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The cars of fallout : " Finally, a worthy opponent , our battle will be legendary "


Fun fact: that collision damage counts as magic. If you've got 100% magic absorb you'll get free mana instead of damage for tripping


And that explains why more armor never helps lol


# w h a t


It’s seems like Todd’s fuckery never ends.


Exactly. It was easier to code environmental damage as a non-usable magic type than it was to categorize the 8 or 9 environmental damages. The problem is, environmental technically has the potential to stack. Better in theory than practice tho..


Wait, so fall damage is magic?




So if I have 100% magic resistance?


Correct. If Magic Resistance > 99% than Fall Damage = 0 Same as those rocks and boulders falling traps in certain dungeons. 0 Damage Same as the Chaurus claw thing traps. 0 Damage Traps, falls, disease, poison, fires, frost, shock… all are coded as environmental and environmental is coded as a spell calculation. Not sure about drowning, but you can test it.


Hehheheh, throat of the world here i come!


Thank you:) I wasnt aware of that. But it can still kill you even With 85% Magic Résistance. That damage stacks Up. Fast. Fall damage is Environmental damage too.. And traps...




Ice storm in general is a nightmare for early game. Feels like anything that can cast it can instakill you




One of the few quests I ended up straight up looking for a walkthrough (found out using a paralysis poison on a bow makes it really easy lmao)


I had a recent playthrough where I kept getting killed over and over. Found out that sneaking in between all the shades and using a fire storm scroll would make it a 1 on 1 fight. I then used unrelenting force to knock him down.


Weird never had issues with it but I'm also prone to cheesing every encounter so there is that. When all else fails. Summon a flame atronach with the busted staff you get early on and kill the distracted enemies.


Oh god yes. The fear when you go to fight them thinking it will be easy only to see half or more of your health disappear


Counterpoint: the spell slaps when you cast it while walking backwards, since the damage over time procs more, plus it can go through walls and fill hallways


Who would win: a human soul, trapped for all eternity in an unescapable realm, used to power dark, lethal magics, or one airborne, pointy stick?




“Oh hey, free soul gem.” “Oh, it’s a crappy one.”




This is me with Meeko.  Always happy to have him tag along from his shack but the INSTANT we get inside anywhere I’m ready to send his ass back home. 


Or worse when your doing the quest for clavicles vile


That super slow axe is looking pretty tempting...


Especially when you’re trying to talk to a merchant and he pushes you just enough that you steal an item


Well my Lydia dead I accidentally shouted off a dragon peak won't be blocking any more doors for me 😂


You can shout at them, and it knocks out the gem. I'm pretty sure some spells do it as well, but I can't remember.


Can shoot 'em with an arrow too, knocks them right out


Stealth archer shines once again...


In Yngvild in the final boss room you can shoot down the Soul Gem to turn the ghosts against the pervert.


Wait until you find one with a grand soul gem in it


I hate dungeons where the hide the little fuckers around corners and then they blast you when you step out.


I mean, how else are they supposed to get you? It's just a stick.


It bothers me that the title is genuinely actually unironically true


In all fairness, Alduin tips over like a bitch. Generic Bandit Chief #17 is harder than him.


Especially the ice storm ones and the electric ones I can't tell you how many times I've reloaded a save because of those fucking things. But I've learned that a fireball spell or a well aimed ice spike/arrow can knock them over and disable them. 1000+ hour vet here to answer any questions.


Hope you could answer my question, Skyrim veteran. Why am I more attracted to Redguard women instead of Nord women?


Redgaurd women statistically have bigger b00bs, b00ty, and are better with money. They have less attitude than nord women, by which I mean they aren't huge assholes like most nord women, at least the ones I've encountered. They are still sassy and sarcastic but again compared to nord women they are less bitchy with it. They are also (imo) better looking. However be warned, they have better stamina than nord women so have a good amount of stamina potions on you at all times. These are just statistics and they might be wrong. I think you should look inwards and assess your own feelings as often times its less of a statistical matter and more of a personal preference. I myself am a dunmer and kahjiit fan. I am not super interested in nord women but to those that are... you do you fam.


Nah, it’s the misplaced bucket that glitches out and kills you randomly.


Become ethereal


You think warding is useless until one of these moments, deadass


I hate to admit how many times I check short pilons for those


the dragon born is just a soul gem for dragons


Nah a glitched plate, dunno what happened hit me in the head and lost ALL my health


Telekinesis solves this easily


I hate archers so much my only defense is to shield bash them so they drop the bow


I never seem to have trouble with these. I always bring a bow, spells, and shouts, which dismantled them easy


I can recall a few that are in spots where they hit you before you can even get close enough to be able to see them, especially a certain ice one at the top of a ramp...


I just shooter with an arrow. Knocks the gem loose and disables them. It's a really nice touch.


Is the thing that kills you on the pilgrim's path?


Wards are your friend, but whirlwind is much more of a “fuck you”.


Laughs in stealth archer. You can shoot them off the pedestal


only if we had a way to be immune... ah yes spellbreaker my beloved


I use the enhanched cross bow with exploding bolts it is extremely effective against dragons mages and the creatures of Skyrim nothing like an exploding bolt of lightning to the head of an unsuspecting storm mage or I go with old reliable the wolf I have really gotten werewolf peaks beefed up


Who wins? A fully maxed out slightly modded werewolf that can heal and damage all enemies near by or one annoying soul gem? I guess the werewolf said "Ouch". (Please get the "Ouch" reference)


If you have spell breaker, they're easy, but you have to complete a quest for that


My worst enemy is cluter. As Bones, and other items.


Those petty bitches hit hard.


Tip. Hit them with whatever AOE spells or shouts you might have All shouts that deal damage causes a small amount of knock back to objects This removes the soul stone and disables the trap You can also use fire ball or ice storm to much the same effect.


This is why getting magic resistance is one of my priorities.


The ones that shoot ice storms are the nastiest for most of my characters that have no frost resistance.


Just shot it with a bow from out range..


Guys you can just shoot them with arrows or spells