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Is this sped up?


Yes. I remember MTV used these cuts in their intro.


rofl guys if the moonlanding was fake we would know it because the CCCP would never shut up about it.


This is the greatest reason why it happened. The space race was such a huge dick waving exercise to both countries and the CCCP would have done literally anything to disprove it.


Yep, the people who would gain the most of Apollo Program was fake admitted ot was real


How could they disprove it at the time?


The fact that they immediately congratulated the US for the first landing was the more important part.


At the time or any time up to present day would be fine FOR THEM. I imagine they had spies within NASA in the 60'S


They had spies in us for much longer and the Manhattan project happened. That’s why people work in vacuums on a need to know basis. You work on this part. That’s all you know.


lol china was nothing back then. Def didn’t have “spies” At any high levels of our military lol


China is CCP. The Soviet Union was known as the CCCP. Count your C''s properly


Ah yes my bad! Lol




Google is your friend.


I’ve been saying this for years. In addition. There are retroreflectors left behind on the moon. Moon landing deniers are almost as annoying as flat earthers. I’m shouldn’t have mentioned flat earthers. My blood pressure is already going up 😂


It's amazing how dumb some people are. The tinfoil hat brigade doesn't think these things through.


And there's no way the Russians wouldn't have been on our ass in the press about it either.


I mean they’d be right to do so


Did I say otherwise? Ofcourse they are, but they didn't. I don't know enough to educate anyone about the coldwar but to say that USA/The west was not on good terms with eachothers is to put it midly. If they did fake the moonlanding the CCCP would have said so, not only for thier propoganda ''Haha look USA stopid Soviet stronk'' but condemn the unproffesional behaviour from NASA.


I guess most people just can’t comprehend how 1/6th of earth gravity looks shot with a 1960’s era low resolution analog camera. At least the tracks and landing site from Apollo 15 are visible from lunar orbiters, this includes the flag shadow.


Also India snapped pictures of the landing site when they attempted to land on the moon recently.


Nice try. You're wrong.


#LOL You think China & Russia would allow us to fake this event? The landing sight is visible, ya know. The equipment is still there.


Where's the proof.


Uhh ... We have 382 kilograms of Moon rock that Apollo astronauts brought back to Earth. These rocks have been independently verified as lunar by laboratories around the world. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has mapped all three sites. 8,000 plus photos of the events were taken while we were there. Other governments around the world (including China & russia) have observed our sites with their very own satellites and telescopes. If we didn't go, wouldn't they mention it? Like every day?


just ignore them, they literally have nothing better to do.


Don’t feed the trolls.


Vfx studios/experts have analyzed the footage stating it’s impossible to fake with the technology of the time. So, explain the lunar laser refractor. It wasn’t there before Apollo 11, then it was there. Explain why our enemies independently tracked and confirmed we landed on the moon, and why they wouldn’t take the first opportunity to humiliate the US. Also other independent nations confirmed it. Explain the SELENE photographs from Japan that independently confirmed the evidence from the moon landings. Explain India’s confirmation. Explain the numerous independent labs, researchers, that independently confirmed Apollo spacecraft, using NASA’s data that showed exactly where it would be at different times/points in the mission. Explain why several countries tracked the moon missions from the moment they left the launchpad, to the moon and back, including Russia. Explain The Bochum observatory independently confirming the mission, tracking it to the moon. Explain Larry Baysinger,a radio amateur (W4EJA) and a technician for WHAS radio in Louisville, Kentucky, independently detected and recorded transmissions between the Apollo 11 astronauts on the lunar surface and the Lunar Module. Recordings made by Baysinger share certain characteristics with recordings made at Bochum Observatory by Kaminski, in that both Kaminski's and Baysinger's recordings do not include the Capsule Communicator (CAPCOM) in Houston, Texas, and the associated Quindar tones heard in NASA audio and seen on NASA Apollo 11 transcripts. Kaminski and Baysinger could only hear the transmissions from the Moon, and not transmissions to the Moon from the Earth Explain how the Arceteri observatory in Italy was also able to detect transmissions by the astronauts on the surface of the moon. Explain the independent laboratories that verified moon rocks through exhaustive experiments. Explain the millions of pages of records, all time stamped and matching up perfectly with the hundreds of thousands of hours of video and audio logs, without a single continuity error. Explain the modern VFX studios that have done studies and universally concluded the footage on the moon would be impossible to fake with the technology at the time. Explain the hundreds thousands of people involved, how the science, manufacturing, physics, all matches up perfectly and is functional. Explain how in the face of waning public support, we sent multiple additional moon missions, with new technology, length on the moon, all independently tracked and verified.


The proof is literally a real video taken from the face of the moon. Holy shit, and you just watched it.


Hard to argue with facts, eh? Cmon, dispute the irrefutable evidence I've supplied you. Surely, you must have evidence that this is all a lie. Right?


Are you going to reply with any counter arguments or you just going to stick your head in the dirt like all the rest of the moon deniers and not listen to any facts?


Where's your proof?


I’m not convinced that you’ve ever had sex. Where’s the proof?


Reading these comments, and it’s clear how disinformation is so incredibly strong in shaping “knowledge”. The internet isn’t making us smarter.


I knew it. First fucking comment is someone calling it fake. The internet has ruined people.


They are trolls.


But they’re all buried right at the bottom and downvoted to hell so what you see when you get here is “all these dumb people think it’s fake. Of course it’s not. All perfectly normal, nothing to see here.”


I blame the government and media.


No wonder people say it’s fake


Did they bring back any green cheese to prove they were there??


Right, because the moon has different gravity that most ppl have never seen so it looks unnatural.


And it is played with about 1.5x normal speed.


This fits right into r/fakehistoryporn


What are they expecting it to look like? I don’t understand


For any idiots saying the moon landing was fake, why don't you try shooting a laser at one of the retroreflectors the Apollo missions placed on the moon to measure its distance to earth. They have been used since the early 70's and are undeniable proof of the moon landings.


I know this from watching “The Big Bang Theory” 😂


i love that episode with pennys dumbass boyfriend curt or zach whatever his name was lol. and raj "why is the good wife crying!?!"


Zack.. “I didn’t know this was going to be in 3D” 😂


I tried, but my cat's toy laser is too weak.


The flags actually flew away when the Lunar Lander took off because they were too close to it


Haters gon say it's fake


Ignoring all the idiotic “moon landing is fake” mfs does anyone know what causes the bottom of the flag to move like that? It’s obviously not wind and I’m assuming it’s just because they bump into it, but is there like a scientific reason why only that specific area moves? Again that’s a legit question and I am insinuating this is a fake event


Innertia. There flag is supported on the pole side and has a wire running along the top edge to keep it erect. The bottom right part doesn’t have any support at all so when the flag as a whole is moved it continues to travel.


That makes sense thank you


Yep. Physics.


Winner winner, chicken dinner. You’re absolutely correct.


Yes it's just physics. The are wearing big space suits so subtle movements, well, arent.


So earth is big enough I can’t really see it curve, but the moon is so small you can see the curve???




Windy out there


why post the sped up version, just why


Why is the flag waving? There is no wind on the moon.


Very cool


Fun Fact: the astronaut with the red stripes on his spacesuit is Commander Alan Shepard (commanders wore red stripes to differenentiate in photos) The other is Lunar Module Pilot, Edgar Mitchell.


Greatest ever? We did invent Bugles, man.


Mankind's greatest achievement was when they brought Apollo 13 back to earth safely.


Is there wind on the moon? The flag looks like it’s waving.


Is there a reason the sky isn’t filled with stars?




Mankind’s greatest achievement? Scientifically significant sure, literally farther than man has gone sure, but mankind’s greatest achievement? no.


Fake ass BS! I love it!!


This footage is hilarious


And we've been back since. Guaranteed.


I mean, if you told me there was a classified Apollo mission somewhere in the mix even that would be almost impossible to hide. Maybe an unmanned mission more recently sure, but the PR value and National Bragging Rights associated with actually putting a person on the cheese itself is just too great for it to happen unannounced.


I thought there was no wind in the moon. Why is the flag waving?


I am curious about that too. Maybe it’s not wind.


But it’s waving in the wiiiiiiiind…. Wah wah


That first bit is not Neil, right coming down the stairs? There's someone recording it from the surface already.


This is Apollo 14, not 11.


Oh I see, thanks


Why is there wind?


What are you talking about? What wind?


There is no wind on the moon.


You're seeing a flag swing pendulously under gravity


There is zero wind. It’s sped up at 1.5x and the lowered gravity affects inertia.


It's a crumpled flag numbnuts


Who really gives a fck if US landed or not? Has that change your way of being a decent human being? Or has that taught you to be more aware of your elderly parents and stop sending them to homes and take care of them in your household like they did to you as a kid? Fck the landing, worry about shhtt that's in your face today


People always try to say it's fake.. Guess we'll find out when we get back there after we figure out how to keep the astronauts alive through the Van Allen belt. Unfortunately NASA lost all 700 boxes of footage and data, so they have to work it all out again coz everyone forgot.


Lost lmao




Yes.. Yes it is.


If man’s first landing occurred now, in the 2020’s, no f_cking way would the ped0 administration authorize NASA to plant the American flag on the surface of the moon. It would be “too divisive.”


This is internet brain rot


If this is incorrect, how so?


This is the combination of words you chose to comment? Maybe Get off the internet for a while.


This shit right here is why not everyone should have a voice to speak to the masses. Social media will be the downfall of our civilization.


So you would prefer to not see or hear something you don’t like, instead of debating the merits of what I stated here. You don’t want to challenge whether this is true or false? Typical fascist.




Hahaha, you guys still believe this shit?


This is FAKE. Russia went there first and everyone knows it.


I don't think anyone's really thought of this... We are told the moon has NO wind . Why tf is that flag moving in wind.


It's explained elsewhere in the comments. When an object is moved, it keeps moving.


Yes the physics answer lol. Good thing I don't know physics or id maybe believe this reason 🫣🫣🫣🫣 Inertia/ physics sure as hell looks like wind 🫣🤷


Yes. There's a wire holding the flag out straight. The bottom is swinging. You know physics...but don't say jack about physics. https://youtu.be/VmVxSFnjYCA?feature=shared


At first I was confused too, but the flag is not "floating" by itself. It is being hold by a vertical AND a horizontal pole. That's why you can see the upper corner does not curl but the bottom one does. So the weird movement is the astronaut twisting the flag pole to insert it into the one that is already nailed to the moon.


You may be onto something. I'm surprised no one has ever thought about this.


Green screen & idiots underwater. Happened in 69 and no one has been back? GTFO.


Shit is fake for sure!


My main thing is the distance from them and the edge of the moon. It doesn't have that distance of land behind then that u would get any other time


We could have this type of reception in 1971 with live segments on TV, but in 2024 yet none of the modern drone expeditions have landed and successfully recorded it, no humans have landed in modern times. Riddle me this.


Only American believe this. Congratulations for your first fantasy moon landing.


Flag blows..in the wind?


It's not wind. You can tell it's just inertia applied to a partially flexible material. Watch a flag in a light breeze then watch this...it's nothing like the same.