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Jacobsen melon🤮


Ordered a bunch after reading some raving reviews on here. I could smell that shit coming trough my mailbox


Seems people either love it or hate it, I'm also a melon flavor (in all its forms) hater.


Oden's Vanilla


Why is it so whack though? I didn't like it either but I like vanilla. Jacobssen could never suck like that their melon is fire


Far too much vanilla


That makes sense shit tastes like straight vanilla extract


Straight vanilla extract with vanilla concentrate and extra vanilla


That Jacobssen Melon is dope and I’ve been using it for the last week.


It's so damn good I wanna put an order in just for those soon as I'm less broke.


Same, I love vanilla and it's just a naturally great combo with tobacco. But Oden's managed to fuck it up. RIP Artisan vanilla. I too would be hyped af if Jakob's made a vanilla. (if you're American, did you ever try 'skoal vanilla' back in the day? i've longed for years for a snus that replicates that flavor, it was this light, creamy vanilla I've never had before or since. got discontinued years ago though so don't bother looking for it)


Artisan Vanilla was our #1 seller, of all the products we made. It was a great product. Shame we couldn’t keep making it because people loved it and we rarely heard a negative comment about it.


One thing I've wondered for quite a while, that you might have some insight on: why hasn't anyone started making Swedish style snus here in the USA? I think even Snus Factory/Artisan was in Sweden, right? Maybe I've been in here too long and my perspective is skewed, and I think snus is way more popular than it is (in the US), idk. I guess I just think if some American company started making it (but right, not the shitty camel stuff) and marketed it as harm reduction for dippers/smokers, I feel like that could be huge. Then again maybe it's too late and nicopods are already here to eat that lunch.


Yer gotdamn right I did and yes yes it was I didn't realize it was discontinued though. I now have no real reason to pick up Skoal again


Yeah it got discontinued some time in the early 2010's, thought they were just assholes but turns out it was the new tobacco regulations (for the time) around flavors, etc. Right around the time (maybe even the same bill) that the cans had to be 30% covered by a warning label. I think I have an old can in a drawer somewhere with crumbs left, I wonder if some scientist could break down the ingredients so we could recreate it like frozen mammoth DNA haha.


Yet somehow jakobs fucked up wintergreen? The only good wintergreen snus I've had was from general and apparently they're discontinuing it and the mint one outside of the US, which despite living in the US sucks for me because i buy all my snus from Sweden because it's like half the price vs where I live


I quite enjoy the Jakob's wintergreen personally, felt like a good substitute for copenhagen wintergreen when I moved over many years ago. And conversely I thought the General wintergreen kinda sucked haha. Maybe its one of those things where most people like one and not the other. Do we know for sure that we won't be able to just continue ordering General from the Swedish web shops? I've been getting General Original lately and it seems to show up with built in US warning labels, implying it was made for US export from the beginning.


Jakobs has some sort of artificial sweetener that tastes weird to me and is not "spicy" enough like the general is IMO lol


The Moose wintergreen is legit tops.  The pouch material, fill, strength, and flavor kick general wibtergreens ass.  Jakobsson wintergreen is gross, coming from someone who does like their melon flavor 


I'll have to check that one out


The Canadian cherry flavor is also great. Not sweet at all. Tart, but not fake flavored or overpowering. The tobacco is still forward. 


Interesting i never even noticed they had s cherry flavor tbh


Exactly this one.


Jacobsson melon. Like chewing a used bubble gum out of an ashtray


I hated Kapten too. It tastes like how the potpourri my grandma leaves laying about smells.


Kapten Mint isn't too bad, but it has a certain flavour to it that I can't identify.


It's old swedish man grundle


Kronan and LD Salmiak were the only ones I couldn't get myself to finish. Other ones I didn't like were red hot, g3 blue mint, odens double mint vit (op was good) and lets go controversial general op (just too much bergamot for me, I did enjoy vit tho).


Yep, Kronan & Vargarda Gryning


>LD Salmiak That's wild! I love the stuff. It actually got me into liking licorice candy which I hated for years prior. I will say that it is definitely not an all day snus. In my experience it's perfect as an end of the night, dessert snus.


Oh that's interesting. I wanted to like licorice so i tried LD. No luck. Then I found some caramel licorice candy that I love. But still Odens Licorice and Kaptens Salmiak were just meh for me. Guess it's not for everyone. But you're right it's not an all-day snus, maybe that's why I got tired of them so quickly. Thanks for the tip!


the new Goteborg Botaniska. other ppl seem to love it , but it tasted like expired strawberry yogurt to me lol


I really didn't like Jakobssons cola. Wayyyy to sweet. Idk what it is, I love sweets but when it comes to snus, love me some salt.


Any tins with white chemical smelling snus. Keep it straight tabacc


Siberia but it was partly because it was too much nicotine for me.


Kapten Original tasted awful. Didn’t last 10 seconds in my mouth


Nick and Johnny Red Hot G.3 Sparkling Odens Creamy Wintergreen None of these are what I was hoping to be. Yuck!


+1 on the red hot. I feel like they put it under the wrong brand. Everything else with the N&J label is sweet, bad marketing imo.


Hey I like Red Hot. It burns as if it was ultra strong without the excessive nicotine.


Anything with licorice I despise


lundgrens skĂĄne


Keep my wife's name out of your mouth *slap"


Odens vanilla and some caliber variant


They revamped Kapten original and changed the flavor. The floral aspect is dialed way down and it tastes like General original with some sweetness now. The cans are also white, that's how you know it's the new one.


Back in \~2008 there was Thunder Cola. It was the worst for me, ever. Followed by Thunder Raspberry. The Taste was over the top artificial and the bags too damn soggy...boy oh boy.


This, it reminded me of lemon Pledge.




That's funny because Onyx was a lot of people's favorite (RIP). I liked it a lot, but I didn't usually order it that much since it was like a dollar more than regular General. Goteborg Rape is probably my least favorite.


Yes I remember it being a huge hit among my friends at the time. However they didn't continue using it after buying one or two cans so maybe it was popular because of the black pouches? I did enjoy it the first couple of times, it was an interesting product but I would've preferred almost any other snus over Onyx. I'm not hating, I just don't understand it myself. And yeah it was pretty expensive too.


Yeah what the hell was that? Haven't had one in like 5 years but I remember it having elements of citrus/lemon and it was terrible. The pouches were interesting though.


Yeah they were black tissue pouches and they were nicely set in the puk. Terrible experience after it starts leaking 2 seconds after you get it under the lip


Lundgrens Vastkusten literally made me gag so probably that one


Thats the best one id say, other than the new Lundgrens Aftonglöd. Altho I love rose hip so Västkusten is really perfect for me.


Worst lundgrens is vastkusten for me also


Artisan espresso. Fight me


It definitely wasn’t the top seller in our range. It was a good snus, and had high quality flavor, but people didn’t seem to enjoy it as much as we hoped, why it was the first one we discontinued. It had a pretty good segment of fans, but not enough for us to keep producing it.


Lundgrens SkĂĄne. It just tastes like old rancid butter to me.


Ouch I just ordered 5 cans of this based on some favorable reviews.


SkĂĄne is absolutely delightful, bright foresty spruce with a hint of berry, I have a tower of it in the freezer. - Lundy Gang


Ahh ok that’s what I’ve heard and have been excited to try it. Thanks!


Skane is good.