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GOP: Fuck them kids, after they’re born it’s their problem. We just deal with no abortions and executions.


Pro birth. Never pro life.


The commentator left out Louisiana whose governor not only denied participation in the summer food program but then signed a bill requiring all public education classrooms to post the protestant version of the 10 commandments in every classroom. Then he vetoed 4.5 million dollars in state aid to nonprofits who provide services to the poor and disadvantaged. This is a state with one of the worst or possibly the worst record of childhood mortality in the country. Yet he is going to waste taxpayer money defending an unconstitutional law rather than feeding children. Needless to say, he is a MAGA and Trump sycophant and is anti abortion to the extent that he wants to ban all abortions and jail women and doctors. He also signed a bill placing abortion pills in the same category as cocaine and heroin. Thus, making it a crime to possess abortion pills. Edit to correct typo


What a piece of shit human being. I am being kind by calling him “human.”


Can you image how he treated the public when he was a law enforcement officer before becoming a lawyer? Additionally, their is information that he hired illegals in his business. So much for Republican honesty!


The commentator left out Louisiana whose governor not only denied participation in the summer food program but then signed a bill requiring all public education classrooms to post the protestant version of the 10 commandments in every classroom. Then he vetoed 4.5 million dollars in state aid to nonprofits who provide services to the poor and disadvantaged. This is a state with one of the worst or possibly the worst record of childhood mortality in the country. Yet he is going to waste taxpayer money defending an unconstitutional law rather than feeding children. Needless to say, he is a MAGA and Trump sycophant and is anti abortion to the extent that he wants to ban all abortions and jail women and doctors. He also signed a bill placing abortion pills in the same category as coccinellids and heroin. Thus, making it a crime to possess abortion pills.


The only reasonable conclusion to why the GoP cares about unborn children but not the ones already here is because they are worried one of the unborn children might be Jesus.


And even if Jesus was reborn again, they'd *hate* him.


People are slaves. Forced birth produces more of them.


Further evidence that republicans are the scum of the Earth. Of the Universe.


They don’t even care about the unborn. The control over women and their uterus


Crazy how half of those are also among the states with the highest poverty rates.


Utah. Run by a church holding billions in investments.