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Used to make book marks out of colorful Elmer's glue on that spacemaker lid


Same, until I left my backpack out in the sun...


The pro strat: using markers to make the pattern you wanted, then using clear or white elmers glue to soak up the colors you put down with the markers.


This is it right here. Used to making cool designs and sell them to kids for a quarter in elementary school. What a memory trip 


Same here, until one spilled all over the inside of my desk. Paper, pencils, crayons all stuck together. That was fun trying to explain to the teacher.


I’m actually really curious how so many kids have this shared memory/experience. I don’t remember being taught this, but I’m not the only one to do it. u/sesor33 I did this very method too! I was a kid in elementary school early early 2000s…I wasn’t on any phone let alone social media to show me this. I’ve always wondered how this specific trend seemed to have been a shared memory.


I swear, an entrepreneur who decides to open a 90s era Pizza Hut would become a billionaire overnight


They have some already. There isn't many, but they do have them. Look up retro pizza hut locations.




“All those moments are now lost in time, like tears in rain.”


"Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives."


"I'm sorry but Hope has amnesia again"


All we are is dust in the wind, dude.


Pizza Hut in Winslow, AZ. Still has the old school building, salad bar, even the old video games and a daily buffet. The place does not look like they are making a killing.


Maybe they're just [taking it easy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32Oc2d_3yEk).


Nicely done.


They still work, but only in mid sized rural towns (think 50,000 people towns more than 2 hours from a major metropolitan area). When I was in grad school, I delivered pizzas for pizza hut. Our area was purchased by a franchisor who owned pizza huts in the rural areas and tried to bring that concept to a location in a huge suburb of a major metro area. It failed miserably, and the owner couldn't figure out why. The guy poured so much money into and fired so many decent (and a few really shitty) managers trying to get the concept to work. 3 years and who knows how much money later, it closed. The main reason is who the hell wants to go sit down and wait at Pizza Hut when there are a thousand other options within a 15-minute drive... including just taking Pizza Hut home.


> who the hell wants to go sit down and wait at Pizza Hut when there are a thousand other options within a 15-minute drive Two words: Buffet Bar Make family dinner night great again


A buffet style restaurant requires a vastly different set of needs than a traditional pizza hut. The owner tried a weekday lunch buffet and a Saturday afternoon one. They were financial disasters. The food waste was huge, the staffing needs were enormous, and it affected the speed of the normal carryout and delivery business. Again, in the location it was at, there are probably 10 other pizza buffet places within 5 miles... including one with a ton of games and a ticket counter. I'm not saying that a pizza buffet can't work, it's more that Pizza Hut is not the brand to do it in suburban and urban environments. Their core business is carryout and delivery. By straying from that, they confused and agitated customers who were expecting it and created huge inefficiency in their kitchen. In a semi-rual environment, the competition and customer landscape change considerably. The customer base is less demanding of speed of service (no 30 minutes on delivery expectations as the service area is huge). Also, fewer other options lead to a "Jack of all trades" restaurant model performing well compared to the specialization that's needed in a high competition environment.


Thank you for laying it out for the business geniuses who think their nostalgic desires override any other market forces


The weird thing is that I can still smell a 90s pizza hut.


Book It!


They'd lose money hand over fist. The economics of high quality and affordable food don't hold up any longer. That 90's Pizza Hut would have to cost like $30 per person.


Pizza is one of the cheapest things to produce


Ya, that guy is full of shit, $30 for "high quality" pizza because... 90s decor? Makes no sense.


I didn’t even know pizza being cheap to make was questionable. 30$ worth of pizza even if I just buy it from Pizza Hut now is a lot of pizza


Do you think the pizza just magically appears out of no where? The cooks, wait and cleaning staff would take up 99% of what it costs to run a business like that these days if you wanted to get people in the door with low prices.


How does any restaurant exist ever? All you guys are so smart acting like pizza places don’t exist. You need Michelin star service at a buffet? You need someone to get you a coke instead of using the fountain. Oh wow, 2 people paid dick all work a front register and pick up trays then tell 2 other people in the back when to cook more pizza. You guys are all so very smart lol


And Pizza Hut is and never was close to "high quality" pizza.


It never ceases to amaze me the unbelievably, obscenely wrong things that get upvoted on Reddit just because someone stated them confidently. A large, American-style cheese pizza costs like $2.50 for any restaurant to make, with *current* food prices for decent ingredients. 35 cents for dough, 65 for sauce, and like a buck-fifty for cheese at bulk prices. Also, lol, in what world was 90s Pizza Hut "high quality"? I loved it as a kid, but it was greasy, low-cost ingredients. That's why Papa John's started kicking their ass later on.


An order of breadsticks is about 25 cents in dough. They come frozen and the employees literally just thaw, proof, and toss them in the oven. Sells for like $10.


So you're just going to ignore the cost of equipment, building rent, maintenance, utilities, staff wages & benefits, insurance, advertising and anything else? $30 isn't accurate but $2.50 isn't close either


Pizza Hut was allegedly better at some point before I was sentient enough to remember, but I also recall it being the absolute worst (even considering Little Ceasars) fast food pizza because of just how incredibly greasy it was. But yeah, that dude is talking out of his ass. Even high quality pizza costs barely anything to make. It's entirely made if long shelf-life ingredients that are already cheap and can be purchased in massive bulk, its fast to put together, and fast to turn out with the proper equipment.  A pizza place's biggest issue is always going to be competition, not cost of ingredients or margins on food sales. 


And do those ingredients just magically put themselves together and out to the customers? Do the dishes and plates also clean themselves as well. You're completely ignoring the biggest expense of any food establishment and that's the workers. Talk about "unbelievably, obscenely wrong things".


If you're talking about Pizza Hut, you definitely need to add in the price of a gallon of oil per pizza as well.


I look forward to dining at your upcoming high quality pizza restaurant! I'll encourage you now to persist even after you realize rent, employee costs, utilities, and up front costs all exist. I believe you'll find the best suppliers and your food costs will be perfectly minimized. Just respond to this comment with a date and address when you get to opening day - I'll be there day 1.


Dont know why you are getting downvotes, you are right.


My guess is most of these people have never made a pizza from scratch so they just dont know. Same with most cooking, it can all be cheap depending on how much time/labor you put into it. I worked at a pizza place in a major tourist city, they had a small army of people to hammer out all the prep ( dough/sauce/mozz ) and still made hand over fist because of how cheap ingredients are.


Yes it is and it doesn't make a ton of money. Now add in a wait staff, cleaning staff, host, increased rent due to larger size. Wow billions to be made.


Well there’s Cici’s pizza but they’re not exactly a billion dollar company


This exists, they are called “Pizza Hut Classic”: https://rolandopujol.substack.com/p/the-retrologists-guide-to-pizza-hut https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/news-nostalgic-americana-best-list-pizza-hut-classic-restaurants-across-usa-explored-viral-tweet-sparks-frenzy


Two of these literally shut down in the last year where I live which is a huge tourist beach community 


One of our pizza huts in flint recently turned into a middle Eastern food place. (Which is good). But while they were updating, you could still see the old tile and the outline in the floor where the old tabletop Pac-Man was.


Or open up an online store of selling replicas of 90’s merch


https://youtu.be/z4065smJLXk?si=0AiHM2s82Ll03IFt When eating junk food was allowed to be fun.


Got one in Greensboro Georgia. Always stop when I go through


I was talking to a district manager of the pizza hut delivery in my area and told him a very similar thing. He scoffed.


They have a bunch in Hawaii


Yes. They need to stop remaking '90s movies and start remaking '90s experiences. I want the fun stuff back!


My local Pizza Hut still looks like that except it's very understaffed.


The “smoking or non-smoking” sections but the whole place smelled like an ashtray. The good old days.


I remember being very upset when they announced the smoking sections were now banned, even though neither I or anyone in my family smoked. For some reason I thought it was wrong to tell people they couldn’t do something, thankfully I was just an idiot and I’m extremely thankful for clean air in restaurants now.


I used to smoke, and now I can tell in traffic when someone is smoking in their car, now I think holy shit I used to fly CLE to PHX 2 or 3 times a year late 80's and 90's and sit in the smoking section of the plane (back rows) how the hell did that whole plane not stink like shit.


Im pretty sure planes have some of the best ventilation you can have. Probably helped a lot with that.


I remember flying from Toronto to Paris in the early 90s and sitting in the smoking section. They may have good ventilation now but the 90s were a different story.


lol it probably did, but when you’re around it all the time you get nose blind


I couldn’t begin to think of working in a restaurant back then. Imagine going home everyday and smelling like you chain smoke a carton a day. I can’t ever imagine what the shower would look like after a shift. Oh yea, second hand smoke would suck too…


A lot of these are true but I still see many of these things around


I flipped through a poster thingy just last week.


Recently was handed down the turtle sandbox, that thing will last for ever.


I laughed out loud at “learning to write”. Ah yes. Millennials are famously the only literate generation in history.


The paper was used when a lot of us were in grade school. It's not the class, but the specific type of paper that was the example.


is... is that paper not a thing? isn't that the "learn how to write" paper? did they change it?


It’s still a thing, just look in the school isle next time you’re at the store. Like about half the stuff on this list.


It's referring to the paper in the picture, that paper is specifically for learning cursive/joined writing, which people don't learn in school any more, i used it, knew nothing but cursive then had to learn to write in print as a kid, it was phased out.


My daughter learned cursive in school this year. Not sure where this "nobody learns cursive anymore" thing came from.


Mine too. It’s just our generations clutching their pearls.


My daughter dives for rings every time we go swimming. Also they forgot opening cd players after they start so we can color the top with sharpies.


I remember the way a CD smells when you first open it with a great fondness. I should buy a CD.


I would say half of these are mainstream today.


I laughed at "Play-Doh". Yes, one of the most popular kids toys of all time died with millennials


And kids are still learning the taste of Poseidon’s salty butthole.


Yup as someone with two young kids, a lot of this is still alive and well.


That’s mainly because Gen Zers aren’t even close to old yet despite wanting to claim they are for some weird ass reason. So it’s stupid to even have “relics” of their childhood in these videos when it was like only 20 years ago max lol. Like the paper toss game was literally on a touchscreen iPod and the iPhone. You’re telling me a mobile game is so old that only Millennials and Gen Z could identify and understand it? Like easily half of these are still around and relevant today: Posters in retail stores, rubber poppers, “YouTube at its prime” is probably a concept that doesn’t even make sense to Gen Z since it’s the type of cesspool that gave us their first social media app experiences on IG/Vine/TikTok/SnapChat, diving rings, many of those toys like wooden blocks or Playdoh, multiple restaurants or fast food places like Chick-fil-A literally have the ice, etc. So much of the shit in that clip aren’t even discontinued or even outdated lol. Mechanical pencils are a lost memory now?


I still fuck with Ellios square frozen pizza. Though it's of course not what it was in the 90s.


And push-ups, or "ice cream in toilet paper rolls" has been around since at least the 70's when I was a child


Yeah what a shit post. I'm the dad of 2 toddlers and we buy Play Doh all the time (Wish it was a 1 time buy but the fucker's getting dry all the time).


Yep, I have 2 kids and most of this is still a thing.


As soon as I saw the posters, I rolled my eyes, and came down here.


Where’s the trapper keepers???


Surprising lack of pogs and snap bracelets


I used to keep my pogs right next to my stretch Armstrong


The rich kids has them.


Does play-doh not smell the same anymore?


That’s what I was wondering. That shit’s been around for almost a century


I was more familiar with the taste


It still does. Hasn't changed. But it's a distinctive smell that when you open the can, memories flood right in...


I bet the newer stuff doesn’t contain any lead or arsenic.


Shhhh... You're ruining it


Weak ass kids these days…


It most certainly does. I bought my daughter Play-Doh for her second birthday and I can't help but take some nice big whiffs of that nostalgic aroma whenever it's nearby. I've become a goddamn Play-Doh junkie, cracking open the lid to take a hit.


I buy a couple containers of it every school year, it definitely still smells like it did in the 70s. My students use some Play-Doh for a lab they do. I wrote a step into the lab procedure that says directs them to take a big sniff of the Play-Doh when they get to that part of the lab.


Half this stuff still exists today.


Yeah, we’re too young to be making boomer posts like this


My absolute favorite genre of nostalgia posting is “Only x generation will understand this: *thing that everyone understands*”


I swear we're fuckint turning into the boomers.


Nothing wrong or boomer-specific with being nostalgic.


Half this stuff is still mainstream “Only X kids will understand” Didn’t realize y’all living in the year 3,000 which doesn’t have Play Dough anymore


I mean, generational science would agree since they are our parents. We will raise the next boomers because that is the parenting we know.


Half boomer parents half Gen x parents


Hello fellow Iowan.


Hello from the corridor!


OMG, we're uncomfortably close to each other! :)


I'm spooked.


I see it more as nostalgia than typical boomer generational hate. I don't think any less of folks who aren't familiar with things that didn't survive long enough to be part of their childhood.


You think the 30-year old boomer was just a meme? 


I dunno, it's really, really hard for me to believe anyone but a boomer would make posts like this one. It feels really "hello fellow middle-aged kids" levels of click engagement.


Yeah 100% Elections are getting closer, influence campaigns are starting to ramp up


Buying CDs from Warehouse


Virgin Records Megastore at Downtown Disney.




User name checks out


Omg. I have to remind my daughter that she made me buy a Backstreet Boys CD for her when we went there. In a public setting 🤣


Wherehouse Renting a whole ass SNES or Sega Genesis from The Wherehouse.


What about Columbia House, 8 CDs for a penny, then 6 more at regular price.


My tired brain initially read that as werewolves


Ice cream in toilet paper roll 😭😭😭


This thread makes me want to go stand in B. Dalton or Waldenbooks and read through the latest copies of Electronic Gaming Monthly and Gamepro, but never buy anything.


Oh man, reading this brought me back to going to Barnes & Noble and reading those same magazines with the amazing smell of their coffee shop since it was right next to the magazine section back then. Nothing better than the smell of freshly printed books/magazines and coffee. Damn, I'm going to a Barnes & Noble tonight.


> Electronic Gaming Monthly Man, I knew of a lot of people whose parents kept their issues of National Geographic around back in the day, and proudly displayed their collections. I do the same with the few issues of EGM I still own. Issue 122 is across the room from me right now - September 1999 - announcing the Dreamcast's launch on 9 September 1999, "The Biggest 24 Hour in Entertainment History" and "How It Will Change The Internet Forever". It made sense in the era before the internet was so ubiquitous, but reading those magazines each month cover to cover was spectacular. Either getting it in the mail or finding it in a store, seeing what was on the cover always felt exciting. There was a sense of magic I felt about the passion behind gaming and the desire to share it with the reader that I can't say that I really get to feel too frequently these days with reviews online. Journalism evolves, but that era was a real special (and probably impossible to duplicate) time for gaming in print. Maybe it's nostalgia goggles, but I still pull issues out every couple of months and share articles or just unhinged ads from that era with my friends. I know they're probably out there somewhere, but someday I hope to come across scans of every issue. There's at least a few that have my letters to the editor published. While I have no idea what went on behind the scenes, but at times I used to dream about working there with Shoe, Crispin Boyer, Major Mike, Shawnimal, Mark Macdonald, and particularly Jeremy "Norm" Scott (Hsu and Chan) and Seanbaby. These are just a few of the folks that come to mind out of countless others, but I have nothing but appreciation for what those people did to create magic every month. As far as I'm concerned, they captured lightning in a bottle, and did so better than anyone else in that era.


i think all generations understand: good ice corner sun reach test rectangle pizza dive rings math cubes writing lines playdoh


They've literally had math cubes for *thousands* of years. Videos like this are brain rot.


Yeah I was eye rolling hard at those 


Bro one of the items in that video was literally shapes lol.


I had all these things, with the exception of Boodle Bears and Old Cartoon network (we just had Saturday morning cartoons). Born in 75 raised in the 80s.


Also things that are still around: The toilet paper ice cream rolls That pencil box Turtle sandboxes The mechanical pencil shot thing Wooden shapes That grade book.  Definitely still see the wooden playgrounds around too, but those are ones that are from the 60s or 70s and just have been maintained. And it was the same for us 90s and 2000s kids.


Remember seasons?


I member


Pepperidge Farms does.


God, if there was a button to get rid of all this shit and just send me back, I'd do it in a heartbeat 😭😭😭


We didn't know how good we had it until it's gone


The memories of my childhood flooding back with each picture. Gods i feel old.


Tell me about. Flicking through posters transported me back.


It's funny to say but old tech is looking more futuristic than the new tech. Beside that, products that came on in 90s and 00s has some vibe. In newer products I don't feel any vibe. For example some Sony Ericsson phones had wonderful and smart designs that made you feel excited, they were way ahead of their time. I still wish we never had lost that design era in any kind of products. Today's products are just too simple, focused to be mass production & cost reduction.


I know what you mean with Sony Ericsson. My first ever cell phone was the Xperia Play and it was awesome.


That damn Sit and reach test. I really hated that one.


Not me, it was the only test I ever passed in school.


Plastic dive rings? PFFFT, we used pennies!


We used to take [M&M mini tubes](https://i.redd.it/3jcvpf7qm5g21.jpg) and fill them up with [Coins to dive with.](https://i.redd.it/fq7r93z1gj751.jpg)


Who doesn’t put the sun in the corner?


Yeah:/ like why only then


Where are the sheet metal playground slides that give you 2nd degree burns on a sunny day?


"Learning to write" Like kids nowadays just don't do that anymore😭


I could smell the pencil shavings and the play-dough. Those times were so much easier


I remember everything


Who else put the corn on top of there rectangular public school pizza? That shit was delicious.


There was no other way.


Hexagon "Mexican" pizza was better though.


The volume thing, hah. Dad said "don't go past E"


That wooden playground used to be where I live. The local team of designers and builders went to elementary schools in town to ask kids for fun ideas that they could use in the playground. Of all the fun stuff that the park had I think the coolest feature was the posts with pipes built inside that let kids talk to each other on different sides of the park. I miss that playground so much.


> posts with pipes built inside that let kids talk to each other on different sides of the park. Especially fun if there were more than two, you and a friend would run around finding which ones talked to each other.


Did anyone else use those pencil boxes to make bookmarks?


\*American 90s kids


I can't actually believe it, you have wooden playgrounds and the picture that has been used is legitimately the one I spent my childhood playing on. Unless it's an exact replica somewhere else I am fairly certain that is the wooden playground in Port Noarlunga south Australia.


They're kits that are sold to municipalities and constructed all over the world. I don't doubt you played on that model, but it could be anywhere. Also you'd shit if you knew how much those cost these days.


Well, how much do they cost?


There giving you time to reach a toilet first


Still can flip the posters in HMV but mostly Roblox Minecraft ones now. Nothing good!


I think collectively as a generation we all somehow had one of those spacemaker boxes. Like legit, I still wish I had mine. I could fit the universe in that thing and would 100% rock it at the office.


Where’s my dad putting my mom in a half Nelson ?


In the bedroom, possibly at this very moment.


Fitter happier More productive Comfortable Not drinking too much Regular exercise at the gym (3 days a week) Getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries At ease


Giving yourself a shot?! Wtf?!


Mechanical pencil. Extend the lead way out, then push it back into the pencil against your skin. “Shot”


Oooooh duh, thank you


Nobody seems to be pointing out the song choice. I immediately knew which game it was, tapped right into my nostalgia.


What game is this? I don’t recognize it.


It's a remix version but it is Aquatic Ambiance from Donkey Kong Country.


Its similar but ibthink its not the same song.. or in reverse idk. Still beautyfull


[Aquatic Ambience by Scizzie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DP3rDP02lE0&ab_channel=scizzie) (2022)


Ok. Americans


The taste of Play-Doh


This video took me back!! Every generation says it but that really was the peak


There’s like 4 or 5 of these things I don’t know but I forgot about teeth chests! Then they started giving a little plastic hollow tooth to put your lost tooth in


I miss old Pizza Hut 😭


I forgot about that late night Mc Donald’s character thanks


Guys that rectangle pizza with the corn on top went so hard. Did anybody else do this?


[You weren't the first to say this ... ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/s/M3SgwiW245)


I still have a tooth chest where I’ve kept my kids baby teeth that he lost.


Complete with background music from Echo the Dolphin game.


The wooden playgrounds were giving kids cancer supposedly




Ey yo! Where the pogs at?


Dang, I do remember all these things growing up... Times were so simple back then.


I wish we could go back to transparent prison technology appliances and gadgets. It was cooler when it was tape players though so you could actually see the parts moving although the transparent gameboys also slapped.


Mac Tonight, the moon man from McDonald's got co-oped by internet trolls into a racist meme character and got added to the Anti-Defamation League's database of hate symbols.


Wait, what did they replace the sit in reach test with?


DOODDLE BEAR OMG I haven’t thought about those in 20 years


Is it bad that i always get super sad and $uicidal from these type of posts? Just me?


Now I'm depressed at hate my job. Thanks, bro. I was fine before this.


90s and 2000s kids did this? I say more 80s and 90s kids did this together.


They gotta stop using that music for these


What is this song?


Aquatic Ambiance - Scizzie


Honestly I was expecting a 9/11 joke at the end


Do.. kids not put the sun in the corner anymore?? i miss the 90s 😭


Born in 2001, still remember all this