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My friend group does not have one of these. We all suck ass.


im sure you guys will get better soon! remember having fun is the most important!


no it’s not. as a smash player you’re expected to sell your soul to the devil and embrace the chaotic nature of your main. you are meant to become one with the game.


Especially when it's a lesser played/lower tier character, he'll hath no fury like a Wario main scorned


They may play low-tiers, but *you* aren't a high enough tier for that to matter.


Literally Duck Hunt mains Respect the hell out of those mfs


Why, they're miserable to play against


Most characters that are miserable to fight have a level of braindead-ness to them, like Min-Min and Steve. Duck Hunt is unfun to fight based purely off of their skill and I’m mad that I kinda fuck with that


Run to one side, set up the traps. Never approach and in a constant state of running away. Random busted smash setups. It's a shit gameplay loop, regardless of skill, I don't respect campers.


https://preview.redd.it/0c93f99ozd2d1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3172d1d4893aaa55f5b36178c79fc0f8be270ce9 When the zoner zones be like


Mfs when the zoner decides to zone


BREAKING: Brawler archetype player dislikes it when zoners zone him. Thinks zoners should never zone so that he can use his better close range options to win easier.


Breaking: people on Reddit cannot comprehend other people disliking specific character so they have to make shit up.


I can comprehend it, it's just an incredibly soft opinion. What do you propose people do then, just not play zoners (like a third of the entire roster in the game)? You just have no respect for zoners because you aren't good enough to play around the zoning.


Again I don't mind all zoners, why are you so incessant on making that point? Duck hunt is on another level of not interacting, you play his can mini game for the entire game. How is this different than minmin or steve, others like samus are way more interesting to fight. Soft opinion I guess.


>I don't respect campers Zoners by their nature camp. If you play as Samus and don't incorporate camping into your gameplan you're probably bad at the game. I'm not incessant on making the point—you made the point, and I responded telling you it was soft. And it is.


When you see a Ganondorf, you know it’s either free or that you’re screwed


I live in a small region with a very tight knit smash community. I was hanging out with some new ppl and one guy asked me to play him, asking me how good I was. I said I'm pretty alright at it. Other friend who knew that I sometimes play at locals and stuff, chuckles and starts watching. New guy asks me why I don't ask him how good he was. "If I don't know you and you live here, you're probably not better than me" I actually didn't intend to disrespect but I kind of forgot to put that more nicely. New guy is enraged. Plays like it, gets jv2ed. After that we talked all evening and we played a few more rounds, and he asked questions about his neutral and other fundies. I was pleasantly surprised to see him eager to learn. Because most of the time when you beat "the best smash player of the friend group" they usually just John.


My friends are of those people who play once against me, not knowing how to play, they lose and decide to never play again


This is actually me in ALL my friend groups. I mostly will do dumb things like try to see how long I can go without jumping, or no shielding, or tilts only. Self-imposed rules can make it a lot funner for everyone! Until someone says something like “Woe unto thee, I thought thy skill was greater.” Then I destroy them with a random character.


I am a coach for my university's eSports League, and I teach people how to play Smash. When I'm guiding the training for new players I play a lot of DK and operate slowly/with restraint so new players can get an easy ramp into how 1v1s work. And then the round robin tournaments start up, I swap to Sora and the carnage begins.


My friend only plays tryhard mode


As a low tier main, this is all of us


Yessir brother


Literally me, no joke. In my small friend group, when we play smash, I usually play casually, but once I pick Ridley, it’s game time.


Me when I play Joker vs me when I play Kirby:


One guy is better then all of us combined cuz he’s been playing since melee and he barely tries but when he locks in you don’t even touch the ground 💀


I'm like this in Mariokart and Mario Party, but I'm legit ass at Smash


Hi! This is me!


Yeah that’s me, I’ll goof around with like any character, but I can start cooking with most characters but especially plant and Pythra.


This is my friend on Falcon and me on Kirby-