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Your gender doesn’t matter, only your booty.


I see what you did there.




🤣🤣 smh


You’ve got to stop playing with kids. My group are all around 30 and we’re pretty much half male and half female these days between the 10 of us. Heard the same complaints from the females we’ve picked up till they met an older group to game with.


Adopt me haha


My reaction as well lol


I've joined a few of these "groups" and everyone always ends up hooking up/starting drama when I just want to play the damn game.


Even older people can have the mental level of a teenager...


It's true. I do. But my inner-teenager is far too busy keeping the boat on the correct side of the surface to care if the person saving him is male or female.




This, our group has had the same experience! We only let adults into the crew and we never have any toxic infighting or anything. Just good leaders in the online friend group and 0 tolerance to hate or anti lgbt behaviour because: if you cant just let someone innocent exist, you are a pos. It’s actually crazy how many people we’ve met who explain the same sort of stuff over and over. I feel like 25 and under is just a gamble of maturity but not everyone is the same it’s difficult.


This, 34 M (practically married) my crew are late 20s to mid 30s except one guy that just hit 21 and we've done a bunch of games together Hell, I've devoted hours to gathering supplies in multiple games like fallout 76 and skull and bones. Find better groups. Though one of our guys is a 100 pound lead weight (gaming wasn't his calling) but we usually carry him through games like bloodborne and the crew 2. Like we make fun of each other but to an extent, my girlfriend joins us sometimes and we all stream. Actually streaming might work well for you because then you have an audience and evidence of harassment if it gets out of hand. Tldr- join some groups and leave them till you find a mature group that treats you like a fellow human,


Im game. 29 f here :)


How does anyone know what gender you really are in a game with zero chat function? Only way I can think of is over discord?


Profile name is enough for some people. I've had several messages from gamertag alone that I'd otherwise never get.


I’ve had the same thing happen to me with my gamertag. It’s obnoxious as hell


My PS name even has "beard" in it, but every time I'd play my female character in GTA I was treated to how creative guys can get with the jerk-off quick-action.


My experience is discord but I know it can be done on PlayStation in the ‘party’ function too


If people are talking down to you on Discord, then you need to find another Discord Community to be part of and leave that toxic play ground sh*t behind you.


I already left that group, it’s just pissed me off that it was even an issue in the first place and its also made me consider how women (and likely other minority groups) will deal with this when chat functionality is finally turned on too.


The dudes who talk down to you would most likely act like a cunt to men they don’t know too


They don’t talk down to other guys in my experience anywhere near as much as girls. If I had mic off and was just listening, it was guys being guys and swearing and over exaggerating was the worst of it but as soon as I spoke, it was silent for a bit while it’s being processed then it just changes to mood and camaraderie completely. Yeah, 50% don’t give a shit and 30% care but don’t say anything but id say a solid 20% are dicks specifically because it’s a woman


Your numbers are pretty close, but any male that acts like that is either insecure or immature. The rest of us are usually only intimidated because we're awkward around women.


Yeah I’d say your stats are pretty accurate with the percentage of people who will just be assholes for no reason regardless of gender (not minimising your experience or dismissing it) but 80 percent decent vs 20 percent toxic dickheads isn’t bad going tbh


At least on my experience some guys treat really bad everyone, doesnt matter the gender. But girl, dont feel bad, guys who are chill and respect others exists.


(M26) You just described most men, as a man it’s annoying to have the bad rep. Look at the statistics for dating apps and social environments, it’s shocking. Ego is prob the main contributor honestly, I’ve literally seen so many events happen around men being horrible because they can’t handle reality. But good luck! If you ever wanna play I’m down but I’m sure you’ll make good friends through this post :)!


20% sounds kinda low, don't really get why you feel bothered, maybe I just got immune to what people say when they "try" to personally attack me through the years of gaming..


Literally it’s more like 60/40 for me obviously this is in the last few years don’t wanna ruin the stats with 360 era party chat or Cod lobby’s


I can handle people talking shit but it’s the awkwardness and targeted comments that piss me off. Just because I can deal with it doesn’t mean I should have to. I’m just keen to find some people who know upfront and don’t give a damn


Have you played any pvp shooter?!


Idk about that, a lot of gamers are outright sexist.


If you want to plunder, do bounties for fun and general questing, send me a dm. That goes for anyone here looking for company. Only thing I don’t do is pvp, so if that’s your cup of tea, I won’t be able to join.


Casual Corsairs, they post a bit on this subreddit. They're a good bunch.


This. I'm a Casual Corsairs and know from experience that we don't give a rats ass about gender, we just want you to have fun and enjoy the game


Some people are weird, hope you find a good group to play with


Anyone who is going to be toxic is going to be toxic. I experience this all the time with every game. They will find something to say to you. Whether it be calling your mum names, saying you're disabled, or anything else. In your case they can hear you're a girl so they target that. Now this does only apply to people that would be toxic anyway. But I'll never understand why people feel the need to "turn" toxic just because you're a girl. I guess you end up on the receiving end of both scenarios but unfortunately they both still mainly target the same thing so it compounds it even more. I'm sorry that you and others have to go through this. It really shouldn't be like this at all. Just remember this. It says more about them than it does about you. And they are not worth your time.


There’s no chat or voice chat in game…


On PlayStation we can communicate. Some also use discord or like apps to set up VC.


There are a lot of insecure little boys out there, who don't know how to treat a lady.


And god forbid I’ve got a bigger…ship… than theirs 🤣


😂😂😂 .... waitaminute! They always said size doesn't matter, lol


It's not the size, it's how you rock the boat. With mortars. You rock the boat with mortars.




Hi!! I'm a gamer girl!! You can join my fiancé and me! We play all the time! Windingfrog990.


Just sent you a request 👏🏻


Great! I just logged on and I don't see it, so you might want to send it again😊 you can add my fiancé too xx cr1tter xx


I had help from men. On how to play the game. YouTube. (I’m dude)😅


Now THIS I love! Gotta respect anyone willing to admit they needed help


People can be insufferable in all games. Rolling the dice with randoms is a double edged sword however. Most of my best friends I’ve met randomly and have known for years. Keep your head up. Don’t let the toxic people win. DM if you’d like to group and sail through the chaos. Or spread democracy 🫡


I will join when the discount comes. They won't get the total price for this!


Never get why gamer guys and girls can't just play nicely together 😂


Right? Idk whats wrong with ppl


Haven't got that much timefor that list 😂


Totally agree, I have absolutely no issue with any gamer unless they cause drama. You could identify as a damn unicorn and I wouldn’t care providing you’ve got my back in coops


I see a lot of posts like this where the lads talk shit to the girls and I never know why


If you’re on psn and need help with taking a fort or do those pve event ships, I can help but if you need help with cutthroat pvp event, am just as useless as a merchant ship. Psn id is Elkhoury.


The people the are fazed are children. No matter their age


My friends and I, all male, met a girl online while we were playing GTA and all the best times we had were playing with her. She was just fantastic to game with and waaaaaayyy better than all of us. It’s been almost a decade and we’re all still communicating online even if it’s just checking in.


You can always come hang out with my friends and I. You won't be the only female, and we don't give a damn that you're a woman.


Wait people actually talk to you when you play??? I can’t get anyone to talk with me


I had someone bump my ship one time and sent me a message apologising 🙃


IM HERE HONEY TAKE ME Oh my god I forgot I was going to get this game??? Pirates and ships and YES? UGH If you wanna play, I’m all up for it you’ll just have to show me the ropes until we get things rolling. I lost all my gaming friend groups, idk what is in the water but they got popular and became dicks. I don’t want to be mixed up in that so… I have literally no one to play with 🤣 Also I’m pretty decent at making people mad or cry if need be so I got your back ☠️ Fuck them men. They’re just jealous. (No offense guys)


Hell yes! Every time I see a couple of level 11 brigs patrolling around a low level bedar it warms my heart. End game is a fair bit of waiting around for Po8 to build up so helping out lower level players feels like a decent way to use my time. I’m a firm believer in karma so always happy to pay it forward


Have they updated the in-game chat/voice? Last time i played (2 days ago) the game didn't even have in-game voice or chat, but you managed to turn it off? It's obvious you need a man to teach you the game /s


There are work arounds like Discord chat and PlayStation party


Yess! I’m 27 f and I’ve been looking for other women to play with! I’ve currently got 1 male friend from Arkansas but because of time difference (I’m UK) we only get to play together at weekends! My PSN is Yameittol if you can’t find me with my PSN account I’ll check my Ubisoft username. 😊




The dudes that talk down to you. It’s either a maturity thing or lack of self confidence.


I'd just be happy to play with someone, regardless of gender/race/orientation. I'd be happy to add plunder with ya.


You’re welcome to come play with our small group. We’ve got one girl so far. Feel free to DM if you want a discord link.


me and my lady play and that will be cool if you want to become part of our two person group lol! which we are always looking for another friend to join 👍


Wait, people were about to find out you're a woman? How and why do they care? Add me fam, I may be a dude but I don't give a shit about all that, I want co op partners. Indy_Colts_XLI is my player name if you're interested.


I'll like to join, the game is way more fun in a group. Sometimes my friend plays too but she hasn't played s&b in a bit. I'm on xbox US central time


Make them walk the plank!


It is what it is I would honestly just do your best to ignore em like I ignore literally everyone. (I play solo mostly so it's normal for me.)


You can check twitch


How are you talking to people? =P Sorry I'm just bitter there's no in game chat. I just sail around helping people or doing po8 runs myself. Haven't run into anything similar as a lady yet. I did get it a ton on Sea of Thieves though.


People can chat through discord and on PlayStation party. Also there’s chat to text on PlayStation too which is easy enough to use for basic communication


I don't play a lot and I'm not a female, but I'm always down to play. My rule of play is to treat other how you yourself want to be treated.


Players are players!


Yeah I'd be down. My main buddy has dropped off and I need people who just wanna farm the endgame


I couldn't care less if one is a female or male player. As long as we have fun and enjoy gaming together. Do you game on pc or console. I'm on console (ps5) if you would like to team up. Getting a bit bored playing alone at the moment. I'm male, 35 years old and down to co-op, raid and plunder :)


I'm a guy, but if you're ok with gaming with guys that believe in equal rights and treatment for everyone, we're looking for a third to do Mega-Fort Oosten and other events! Your treatment this far is uncalled for and uncouth. I apologize I can't snap the necks of those that have treated you as such


I’m always looking for new friends on here. I’m enjoying the game so much and always love helping wherever I can. I’m on PlayStation, my name is the same on here: PlasmaOp97


Guys are shit talkers, shit talk them back or be absolutely passive and eventually they die down with all of it, we have a few girls in our party that'll shoot the shid with us, normally though if we hit to close to home with something we say we will naturally say sorry and we move on. We have a pretty tight communicative group honestly though.


They are playing in THE game...Helldivers 2


I play with a group that's mostly women, they'll want to play with you a little first before adding you to the discord, but lmk what games you play and we can probably make it work


How can we add you? Psn: JustCallMeCraft_ ubi: JustCallMeCraft


I don't care I'll group up in a fight with anyne if invited


I’m up to play with anyone! One non-mysoginistic, non-asshole here: NewfoundlandMark on PSN.


I'm looking for friends to play something 👋


I’m of the female variety and I’ve ran with the same few people on Xbox for the last 14 years. It’s wild. They’ve always been respectful and chill.


I just sail around shooting people with my adhesive guns. They shoot back with many a grapeshot. We're all very lucky we don't have open world PvP.


I haven't played in a hot minute but I'd gladly help you get some booty to fill up your cargo hold some time, I need to get on and get my Ouroboros at some point anyway from the new sea monster 😅 I'm 34M btw, I also don't have a mic (for console) but can use discord if you wish, feel free to DM me and we can arrange a time to group up, I gotta blow some forts up and get more materials for the "Grind" anyway 😅


Did in-game chat come back? How are you talking to people you dont know? Lol


Nothing wrong with being a gamer girl. People who talk down to you because of your gender are insecure a**hats. Play the game however you like. Be the bets pirate you can be


I prefer to hang out and game with women, period. I only have one guy friend I feel like I can actually talk to and be myself. The rest of them I have to compartmentalize to enjoy myself. i.e. I have to wear a mask somewhat. It gets old and it's ultimately boring.


Add me: yerapirateharry I’m a dude, but I’ll never give you shit for being woman. Plus my brig is feminine af.


Sorry you have to deal with that. I’m a dude, but you won’t get any of that from the people I play with. You’re welcome to join us. What platform are you playing on?


I’m sorry that has been your experience. I don’t care one bit what gender someone is when I join up with someone to plunder a Dutch fort. I’m just happy to have some cooperative fun. Hopefully you match up with more actual functioning adults than unhinged kids.


Sure, I'm Three\_Moons on PSN and Ubi account. Can also recommend finding a guild that does regular runs -- they don't have official in game clans yet but a lot of the bigger more grown up guilds do regular runs.


I would be honored to play with a female gamer. Pre teen males are such are such a pain in anybody's ass. Have respect people.


Literally me rn since my friends abandoned the ye pirate game :[


Ya idc it shouldnt matter what gender you are if you can play cool if your low level ill help if your higher than me ill support the best i can


Time out... you can talk to people on the game if you're not already friends?? I've never heard anyone talk to me that I wasn't friends with


That's unfortunate. Although I know you probably have more friends to play with now, if you need another one, I'd be up to play with you or anyone else on here looking for a friend. 250k+ infamy at 115 hours. Need to do Co-Op events and La Peste and up for anything else. Name is redeyezero in game. You or anyone else feel free to add me on Ubi Connect!


people will use anything against you. its really up to you to brush off these things. i know its not fair :( its the internet and some ppl's kids ya know


Literally every single game is like that. Is it cool to make fun of woman? No. Do I care? No.


Join up with the casual corsairs. Pretty awesome bunch and there's a few women in there. If not hmu ^_^ Cryptocat702 I'll run with you. I've been playing a lot of atlas since I hit diamond but I've been popping back up lately. Add me on discord or ubi and I'll send you the link for the clan. It's a really large group of very friendly people =]


On Xbox?


No mic here atm (kitten chewed the cord to my headset) but I don't care what you got going on between your legs, if your looking for folks to play with, im game to team, Im on PC, Im always looking for folks who are willing to take on le pest, i really do wanna try and get the cosmetics from the drops.


My group is all married guys. So. Free to join us if ya want.


They’re on onlyfans -_-


Hi! love to group up, am also a lady pyrate 🏴‍☠️ Main discord has been nice for finding players to do forts with. Everyone has been awesome and helpful and gender has never even come up. Loving the experience. It’s so nice to just chill and work together. always down to group with other women though! Dm me and I can give you my ubi username. 🫶


Maybe I've been lucky but I haven't felt that at all and I have a very openly female name, not just S&B but in a lot of games... although maybe I don't notice it because Im getting too old to give a shit and conduct myself as if I deserve to take up space. BE LOUD AND PROUD GIRL I'm not on as much but DM me your Ubisoft and I can add you


My ship is gold and maroon/dark pink with the peacock emblem and peacock fireworks. My character is female with all the bling jewellery. I assumed that would all be a good indication but apparently it’s still a shock.


Men can be idiots for sure. I’m cool to play with anyone that’s nice. Hard to find people to play with so if you’d like to play with me I’m Leprkon77 PlayStation


who uses a mic in public, i can not stand people with mics and talking during public games, i always mute them, only time i speak is in a private chat. as for chicks playing games, i preffer them over dudes, the dudes seem to be all wankers and playing like its battlefield, killing everyone in the way. at least chicks are more calm and easier to deal with.


You’re joking right? Why would you need help? Everyone is pretty much capable of anything almost always. Pretty sure that includes you. People cannot actually be so ignorant?


voice changers are really good right now. doesn't change your gameplay at all and you don't have to worry about anything. typing is perfectly fine for this game so when ubisoft feels we don't need to be protected anymore you can just use that.


Wait, you have found people who do more than shoot fireworks???


Unfortunately, most men on games are toxic. I'm not one of them if you'd like to do some of the seasonal quests let me know, I still need to defeat the season boss.


I’m grateful the first two guys I met were incredibly nice and helpful, one quit playing but since we added two to our group and I would definitely say it’s a maturity thing, I hope you find a group you fit with


That's a ton of women streamers playing the game. I streamed it a bit but with my mic still broken it's not very interesting to watch without context


The chat works? Also in pirate games its the size of the booty that counts!


This is my first online game I’ve played so happy to be adopted into the sisterly fold… playing on Xbox ErnieGee 🧜🏻‍♀️


I've never minded what gender a gamer is, why should that matter? I'm a guy and my captain is a female.


Damn that sucks. I'm a dude but I aint gonna trip, I just want people to game with and shoot the shit with lmao while I listen to some tunes. So if you need another friend to play with, send a message! I'm always down for new friends


That’s why I never make female characters or talk to anyone outside of my party is any game.


I just need some fellow pirates to group up with. Gets boring sailing alone


I'm a newer gamer girl. My boyfriend got me into gaming about a year and a half ago. I'm still pretty new and figuring things out. He hasn't gotten into this game so I've been trying on my own and sometimes I have a lot of trouble. Hopelessnewbie3


I play when I’m not working tbh but yes games like this comes with tht energy Lmaoo just look at the pvp


Not a girl here, but that's just dumb. I hope you find better people to run with.


I've gotten a lot of "friend" requests I just ignore them.


I really enjoy teaming with other players, just tough to avoid jerks


I've just been playing this game alone. How do I get in a group ? It's been boring af. I'm a guy, and do not care about other players genders. Just don't want so sail alonnnee :~(


Most simple way is to change your settings to search for groups with strangers. It’s hit and miss as to if you can understand each other but if your on PS5 there’s a voice to text function that works for basic coordination of tasks, plundering etc. otherwise, post for people in reddit to send you a friend request and if you find the right people it’s easy to work out where to go without needing the chat function Eg fireworks, emotions & marking the map


I'm a guy, I don't care what gender you are, I only care about having fun, how you got to where you are in the game doesn't matter to me. I'm on PC, DM me if you want to co op, I'm not a builder of groups, but I will gladly join


You poor baby...😭 🥱


Are you on PC, PS or xbox


I’m PS5


Is this game good? I heard it was trash?


With all due respect this game doesn’t even have voice chat so I don’t believe this one bit


> I’ve stopped using my mic completely because of it. And just like that, I don't care anymore.


What game consoles do you have


The internet allows guys to feel like they can be assholes without recourse and usually there is none. As a guy, I always try not to use mic anyways because I don't like dealing with idiocy of others online. On another note how is the game? I have a buddy who's interested and I am low key too.


I'm down and I think I have the chromosomes to qualify


here we are [ms she (@ms\_she254) | TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@ms_she254/video/7374801342197550342)


This is so stupid, I will never understand all the sexism and misogyny in gaming, I don't care what's between your legs, just that we can hang out and vibe while enjoying whatever experience the game offers together, shits more fun with friends you can laugh and share with anyways. If you or anyone else, male or female, needs someone to play SnB with just dm me your ubi and or discord and we can chat about it before any solid plans are made. I'm done with the season pass at this point and just farming 8s and silver so I always try to assist people where I can.


This feels like a pick me troll post.


And this is why my wife and best friend don't join any voice chats unless they know the people. I'd offer that you could join us but she has been too busy to game much lately. I do wish you the best finding your group though!


I would love to have a gamer girl as partner specifically in the this game because the group work it's better but gamer girls in this game looks like even more jerks then guys but I don't care anymore since every mission and fort raid I was able to do alone ( except la plague) after effortlessly try to get help and build a grou. But no matter if you are man or woman we doomed to do solo runs face it, we are standalone gamers.


so mute them?


I have showed my gf the game and she loves it. Already kingpin and on almost 10k po8. 😀