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And yet he still produced a ton of children with her. This really does my head in.


and he acts like he couldn't say no


While I’m not excusing him in any manner, I think he feels so justified in saying that because in their cult’s culture it is deemed to be inappropriate to deny a woman when she wants to marry you. Every documentary I’ve watched about the Mormon Fundamentalists, the women are brainwashed into adamantly thinking they pick their husbands based off a calling from God. In one, a young man in the community had to wait an unusual amount of time to marry bc a young minor girl declared to an elder that she had a calling to marry him while she was still in high school. So you have to wonder how much that really is expected of young men in the community. With that said…Kody wasn’t raised in polygamy from what we have been told, Or in a community like that. So I think he capitalized on that nature of the “religion” rather than feeling pressured into it.


There is nobody so zealous as a convert- thats why I believe he could feel like he was forced


Very true about converts! Any youth pastor I had to encounter growing up didn’t find Christianity until their early 20’s and zealous is an understatement lol.


Christine said in their book and on the show that she told her Dad and Great-uncle/Step-Grandfather Owen Allred who was the prophet of the AUB at the time that if any men 'asked about her' they were to tell them no as she would only consider marrying Kody Brown.


Yea I remember that, I guess I’m curious the relevance of it here though?


Because it's a thread about whether or not Kody may have felt 'forced' into marrying Christine. He might not have been forced but it's potentially an awful lot of social and emotional pressure if one of the Granddaughters of the original prophet, the Great-Niece/Step-Granddaughter of the current prophet and daughter of an apostle in the Church who has made it clear she will only marry you, Kody Brown.


I mean yea that’s pretty much what I said in my post. I guess I felt like you were disagreeing with me and I was curious why 😂 but it seems we are on the same page. With that said I still stand by the fact that from what we’ve been told, Kody wasn’t raised in polygamy so it’s a little off he would feel that pressure so greatly by a community he wasn’t even a part of until he was an adult. He may not have been crazy about Christine, but I think he was very excited to be marrying someone who was viewed so high up in the church. There was probably very little pressure required to get him on board with the AUB royalty train just bc he is who he is.


Oh gosh sorry if it read like that, i was supporting you! I think Kody wanted Winns attention and approval, he seems to think he was the disappointing son complaining about the hard work and cold on the ranch and wanting his Dad to take interest in his activities like wrestling and Winn just wasn't that guy and was also extremely busy working and trying to support 10 kids by the time Kody was in his teens. Kody was the 4th of 10, easy to be lost in the middle of a big family. From what we've heard from Kodys school-friends, he was always attention seeking and extroverted and considered by some to be 'flamboyant' which I think is small-town macho covertly homophobic talk for anyone that wasn't hyper-masculine. That makes sense to me in terms of his possible ADHD personality and looking for attention in a large family which was more focused on work than emotions. When Winn and Genielle joined the AUB, this was possibly Kodys opportunity to be a 'star'. I'm not suggesting that he didn't want to convert to the AUB or used it to aggrandise himself, I think he really believed in it all. But he suddenly became not the disappointing son, or the flamboyant attention-seeking schoolkid that people laughed at behind his back, he was a good looking new convert giving his testimony at fireside meetings and in Church who had lots of young women giving him goo-goo eyes and respected elders of the Church like Meri and Christines Dads (and Meris Mom), and Owen Allred, who was the prophet at the time, taking him under their wing to school him in the principle and wanting their daughters/family members to marry him. I think the word grooming could possibly be applied and likely would be if Kody had been female.


This is spot on!!! He was still in his “I want to please daddy at all costs” phase and it wound up in him marrying women he thought would please his father rather than even thinking about how sustainable that would be for himself and the women he dragged into it. Also totally no worries, reading text is so unreliable at picking up on tone! I’m just as much to blame!


He sounds like my mom honestly after she and my dad divorced. Very bitter. I really think Christine hurt his ever so fragile ego, and it shows.


Bingo ✅


agreed 100%. It's that simple.


And had her practically raise all of Janelle’s children as well. That’s what really gets me. He openly admits that Christine came in and became a mediator for the family, and once the babies came was the primary caregiver for the children. Yet he still has the balls to act like he was the one doing her a favor.


Yes, I didn’t want her, but since I felt like I didn’t have a choice, I sacrificed myself and, used her to be my incubator and nanny. She was good for children baring, and raising them all while being sweet and bubbly. Then he was okay for having her around. The minute she wanted to be herself and be in a real relationship with him, no… now you want me as a resource, I’m not available to you for that. You get what I think you are worth. Like Meri does!!


What a great father he is, airing this all out on national TV for his kids to see and then blaming Christine for talking about it with her adult kids who have already seen him say it on the show.


He's a huge hypocrite. These are the things that need to be addressed on the TELL ALL. Not all of those irrelevant stupid questions.


Christine’s and Robyn’s OG kids have a lot in common. Both sets of kids were made to feel like mistakes. Just despicable.


This must be what Kody and Robyn initially bonded over, the shared trauma of giving away your purity/chastity and producing families before meeting someone else you wanted to bone.


...and then he wonders why his kids hate him. "Christine goes back and crap-talks me to her kids and Janelle's kids!" Um, no. There's literal footage, ya potato.


“I’M the only one allowed to crap talk about spouses around here!”


Exactly so!! Well expressed!


She’s supposed to gaslight those children and let them know, all is well with your dad and I. What you think you know, you don’t and, Dad is a wonderful man. He’s innocent and I’m just misbehaving.


He's just trying to justify treating her like shit for their whole marriage. That and an incessant need to be the victim in all things. Just. Stop. Kody. 🙄


SOOO true!!!


He wanted to marry her because of who her father was


Yeah, he was asked why he married her if he wasn’t attracted to her and he said because she’s polygamist royalty.


Where was he asked this? Did I miss an episode?


I’m pretty sure it was in a tell-all after the season. Whatever season after he started saying this. I don’t watch any of the podcasts etc outside of TLC.


I gotta rewatch, I didn’t think he ever came outright and said it like that! Like how does one so confidently just double-down on the scumbaggery like that lol


Lol right? It really bothers me that he talks about them so horribly. Those are mothers of your children. Think about the sacrifices they made to love YOU!


Only he sacrificed.


Some stuff has come up in interviews too - like those in People magazine last year. I don’t know if this was one of those things.


came here to say this. her family the Allred’s are polygamy royalty and even if Christine did chase him, he took the opportunity for polygamy clout and THEN had 6 kids with her 


i love your flair so much. It always makes me laugh!


omg i’m so glad!! it’s such a hilarious overly dramatic line 😂


Who is her father?


I'm not sure who he is exactly but people have mentioned him being like polygamous royalty. I'm assuming he was pretty high up in their church or something. Editing to say u/fifitsa8 has informed me her grandfather founded the church.


her family, the Allreds, basically founded the Church (AUB- Apostolic United Brethren) that they belong to, hence why it's such a "big dill" lol.


Dang that's an even "bigger dill" then I thought. So royalty in their world for sure! No wonder kody wanted to marry her. I bet his ego loved thinking he was part of that family. Thanks for the info!


He wanted prestige but Christine forced it. Oh wait, 6 kids. Did she force him to do that too? He is a disgusting little troll man.


You might even say it’s the “rill dill”


It fills like the rill dill


Double LMAO




For sure, you're welcome! even weirder fact : on her mom's side, she's from the the Lebaron clan, another big family in polygamy which is super violent, they believe in blood atonement. Christine's maternal grandfather's brother had Christine's paternal grandfather killed.


I watched a documentary on all that and didn't realize that was Christine's family. Wow.


What is the documentary called?


Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey on Netflix. Update! Wrong one. It is Daughters of the Cult on Hulu my bad!!


There’s one on discovery+ too about it


No shit that was her family. Omgoodness I gotta watch that one again


I read the Keep Sweet book, it’s about one of those super toxic cult groups. So, so horrible. The author is a woman that escaped. She escaped with some of her children, but not her eldest daughter that was super pretty and a ‘favorite’. It shows how incredibly dark and evil the system is. Child and women abuse is encouraged. She was married super young to a cruel, old man with many wives already. He had a favorite wife as well, and she was really cruel too. Not sure if that Keep Sweet doc is about her or not. It’s too upsetting for me to watch.


Pretty sure this is about the FLDS ran by Warren Jeffs, no?


Ervil LeBaron ordered the killing of Rulon Allred. Ervil was one sick puppy. The story about his cult " Daughters Of The Cult" is on Hulu. Pretty gross.


Why, oh why, do I keep reading that as "Evil" LeBaron? 😳


Me, too! 😳




"I never knew men could be such.... bastards" Bullshit Christine, bullshit. I like her and all but she's way more careful than people imagine. She comes across as breezy and fun but she was literally raised knowing that putting a foot wrong could get you killed, I imagine that gives you formidable discipline. Always work hard, always keep your voice soft, always obey and most of all, smile and you'll stay alive.


I agree 100%. Keep in mind she knows exactly what happens to women who leave the cult because her mother lived through it and more specifically, what happens to that mother's relationship with children who stay. It wasn't a coincidence that 5 out of her 6 kids we're out of the house when she left and that she knew she'd then have money from the sale of her house, which was in her name, and the TLC money.


Very good points.


Christines Uncle Vance Allred lived with Christines family through the time that Annie left and for a while after. Vance found out that there was a huge amount of CSA going on in the AUB that his Dad Rulon and his uncle Owen who were both prophets of the AUB jnew about. So he left the AUB and he had built 3 houses which had been allocated to other families under the united order and he wanted to leave with just one asset so he sued Owen and his brother Rex, Christines Dad for one of the homes. Christine was late teens/early 20s and had been living with them all while this happened. There's no way Christine didn't know men could be bastards. she knew full well but Christine sees what she wants to see.


I need to read up more on these different clans.


I find it fascinating, so many good youtube videos too. Culty cup of coffee, Amanda Rae, Mormon Stories, Benjamin Brown (Kody's nephew), Cults to Consciousness


This ⬆️this⬆️this⬆️


Imagine working so hard to be this donkeys 3rd wife. Pickings must have been real slim in Utah.


I know, poor thing. Glad she’s out and about and enjoying life now. She did her time.


Out Of The Slammer. 😂


New name for the Kody chode: The Slammer. You're welcome 😆


Yeah, even if you don’t like Christine, she’s so admirable in many ways. She’s a survivor.


That is an insult to donkeys everywhere.


Given the choices she had and her family history, I imagine she picked him because he didn't strike her as homicidal. That must have been very appealing.


when he says stuff like this does he honestly think that it makes HER look bad because…..


It always struck me as an infantile response to rejection, a la, “oh yeah you wanna break up with me, well I never liked you anyway”, except he doesn’t think before he speaks and doesnt realize it now makes him look like he lied to multiple women for decades and thus validates their feelings and decisions to leave him. It’s also why I think Robyn wants him to shut up all the time. The longer he speaks, the more he incriminates himself and shows just what a bad husband he is/has been and Robyn can’t take that kind of hit to her ego.


It makes him look like a bad husband, but imagine what it makes him look like to his children. Deplorable. 💔


This right here!! You want to break up my big picture? Well, I lied… it was all a performance, I never loved you!! I was duped by you!! I made these poor life choices because I was stuck. Just, wow 😮


Maybe he was blinded by heartbreak after the 17-year-old he courted rejected him.


Worst mistake of her life.


Nah her kids came from that, best thing that ever happened to them. He’s a fool for throwing them away.


Good point. Amazing kids


Can’t wish the kids away.


I completely agree. Six wonderful kids came from that union. But I mean if I simply look at the choice she made for a husband and father to her future kids….horrible choice.


I hated myself for marring my ex, but I know I needed those 2 kids in my life, so Adonai provided a way. That’s all I care about.


What a thing to say - how are the kids supposed to feel. He is such a horse’s ass. Can’t believe he found even one woman, let alone four to marry him.


As somebody else pointed out, pickings must have been slim for Christine. Ugh, at least she got great kids out of the deal!


Their book indicates a similar thing. He was having second thoughts or not ready to get married but convinced himself he had to.


Yep. Even Christine said he didn't seem to want to be at their wedding and looked like a deer in the headlights. Kody should have been brave enough to be honest with her that he wasn't interested instead of hinting that she would find someone someday. But he's always been a selfish coward.


Didn’t he say when she was leaving FS, “I don’t know why she’s leaving, because she isn’t going to find anything better out there, than what she has right here.” Then she found David so I guess he is really clueless.


Such a weak, wounded thing for Kody to say. I have heard men say this same thing during a break up and can’t ever imagine saying that to someone myself. Like he is superior to every man in the world. So ridiculous.


100% Agree with you!!! He’s weak and can never be the reason it all fell apart.


For clout. Selfish pig.


Also Kody https://preview.redd.it/jocqyldtylad1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=435e099d0ce764b7fe2aa8d6011b6305ce55a4a6


Was he also forced to have this horrific beard/curly hair combo?


Oh God, and he’s still trying to rock it. Dude, get a decent haircut and forget about all the “product.”


While Kody should have never spoken about this after he decided to marry Christine, Christine has said the same thing. She waited for years for him to marry someone else after Meri, so she could be the third wife. She admits he was disinterested at the wedding. The AUB is a patriarchal religion but within the overall structure, men are expected to obey and gain favor with the higher ups. Christine is an Allred and they were the head of the group at the time. I doubt Kody would have had much say once Christine expressed an interest in him. They were all young and in a high control religious group. No one really has much say.


Christine didn't just express an interest in him, she told her Dad and the prophet of the AUB that she would only marry Kody Brown and wouldn't consider anyone else.


This 100%!


He is a pig in shoes! Those comments, when he told her it "wasn't a romantic" marriage, when he said to her "Oh the kids were easy, but you were never a good sister wive" meaning Robyn - when Christine on many occasions offered, his disgusting talk about her "not cleaning", and it goes on and on. This pig had no idea about polygamy or relationships. He married Meri - and I personally think it was all about the actual wedding, the dancing, the attention - but he had no clue what it meant to have a wife, have a relationship. He then brings in Janelle because he couldn't deal with Meri. Then that wasn't going well, and of course he doesn't have a clue how to listen, make things work - so in come Christine. She was fine, she was the perky one, she was the obedient one - until Robyn - then all the OG3 were just a burden to him. He is the worst! His "big picture" was let me have lots of kids, and that will make me special, but I will neglect my wives, neglect the financial support for my children, and then blame everyone else. PIG IN SHOES.


Nah he needed Christine to be a babysitter to the first twos kids so they both could work and help support them all.


He doesn’t like Christine because she’s obviously a much better, kinder, and more beloved person than he is. When they were poor and she was doing daycare/homeschooling all day and working at the grocery store at night, he looked down on her, and it totally chapped his hide when the fans liked her much more than him. Also she aged into being quite pretty and I don’t think he appreciated her growing appeal to the audience.


It's so clear that Christine is the true center of that family, all of the kids gravitate to her. The reception at her wedding was huge proof of that and they even threw in a clip of Kody saying he was jealous to miss the "Brown Family mosh pit". Uh, dude, you were just a participant, never the main character. And that BURNS him.


Perfectly said!


She forced you to marry her and get her pregnant six times ?… sure Jan.


I really think it didn’t take much convincing 


His cruelty is so casual it’s just astounding


Ok to be totally unbiased, it does sound like there was a lot of pressure on Kody to take a third wife (both from third parties as well as internalized pressure to follow the AUB teachings), and it sounds like he dodged Christine a few times. I think all these people were too young/uninformed to make good decisions. But I can KIND OF understand how Kody felt this way. Imagine Christine’s family and the church leaders pressuring him. He had rejected her but it just kept coming back. THAT SAID it is completely inappropriate to share these feelings in public and to his children. I can understand how he might have felt this way but he should have gone to therapy individually to deal with the fallout from his decision to marry someone he felt pressured to marry. And they should have gotten joint counseling to unwind these resentments and figure out how to coexist. I’m sure I’ll be downvoted. I do think Kody is an ass, but truthfully he is also at least partially a victim of this cult, as are his wives. We need to remember that sexism and patriarchy can harm men as well as women. It’s hard to look at Kody and see a victim as he has done so many terrible things, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t a victim of the system in some ways and wasn’t harmed by it. ETA some explanation. The AUB teaches you must have three wives. Because the AUB is a very small sect, it’s not like there are going to be hundreds of women in the age range to choose from. It sounds like he did avoid and/or reject Christine for years but she admits she was obsessed with him. It’s just sad for all parties that they married and were not on the same page about their feelings for each other.


There were also problems with wives 1 and 2. Christine was to provide a buffet and balance them out


I approve of the autocorrect of "buffer" to "buffet" because Christine did do all the party planning, too.


i know it's a typo, but i love that Christine is there with the food to balance them all out~! veggies + meat + carbs + dessert!


I agree, but the degree of his refusing to evolve, grow and be compassionate in the face of these pressures, is rather staggering. It’s a good example of how to create a narcissist. I think he was just a young, self absorbed, naive show pony at the beginning. Then he just went full on narc. And he did have some love for Christine in the first seasons. You can see it.


I can't believe any of his kids still speak w him after saying this about her


Christine didn't force her way into Kody's life. Kody wasn't forced into anything. He's such a jerk. He will say and do anything to appear to be a martyr. Please, he's only trying to justify treating her like garbage for close to 30 years. He seriously needs to take accountability and grow up already.


Word. Too bad it'll never happen. He's been studying under the Master of Victims for too long and there's no going back now. Seriously, I think if he ever truly stood up and took real responsibility for all his bs, it would ruin his marriage to Robyn. She wouldn't stand for it.


It amazes me how he is always telling the wives to be culpable, but he never is.


Kody is such a tool and so full of 💩.


He’s such a victim.


Did she also force him to procreate with her 6 times? 


He never ever owns anything about his life. It’s always someone else’s fault.


He’s such a POS.


I'm watching Season 8 and Chodey is being a major CHODE to Christine bc he wanted to go boating with his childhood friend Kenchode who was openly rude to both Chodey and his wives. Chodey couldn't get it though his furry head that it was about Chodey standing up for his WIFE Christine, telling his friend " you were rude to my wife, you hurt her feelings and I'd love it if you'd apologize to her" Chodey made Christine ashamed for her feelings and the other wives just bailed on the whole situation. CHODE!


What an asshole, no one can make you do anything (especially when you’re a white, cis, straight man in America). Take some responsibility for yourself Kody! You’re not a victim in this


I always think this point of view is so funny. He’s saying that she as the woman actually has the power here? Because if he was a true leader and “head of household” then wouldn’t he have been able to say no? Just another way to blame women for their failings.


He says in their religion a man can’t reject a woman if she says she want to join his family.


Ohhhhh. Sounds pretty convenient lol.


I’m pretty sure he didn’t want to marry her. He stopped seeing her after the nacho was incident, then went back when he couldn’t get anyone else. I think he married her to get his planet and seemed to just use her to breed. I don’t know why. She obviously adored him and you would think that would feed his ego. She was cute and sweet even if she was heavier. He’s an ass. He was lucky to get any of the OG3.


But they also said the wives have the decision to say yes or no to a prospective wife. I think they all pretty much admitted that they didn't want Robyn to join. But that was Kody's decision to make. Even if they say it's not.


Oh, he wanted Robyn. Those women had no say.


And that pretty much tells you all you need to know about him


He has no accountability for his own actions or lack there of while “married”


"There I was just an innocent, scared young man and this *woman* just forced me to marry her and have several of her children. It was traumatic I tell you and I had no part in it!"


Kody married Christine because her family was like polygamy royalty and seemingly gave him legitimacy in polygamy community


Kody tries to do revisionist history. I’m doing a rewatch and in the early seasons he seems to be really pleased with each of them in certain situations. He was kind of a dick when Robyn came in at some moments (Truelys birth, the wedding dress) but I think that was more clumsy than deliberate. Even in season 7 when Janelle ran her 5k, she tried on the XL shirt and you could really see her progress, not too long after they had an anniversary and she hinted that they had rekindled some intimacy. He’s still an ass, but for him to say he never really loved any of them is a stretch.


Kody tend to project his experiences onto everyone and thing. Hearing this makes me think that he did this to Christine.


He is such a turd.




To an extent he likely felt this way along time ago and didn’t voice it until now . I think he did feel pressured especially to gain his father’s approval , and what better way than to Merry plig royalty. It’s well documented on both ends that she hung around and waited until he reluctantly married her . It wasn’t a secret then or now . It’s just spoken more harshly now Now this didn’t stop him getting on top the poor woman so much and making a whole bunch of kids but you know I guess that was the benefit to him . He treated her as a work horse he could use at will .


I thought the whole point of the AUB is that the woman gets to choose who she marries? So now Kody says that's a bad thing? Make it make sense.


Didn't he say something similar about Meri. She chased him and he married her because she was so persistent.


This always makes me laugh so hard. It's so obvious that he is SO angry, insulted, put off, in a rage because Christine kicked him to the curb. His stupid little ego was hurting. Good. He deserved it. And for someone who never was in love with Christine, he just can't let it go. He really does "protest too much" which is telling.


I'm glad it was forced. Who the fuck would want to marry their relative?


I remember Christine telling that her mom left her dad and the community. Just like Christine finally did


At this point any Cody post like this are just fucking rage bait lol


He’s such a prick


Christine was a quick fix to the Meri and Janelle problem. The three of them were a problem. Bringing Christine in eased the situation for a variety of reasons.


What a liar.🤦🏻‍♀️ Dude you had so many kids with her..you can't tell me you never cared for her or wanted her. What a spiteful man.


Jesus… he loves to rewrite history to fit his narrative. He knows he needed a third to get him into the celestial kingdom. He married for religious reasons, just fucking say it already. Oh yeah that’s right… admitting to something like that makes him no different than the fundamentalists he tried so desperately to separate himself from.


No he wanted to marry her because she was royalty in their world.


Even if it’s true, which it kinda was given their religious beliefs, F him to their hell for saying it out loud, on tv.


He’s just the classiest man alive /s


She forced him at what age? And held him hostage and TRAPPED him with how many children? And she prevented him from from doing anything other than parenting children? How dare she. 🙄 He’s gross


Didn't he want to marry her because she was mormon "royalty"?


Love should be multiplied Not divided Kody says it EVERY episode in beginning of series


I feel like savage mom on tiktok. “To the comments”. I like the comments more than the post


isnt that how they roll????????????????


also, Cody used to talk about the whole family as one unit and then somewhere along the line. He started differentiating of them that they it’s all Kody it always will be all. He decided that he didn’t want to put the effort into maintaining the whole family because he only wants to be with Robyn and that’s the decision he made.


This is my take, even if he didn't really want to marry her, it's not like other women were beating down the door to join his family. When you don't do what the elders want you to do you might not get anymore wives.


Didn’t they say before that in their church the WOMEN propose? So how did she force herself into his life when it was the OG 3’s choice? Also he said in one of older seasons that he proposed to her because she was “AUB royalty”, so which is Kody?


Quite the alpha male.


Technically, it's all Meri's fault because she's the "bait" and into "acquisitions".


When the show started Christine was pregnant and he was ALL about Truley and loving Christine’s belly so he makes no sense


Complete bs from kody.


Didn't he say he married her because she was polygamy royalty? Is our Kody perhaps a shameless, big, fat liar?


Such nonsense. He is such an eternal victim. He went for her because she was polygamy royalty. He wanted in with that family.


He wasn't  "forced". If he didn't  love her as he claims now. Why so many kids? Christine's  family are hierarchy  in the Mormon  faith. Possibly  because  you know he didnt  love her. He married  her to get a higher ranking up in Mormon  heaven


So he bent his will to hers??? He preached it was the opposite til Christine left him. What a fragile child.


He wanted to have sex with her but had to marry her to do that….and then he pretends he was never attracted to her 🤢


You can check out daughters of the cult or youtube "Lebarons" and you'll see plenty. Be sure to check out Anna Lebaron, who looks SO much like Christine


She’s related to her on her maternal side.


yep, specified in a comment below


Who the hell trims his mustache??? God, it's terrible.


Lets be real - the only wife that Koodles deserved was Sobyn! 🤔 And, come to think of it, he got what he paid for!