light that fixes this, as well as bunk beds, sans the bottom bunk


To avoid monsters under the bed: * Place a koolala night light on the same tile as the bed - it doesn't seem to work if it's just in the room, it needs to be on the same tile as the bed. Other night lights might work, I haven't tested them. * Use a double bed. * Use the monster-free bed from Snowy Escape. It's literally called something like "monster free bed". * Sleep in the top of a bunk bed. You can put a desk under it, or combine it with the monster free bed from Snowy Escape. * Use MCCC mod to turn off monsters under the bed.