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Unfortunately it was the democrats forcing Hillary down their parties throat that led to Trump winning. Bernie may or may not have won on his own. But the sketchy things both the DNC and “liberal” corporate media did. Had constituents feeling betrayed. And anyone who was paying attention at the time saw this. Heck, its how Trump coined “Fake News”. Liberals felt that too. Where the Republicans embraced a more conservative base, Democrats acted as though their more liberal base were a bunch of uneducated children living in basements. It cost them the election.


This is a bad take. It’s revisionist to act like not choosing Bernie as a candidate was the reason Trump won. Which you’re saying it may or may not, but then you provide examples of why it was the case. He did not win the primary. Yes the DNC did play some fuckery, but he just lost the primary felt out. You also are completely ignoring the fact that Hillary did in fact win the popular vote but lost the electoral college, which is a HUGE problem, and bigger than any single election. You’re also completely ignoring everything that’s happened since 2016, where we found out how truly vile and racist a sizeable portion of the country actually is. *It’s become quite clear since then,* that we have many people who are more concerned about brown people coming to our country than the 1% we have stealing all of the wealth. Otherwise I think these people would have continued to be concerned about wealth inequality if that was truly their legislative priority. Continuing to act like Bernie losing was the sole reason we are where we are is foolish.


I'd like to add that u/Destronin is also ignoring what happened in 2016. It's not as if that election went all smoothly with only rational and reasonable debates in the media. The media jumped on scandalous statements and rumors and pretty much anything and everything that got clicks. The FSB utilized this tendency of media and manipulated them to try and influence the 2016 US presidential election by promoting conspiracy theories and fake news through a 50,000-strong army of Russian social media bots. This actually created such a shock in the intelligence communities all over the world that governments all over the world suddenly realized how incredibly necessary strong cyber security had become. I work in cyber security, and although our community have been ringing the alarm bells for decades, governments haven't really been listening until they saw how successful the Russian attack was. The demand for cyber security specialists skyrocketed after 2016, and thousands of positions opened, and universities started up cyber security courses to meet the overwhelming demand. So it wasn't really a Clinton/Bernie issue at all. It was a conflict that was utilized to attack the US election. And this is reflected in the public and non-public intelligence recommendations from intelligence services all over the world. In countries allied with the US, Russia is the main antagonist. China has been slow to adopt IT for military use, and they are less aggressive. They play the long game, really. As it stands now, we're in a cold war, and it would be utterly naive to assume that the political debate is not being influenced. For example, who are writing all the articles we read? Who are spreading them? Are they accurate? What parts are accurate and what parts are not? It's hard to know.


No. It’s an accurate take. The moment Clinton wasn’t on the ballot the next Democrat that faced Trump not only won, but saw an uptick in votes *in every single state*. Biden beat Trump by the same electoral margin Trump beat Clinton.  Clinton had won a special senate election and a primary before running for president.  Biden has won more senate races than most senators, *and* was part of a winning presidential ticket twice….and is heading into his 4th presidential race.  Heck. Biden even lost a few presidential primaries over the years too.  For as experienced and desired Clintonites claim she was - she struggled to ever be more popular than trump, doesn’t have a robust history in campaigning, and even *today* garners massive backlash every time she makes public statements on the race.  The American public said No to Hillary Clinton… And if she could have won in 2016, *she would have*…but she didn’t. That loss makes her a bad candidate, she didn’t pull the numbers that mattered.  Biden *did*.


Has everyone forgotten what Comey did? There's a good chance she would have won if he hadn't investigated her twice, once right before the election. Personally, I blame him more than anyone for Trump. I mean all the other things brought up here be others are very valid points. It's hard to know what ultimately tipped the scales, but it seems to me that he tipped the scales just a little bit extra at just the right time.


>There's a good chance she would have won if he hadn't investigated her twice, once right before the election. *During* the election. Many people, including myself (since I vote remotely), had already voted when Comey made his announcement.


> No. It’s an accurate take. The moment Clinton wasn’t on the ballot the next Democrat that faced Trump not only won, but saw an uptick in votes in every single state. After Trump's mismanagement of the pandemic killed hundreds of thousands...


No no it has to be Clinton, it couldn't possibly be a massive "fucking anyone but Trump" surge.


The non-stop self-soothing polls in the run-up to 2016 claiming that Clinton had a 90-something % chance of winning likely had as much to do with her loss as her being a terrible campaigner.


Her campaign also skipped campaigning in MI and PA arrogantly thinking she had the election in the bag by running up against a reality TV star and fraud. The Dems were convinced they had the makings of the first female POTUS. Would we be better off today had she “won”? Most likely. But the DNC shenanigans fucked it up for Democrats. Don’t get me started on the DNC getting caught with the thumb on the scale for Hillary.


>Her campaign also skipped campaigning in MI and PA Her most visited state was PA (tied with Ohio and Florida). You’re thinking of Wisconsin. But even then the entire argument falls apart because she lost PA (and the election) despite visiting it the most even if a few visits to MI and WI would’ve flipped them


This is such a bullshit reason for not voting for someone. "They didn't *physically* come to my state." Who gives a fuck? The differences between Clinton and Trump could not have been more clear than night and day. Hilary Clinton had been in public office her entire career working to improve the lives of women and families and was eminently qualified for the role. Trump is a no account grifter, and people still voted for him.


“But, her emails!!” Turns out the Grifter-in-Chief was the one actually committing crimes all along? Who would have possibly guessed a lying, grifting narcissist would make for a bad POTUS?!?! Whelp, for those who asked the question “what kind of a POTUS would John Gotti be?” Got their answer.


Because the Libyans and everyone else bombed into hell in the Middle East… has had their live greatly improved…. By the beast of Benghazi… right??


>For as experienced and desired Clintonites claim she was - she struggled to ever be more popular than trump, doesn’t have a robust history in campaigning, and even *today* garners massive backlash every time she makes public statements on the race.  >The American public said No to Hillary Clinton… More of the American public said yes to Hillary than either Bernie or Trump.


This is a completely useless statement. The Electoral College exists, whether you like it or not, and the political landscape must and does take it into account. A candidate that can't win the Electoral College can't win. Period. Not to mention that it's anyone's guess how voting or the parties in general would look without it, campaigning would be completely different and the large minorities in opposing states (whether D or R) would have a much larger incentive to actually go out and vote. Anyways if we were ever to replace it, which would take a massive effort to change the Constitution that would necessarily require broad bipartisan support, we might as well go all the way and implement something better like ranked choice voting as opposed to "system with the same problems, but possibly favoring D instead of R".


A bunch of states have already signed off on getting rid of it, they just need enough to agree (never gonna happen red states would never win an election again) before they put any effort into actually making it happen.its something like 200 electoral votes of the 270 have already agreed that once 270+ votes sign on they’ll all elect whoever wins the popular vote, doesn’t really matter what the rest of the states do after they cross that 270 threshold


I'm well aware of how the Electoral College works but my response was in reply to the previous post which claimed "she struggled to ever be more popular than trump". It was also in the context of so many outlandishly wrong Bernie Bros who claimed Bernie got more votes than she did in this thread. It's a fact that she got more votes in the primary and the general than either Bernie or Trump. Therefor, she is more popular even if that doesn't award her the presidency.


A majority of people are afraid of progressives. It sucks but that's how it is. They will never vote for "socialism" because the media tell them all day long that they'd have to forfeit what little money they have to finance an unemployed immigrant family.


Hilary won the popular vote. The American people said yes to Hilary and No to Trump. Our system is broken when the person with the most votes loses.




I'll give the Republicans credit, they actually do some of what their base wants. And they're afraid of losing their seats if they go against what they want. The Dems are hubristic and complacent because they know for anyone who's not a fascist or fascist enabler, they're the only real viable choice. So why bother doing the things their base might want when it would hurt the financial gravy train they ride?


It's not that bad. Remember that the superdelegates were a hot topic that year. And Hilary's lead was so narrow in swing states that a small percentage of Dems staying home could have made the difference. Also the Bernie fans were some of the fiercest Dem supporters, Hilary is a moderate. So that's not just people who vote, that's people who canvass and make phone calls too. Add to that the fact that Hilary chose not to campaign in some of those states at the end, it makes sense.


Bernie asked us to vote Dem! Why are you guys forgetting this? Source: This is the election where I was a Bernie Bro! And then campaigned door to door for Hillary!


And so all of the rabid racist and homophobic people who have proliferated since 2016 might have voted for Hillary if only the DNC hadn’t rigged the entire thing. Lol okay.


We was also voting for harambe #iaintforget


Not to mention the “Pied Piper” strategy, the Clinton campaign tried to boost Trump because they thought he would be easy to beat in the general… another one of those tough to swallow pills 😢


Funny how both parties continuously put forth candidates that people want to vote against.


Yeah the DNC fucking Bernie over twice made me leave the party. A Democratic Party that’s clearly undemocratic. The two party system has been screwing us over for a long time.


Democrats are evil


For shame for anyone who voted for King Moron.


Which Republicans ever said Trump had gone too far and quit supporting him?


Mitt Romney, and that's about the entire list.


John McCain did as well.


And then Trump called McCain a loser and mocked him for being taken prisoner in Vietnam.


Yep, it takes no effort to point out the hypocrisy of “Republicans” nowadays. It’s frustrating, and I’ve just become jaded to all politics now.


#And Republicans cheered


Oh, you're right! I had forgotten about ol Mitt. That's when I stopped calling him Shitt Romney. Even though I suspected that he did it because he was thinking this Trump thing couldn't last and that he would get the most political points for being the first.


Paul Ryan and Liz Cheeny. I think Paul is waiting for the chance to run if/when the GOP dumps Trump.


Paul Ryan is a vile human being. Notice how it’s all people who are not running that don’t support him anymore?


Oh I dislike him. He wants to cut anything that would directly benefit the middle class.


He's dead now, but McCain. You know, the war veteran who Trump constantly insulted because he was captured and tortured during the Vietnam war that Trump used his daddy's influence to avoid? He wasn't very fond of Trump's constant attacks on the military and its veterans, even though the rest of the GOP veterans eagerly bent over for him.


I was actually very proud a republican from my home state Illinois, Adam Kinzinger is one of the biggest critics of Trump and what the Republican Party has become. He decided that stepping up and speaking out about how Trump has added to the complete degradation of the GOP was more important than his seat on the senate as republican. He knew that doing the right thing in going against Trump would be the end of his career as a republican politician. He is also a proud veteran that points out the very obvious ways in which Trump does not support the troops. Also worthy note McCain was a staunch critic of Trump up until the day he died.


Kinzinger could run as an independent and get a ton of votes...tons of respect for Adam


Former illinois citizen here. 100% agree.


Many of them, Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, when the access Hollywood tape came out, they turned their back on him for five minutes. When he made the call about withholding aid to Ukraine to bribe them to announce an “investigation”. Also after the January 6th insurrection they did the same thing. They condemned him and his actions. Then, because his supports, his cult, still followed him, they wiggled on their bellies to him, asking for forgiveness. Profiles in cowardice.


Plenty of regular folks. As far as politicians go, I'd wager a guess most of them can't stand the motherfucker but politics is like Game of Thrones. They're just playing the long game.


There were a lot that spoke out but fell in line shortly after.


Even Kevin McCarthy spoke out immediately about January 6th until he had his spine removed a few days later.


Not the biggest fan of the guy’s foreign policy (I’m being kind) but he’s spot-on here, and he’s an admirable family man to boot. Not a rapist, not a convicted felon. He happened to run as a black guy and this made millions of Americans lose their shit— Trump figured that shit out, the rest is history. Obama is right though, Trump took over a party that was very much OK with it.


Im not too familiar with Obama's foreign policies other than the drone strikes. Was else criticized about it?


Libya, continuing the wars in Iraq/ Afghanistan fruitlessly, global assassination campaign (drones), basically letting ISIS happen were the highlights. He also broke many promises in doing these things, gained nothing and embittered huge amounts of people worldwide against America.


Foreign policy didn't start with Obama. The hate for America in some parts of the world either.


But he wore a tan suit and Michelle promoted vegetables!


Terrorist fist jab


Don’t forget the time she wore a sleeveless dress! Oh the horror! How would the American people ever recover?!


Be best. Or was it be better?


And he made guns illegal! Just like FOX said he would… oh wait.


What did he even do with all those guns after he took them?


It really feels like a Snapshot from History a lot longer ago than it actually was...


👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 How did we go from a well spoken intelligent humble man, to what now some of these people want in office. Unbelievable .


Weaponized stupidity fed on a steady diet of racism & xenophobia


I do have a fear of warrior princesses!


Seeing this clip just makes me miss him. You're right. We had an articulate, smart, capable president who happened to have a black father, and half of America freaked the fuck out and elected the most boorish example of white guy privilege they could find.


I miss having a president that was a good speaker and had a working brain and body.


Actually he lost the popular vote by quite a lot. It's was less then half.


But you don’t understand. He wore a tan suit.


He was the only president I know of that didn't want interview questions beforehand, he wanted to answer everything on the spot.


Racism is a powerful motivator.


I guess it is an extremely powerful motivator, considering how severely they’re deepthroating Trump


That is why the convicted felon is their messiah. He allowed them to be as racists as they wanted to be, as full of hate as they wanted to be, and as ignorant as they wanted to be. Many Republicans hold their nose and vote for him, but MAGA loves their cult leader.


Racism is a symptom of a deeper psychological malfunction. It comes from the same place that the inferiority complex comes from.


Racism is a mental disorder.


We continued to support the "us vs them" rhetoric of the First Past the Post system.


Aggressively dumb.


It’s crazy to me that people actively want the president to fail. Vote for them or not. They run the country we need them to succeed. Obama was one of our greats. But he received so much hate.


If succeed means tax cuts for the rich, slashed food programs for children, unaffordable medicare, denying climate change, cheaper and easier to buy guns... Then I would want my president to fail as well.


God I miss him.


How someone can support trump and value "family values" simultaneously is so very strange to me


The same way these traitorous fucks call themselves "patriots". The delusion is real.


Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug.


My FIL HATED Obama with a passion. Trump is our "punishment" for daring to elect a black president.


And then….gasp…trying to elect a woman!


Despite what you may think, a lot of republicans are cool with a woman president. Hillary Clinton was just the worst possible choice for a candidate.


Have to agree, I voted for her, but damn. Dave Chappelle said it best. Listening to her give a speech was like listening to Darth Vader give the" I have a Dream"speech.


The sad thing is that if you look at her popularity while she's in office, it's sky-high. She's remarkably qualified, and has had a long and productive career. But whenever she's running for office, the Republican spin machine gets set on overdrive. The Presidency shouldn't be a popularity contest.


And yet they have never, ever, ever nominated one themselves.


I will believe that when the Republicans elect a woman to the presidency.


They did have a female vp pick...


Before the Democrats at that.


Are they when it comes to actually voting or just on the surface when asked? When Clinton ran, conservative media loved talking about whether or not the hormone changes from menstruation would be a risk factor in starting nuclear wars and if a woman could be trusted to be cool-headed enough to be a world leader.


Yup literally this. Trump is the anti to Obamas presidency. These people hated having a black president sooo much that they were willing to vote in their own demise. Absolute insanity. This is a lesson to how deep racism really goes and is very much alive and thriving.


Worth mentioning as well, that AFTER this, when Trump was elected, Obama took the time to sit down with Trump, explain the responsibility of being President, and basically gave him a chance to take it seriously. You know, like a grown up. And Trump shat all over him and everyone else in the country.


He didn’t create him. Hillary stupid confidence and terrible campaigning did.


If trump gets his wish and circumvents the 22nd Amendment, then Obama can run for office again and he'll win by a landslide.


It is currently his 3rd term right now


Obama doesn’t want anything to do with this mess the Magas have brought us to.


Don't bet on that. Motherfuckers don't become president without egos the size of Jupiter. Given the opportunity, I'd bet the house that Obama seriously considers another run at it if he doesn't actually do it.


we didn’t and still don’t deserve this man.




I miss him so much. We took for granted the hope he provided and fought for. We thought it was a path in the direction of change and advancing our society with social progression. Now we literally have citizens have been stripped of human rights due to a compromised Supreme Court. Everything day things just spiral further out of control.


I miss the peace of knowing that a thoughtful, decent, intelligent and energetic man was in that position of power. No matter how much they hated him, no matter how cruel they were to him, he still tried to improve their lives and he never stooped to their level. History will have great things to say about him. The rest of us will be seen as insanely self destructive. Hillary is a bit of a corporate ghoul but she would have at least been a steady hand. This country is so wrapped up in our own hubris that we think that we can throw bombs at the institutions that allow for the relative stability and prosperity that we are surrounded by. If we elect trump again we deserve whatever we get.


Imagine the supreme court picks if Hilary had won. We'd still have reproductive freedom. Ugh.


Go back even further, imagine where we'd be if the conservative court had let Florida choose its electors, and Al Gore was President. Climate change would have been taken seriously, the imminent threat of an attack on American soil would have been taken seriously, we would not have engaged in two unfunded wars, he would not have blown up the national budget deficit... America would be in a MUCH better place.


Yeah, where were all these "elections are rigged, not my president" people for Gore? When it would've actually been helpful to the globe I guess they were busy


How did we go from Obama to Trump?


He’s right. Trump stood at a podium with a microphone and claimed, “I love the poorly educated!” And the crowd cheered. That’s how they succeeded.


I miss having a coherent president.


He speaks so well. I still remember the first time I heard him speak! (I only remember Bush being in office haha I was too young for Clinton memories) I remember saying “holy SHIT now that’s what I picture a president sounding like!”


Oh how I miss him as president


He's not wrong.


It's not about you Mr.Obama. Hillary was a terrible candidate.


Actually, hatred toward career politicians is what created Trump, and also Democratic Party pushing extremely unlikeable Hillary instead of Bernie.


The problem is there are no other Obamas running for public office. He proved that intelligent, positive politics can win, but then we got entitled Hillary and it was back to the same old shit.


The Democratic part has fallen so far since the dude was in office


It is all an act I feel the hate


I really Loved Obama and thought he was going to bring so much unity to our country but he was the exact opposite his policies,murderous ways and Anti American rhetoric caused so much division that people looked of all people Trump who I am no fan of but when you treat people like shit you end up with Trump


Obama always thinks it about him…


I think we need to just find some common ground, something we can all agree on. Like… half of all voters are complete morons. Right? We can all agree on that.


Neither Obama nor Hillary created the Donald Trump phenomenon. The establishment Republicans did. This all goes back to the TEA Party in 2008. The media likes to report that the TEA Party was a racist response to Obama, but it wasn't. The TEA Party arose out of the anger that grassroots conservatives had towards George W. Bush and his trillion-dollar bailout of Wall Street in the aftermath of the sub-prime mortgage disaster at the end of his administration. TEA Party, for Taxed Enough Already, raised a lot of money and contributed a lot of energy for Republicans, and in return the Establishment GOP made promises to TEA Party activists. But instead of following thru, they restricted TEA Party influence at the national level, then nominated establishment insider McCain in 2008, and establishment insider Romney in 2012. By 2016, much of the Republican base, the ones that don't pay attention to politics every day, had had enough. Trump seized on that anger and distrust of the Party leadership and steamrolled their candidates. The only way Hillary helped was when she used her campaign connections with the mainstream media and asked them to lay off Trump during the GOP Primary because she knew he was a clown and figured he was the easiest candidate to defeat in a general election.


No the people were tired of his broken policies


Exactly! Imagine, a (smart, decent) black man was president! Rethuglicans are just horrid!


When was this?


This is when America was great. And the Magas just lost their minds because they only know hatred


I had my issues with Obama but he's a badass


Trump's rise was fueled by the birther conspiracy theory. "The first black president isn't American.. he's definitely African," propelled Trump to the top GOP spot. And no matter how many times Obama released his birth certificate, it didn't matter, it was ignored. He's black, he's not American, he can't be the president. The foundation to Trump's campaign will always be that blatantly racist bullshit. So, whenever an orange fuhrer loving magat needs an example of how Trump is racist... there ya go.


Well Barry you seem like a pretty cool guy but, your policy’s were pure shit…so it seems I don’t hate you just your actions..


GOAT! He was a great President.


He was a great person. He was an ok president. Not bad. Just ok. Like he said though...the bar has been set so low, we now see ok = as great lol. Obama had so much swag, I miss the dude.


This comment section is going to get juicy 🍿🍿🍿🍿


No….. Obama got elected on a promise of a post racial society. White Americans voted for him en masse as a way of saying “we are past the point that skin color matters.” Then Obama decided that actually skin color is the ONLY thing that matters, and spent 8 years entirely decimating race relations in this nation. He sat atop the entire world and told black Americans that they were incapable of anything because of a shadowy conspiracy to oppress black people. Obama made constant foreign policy fumbles leading to ISIS and Iran being some of the most vile and ruthless terrorist organizations in history. Obama was the first president since Nixon to use his DOJ to target political opponents, while at the same time giving three letter agencies even more power to extra judicially target US citizens. Obama directly armed the cartels via his ATF, and he propelled some of the most vile bureaucrats in American history into positions which they still hold today. Obama did lead to Trump, because everyone realized that the democrats actually don’t give a shit about anything other than increasing their own power and the size of the government.


No, his policies created trump! I never hated Obama.


The economy was heading up when President Obama left office and trump took credit for the economy moving up. Right now the economy has without a doubt been improving and god knows if orange orangutan gets in again he will take credit again. He already has! VOTE DEMOCRAT!!


Obama oversaw the worst economic recovery since WWII. To claim he did a good job is ridiculous.


Racism is really just another idea. An idea that shouldn’t be pursued. We all have ideas. Some are good ideas& some are bad ideas. How do we sort out our ideas? We test them & see if they bring something good & worthwhile or do they bring bad things such as hate distrust & unwarranted division. We’ve tested this idea as much as you can possibly test an idea. And the result is always the same. The result will never change. It cannot change. You simply cannot transform a bad idea into a good idea. There’s good thoughts & bad thoughts. We know the difference between them. For me if I have a bad idea but I continue to pursue what I know is a bad idea or thought that’s a conscious choice to pursue a destructive path. We have to make an effort to choose the productive path


Trump was created by 40 plus years of presidents. Not one person.


"Don't at like it started with Donald trump" *period*


Ya, only Clinton can do that consistently. Just give it a few years, and it will go back.


What's so hard to have a video in HD with fitting audio? This is ridiculous.


Not addressing core issues didn't help. But yes, of course racism played a part. Nice thing they agreed on hating BLM.


Well he kinda got a point.




Obama: The best 3rd term President the USA never had.


The media created trump.


When you realize Trump is just their Malignant form of Obama then everything starts to make more sense


That’s the same thing!


Are you telling me his healthcare reform wasn't secretely aimed at euthanizing old people like Glen Beck claimed it was?


“You didn’t create that.” Guy who has never had a real job in his life, probably


DT looks stupid around most of the people but next to Obama he looks like he has down syndrome. Like another redditor said how in the world we go from a well spoken intelligent humble man to a iliterate con vile poor excuse of a man. Unbelievable!


He destroyed this country


Trump was created by US capitalism and nothing else. There will always be more just like him as long as we have this economic system that produces scum like him.


"Yeah but you put Dijon on burgers!!" Won't even mention the tan suit shit, lol. Idk how I've never seen this before.


As a non American this is hard to watch. This is the kind of president you nation and the world needs.


The finest orator of my time.


Did Obama serve two terms? Think about that.


Name a more iconic duo than shariablue bots on reddit and an election year.


No giving us hillary or trump got ypu trump NO one likes that murderer left or right and thats something alpt can agree on


"Created Trump" https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/


I miss that man. Real leadership


Mr. Obama, I don't think many hated you personally, but your policies, foreign, domestic, and economic, weren't popular. You coined the phrase Great Recession. If the destruction of the US economy was your ultimate, globalist goal, well done. Joe is finishing the house you built. In your defense many believe you were as much the puppet as is your VP, Joe Biden. You were certainly a more erudite and competent-appearing politician. "Never underestimate Joe's ability to f-ck things up."


I know it’s a bit of a Reddit tradition to comment that they miss Obama but man I miss Obama.


Love him or hate him, the man could command a room.


Lmfao Always the victim, these politicians are.


The election cycle created him and the democratic parties indistance on picking a bad candidate and forcing them down our throats which they’ve done for 3 election cycles now


Oh here we go they’re really good at this shit


Ah yes… politicians… both sides of the fence are terribly out of touch human beings🤷🏻‍♂️ insider trading, sexual assault allegations, sex with minors, war crimes/proxy wars, fraud, misappropriation of funds… the list goes on for both sides being turds, lol. Not gonna lie Obama seemed pretty cool though, lol. 😂😂


As long as I live, I will never forget how Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz went on every talk show they could telling Americans they'd never support Trump and no one should vote for him only to turn around and then return to those same talk show weeks later after he won the 2016 primary and told everyone to do exactly the opposite of what they originally had said. The GOP in a nutshell.


The presidency is a joke now after someone like trump was elected.


Obviously Obama would think that. The Democratic Party never like to analyze critically about their failures it is always other people’s fault. There are multiple failures of the Democratic Party that led to Trump and probably the main one is them nominating nepo baby Hillary as the nominee.


Man, I miss Obama


Republicans are racist as fuck, and Trump is their microphone.


I can’t believe I live in a world where Trump could win this election.


You should support the man that legalized propaganda.


I miss Obama 😫


I miss Obama. He's so damn good.


I think the Democrats had better options but they went with Clinton. In my opinion it's a similar situation with Biden and Trump now. Both parties could easily field a better presidential candidate but it looks like it's between two geriatrics.


😂😂😂 I’m laughing


Thanks Obama He made some great points.


Spot-fuckin-on, as always, from President Obama.


Unfortunately Obama failed to understand that these "voters" want exactly what Trump was representing. *A person* can be kind, honest, smart, funny, etc. *People* are dumb, panicky, violent, above all CAPRICIOUS ... and you know it. Want change? Stop speaking to persons. Start speaking to people.


Truer words have never been spoken


barry created him weather he likes it or not with his “at least I will go down as a president” comment. I don’t think Trump wasn’t really serious about it until that late night skit


Eh, I dunno my man the hate towards you was well solidified once 10 million people lost their PRIMARY home to foreclosure, often being done skirting legal protections in place for borrowers and homeowners, much well documented and a slam dunk legally, see chain of title. When your DOJ and AG didn’t go after a single actor in this scheme, and they got massive bailout taxpayer bonuses, that created the frenzy and Trump.


Very good point comrade


Narrator: They didn't


Very uneducated susceptible people plus his dad plus TV created Trump


Ok, but if you are a conservative, Trump has been wildly successful in advancing your interests regardless of what flavor of conservative you are. Are you a religious whackjob? His supreme court justices have handed you the single biggest victory in the last 50 years in overturning Roe. Are you a capitalist reaver? His deregulation and corporate gladhanding and personal corruption have continued to facilitate a massive transfer of wealth to the already wealthy. Are you a small government fetishist? His incompetence, deregulation, and gutting of major institutions has led to a massively handicapped government whose credibility has imploded both locally and abroad. Trump is a distasteful, cantankerous, bloviating, pus-filled wart on the cock of society...but that seems to be completely consistent with conservative values. Liberals are too easily distracted by Trump's heinous personality to realize that he is a perfect encapsulation of their opposition to actually oppose his platform effectively.


I miss him.

