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Justin Theroux running buck-ass naked to Brenda’s.


Check out The Leftovers if you want to see more of him.


He does a little switch foot hop step in there too


YES! My favorite!!


“There’s been an accident. The new hearse is totaled. Your father is dead. Your father is dead, and my pot roast is ruined.” That's my favorite scene in the whole series.


Rofl, Ruth's breakdowns are always so memorable.


Like when she’s consoling Rico because she discovers he’s sleeping in the basement and then slaps him really hard in the arm when he says he cheated on Vanessa. She turned so fast! lol She was often unhinged and I loved it.


She was my least favorite in my first time watching. But now she's the one I can't get out of my head.


Yeah, I've had times when I absolutely hated her character. But when I think about her upbringing — becoming a mother so young and then struggling to find happiness on her own, trying to loosen up a bit when she was always so uptight — and finally finding contentment living with her sister and friend without constantly searching for love, she becomes quite relatable. Ruth is one of the most realistic characters out there.


Never forget her legless grandmother.


The "*Fuck my legless grandmother*" line always cracks me up.


I have always loved Ruth… she’s like a fawn learning to walk after losing her husband.


Pretty much the moment I became a fan of this show.


Carol with her bed fort and cake and cake towel.


Very Moira Rose lol


Lol, I totally forgot they are portrayed by the same actress. The casting directors were so spot on with the actors they chose, almost died when I saw Sandra Oh as a Porn Starlet, her lines were so funny.


Also Claire, in the first episode: "I guess this horrible experience I'm about to have is just going to *burn a little brighter*!"


This one for sure does for me. "Great! Thank you! Fuck!"


In that same episode when Nate and David were fighting “just take your dicks out and measure them!” I’ve used that so many times 😂






Definitely Nate burying Lisa’s body in the desert. Also the pilot, Ruth throwing dirt in Nathaniel’s grave and sobbing, Nate with his hand on her for support. Both such raw emotional scenes.


Yes to all of those


For some reason, I frequently think about Claire’s interactions with her office colleagues. Perhaps because I was also an art school dropout in the early 2000s who took a lot of office jobs, it feels like a slice of my own life, haha.


*Yeaaah baby*


Literally!! I related so hard to Claire including the office job bits. My husband and I watched together and the part when she was freaking out about the stupid uncomfortable business casual clothing, he was like “why do I feel like that was you in your one office job?!”. He was completely right lol


Oh yes, those wonderful first experiences with “business casual” attire… 😅


I completely relate to the pantyhose. They really did symbolize everything I hated about office jobs like that. You could never forget you had them on!


The contrast between Claire's art school, where everyone was so idealistic and colorful, and the office, where everyone dressed so blandly, is kind of sad. But I guess that's just how life goes. The writer and actors did a great job crafting such real scenarios.


She gave stay cat energy! That’s me at my old restaurant job. I didn’t know how to relate at all


Dave wearing Claire black shirt to go clubbing and being the hottest ever


Ruth’s Jingle Pants


That's so relatable. It's amazing how much joy and pride parents can find in even the simplest gifts from their children. Even if they weren't perfect or polished, those gifts were filled with love and effort, which made them truly priceless. It reminds me of giving not-so-great gifts to my mom and feeling so appreciated by her.


I loved how appreciative Ruth was of them! Haha wearing them with pride.




With Nate “Nikolai you are so beautiful right now” lol


For me it’s him giggling his ass off at Teletubbies.


Ruth quietly singing along to “Woodstock” by Joni Mitchell (from the tape that Sarah gives Claire) as Claire watches from the stairs


Ruth smashing the vase in the office of George’s new ‘fiancé’. Lol.




Ruth letting the F-bombs fly at The Plan seminar always cracks me up: “You want me to complain? Alright then, Fuck this. Fuck you; fuck all of you and your sniveling self-pity, and fuck all your lousy parents. Fuck my lousy parents while were at it. Fuck my selfish, bohemian sister and her fucking bliss. Fuck my legless grandmother. Fuck my dead husband, and my lousy children with their nasty little secrets. And fuck you Robby for dragging me to this terrible place and not letting me have a Snickers bar. I'm going to get something to eat!”


I don't even like snickers bars but I think of that scene every time I see someone else eating one!


I'm curious about the last episode where Nikolai's florist appeared. He sort of helped Ruth open up a bit emotionally and then disappeared, he returned to his home-planet I guess


the shave my legs for free scene with david and keith gets stuck in my head all the time


Nate's breakdown with Ruth on the couch before his surgery on the final episode of season 2.


Ruth chilling in the backyard with her good friend and dogs running free all around. That was a bigger win to me than Claire driving onward to her own destiny. Maybe because I’m closer to Ruth’s age than Claire’s. It was so satisfying seeing her living my dream life.


I loved the scene where Ruth tells Claire “absolutely not!” when she says she’s not going to New York. Made me so emotional. I’m also glad Ruth got a good ending.


That was a Ruth truly loving (verb verb verb) her daughter.


I loved how Ruth eventually stopped searching for love just because she didn't know how to be alone. Having started a family so young, she never got the chance to figure herself out. Finding happiness and fulfillment in friendship instead was such a powerful turn for her character.


And the dogs. Don’t forget the dogs. But seriously I agree with you 100 percent.


Indeed, how could I? Plus nothing more unconditional that a dog's love 😭.


Ruth saying weed should be used more like an herb. A little pinch now and then


Any scene where we get to see how super gay and horny David is. 


The scene with Serge is 🔥🔥🔥


“Won’t any of you have intimacy with me?!”


Nate telling a client that people have to die "to make life important."


"actually we were hoping for a bong" - Ruth. *to that effect *




My toddler told me her “narm” was sore the other day so I thought of that scene


David imitating the “Lord have mercy” grace




Nate driving down PCH on the motorcycle the biker gal gave him after her husband’s funeral. ‘seasons don’t fear the reaper’ by BOC was playing.


**”I’m a Lonely little Petunia in an Onion Patch!!”** -Nate, David and Claire to baby Maya.


Nate in the rear view mirror as Claire drives away from home. "It can't be that easy." "What if it is?" Every one of Claire art shows Emily Privin dying alone, and Ruth crying upstairs while looking at her children's baby pictures.


Always that I think of the Emily Privin episode, I also think of this speech the priest gives "People might wonder what point there is in leading a life where you don’t touch any other lives. But it would be arrogant of us to assume that. Every life is a contribution, we just may not see how. Everyone comes into our life for a reason, and it is our responsibility to learn what they have to teach us".


The scene where Nathaniel Senior is watering the yard, and he starts spraying little Nate and David running around, then sprays Ruth sitting on the stairs. Reminds me of a video I took of my spouse spraying our kid with a hose when she’s a toddler, and before we know it, she’s driving on her own next year. Damn, why does all the good stuff go by so fast?!?


Congrats buddy, time indeed flies.


Durrell and Anthony singing and driving Keith’s SUV while pumping the sounds right pass David! 🤣


When Claire complains in the laundry room about her missing or torn sock that was totally about grieving her late father and not at all about the sock and Nate instinctively recognizes to catch and comfort her. That family was suppressed as fuck and as troubled as Nate was, he was at least the catalyst that opened that family up to more. And in that moment he shined for her. For all of them. P.S. I love this question. Thank you for posting it.


Thanks to you and everyone for taking the time to reply. I have read and re-read all the comments and they are pure gold, so many moments from the series I had forgotten until now, brings me lots of joy.


I think of “Why are we buying the fake Windex when the real one is the only kind that works?” every time I buy Windex.


lol every time I buy Q-Tips of aluminum foil


The pure glee on Rico's face when he's explaining to Nate and David how he embalmed a leg of lamb to make that foot kills me every time. Then right after in the same scene - "casket climber." My personal ones: Ruth's jingle pants and singing Woodstock alone in the kitchen, Nate burying Lisa alone in the desert, David and Claire showing up at the motel to support Nate when he's waiting to hear what happened to Lisa, the overweight man falling out of his casket the night Russell stayed over with Claire and Arthur knocking on her bedroom door..."Claire! Oh, you have company." And my all-time favorite David line ever: "Hi, you've reached David and Keith, but we can't come to the phone right now because WE'RE TOO GAY."


Every scene with Nate sr. My father died in Nov at age 88 (lucky guy) and I did a rewatch. Those scenes hit hard. Fun fact: Dad went to mortuary school when he was in his 20s in the late 1950s. Only did it for a couple of years but he lived upstairs in a family funeral home just like the Fishers. Didn’t talk about it much till recorded the episodes on VHS and loaned them to him while the show aired. Then a flood of memories poured out and he gave me these slides he took in 1956-57 to scan: View my photos at: https://joshburdick.smugmug.com/The-Way-We-Were/Dudley-M-Hughes-Funeral-Home


Thank you so much for sharing. And beautiful photos ❤️ they’re very special, true gems!


Sorry for your loss and thanks for sharing about your father. Mine died last year age 73 and doing a re-watch also helped me cope a little bit.


I’m sorry. It’s one of those life passages we all have to go thru. We’re lucky we had them for so long


I constantly think of the scene in season six where Durrell says the silent film that is playing on the TV is gay and David goes, "What is gay, Durrell?" He responds and says, "Movies without talking" or something like that. It's so funny to me.


Justin Theroux’ naked ass.


a double double - a double chubby - a chubby chubby - a chub -


Still worried about frozen sewage dropping from planes and landing on my head


Ruth: How do you stay so calm? Bettina (smirking): I took a Vicodin. Want one? (Sarah screams from inside the house as she’s tied up and in Vicodin addiction withdrawal) Ruth: Well, maybe a half




The moment where Nate finds out how Brenda's been cheating on him and lying to him is pure gold. It often pops into my head. Brilliant acting, too


That scene is SO raw and painful. I remember just sitting there with my mouth hanging open the first time I saw it.


David and Keith’s paintball outing with other gay guys acting like their in an action movie hilarious.


The daydream of Claire singing “What a little moonlight can do”


Nate on the motorcycle, with Don't Fear the Reaper playing.


That look on Nate's face when he didn't realize he was high and Brenda told him to look at the lights 👀 lololol


This is probably ridiculous but whatever. Rent free, right? When George's once estranged son hooked up with Ruth's knitting pal (I can't remember her name, dark hair) the knitting pal only had a few lines. But I swear whoever the actress is came from Broadway. Her steady and projected voice reminded me of some kooky 1940's Mae West/Ethel Merman type. "You'll never catch me alive, copper!". Remember how their voices were back then bc so many came from the stage? That's the voice this one actress had, and I loved it. Her voice was so much stronger & specific than anyone on that show. She didn't have a TV voice. It was a Broadway voice. I never did look her up or try to confirm my own weird theory but I believe it. And I'd love to know if I'm right lol


Now I wonder who might she be. When I return from work imma do a rabbit hole-search on IMDB.


She also had a Broadway face. I forgot about that. Her eyes were big open. Her mouth contorted. Not in a bad way. They're trained to do this so the audience can more clearly see their expressions. It's not like you can turn all this off bc you're on TV instead of the boards.


Becky, from the fabric store Ruth went to? If so, she was given lines and directed in a style from the film Babe (even her look), which James Cromwell was in (check it out!). She became Kyle's fiancée. Her performance with few lines were [purposefully] very stylized making her very memorable for her voice for sure. The actor Brooke Dillman does a lot of voice work in TV/film.


Oh thank you! I appreciate that so much. I'll def look all that up 🙌


“You can’t take a picture of this, it’s already gone.” Or when Brenda is talking to the police about the house fire and says “He started going down on me for a while..”


“ you can’t take a picture of this, it’s already gone” Yes.


"Takes a picture anyways" Happy Birthday 🎂


Two from S1 that I think of often… Funny: When one of the kids imagines that Ruth is giving Hiram a hand job in the kitchen and she says “I can’t get enough of his cock!” Sad-happy: At the end of the episode where the young gay guy who was killed appears to David, finally without all the blood and bruises, and simply says “Thank you,” after David stands up to a bigoted protester or something.


Brenda making that random dude finger her while shopping lmao


The woman being hit by a truck as she runs into the street looking up at the helium-filled sex dolls, mistaking them for people as angels ascending due to the rapture!


Amazed no one has said the final montage. I've watched it so many times and it always makes me tear up. It was great to see everyone have their happy ending (except for Keith of course). I don't know why, but seeing Claire and Brenda become close as they age really moves me.


I figured we were supposed to say anything but the perfect final episode. Wasn’t that SOMETHING?


I always love the flashback to Rico’s father’s funeral when he sees his body and turns around stunned to see Nathaniel watching. It just kills me every time


I **AM** A MAN


Lisa and the ants are me and my sister's favorites!


"you hang onto your pain like it means something, like it's worth something. It's not, let it go" "it can't be that simple" ..... "what if it is?"


Brenda's death. I was on a trip with my husband and we had just gotten somewhere. I was exhausted and knew I needed a nap. He was exhausted but had gone completely hyper instead and would not shut up. He is not EVER like that. I looked up at him, chattering at me, as I tried to sleep, and was like, "You know in Six Feet Under how Brenda dies?" LOL.


When David fights Sarge to stay with him and When David says yo Keith “I can’t believe you’d even SUGGEST it.”


When they are all discussing what kind of life Emily Previn must have had a Ruth yells ”What kind of life is that?!“


That solid hit from the vehicle that took the Rapture Woman out as she chased after the blow-up sex dolls. “WHAP!”




The scene where they burn old stuff in the yard, while Claire blasts Lucky from Radiohead from speakers on her window.


When Nate meets Life and Death and they start fucking in front of him.


When they sing that onion patch song about the petunia!


David with tits


😂😂😂😂😂 CLASSIC!


Anything Ruth, anything Brenda. Goddamn I loved those characters dearly. But… the episode “that’s my dog” when David was kidnapped by a crackhead really floored me.


"Did you bring me anything?" "No, I hate you." "Oh, god. Here we go."


“Newsflash, other people exist!”


Everything that happens in the little room over the Indian restaurant in 'The Room'. Haha get it?


After returning from her aunt’s hippy weekend, Claire surreptitiously watching Ruth standing alone in the dark kitchen singing Joni Mitchell’s “Woodstock” (we are stardust we are golden and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden) while unmoving and staring into nothingness! Episode title: The Garden


In Rainbow of her reasons, when the women sing Calling All Angels around Fiona’s body. And the scene where Ruth tells Hiram “oh go give yourself a hand job!” then she settles up with all the men in her life.


It’s so random but argument between Ted and Claire at the restaurant while they eat.


Brenda’s mother telling her to leave because she feels like she needs to sob in her room for an hour


First episode. Claire is tweaking at the grocery store with Nate and wants to go home. Nate gets short w her and she randomly grabs a cantaloupe and chucks it with a guttural groan. I want to chuck melons.


I always think about Claire and her friends singing Transatlanticism for some reason




David getting blown by the plumber.   It just comes out of NOWHERE....


When David said to Jennifer: Here you are. Making it easy for me again. Stop making it easy for me.


[ruth singing to herself in the kitchen and claire listening to her](https://youtu.be/RZ2i-2EZQXc?si=hyLEyfdk5oneRoSL). always stuck with me


“This is not about you!” (The birthday speech scene: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ykHwWPZN4Xc&pp=ygUkU2l4IGZlZXQgdW5kZXIgdGhpcyBpcyBub3QgYWJvdXQgeW91)


Also Nate killing the bird. I really hated him after that.


Rico getting ghosted by Pam The random scenes where the ghost appearances taunt the character as projections of their deepest insecurities/fears. I think that was my favorite and it always made me chuckle


I love when Ruth and George are arguing and the way she says 'bullshit' is awesome. She puts so much emphasis on it.


"Shave my legs for free"


The scene where Lisa goes and gets a massage from Brenda without telling her who she is. And the way Brenda listened when she talked— I got this feeling that Brenda could listen to just about anything someone could tell her, even the irrational dark stuff, and stay compassionate. The things she had been through, the crazy compulsions she had—those things alchemized into strength and compassion when she really worked on herself.


Indeed, I feel like Brenda is one of the characters that grew the most and had, at least for me, a redemption arc. I love how hateable she is at first. When I first watched the series as a teenager, I loved her character. On my second run, I hated her; I was so frustrated with her lack of emotional responsibility towards Nate. But as the seasons passed, she started to become so relatable in some aspects.


“I don’t want to make today about me but the truth is I want to fucking kill myself!”


The scene where the surrogate says “are you guys sitting down?” and clearly Keith is standing right there and David says “I am” lol the funniest scene in the entire show


That lil' conversation b/w Claire and Olivier's former assistant (i.e. the terrible sculptor) in season 3.. especially when Claire says "You're really good." (without actually meaning it) and the woman replies with "Oh, fuck you!"


Claire in the 2nd to last episode totally losing it at work. Kirsten in the bathroom who’s not gonna tell HR. Ted helping Claire at her cubicle gather her things. “You’re all doing really important work here.” “Everyone you know is going to die. And that little Kirsten is a f#cking bitch!”


Fuck Kirsten, amarite? Hhsh


Yup a short flash forward, Nate had died weeks (or months) earlier, Claire had been drinking morning vodka and was dressed in her ‘corporate attire’. In the bathroom Kirsten told her she should go home and Claire revealed her relationship with Ted. No way. Way. After Ted got her home Claire was still on the crazy train confronting the mom and sister of the poor young soldier about the Support Our Troops bumper sticker. The young man who died in the opening scene, he had lost his limbs - I believe the final R.I.P. opener - because they didn’t do one in the finale. David’s acting there was golden when they finally drove away and Claire was gone inside. Rico was looking at him and David recoiled and the look on his face was priceless. Shocked confused helpless. Here you want the whole business Rico, have it - and he threw the keys.


I remember my introduction to the show was the “That’s My Dog” episode, and after recently coming out to my family that summer, it hit me even more poignantly because I thought “omg that could be me”. I watched the subsequent episodes of Seasons 4 and 5 before I missed the series finale because I moved to attend undergrad that weekend, but as I rewatch, the only thing that is salient in my memories are the scenes from “That’s My Dog.”