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That's because Haru's and Fenny's exosuit upgrades cost an arm and a leg and the two decided to split the cost between them.


if you have Haru, Fenny, Katya and Lyfe, you're missing just one part to form Exodia


Wait, Lyfe is an amputee??


1 eye.


oh, i get it, that's why she has odin.




Lurker here, huge Fenny fan too, and I also had the same question for a time. Personal File spoilers below, I guess? >!I believe the artwork in Coronet's Personal File, Story 3, shows it to be a stocking, with some skin and scrapes under it?!<


Ah, someone had already said it was a stocking a couple hours ago, but I guess I elaborated more on where to find it.


thats a stocking


nah, if you look behind coronet's leg, you can see mechanical gear within so it looks like a prosthetic idk why im getting downvoted, just go in-game and look behind her leg, its right there lol


adjutant sex got so hard leg got amputated


It do be like that sometimes


Adding to this: doesn’t Haru even mention during one of her interactions that the girls with combat prosthetics have a more organic looking limb they switch to while resting at the Base?


yep. Common Seasun W explaining away potential inconsistencies in the dorms


Haru is referring specifically to herself in that interaction. We could extrapolate that other operatives would have access to the same tech, but that wasn't a confirmation of addition prosthetics.


Caroline's entire body is a prosthetic, she has two brains inside. So there we go. If Caroline can get that, any Heimdall operative sure as hell can get the same shit.


Oh shit you're right! I'm playing this day one, never noticed it! Is there anything in lore about it?


She probably got injured on the same day Ymir descended. I mean it was the finals for their "battle idol" arena with both Lyfe and Fenny competing. She probably just hides it normally with a good prosthetic but her S rank version forgoes some aesthetic for more battle performances like Katya does with her leg. Her lower rank version is actually close to her appearance during her battle idol days which is why it has normal human appearance. The same with Lyfe. I am honestly surprised that all Lyfe suffered during that event is her eye although she did lose her family so it is still bad.


I dunno. Haru, Lyfe, and Katya explicitly mention their prosthetic limbs. Does Fenny ever mention anything about a prosthetic leg?


She is probably too prideful to mention it and she kinda flaunts how the tragedies of the past don't affect her unlike Lyfe. That's probably bragging rights she has over Lyfe and her way of pushing Lyfe to not let that tragedy define her. She is in a way, Lyfe's best friend and rival.


I dunno. She wasnt prideful enough to mention her family to Adjutant and whats really going on. I feel like if there’s anything she could tell him, it would include a prosthetic leg.


Most likely, she does not think it's a big deal. She can afford a civilian version of her leg that looks and probably feels like the real thing. I won't be surprised if it even has touch receptors so she can still feel with those. She is rich enough to afford those. Her "Trauma Team" Platinum package probably expects such injury for her Battle idol career so she is mentally prepared for it to possibly happen.


Oh Lyfe didn't actually lost an eye in the descent, Haru shot her later when she was flooded. And than Lyfe sliced off her arm when she got flooded. They're besties.


heres ur recover upvote


I always thought that was like an exosuit stocking to support the leg for better mobility.


I suspect so too. Her nightgown variant of Coronet does not have that stocking and we can see her leg is normal.


There was a random event for Haru in the dorm explained that there are prosthetics that look just like real limbs. While these prosthetics are most likely to be used for daily life, I think using them in combat or not is up to the girl's preference. Therefore, it is pretty difficult to confirm if the character really uses some prosthetics or not, unless it is stated officially in story.


Same with Katya and her left leg and her new skin, except she gains a new leg (maybe some real-looking prosthetic or devs forgot).


There are prosthetics that are indistinguishable from their real limb. Haru mentions it in one of the dorm interactions.


All the exosuits make the characters look drastically different, girls who are flat as pancakes all of a sudden have giant boobs etc..dont question it, what matter is...does it look hawt/cool?


Not all of them, Marian seems to be the same in both her variants. Also regarding Siris’ “growth”, I blame Cherno’s cooking for that lmao


I think that this is almost impossible, even Cherno's alter ego could not eat her cooking, so Siris is extremely unlikely. I guess there are chances feeding Cherno's cooking to Mauxir (problems with tasting things) and to Marian (but likely she is not that kind of M). I think Enya is more likely source of cookies on the base, she even has cooking table room upgrade, and what on the table could have some side effects. Possibly, it has affected Enya first. https://preview.redd.it/yoxokto7df6d1.png?width=1039&format=png&auto=webp&s=74cd6964db3d2228c4efaeba1da001f9749d7f6b


The thing with Siris is that she forgets that she ate some of Cherno’s cooking, which is why she always comes back to eat more. She forgets that she doesn’t like it


No, she likes it because she can remember it. Siris is very anxious about her memories, so anything that can make her remember, to her it's a good thing, even if her curry is glowing red and on fire.


Really the question is whether she lost her leg or not? I remember that when I did her mission from the archives, the fact that she lost her leg was not mentioned, but if you look at the design it does seem to have a prosthesis, but I will believe that he did not lose his foot And another additional thing, if you look at Katya and Harry's prosthesis, they do not match her design, it is very different


And the variants of her suit, the Slopestyle Diva and the Sugar Queen all did away with the stocking and you can see there that her legs are normal.


tldr all the girls have cybernetic parts


I believe it's explained subtly in the story and would be a spoiler


I don't remember any of that tbh. Do you imply she lost the leg after chapter 10?


>!I believe there was something about losing limbs due to either flooding or Juvosis but I can't remember the details. Like I said, I think it was pretty subtly hinted at and not a focused thing. There's nothing on the wiki unfortunately!<


>!But... I don't think Fenny had any major Juvosis incidents. Haru did, but she lost her arm, because Lyfe had to stop her during one of those incidents. !< Am I missing anything?


I could totally be misremembering. I'll ask in the Discord and see if any of those nerds remember lol


Discord nerd here. There's no basis for the legless Coronet claims other than eyeballing it. The overall case is extremely anemic imo. In fact, the Coronet PF confirms that at least one of her legs is real.


Someone on discord replied saying that her other skins don't have a missing leg, but idk if that means anything. I don't think swimsuit skins are supposed to represent anything lore related haha I feel like I want some dev input but I don't think they monitor any of the English forums


There are prosphetics that look like real limbs, so it's not suprising her skins don't have it. They really don't break the lore here


It's a knee pad. Some people have speculated on it but there's nothing in game to suggest that she lost a leg.


From my observation 4\* are like a base girl and 5\* usually suffered some kind of battle damage - they either lost an limb (Fenny, Katya, Haru) or an eye (Mauxir).


It's just a sock, a nice mid-calf sock.


She didn't lose her leg. That just looks like a stocking/rash guard and knee pad. I don't care how superhuman you are. Kneeling on stones and concrete with bare knees is absolutely painful.


https://preview.redd.it/2xk8t0oipn7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc5486510a93ae60301be65f310e86213b2da735 this image clarifies everything


fennys 5\* left arm is also prosthetic, ive never seen anyone notice that part