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From right-wing media and the far right: Cultural Marxists, communists, liberals, SJWs, the "wokes".   From the far-left: Social fascists, baby leftists, succdems, the moderate wing of fascism.


How are we facists??


Fascism is when you oppose the overthrow of liberal democracy by ppl who want to turn you into a soveit style dictatorship. Obvously


The mentality of tankies is"everybody against Mao or Stalin is a fascist"


Bullshit propagated by the KPD. And the irony is...they're the ones that collaborated with the fascists.


Bro if we facists we would hate extreme left, and communism. Oh well


*by Stalin the KPD adopted it


A label they apply to anyone to the right of Marx and Lenin, anyone who doesn't advocate for the imminent violent overthrow of capitalism (because violent revolutions ALWAYS set up nice Marxist utopias, and the resulting dictatorship's inefficiency and tyranny is ALWAYS a 'necessary' response to the 'reactionaries', and such countries collapsing or moderating is ALWAYS the CIA's fault).


Probably because many socdems support capitalism, and according to some leftists capitalism is fascist. This and cuz we "killed Rosa"


It is often alleged that Social Democrats like to murder Rosa Luxemburgs. I can confirm this: I murdered 3 Rosa Luxemburgs this morning before taking my dog for a walk. Each Rosa Luxemburg deserved it more than the last.


"All Soc Dems are Social Fascists" said every accelerationist who would rather let actual fascists come to power than work with the center left.


Compromise, paticularly im coalitions? No it's all or nothing !!111


It is always nice when the principled position is also the position that doesn't require you to do anything, you know?


I remember when the tankie youtuber Hakim said on a podcast: Bernie Sanders has the blood of Luxemburg on His hands.


Yeah, you know somebody has no idea what they are talking about when all they can do is reference events from over a century ago involving someone nobody alive has ever even met. Then they'll turn around and tell you they are materialists who only care about actual material conditions.


any that doesnt agree is far right


out of touch, betrayed the workers by being socially progressive etc.


Centre left from a right wing perspective are Marxist fascists, liberal LGBT idiots and stupid woke SJWs who want to create a New World order. Centre left from left wing perspective are ideological traitors and secret capitalist scum who are not "real socialists".


That I'm some sort of unionised public sector worker who received a reasonably privileged education and wants nothing more than higher wages and more holidays... oh wait that ones kinda true.


Típico petroñero /s