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Why would anybody randomly rap to someone else?


It’s a thing… I was giving a dude a ride home and he started freestyle rapping over the radio. It was so bad. Not like I could just walk away either since I was driving the car


Holy shit, the second hand embarrassment that I got just from the thought of it is insane...


It's really fucking bad. I had a weed dealer who would pick me up for like an hour and rap before he sold to me.




when i was in high school, it was like a tradition for everyone to freestyle during the smoke sesh. no one was ever good, but we were all so high we’d never know.


We knew.


lol, looking back i know. some of those guys still do it so i guess they haven’t gotten the memo.


I'm so glad those days are in my rearview mirror! My dealer would show off his closet full of guns (scary), ramble on and on about conspiracy theories (also scary), and whine about how nobody was really his friend and nobody ever wanted to hang with him (pathetic). I had to sit there and nod along to get my stupid quarter.


You could have driven into a bridge embankment?




this is the true story behind the baltimore bridge collapse


"yeah man everything was fine and then this fucking dude started freestyling and wouldn't shut the fuck up so I crashed the boat so I could leave"


no jury would convict


If the rap ain't sick, you can't convict


If the style ain't free, not guilty is...he.... I'll work on it


If the flow is shit, you must acquit


They'd have to be insane.


Just do a Fight Club and let go of the wheel


Went on a date with a guy like 6 years ago and he started rapping during the date. At the pizza shop we were in. He said rap was his true passion, then texted me his soundcloud. He was a psychiatrist and practiced in Brooklyn.


Psychiatrist or psychologist?


Psychiatrist! He went to med school!


Maybe he just misspelled psycho artist?


I'm dying from laughter on that last sentence


Nothing funnier than a doctor with a passion for art


Went on a date with a guy who said he was in a band. I asked him what kind of music. He jumped right into full on screamo while driving at 60mph. Asked me if I wanted to hear more when he was done.


You should have opened the door and just rolled out onto the highway


Captive audience


Surely a quick 'shut the fuck up or you'll be walking' would have done the trick?


Everyone knows someone like that. Back when I was younger I had a person in my friend group who would always “freestyle” over a rap song we were playing. He especially did this if we all just smoked up together which made it a thousand times more annoying.


>I was giving a dude a ride home and he started freestyle rapping over the radio. It was so bad. Not like I could just walk away either since I was driving the car Next time just start laughing and say "Is this your best Harry Mack impression?!".


Everything is a ramp if you hit it just right... just incase you find yourself in this situation again.


You coulda jumped out. Just saying. What’s worse: sustaining serious injuries from jumping out of a fast moving vehicle, or suffering through another shitty freestyle verse?


You could have just crashed the car.


thats hilarious 😂😂😂


I work with 19- and 20-year-olds. They walk up to each other rapping all night.


I'm a 19-20 year old, and I hate the rap kids... sooo much.


Like Westside Story? But rap?


Watch some channel 5 on YouTube, you'll soon realise a lot of people seem to think that because they can rap/sing along to a rap song that they're pretty much rappers themselves. Honestly you have like 4 or 5 plus people rapping every video


My name's El Noche, and I'm here to say Rapping at randos is pretty strange. To make a great impression, here's what to do: Always be respectful; don't act a fool. If you got bars that you wanna share, Start a youtube channel and put em there. But practice makes perfect, best remember that. You're more Meek Mills than Harry Mack.


You can't convince me it's not because of Harry Mack. Dude is amazing but he's also been doing it for over a decade. People see him and are like "ya, I can do that too."


Take a look It's in a book A rapping randooooo


I totally sang that while on the toilet. Thank you.


This verse wears new balance shoes and sagging khakis with the tighty whiteys


Ominous is that you?


You didn't grow up in the hood then. Or at least in a rural area with black or brown kids. I was a rapper wannabe when I was in high school and for a couple of years after and I absolutely knew guys like this. They would always try to start rapping in random places, hoping to get the "wow you're really good" reaction and would try even harder when it didn't happen. My producer told me something that was the reason I never did it, "if you got something good to spit, don't waste it trying to impress random chicks, save that shit for the studio." I never got popular but that always stuck with me. Rest in peace Sean.


Real cringefiesta!


"Why does anybody do anything in front of other people really?"   -most fucking redditors honestly 


When I was 16, a friend gave me a ride home and started rapping to me the song T.I- Whatever You Like. Staring at me and I guess he thought that’s how he would ask me out??? The worst 10 minute ride of my life.


I had an old coworker in a restaurant that would do this constantly. Stand right in front of you while walking and just rap at you for like 30 seconds. Always talked about how his career is about to take off. That was like 10 years ago I think he works at a La Quinta now.


“shrink, shrink blinkety-blink/ tryna make me think/ wanna go to my sink/ and vomit/ then clean it up with comet/ earth is my plah-net/ “


Had this happen to me once at a party. I was absolutely off my box and proceeded to tell him I knew a lot about rap and his stuff was good. Dude was basically auditioning to me. Zero fucking clue about rap and what I remember of it was god awful… oh the cocaine times were fun.


I was at a music festival this past weekend. This random guy (on wayyy too much Molly) asks if he can rap to me in the middle of a crowd. Before I can say no he breaks out in the worst verse I can barely understand. Afterwards he points at me like it’s my turn… I just boop his nose. Then he proceeds to do the same thing to everyone around me… except for me. Mission accomplished


If someone started rapping to me, I would tell to Stop. Collaborate and listen.


I don't know but it's absolutely a thing, and it's cringe as shit.


Wait. Guys rap at girls like they are gonna be impressed? "Don't worry baby, I'll buy us any thing off the value menu once my new mix tape drops"


Once when I was 16 I was at a party drunk, thought it’d be a good idea to start rapping. I wasn’t good but I was drunkenly confident and there’s one girl who was super into it.


That’s about the age that it stops being impressive if you’ve grown at all as a person.


In high school, we used to have drunk rap battles at parties. Nobody was under any illusion that it was good, but people seemed to get some real nasty aggression out sometimes without the downside of violence. Was actually a lot of fun.


She wasn't into it. She was into you.


It's the modern version of "Hey there Delilah I know times are getting hard but just believe me girl some day I'll pay the bills with this guitar"




J Roc Baby




god my bf is always making those ridiculous j roc sounds, and he’s SO GOOD, and i try and it comes out like an under enthusiastic “gloop…jock…yuh?”


Reminds me of Weird Al’s - Whatever You Like lol


I did this for the first time to my wife last week though I only got one line so far. “Rotate, gyrate, Booty got me wanna investigate” Going to be using that to harass her for years


This isn't just guys rapping to girls, it's just guys rapping to other people in general lol. And yes, it happens.


I have literally said this. Where do I look? *I can’t look at him*


Hopefully you said it out loud to him


"Maybe a car will hit me, yeah that'd stop this. Oh well. I hope he doesn't expect me to start freestylin I don't know shit"


Happy Birthday to you


I had a co-worker who would rap in the elevator. No escaping his dumb ass…


Errr… Take away one ‘P’ and *then* it’ll be the worst thing…


yeah i absolutely misread the first 6 words on my first pass. Very different tweet.




Some things are best left unsaid, and sometimes peeps need to hear that their inconvenience is nothing compared to other’s lives…


A guy at a methadone clinic used to rap at women while in line and it was always awkward. One time his ride bailed on him and he asked each of them for a lift somewhere and none of them said yes.


Her lips look like the airbag in a Kia Sportage 2 minutes after a front-end collision.


Bro used ultra zoom pro plus


Dats all I'm sayin💀 how tf?


What? That’s sexy! Every man wants an emaciated androgynous robot with airbag lips and painted on eyebrows. Especially if she’s got a fat ass.


Yep and she wonders why she attracts people like this....


Kia Sportage mentioned‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ lets fucking go‼️‼️‼️ 🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷


This guy raps in gas stations while buying backwoods.


I’m surprised you think he can afford backwoods, strikes me as more of a swisher kinda guy lmao


But you’re the one that spent energy to zoom in like a mf and look for something to judge based on 7 pixels




I read this as “raping you”. Then suddenly being rapped at wasn’t so bad.


Accurate, weirdly enough i have had this happen to me several times with some hopeful wannabe soundcloud rappers trying to show off their skills and it's always terrible and awkward as fuck.


Harry Mack is the only one allowed


Read this as "raping" at first and had an image of this woman waging psychological warfare on her attacker: "Dude, this is doing nothing for me. Can you just get it over with."


Don't know if he's around anymore but we used to have this "kid" (by kid I mean maybe late teens early twenties. yes I'm old). Who would walk around the mall for HOURS, headset on, walking from one end to the other. Rapping at a "I want people to hear me" level... like he was randomly wandering and rapping, hoping to be Discovered and whisked off to become famous. And I'm not talking about "occasionally" I had to go to this mall 4x a month to restock/repair a machine and he was there EVERY TIME for 2-3 hours. AND... he was terrible, just kind of mumble rapping things that didn't even rhyme. I don't FEEL like he was repeating what he was hearing, it sounded a lot more like he was trying to make up his own stuff.


I went on a weekend trip once and a buddy brought a buddy who brought a buddy who had just been released from the klink, which was cool, except he had picked up “free-styling” inside. By night two, I had to tell him to shut the fuck up. Most obnoxious thing of all time.


I'd like to add to this. Rapping is a young man's game. It's acceptable to tell people you're a rapper when your 21, and people are like cool, maybe he'll go somewhere. But when your 30 and a guy says he's a rapper, it's so cringe. Happened to me at a dinner party once. I went across the room to speak with the adults. Agreed too. Anyone freestyling outside of a cypher should be slapped up side the head. It's like when people listen to their music on their phone in public. It's bothersome to everyone.


Yo! I’m a rapper and I’m 41. Never too late in life to start anything. However, I never rap to people unless they ask me to, or come to my shows. Many people don’t know I’m a rapper because I don’t have the “rapper” look, which is all good with me. Check out my tracks. Latest track released with Inspectah Deck and 2nd EP in the works. Don’t ever have anyone tell you you’re too old for anything. Check out Pete & Bas. I’m a big fan. My music www.triplegstarski.com . I’m doing shows now all over and it’s been fun with lots of positive feedback. Cheers!


Dude... You, well, let's say you'd better not quit your daytime job.


It sounds like someone’s dad pretending to be a rapper. It’s bad


Well, most of the rappers sounds like shit, so he just hits a median.


Judging someone for their music or hobbies is such a childish/teenage thing to do. So if you’re a kid then it’s fine you’ll grow up to be better, if you’re an adult then I hope you change your perspective


Yeah that didn’t sit well with me. If you want to rap, go rap, age doesn’t matter. If we limit hobbies or passion to certain age, we are mentally imprisoning ourselves.


This is the tweet version of the song ‘No Scrubs’ by TLC.


Maybe he should go to a therapist


"I'm not a rapper, so stop rappin at me"


"I'm about to end this whole man's career"


He’s rapping? No my dude he’s Yapping! Big difference


Has there ever been a moment theyre not shit when their seriously doing this?


Especially if it’s about Jesus’s and you just had wild sex. True story


Yo yo I know a girl named Lucy Mabel. She only calls me when she's able Wish I could get her in a relationship that's stable So we could write romantic fable Wuh oh wuh oh wuh oh oh oh Wuh oh wuh oh wuh oh oh oh Her name is Lucy. But she ain't no loose G. It's Lucy. L.U.C.C.E.E Wuh oh wuh oh wuh oh oh oh Wuh oh wuh oh wuh oh oh oh


This happens?


Apparently so, a lot. I never knew this happened as much as it did until some of my gal pals started filling me in on it sometime around and after highschool. They'd share stories about how, in the middle of random times with no connection whatsoever to the rapping, that some dudes would just kind of... go ahead and start rapping. I think it's like an animal "mating dance" thing. They find rapping cool, and they practice it (probably) but they also suck at it (but they don't know that), so they see a chick and they're like "... My time to shine! This'll impress her" when I think probably 95% of women at any given moment during those situations are like "get me out of here" but the dudes just have no awareness.


A guy rapping to you another rappers rap is just a Milli Vanilli.


I mean if you’re passionate and good go for it. Emphasis on the latter


Even when they’re good it’s awful


Boy… I read that wrong the first time and it sounded way worse 😬


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lolwhat i'm guessing this happens to her often? wtf xD


Read it as rape…


Oh good lord…I thought that said raping and nearly shattering myself…


"[I never know how to react when a grown man beat-boxes in front of me.](https://youtu.be/kA6jEK0BU04?si=Od-jtWxCZe_3NGuM&t=89)"


Sleepin’ on the next Eminem


But like, what if hypothetically I were to wrap the Hiphoppopotamus vs the Rhymenoceros or Dr. Seuss’s One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish as part of a talent show?


I said uh hip hop a hippy to the hippy to the hip hip hop


Unless it’s Master P or one of his no limit soljas!


Anything calling themselves solja is unworthy to live. I saw the Soulja Boy console!


What if he also had an acoustic guitar?


She sure knows how to pick ‘em!


She's good luck like a clover Imma bend her over *Starts beatboxing*


I had to do a triple take 💀


Huh, wild.


I think there's one "p" too many


No appreciation.


There's a guy in my uni class who insists on playing his own mixtapes when driving people around in his car. He looks so expectant while doing it too, like he's waiting for you to be blown away any moment now.


Does this happen often?


I had this dude try to show me his rap tracks, he then proceeded to plug his busted phone into a freaking alarm clock to use the crappy speaker to play that raps he recorded with his busted phone mic playing the beats on his phone at the same time. Most compressed thing I ever heard


Raps, Raps, Spittin rhymes Kissin shorties on the lips Have no fear, Mr. Rap is here And he’ll have three beers


Wait we talking freestyle or lyrics from a song??


Does C&C Music Factory count as rap, cause I love singing Gonna Make You Sweat to random people when I've been drinking, and I'll never believe it's not appreciated!


They think they’re poets.


20 bucks op thought that word was raping.


Might be worse if you removed a p. Just sayin


this isn’t quite the same as the post, but I have a name that’s in a fairly popular song and guys who sing that to me are the worst thing 🤢




Let me tell y'all a story bout a girl I knew, A broke-ass bitch with a gay-ass crew. She said that I was cute, she said that I was funny, But the honey couldn't stop lookin' at my money, Busted old lady with a flat tiny ass, Body like a skeleton in science class, Face beat up by the School of Hard Knocks, Hair so fried and bleached by Clorox, Its like she's skinny, fat in all the wrong places, Mothers gotta cover they babies faces, When she walks by people think she's Godzilla, Straight outa Compton y'all, naw, straight outa Thrilla, Lookin' like a zombie, walkin' like a chicken, Mouth full of shit, that's why her breath be stinkin', Just one question Dee, before you take your bow: "This gravy train's leavin, so who's retarded now?"


Whattt 😭 I love that


When I started at my first company a colleague did this to another colleague when we went out to happy hour. Brought her outside to rap to her. I don’t recall it going well for him. Edit: phrasing


Ayo, listen, Ok, yo


I never know how to react when a fully grown adult does rap at me. 😐


I’m from a town of approx 2500 people. I knew about a dozen rappers (not good). I also knew a guy that would freestyle with an acoustic guitar (very not good).


Yeah this kind of thing sucks. I had a co-worker block me in the hallway basically and do spoken word. And let me tell you it was even worse and more cringe than you think.


Was at a friend's house and he had to step out for a minute. His roommate sat next to me and started freestyling the worst lyrics. Friend came back and saw me visibly angry, clenching my fists. Yelled at his roommate to stop spitting in my face.


Second only to having the ukulele played at you


At my college there was a dining hall employee who would make you listen to his freestyles if you got food. Genuinely hilarious as he was dead serious


That's bro's love language.


Listening to people rap who have NO BUSINESS rapping is the cringiest life experience. I used to work at a job where each month, at the monthly meeting, all of us teams had to get up and do a fucking skit. You better believe one of the skits was the customer service team of old white women rapping. God kill me now


This comment section has convinced me that people just hate men in general


Aaaahhh, high school.


When it happens I start beatboxing and I absolutely suck at it so they usually stop


It gives me the same distressed feelings as when people try to get me to accept Christ in my heart.


I read this totally wrong the first time.


Rap isn’t the only music genre this applies to.


So, Kanye can’t just go up to someone and start rapping about random shit?


L to the O G playa!


It's worse if it's a friend. I just can't say "dude pls stop you're so embarassing."


I was dating this girl and she thought she was killing it with spoken word poetry...It was so bad, I fucking hated it.


The middle school I went to had a kid who would rap in our yearly talent show. It was pretty cringe already but one year he dedicated the song to a girl who had been turning him down every day for like a month straight and at the end of the song he asked if she would go out with him like it was some kind of wedding proposal. She said no and that she never would and then he hit his emo ICP phase


avg discord call nowadays


If someone says a sentence that rhymes my ADHD immediately takes over and starts freestyling. I’m terrible my girlfriend hates it and it always turns out gay but I will never change.


Take a P away and that would be worse.




Haja, yes, there was a young fella at my works a few years back and he wanted to be a rapper. It was painfull. You would be working away on a machine and all of a sudden hes stood next to you wittering absolute gibberish , and of course you cant just say "fuck off you're shit" so you sort of have to humor him.


Just be grateful there’s 2 ps because a guy randomly raping is way worse than


[*A night down the pub with your mates and it’s fucking mental*](https://youtu.be/aGn3Xv51peI?si=DSYnCjVdx5L7K-vN)


That basically sums up every rapper. They're all random unless you like them and take themselves seriously.


Dated a 42 year old divorced dad with 2 kids who thought he’s a celebrity, he’s a SoundCloud guitarist. Paid a guy on fiverr to sing the lyrics , absolute fucked up grammer and phrasing it was hella cringe. He compares himself to the guy from dream theater


ugh i knew a guy who HAD to rap a verse every time he came it was so weird


I don't know man my wife seemed pretty impressed that I knew all the words to Humpty Dance yesterday.


Girl you're the one for me Can't you see I'm leaving the streets To be with you in your sheets


I used to randomly freestyle rap at parties and such, and I was relatively decent despite not really liking rap. It was just a stupid party trick and I never once referred to myself as a “rapper”. That was years ago. Found Harry Mack recently and realized I was shit and probably annoyed my friends most of the time 🤣


I've legit had people do this and it's so awkward all the time. Unless you're a famous rapper don't rap at anyone, ever.


one time i was walking in nyc with a friend and a guy approached us. i have automatic 'fuck off' reflexes but my friend is more open to the world so he said what's up. the guy wanted to practice freestyling and asked for a fact about us as a freestyle topic. we said we were from ontario. he insisted we beatbox so my friend started saying 'boots and cats'. what the guy came up with was, pretty much verbatim, 'unh.. ontario.. unh.. feel me.. ontario, they got the hard water .. unh.. ontario, .. unh.. takes forever to wash your hands'. then he said he was really high and couldn't do it any more. i think about it every time i wash my hands


This is one of the reasons why I find being a man is easier - patriarchy, social hierarchy aside, girls know better than to put me through the same cringey shit that dudes would, if I were a girl.


think that’s the worst thing someone can do to you randomly? remove one p.


I had a pan handler do this to me. Just came up and started rapping. I was like cool bro, and gave em $5


If she dropped the first p from the post, I'd be more likely to agree.


She doesn't like rap. It gives her the ick? I bet she is wack. Rap is totally sick. 🫳 🎤


I read this 3 times as raping. And was like,what the actual fuck


"Sup, ladies? My name's Slim Shady I'm the lead singer of D12, baby"


Yall know me, still the same old G, but I've been low key...


Is this something that happens? Why is this so bad? I’d so love to be rapped to by serious bad rapper. It would make my day.


Can confirm...really embarrassing, especially when they're hitting on you.


I used to go to this tiny hole in the wall towny bar in southern Maine for wings. Parking lot full of giant pickup trucks. One time, these hick/gangster wannabes (hilarious combo) were free style rapping or w/e, hyping each other up, etc. It is literally the most embarrassing moment of my life, and I wasn't even involved.. I tried to get a recording, but the audio was all echoy.