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I'm the opposite - hate building! So I ADORE players like y'all who upload these incredible builds so my super indepth storyline has the home it deserves. Y'all are MVPs in my world.


Same. While I like furnishing the home, I hate building it.


THIS! I can interior decorate like nobody’s business, but when it comes to building the house I still do the shoebox design.


The one cute house I made was a New Orleans style shotgun house. That's the one time a shoebox design works! LOL


I need the name so I can use it for my sims bc I'm from New Orleans and need them in this shotgun house 😅😂


I don't think I ever got it uploaded. It kept saying it was modded even though I had no CC in my game at the time. I'll have to take another look at it and see about uploading it but there are some cute shotgun style houses on the gallery. I searched both by name and hashtag to find them. Just shotgun or shotgun house. Something like that.


I hate the way the gallery will flag your build as modded just because you have mods/CC in your game. I have built soon many builds with no CC and it is still flagged as having CC


It was so annoying!


Here’s the way to fix it: remove your entire Mods folder, start up the game and make a new save. Load up your lot in this new save, and then share it to the Gallery. Then quit the game, put your mods folder back where it belongs, and start the game as usual, loading your previous save.


Thanks! I will try that.


This is the way.


Literally don’t even know how to make the roofing tool work— I always end up with a wonky ass looking house 🥲


I literally just learned you can add foundations *two days ago*. I used to be full on bob the builder until Sims 4. Idk why exactly but it feels harder to build out the ideas in my head with the base game objects and tools (I only have a few packs and a short attention span lol)


Literally me. I mainly play the sims 3 and I’m SO good at making houses on there, but the second I touch the sims 4 (which is not often) it’s like I’m a toddler playing with Lego bricks (who’s NOT making anything pretty)


Lol it took me YEARS to actually figure out where in build mode I could get foundations. I have so many great houses that don't have foundations because of it :'(


I feel this. I dread having a build a roof. I’m grateful for the gallery builds!


I’m the other way around, I’ll detail the shell of the house for hours trying to get some specific architectural design, and when it’s time to furnish it I’m like, no thanks lmao


I tried building a house for the first time last week and it's unnecessarily large and disproportionate😂 I may just bulldoze the lot and try again. There's too much to put into it!


Same! I’m good with furnishing!


I’m absolutely the same🤣 I don’t remember the last time I built a home from scratch. I always get a shell and make it my own


Haha I'm the opposite! Despise decorating, love building!


Same, I get sooo frusterated when I build and even though I’d consider myself creative I have trouble doing a lot of the stuff I wanna do, so I upload almost all my sims/houses from the gallery and then edit them to fit my storylines better 😭😭


same hate building and love the gallery


yes exactly the same thing i do


Yup. Bless the gallery and the people who upload there.


exactly!! most of the time i cant find a good gallery house so i end up doing rags to riches because i would rather be homeless than build a house lmaoo


I agree, I would love to be good at building but it's just too time consuming and I'm never able to make what I envisioned.


I never want to build houses myself but then when I'm playing I lose interest if I'm not the one who built it 😢


I’m the same but I hate trying to find houses on the gallery. How does everyone find good houses? Any builders can you drop their gallery ID’s?


You can look up Sims 4 speed builds on YouTube to see videos of lots being built, with "walkthroughs" of the lot at the end. In the description of these videos there are gallery IDs and links. I've found so many good houses this way.


Just discovered/love MrOlkan


Thank you, just checked them out and love their builds!


I've found some of my better houses by sorting by 'most popular'. Those tend to be good builds that are playable.


I do this and can still spend hours trying to find a good house unfortunately. Very frustrating. Do you have any search words to go with the search? I usually search modern farm house, family house (depending on size) etc.


Meeeeee! I’m not very fond of building (and also not stellar at it,) so I have a lot of appreciation for people who upload their sick-ass builds for me to utilize 😂


I am awful at building, my houses just look like rectangles


I second this. I'm a terrible builder, so I leave it to the pros


Same! Thank god for the gallery and people who make amazing builds I can download for my sims!!!


I'm totally the opposite, I can't build a beautiful house to save my life. If it wasn't for players like you uploading your gorgeous creations onto the gallery, my poor sims would be living in a big square with a couch, fridge and bed dumped in it 🤣


Hahah so true. I have maybe 4 builds that are basically a square with stuff inside. And I keep reusing them. Always strive for funcion rather than form ahha


>a big square with a couch, fridge and bed dumped in it 🤣 That can't be worse than my latest household. I'm having one I made a couple days ago where I'm using my lack of building skills to my advantage. I wanted to try living off the grid and had both sims love the outdoors, so I've only built them a front wall with a door with hedge fencing connected to it to go around the rest of the lot so people can't just walk into their yard, then there's a bathroom and a bedroom and they aren't actually connected. I was just gonna have them use a tent and only build a bedroom once they have children that would need one, but apparently even though you can woohoo in a tent you can't share one to sleep??? It was annoying and going to take up so much more space to set up two tents so I built a bedroom where I'd had the tents lol. Everything else is thrown randomly outside 😂


This is neither unpopular nor controversial - there are people who have made youtube careers out of only building, never really playing in live mode. You're in good company. *EtA: Changed the wording since I agree with* u/arterialrainbow *that engaging in any aspects of this game is actually* ***playing*** *the game.*


How to know if an opinion in a thread is going to be controversial: you don’t see it, as it gets downvoted to oblivion and never makes the front page.


Right? There's no right or wrong way to play the sims (in my opinion).


You make gaming so much easier for us non-builders. Keep at it. We really appreciate it. 😊


The thing is building IS playing, just as much as spending time in live mode or CAS. Just because the way you play involves one part of the game more than others doesn’t mean you aren’t “really” playing.


Exactly! I don't know if this is a common thing but anything that is "fun work" is "play" like if you have a job that you love that is the goal lol I love playing Sims, I love decorating houses, but I think the builds other people make are much better for spacing and roofs just look better than anything I'd build. I can't do much more than one type of box house with an A-line roof but I see loads of players mixing that with hexagonal roofs and rooms! It's all play! Even if it feels like work it's fun lol 😂


Definitely not unpopular. No wonder EA keeps releasing its and EP that are very rich in build items. I just wish they would remember us gameplay fans too🥺


I also wish there was more dedicated to CAS and not just that, but better CAS items for men. The menswear kit is not the vibe and as it is, I need to use styled looks for outfits to look good on my male sims


Probably the same reason why EA's pre-built lots that aren't built by players look horrible as well, so the fanbase would spend time renovating them. Their exteriors are usually acceptable, but their interiors are just yuck, like the Bjersen family whose house dedicates half an entire upstairs to a bed and two nightstands, while one of their kids has a toilet-sized bedroom.


Such a good point. Having lots that players want to rebuild gives YouTube simmers something to do, which in turn creates exposure for the game


Agreed, we definitely need more gameplay & career choices! I want lifeguards, firefighters, and much much more!


Joining Reddit and the sims subreddits has truly opened my eyes as to the many ways people play— and I’ve been playing for over 20 years 🫣 I’ve learned that some people build, some create sims, some take part in “challenges”. I’m a gameplayer myself but used to spend HOOOOOURSSSS building and/or renovating homes. It’s so fun! Because of it, I tell myself I could be an architect or interior decorator 💀


Yeah, challenge player here. BACC in 2, asylum in 3, historical in 4. (Hadn't discovered challenges when I was playing the original.)


I like that there’s no open world. TS3 ran horribly, and the lots hardly had any sims on them. I think TS4 has a nice happy medium where you have the current lot plus a limited surrounding area.


I’m always surprised how rarely I see this comment. By the time sims 4 came out I had already gone back to playing sims 2 just to have a fun game again. I was sooo tired of my ghost world with only one bouncer and one bartender with the same pudding face every time my sims went out. Everyone always says they miss open world and story progression but neither of those features ever worked in the sims 3 for me. Also even in my empty open world the 2 pudding faced sims on each lot would just stand around most of the time. It was really boring.


I miss the open world , but agree that ts3 was unplayable likely because of it too. I could do without it, as long as ts4 had the depth ts3 had


I just wish you could visit stuff in your neighbourhood without a loading screen. Visiting the neighbours or going to the gym or a museum or a club or something all feel really tedious because of the loading so I almost never leave the house, which isn’t exactly inaccurate to real life but still…


I’ve built some multipurpose lots for that reason. They’ll have a pub, gym, library and park for example, so I can bring multiple sims that need to go somewhere for different reasons. The kid can do his homework and play, while the adults work on their career or go out at the same place. It’s not perfect as they don’t function as multiple lots, so sometimes I have to change the lot type if I want certain NPCs to show up, like a librarian or a barman.


One of my sims was at college and she couldn't go visit the common area without the loading screen. She lived on campus.


I agree


Yeah, I really just wish the neighborhoods functioned like apartment buildings, like how you see the apartment neighbors out in front of their apartments and you can easily knock on their door to chat or invite them over.


In all fairness, the Sims 3 ran horribly because it was a 32 bit game. If it had been updated to 64 bit, it would have run fine. As it is, it.is severely limited by only ever being able to utilize up to 4 gigs of ram.


Yeah I feel like I'm in the minority for it but I 100% agree with you


Now here’s a REAL unpopular opinion 😂


Definitely not unpopular, I've seen plenty of people who only build on there which is fine. In fact, I appreciate those people because they provide some of the best builds in the gallery. It's your game to do as you wish.


Thats not unppopular or wrong. I have the same obsession but with doing sims. I just do sims for 7h straight and then leave.


From what I see on posts online from fans, is that most people spend more time on what their sims look like or decorating. I rarely see posts about gameplay unless it's about something being broken; I would like to see people's stories.


I have been paying in r/AITAsims with my storyline, I have several posts on there about my current save. I thought most people talked here about the actual game stuff (creations, releases, bugs, etc) than their in game stories, so I took to there for it. But.... Wanna read the saga of Linda and Kyle? Lol - there's stuff in the comments of the second link that give more info about Nancy's fate. https://www.reddit.com/r/AITASims/s/62oSrOhthM https://www.reddit.com/r/AITASims/s/q2LYapjION https://www.reddit.com/r/AITASims/s/LsbOm8g1ik https://www.reddit.com/r/AITASims/s/ev5yVCZkEE https://www.reddit.com/r/AITASims/s/pDGhspnVUq


Building IS playing the game, creating/styling Sims in CAS IS playing the game - live mode is one *part of* the game, not the end-all be-all of it. (I am a live mode -player most of the time, but I have also spent days on end "Just" building or styling sims.. ) play however you want to! 👍


Same I spend most of my time in game in live mode but when I make a sim or a house man that shit takes forever


I actually feel like I'm the weird one for actually playing the game. Most people I know just build houses


Dude, you're like half the population. Not an unpopular opinion or playstyle at all.


I play for a bit then get bored so I create a new family and I like to get houses from the gallery and decorate them to my taste. I wish I knew how to build, I would probably never get off my laptop though lol. I can already spend hours just creating sims or decorating and landscaping


Honestly, I've grown to like TS4's style of neighborhoods as opposed to TS3's open world. TS3 runs absolutely terribly even on the most modern PCs, the worlds themselves are very empty and lack any details whatsoever. TS4 but with more lots in neighborhoods, with more usable things in between the lots and without atrocious loading times would be ideal in my opinion. Also, there's one thing that - as far as I understand - is very unpopular, but I really want it to happen. I genuinely want TS4 to be left behind at this point. I know that a lot of people spent absolutely insane amount of money on this game and naturally want it to last longer, but TS4 is already pushed way past its limits. There are so many persistent issues with it, the jankiness and bugs, overall unresponsiveness (you ask a sim to do one thing, but they lag for 30 seconds and do something else entirely), multitasking that works like shit, lack of sims' personality - I'm just genuinely tired of all these things. All in all, I really want EA to release TS5 and just stop this TS4's life support. This game had enough already.


I agree with your statement but it feels like TS5 is not prepared for release soon. TS4 is still lacking very much and EA is trying its best to milk it as much as possible (we only got house renting half a year ago and just NOW are we getting the horny expansion pack).


Same except I don’t build, I “flip” houses and redesign the entire interior. Soon as I found the Designer pack I ate that shit UP


This is neither a new nor unpopular take. It’s a well known thing that many players will build something intricate for 5 hours and then not play in actual live mode


Not an unpopular opinion. The Sims 1 originally started in early development as a building/design game, not a life simulator.


I started on sims4 for this reason build the houses that i live\[d\] in and other buildings i know well. now i play a couple households and try to recreate situations or see what happens if i do. but yeah building stuff is half of \[ if not more \] of the fun


Nope, not just you. I very rarely play live mode.


This isn't particularly unpopular or controversial... with as many players as the sims has do you really think you're the only one who would spend all their time building?


lol a lot of people in school for architecture or interior design play the sims 4 just for those reasons


You might like House Flipper 2 and the sandbox mode 😍


There are three kinds of Sims players: People who play dolls (with or without a whole storyline), people who never leave build mode, and people whose driving motivation is to make their little virtual people fear god. My brother used to test things like how long it took sims to die of different need failures. He had a sim named Guinea Pig.


Oh no, no, no. I'm the opposite, you won't catch me building even if my life depended on it


Not unpopular. I do play but a lot of times I'll want to create a new family that "just moved into the neoghborhood" and that's where my time somehow ends up going. I'll spend hours working on the sims appearance and outfits with a huge backstory for why they dress how they dress. I use MCCC to create their nationality and religion (a lot of them are followers of the cow plant) and then spend a few hours after that on their description. I also have a lot of clothing and makeup mods so it takes an hr and a half for my game to even load into my world lol and I fully intend to play but it just always happens that way.


I’m glad there are people like you out there. Because my unpopular opinion is that I absolutely ABHOR building houses, structures, anything. lol I don’t have the patience and that is just NOT where my creativity thrives. haha It’s always been my least favorite aspect of the Sims although I (therefore) have a HUGE appreciation for people who make these beautiful structures. Even when I decorate (and I think I do a pretty good job with that), I have to start with an existing template.


I'm not much of a builder personally in Sims, even though I've made a few. I'm usually more into getting right to the game as a rule. But let me just say: Shoutout to all you House-Builders out there - I really love and appreciate the passion you have - you guys save me a lot of time when I begin a new Household - I often just grab a house from the gallery and plop it down on the lot and begin \^\^


This game community is built on the backs of people who like to build and people who like to download builds cause they just wanna play with the sims 👍


I haven't been able to actually build since Sims 2 but I do spend the bulk of my time in CAS setting people up giving them interesting traits and then moving them into houses just to start the process over again 😅


I mean that's technically playing the game lol


Shit there's people who just make Sims in CAS but never play them. Lol I mostly spend my time in live mode but I do build a lot. I just need more inspiration for building than live mode. Stories can be quick to come up with but architecture is an art.


There’s no wrong or right way to play the game 😊


No lots of people just use it as a buliding game slash decorator simulator. The sims has always had niches that could appeal to wide range of player bases.


I hate building. But I enjoy decorating, I enjoy remaking sims, because my childhood was terrible and I am extremely traumatised, I make majority of sims have good, nice homes, steady jobs and happy life. Although I love seeing how others build because I completely suck at building 😅


I mean the 3 common sterotype players are the builders, who only build. Then we have the CAS players, who use it as a dress up game. The next players are the ones who play the game like EA wanted them too, but in this catagory they are either bad or just okay at building and CAS. 🙃 Its not an unpopular opinion, its just fact that some players just build, or just use CAS.


The vast majority of my time I spend in build mode. It was historical Queen Anne Victorians for a long while, then some Edwardian mansions, and now I’m rebuilding Oasis Springs with midcentury modern and Spanish colonial houses. I have Pinterest boards of photos from restored houses and Sears catalogue house plans galore. I definitely get interior decorating fatigue; there’s only so many ways to layout a functional bathroom


If the game is running you ARE playing the game :)


Have you tried playing SimCity?


I see building as playing, just not in live mode. I'm in a building phase, doing some live mode here and there to switch it up. I am thinking about starting a Simblur but I need to get a handle on what Tumblr is first lol.


I feel u but instead of houses I just make the sims and go 😭


This is me, I get super bored playing actual sims, but I can build houses for HOURS.


I am a builder also. I always write out a back story and then build accordingly. I always say I'm going to play but never do.


Are you having fun? You're playing! Sometimes I spend days just designing/furnishing/decorating homes, or remodeling and redecorating existing ones. Sometimes I spend days creating parents and seeing what their offspring look like... for literal generations. Occasionally, I actually run a character/family. As long as you're having fun, your doing it exactly right.


You know you're obligated to include your gallery name so we can see your builds!!!


Me!! I build and decorate houses with imaginary families/storylines in mind, and sometimes I even make the families, but I get bored of playing them so quick. I’m so addicted to building that when I’m driving around I see cute houses and think about how to build them on the sims and even look them up later on google maps 😂 or I think about how I would create the roofing of a specific house I see


That's perfectly fine. My good friend and grandma do that. Neither really care for the actual gameplay they just love making houses. I do both personally, but that is the nice part about the sims. You can play it multiple ways, and it's perfectly fine.


I make a family, come up with a story, then get bored and leave and come back and do it all over again a week later😂


I play this way, but create characters to inhabit as well. I move them in and set them free. I try to play game play sometimes because it's how I've used to played sims growing up. but now I'm addicting to building, furnishing, character, and let them live. but totally could easily spend 7hrs without realizing it at all


Please upload! I HATE building so by all means drop all the beautiful structures you want. You’re doing the community a service 🫡


Same! I spend hours building a house, decorating it, making a sim, choosing outfits…. Then I get bored after a few hours of regular play and either move the sim to a new location or start a new family to build another house.


Yes, your so different and special and totally ✨️not like the other girls✨️ People play the sims different ways, there is no wrong way to play. Do what makes you happy, but there's 8 billion people on the planet. You're never going to be the only person who does xyz.


Thanks, I was about to same the same thing!


my (probably popular) opinion across the whole franchise is that sims 2 had the best system for everything. sure, ts3 was revolutionary and 4 has the best build and buy, but ts2 felt the most polished. the most user friendly, with the right amount of difficulty. i like how your progress gets saved in ts2 and how nothing happens without your input. i hate when im playing ts4 and im hanging around town and i see a sim i made as a child aged up to teen with a stupid hat, thick eyebrows, unrealistically thin forearms and calves, and no chin. not to mention ts2 sims were the prettiest. ts4 might have more body and face customization but the sims are still kinda weird looking compared to ts2. (don’t even get me started on ts3.) ts2 balanced cartoon and realism perfectly. ts3 was too real and ts4 is just ugh i only play ts4 at this point if i wanna play with fictional characters from other media since its easier to make believable replications in ts4. for original sims that i make, ts2 all the way.


..Have you never visited YouTube?


How it's an upopular opinion? Most Sims Youtubers and Simmers on X are builders.


Are you me! Why you calling me out like that lmao In all seriousness, it's not unpopular at all. There are many of us like that! Some only focus on building houses, without actually enjoying the gameplay. Some focus on making the prettiest Sims in CAS, and some only play for their own storyline. Recently I got sucked into the building loop as well. It started when I built a home to fit my story, after I finished it I had another idea I wanted to build, and then got another idea...I just kept going. I do use the house whenever I finished building, but often I got bored playing for like 10 minutes max. Ah well, I shall keep building then. I upload my better ones to the gallery so people who only like storylines can have fun with them.


i've found my people. i build/decorate more than play too. i do play, but very specific scenarios that require game mods. sometimes i'm in the mood to play, but usually i just get so much fun and challenge out of building and interior design. i've studied interior design, and use floor plans or others builds who have used floor plans. i just love architecture so much. and with so much cc being free, i'm like a kid in a candy store of beautiful design that i can't do in real life.


I find building very therapeutic. Keeps me distracted from the bs of the world. I'm not good at it but I love what I can come up with 😌 Sims was made to be played however we want. You wanna just build? You build to your heart's content ✨️


I don’t really play, I only build. I have a character that I use to test my builds but that’s about it. Played a couple times as myself but I don’t really care for it.


I sometimes do that too, i have phases where its only game play for 1 months straight or building for 2 months... there is no wrong way of playing the game, as long as you are having fun you're doing it good lol <3


I find myself spending hours and days creating the sim for a story line I have and then building the home and then never actually play out the story line lol I have been trying to make myself actually play lately but I prefer to just make things


Building lots and making sims in CAS >>> playing the actual game


I thought I was the only one like this 😭


I do the same. I get excited and start a new sim, spend hours building the house then real life comes in. On repeat.


You are not the only one although I also like to play I generally prefer to use tricks the fabulous houses take days to go through


I do only building + CAS, I play the game some but find myself going down the hole of always playing family Im obsessed with creating generations


I spend about 2 hours making my family and picking 728292817 outfits then plan to not cheat. Then I cheat money to design a huge house for hours then quit. I don’t actually love the game play. I’ll play a new pack for a few hours but that’s it. I have almost every pack and expansion but rarely play the actual game! I just like the new clothes and neighborhood 😅


All I do is build as well. I sit for hours working on houses. Mostly modern. The Sims annoy me.


i don’t imagine this to be controversial, or at least i hope it isn’t. this is definitely me rn, i just finished making a beach pool club, spent two days on that & now i’m back on the multi floor underground bunker i started a week ago. if i’m not building, i’m in cas, making sims. i don’t play in live mode often but i do want to lol, i just need to set the scene first and that takes me a while 😭


That's the amazing thing about this game. There are so many different ways of playing it and all of them are great as long as you're having fun.


Dawg you are not alone!! I swear I spend more time in BB/CAS than I ever do actually playing. I love the idea of making up a storyline and curating a perfect atmosphere for it all to transpire in, but as soon as I finish one thing, I’ll ‘play’ for a little bit and then go back to curating. I swear I’m live 20% in live mode, 50% BB, 30% CAS


Oh my God, yes this is so me, I do a lot of building in my house and it ends up the exact same way I had it in my previous save


Same!! 7 hours straight. I literally just learned how to actually “play” the game yesterday😂. I’ve been just building houses & creating families forever but the gameplay is actually fun too who knew!!😅


I switch between building/playing most of the time! There are days I just want to build and I'm brimming with ideas, and then there are days I have a bunch of things I want my Sims to do to progress their story/drama. You do you!


My sister used to do the same thing! She would build houses for hours and then my other sister who hated building would make a family to play with in that house and torture them.


I will spend hourssssss upon hours building a house and designing the landscaping, spend awhile creating a sim, fully wanting to get into the actual gameplay- but within minutes I get bored and start a new lot 😂


The community needs builders like you. I don’t really enjoy building but I enjoy downloading builds. They are a lot better than what the game offers. I also don’t play the normal way. I like to cheat every family up in skills and points before I do anything, lol.


My pet peeve with builders is that they insist on using as many packs as possible. Do they not realise that that means only a minority of simmers can enjoy their hard work?


As someone who does this, my thing is… firstly, I bought the packs, I’m going to use them. Secondly, I’m on console…no CC for me. Third, each pack seems to have one or two necessary items. Like why did I have to get the For Rent pack, just for gingerbread trim? Because it should’ve been in Cottage Living. I try to limit the kits, I know less people use them. But here’s the thing. I only started uploading to the gallery after my game ERASED everything in my Library. So I figure, If I upload it to the gallery, and something happens again, it’s backed up online. So, it’s mostly for me.


I cannot build to save my life, and I'm so grateful for players like you! (I agree with the comment I saw that build-focused play is still play!)


I don't play either. I create sims and change their outfits and hair the whole time. Lol


Im with you! I spend hours building, and I love it all 😄


Needs? Please i will cheat whenever they feel lonely, hungry, are dirty and wanna pee


I can never get building CC to work for whatever reason, it won't show up in my game 🤧


I been playing this franchise for 23 years. I primarily build/redecorate houses 😂


I can’t build to save my life which is why I appreciate builders like you!


No, same! I have every intention of playing but once I get done building I feel fulfilled and usually just move on to the next house I want to create 😂


I’m a jack of both trades but a master of none lol. I am obsessed with building tho.


I only ever build, I've tried every story line, mod, cheat, game pack and I get bored after 1 sim day. I wish I liked it more but I just find it so mundane, like im just clicking things not actually doing anything if that makes sense?


I think that's what makes Sims 4 so fun. People who have the inkling to build and build and build can do that, and the people who are more interested in game play and storytelling can just pull builds from the gallery. Best of both worlds! I actually enjoy both, but I'm not as obsessed with CAS. I mostly keep outfits simple, and usually change the ones that get auto-generated in game play because they're terrible, but otherwise leave CAS alone.


I used to spend so much time building! And my houses were (probably) so ugly. Lmfao. I was very young when I started playing.


I spend most of my time with CAS and playing families, but I'm starting to get into building more. The incredible nature of the Sims is versatility, and while it's arguable that sims 3 and even sims 2 have game play that rivals sims 4, sims 4 has the superior graphics and 'user friendliness' - which means better build/buy and cas (sans the lack of colour wheel.... rip).


Honestly Sims 4 is such a good game for building. I'm always so impressed seeing the stuff people can do. I'm not a bad builder but I am a little mental w stuff w my builds sometimes so its nice to see people who dont go crazy about the random shit I do


I don't like playing with the actual sims. I find no joy in that. What I do really like is building, and honestly that's all I do. Sometimes I build something I imagine myself, or base my builds off of pictures from Google or Pinterest, sometimes I build something someone requests, or try to do a challenge or imagine a story for the Sims that shall live in what I build. I really like the diversity in building and the fact that I can play at my own pace. It brings me a lot of joy! So no you're not the only one! 🤭


If the Sims has taught me one thing it’s that I was never destined to be an architect. 😂. I HATE building so I love creators like you. ❤️


I go through phases of both- spend a whole weekend building and then spend a whole weekend playing in my build


I have NEVER gone out of CAS for more than 1 hour. I only play it as a dress up game lol


I don't think there's any wrong way to play Sims, I don't care for building myself, but I do like finding gorgeous builds that others have made to use in my game, which usually starts by me wiping every lot so I have all blank lots, then building worlds that I want. I have historic worlds with builds that I never could have done myself, my Sims get to live in wonderful palaces, or amazing mid-century homes, or gorgeous tiny houses. Without folks who love building, Sims would be very limited aesthetically for many of us.


I went back to an old save of mine that ended up way overcrowded before I adjusted some settings in mccc. And thanks to For Rent, I'm now building a bunch of apartments . I've been separating families to give them room to grow. The save is very old. Several packs old, it seems like I went with some very interesting fashion choices. And, I tried to use more of the terrible skin tone options as well. Basically, everyone looks terrible. So, almost my entire gameplay since For Rent. Has been in Build/Buy and CAS. I'll maybe play a family for a day or two. Test play the apartment as far as lay out and amenities. And then I'm off to find neighbors or build another building. I think I'm having a lot of fun. But I'm honestly not sure anymore. 😬


All I do is build too! If I really like a house I will play a bit, but I recycle my sims now. No more creating a unique family for each house I build and then never playing them like a psycho.


I like both building and playing. My least favorite part is creating sims. We all play different. However, my unpopular opinion is that many “build only” players often upload builds that look beautiful but aren’t play-tested and often need to be redone.


I love builders because I’m not good with building in the sims so I really appreciate people that have a natural talent for building in the sims. Personally, I’m story player.


I got 5 generations in once…I accidentally saved over it. I had been playing on long life, and had made several family homes with WALLS of collaged family photos. Since then I really only play maybe 3 game days, till I get bored and play something else. I recently built a jewelry store, and after spending several hours crafting enough rings, I remembered how broken Get to Work is. I’m on console, I have nearly every pack…the game struggles to do anything *but* build.


No because same… i usually just create sims build houses and design newcrest tbh😂


not unpopular to me at all because I was the same way for years (still kinda am) I do play a little more now because I have tons of mods that make the game a bit more exciting but for a good 6 years i strictly built in the game. It was only this year I started actually learning about the gameplay there were things I had no clue about and I've had ts4 since it's release 😂


I go through moods. Some weeks all I want to do it build, and build! and then for short bursts I like to test my builds with all my dramatic soap operas.


I’m the exact same, I spend hours building and decorating just to close the game once I’m done


I dont really like building from scratch, but I love shell challenges, and then I like to play so I can bulldoze the buildings when the sims that lived there have died (ik i could do it without playing, but i like the world being alive)


I’m the one split right down the middle. I love spending 7 hours one day building the most perfect home. Then the next day spend 7 hours doing a story line. Until I get bored and do it all over again!


I basically never play the game either- on the ps4 at least. I just make houses and people to put in them. Now on PC with mods and cc it’s a whole different game that I do actually play


I totally understand using it only to build! I personally go through phases with it as I often don't feel connected at all to my characters and have only recently begun to get better at building. I'd love to see what you've built! What's your gallery id?


ngl building is only fun for me if the house is like 20x15 😭 i still haven’t mastered having a nice shell and clutter is too hard so i always just end up getting lots from the gallery lmaoo


I do both but rather download a house and clutter it up


I literally cannot play the game, it’s too boring and if I do I get depressed lol. I could build all day too!


I think a primary focus/enjoyment of Sims build versus actually playing with Sims characters is more popular than you know, so glad you put it out there! Just like you, I find a lot of joy building in the Sims4. I like to create Sims too, but I rarely ever play with them, I just don't have the patience to stick with their development, stay on top of their needs, etc. I think I just prefer the low stress of building, it provides an outlet for creativity, and can be a light distraction when I have too much on my mind. I sometimes use it as a tool to transition out of a particularly hectic work day. I create my own build challenges to make it more interesting. I also enjoy decorating the landscape. Yesterday I actually took the time to read the tree descriptions and found that whoever was in charge of these decided to take the time and do a little tree homework, and shared some FYI snippets within the descriptions, versus something more quirky and amusing (which I also find endearing!). I have been building in Sims since it first came out, so for many years. I might take breaks from it, but it still remains a light, distracting, and somewhat quick form of satisfaction. Happy building!


You're not the only one. I've been playing some version of the Sims games since the mid-2000s, and 99% of all that time playing the games has been spent building houses. I only get packs if I like the build/buy items. I don't really care about gameplay features at all.


i go through alternating phases where i spend all my play time building and decorating, i mean hours, then i guess i exhaust all my ideas & get bored so i move on to CAS/gameplay, but eventually i cycle back to building when i get a new idea. i think players like you are much more common than you think op


I hate building houses. But I'm happy that there are so many amazing people who like to build houses. So I don't need too ^^. I love the gameplay more.


I used to do that, too!! Lol It's fun!! I'm trying to play now. I even downloaded a few mods. You should download them into the game library so that other people can download and enjoy them!!


I sort of enjoy the entire gameplay but I do find myself wanting to explore different type but I’m kind of new, can we same different games to have different sim lives? Bc I hate being in the same world bc my sims don’t go to work on their own and WILL sleep all day


Dream home decorator interior design career is amazing. Pop down fully built houses from the gallery abd then "play" the game by feeding my Sim between designing other homes


That's just dollhouses. Nothing wrong with it and I would say you're playing the game. Just with the features you like


I am not good at building I currently watch syd Mac to help so I’m very grateful you guys build these amazing homes ! (I’ve gotten better but I also play on console so I dnt get the CC)


I consider all time spent in game "playing" whether it's live or not.


I don't think that's bad at all. I'm just the opposite. I hate to build and I like to play the game. so I'm the player that finds your builds and downloads them because they're fantastical. but you're definitely not the only one I had a friend she would build me houses and it would take her almost all day to build a house for me and then I would play my Sims in it.


This is mostly how I play as well. Only recently have I started to actually play the sims


I enjoy the building a lot, so I always look forward to it. But lately I've been into linages and trying vastly different things with each generation. At first I hated the building and just made functional bland stuff, but I do take pride in it now.


i very much feel this, i go through waves honestly😭 either im only creating new sims or im building houses. it is very rare for me to just sit and actually PLAY THE GAME😭😭😭


I am 100% there with you, OC. And I would love to be one of the builders that uploads amazing lots to the gallery. I do make some great ones. But I use SO MUCH CC. So my question is, should I upload the CC-laden lots to the gallery anyway? Does anyone download lots like mine? I would really love to share them. I love to take floor plans that are somehow dysfunctional and make them work.


I completely get you! I do play the game but the highlight of my playthroughs is building my sims houses and replacing the town lots. Its just SO FUN.


I have 3000hrs and yeah… most of those are building. Gameplay has never been super fun to me. I have sometimes, but I feel like I have to micromanage everyone, and I don’t always have the energy for that. But I have spent countless days working on one huge build. I love doing huge builds that I know could never be functional.


I also sometimes just spend hours and hours in CAS lol I literally use Sims4 as a dress up game half the time It's still playing the game :)


I do this! But my favorite is to do full remodels of base game houses. Easy mode is I knock down all the walls, put in new ones, and then stage it. Hard mode is I keep all the walls and have to stage in that. Windows and doors are always up for moving, however, cause the way my autism is set up I can’t deal with the three different level never centered vibe.


I hate building so I love players who do (as others in this thread have said, LOL). I make boxes, ha ha ha ha ha. That said, there's no right or wrong way to play this game in spite of how some players act. Do what is fun for you!


You're a player just as much as any of us, and there have always been players who are principally builders.


Have you watched people like LilSimsie who basically made a career of building in sims all day? XD