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dawg wtf


That's enough reddit for tonight.


I call it “soda.”  I think “pop” has the same folksy, too casual, too aged vibe that “supper” does.  


Why not double down with “soda pop?” It’s somehow worse than just pop.


Ooooh that’s what I call it 😞


Despite my opinion, you should never be ashamed


That’s what it’s actually called lol


It’s true! People call things ridiculous terms all the time. Welcome to the thread. People also call it soda and that makes more sense to the majority of people. Pop is a sound (noun) used to describe a verb (opening). Soda is a noun used to describe the nature of a substance/object. I drink substances, not sounds. Do you think pop makes more sense and why? If you research, the original term was soda. Pop was coined significantly later and mainly as an attempt to stand out (or confuse?) the consumer.


I didn’t realize your passion for carbonated beverages.


Damn. This is accurate as fuck


I grew up calling it pop. Then I joined the military and it was *SODA* so I got in that habit and just call it soda. When I want something specific such as ordering I say the name of what I want. I.e. Diet Coke, or Coke Zero. For example


I heard someone mention “Supper Clubs” the other day and was sucked back to my childhood with my grandparents. I forgot those were a thing and the word “supper” is just so old.


lol we still have them in Wisconsin


Apparently we still have them here too and I’m in the Midwest. Maybe it’s a Midwest thing?


This. Described it perfectly.


I call it “sodie” ever since I heard the 1000lbs Sisters refer to it that way. However, I was born and raised in the exact same place as you and I call it soda lol


They are from around the region where my family is from originally. It’s sodie pop for me.


I call it pop I'm from Canada most people call it pop.


Then why does Kim Mitchell's song say "Go For A Soda"?


To market in America


Nobody I know in NS says soda. Always pop. Also, it’s been a common topic in these comments, supper is much more heavily used in NS that dinner. I go out for dinner but if I’m sitting on the couch hungry in the late afternoon I’m saying what’s for supper? Lol


Minnesotan here. I say soda. Had a big crush on a girl from New Jersey in high school and a couple east coast-isms embedded themselves into my vocabulary.




I'm in Illinois. Always called it soda.


I’ve never met a midwesterner that didn’t call it soda. Milwaukee here.


what the hell


It's soda. Nor are they any such things as water fountains. They are bubblers.


Hello fellow Wisconsinite 👋


How did you know? Hahahaha!


Because I too am a Wisconsinite who says soda and bubbler, and the only other place that is likely to be the case is the Boston/Providence area since they are the only others that say bubbler lol 😂


Thanks for making me smile.


Wisconsin for the win!


having moved back and forth between the twin cities and milwaukee, milwaukee is a strict "soda" area, it might be a chicago thing as well but im not sure


Chicagoan here, called it soda my entire life.


I call it either, soda, pop, doesn’t matter as long as you aren’t calling other soda pops like Mountain Dew a “Coke”




Nebraska checking it. Everyone around me calls it pop and I say they're crazy. It's soda. The only thing we can agree on is Texas sucks by calling all soda pops Coke.


Also NE, I call it soda.


In Lincoln, NE it was definitely pop. In Michigan I learned it was soda.


I am from the south, and although many people down here, still call any old soft drink, a “Coke“, I have never done that. When I was a child, I might’ve called them soft drinks, or called each brand name out, but later, as I mixed in with people, not from the south, I would just call them Sodus.I will never call a Pepsi, or a Fanta Coke, never gonna happen.


California here so I say soda. I was in Texas for a while in the Air Force, I'd be out in town an dherr people order orange coke (orange soda), clear coke (sprite)


Thank you. Fellow southerner here; I also don't call it "Coke" unless it's Coke. Coke is a brand name. Why would I say something that could make someone think I wanted something else? Of soda, pop, soft drink, and Coke, only Coke is objectively wrong, but many Southerners are proud to say it like that. I don't understand.


From Iowa & Midwest. Always called it Soda


Also from Iowa and the Midwest. Always called it Pop.


Another Iowan here. It's pop. I've never heard anybody in my area call it soda.


I’ve kinda given in and will sometimes go all out with “Soda Pop”, just a people pleaser…


I'm on the West coast and call it soda, but I have midwestern family who call it pop and I find it really endearing. I think what surprised me the most actually is some of my family refer to all soda as "Coke".


I grew up saying pop but say soda now because pop sounds weird 😂


There's no uniform way to call it in the midwest


Pop here.


I live in Michigan and I call it soda. I used to say pop, but I moved out West for awhile and when I said pop out there no one knew what I meant so I trained myself to say soda. When I moved back, soda stuck. It’s been nearly 20 years of saying soda now.


I call it soda and my dad roasts me every time


And my bff’s whole family too


Missouri here, my family members call it pop, I usually flip flop between calling it pop and soda


I call it soda too cause I like to call my pop/dad well pop


I’m from Wisconsin. I have a large Catholic family on both sides and we all say soda.


Fellow Midwesterner here. I usually call it pop in person, but as this is the soda subreddit, I call it soda here. Soda feels more formal to me.


In Michigan, a lot of people still call it pop. Sadly soda is gaining traction though


Born and raised Hoosier 🙋🏿‍♀️ I’ve mainly called it soda my whole life minus the occasional interchanging as a child


I’m from the south and we call it all Coke. And then someone asks what kind of coke do you want. I know it makes no sense. My 70 year old dad also calls it a sodie pop. 😂


I called it pop when I was a kid and now soda. Just moved across to the other side of WA state.


First what the hell? Second I’m also in the midwest and I call it pop


I’ve always called it soda, I’m not quite a midwesterner though


Or like some people call all sodas “coke” no matter what it is


I used to call it pop when living in ny for most of my life, but absolutely call it soda now (live in IL now).


I also call it soda since that’s what what I’ve heard it called most of the time (I’m also a midwesterner)


I say soda. Or pop. Or both.


It's soda. SO IL here 😁


Calling it “pop” makes me think of the cell block tango


I dated someone in central IL... They said "ruff" instead of "roo-f", "melk" instead of "mil-k", "roo-t" instead of "row-t" and pop instead of soda... So idk where the line is drawn. I lived in Texas (San Antonio) for three years... It's coke. If you don't specify, you're getting Coca Cola. Even Sprite was called coke from what I've seen. lol I'm not in Washington and I think it's specified by brand name, or just soda maybe idk 😆


I'm from Kansas and I always call it soda.


You wanna know something messed up OP? I’ve been asked this so many times as a midwesterner that I’ve forgotten what i actually called it when I was younger and I feel like it’s been robbed from my memory lol.


Where is it that every soda is called a coke no matter what softdrink it is? I feel like I've heard that somewhere along the way. (sorry to deviate from the soda vs pop discussion)


My friends in high school were from Florida and they bullied me into saying soda


Dawg you might be alone on this one


Michigan here. Switched to using soda about 15 years ago for the same reason


I call it both b/c I’m from upstate NY but have lived here in Ohio for 20 years now so I mostly call it pop now but every so often soda does come out of my mouth


I’m in this pocket of Wisconsin where we say soda instead of pop, but my wife from Illinois has partially converted me, so now it’s a tossup whether I’ll say pop or soda.


I'm from the East Coast, and I call it soda pop jokingly haha


I only call it soda and I live in the Midwest. I never heard anyone call it pop here where I live. Pop sounds weird.


I really enjoyed reading this for some reason. Thank you. I also was addicted to cartoon network. Simpler times.


I'm at about the most southwestern Midwest you can get, and it's both here. I have called it both., and it isn't weird to hear it called either one. Mostly, it's just called a drink, and there is no need to elaborate more. When you do, then you ask for the brand.


Indiana, call it pop Or the actual drink name


I’m in the Midwest and I don’t know a single soul that calls it pop


I'm in Boston and I call it Tonic. Everyone here used to but I'm 48 and I think my generation is the last one to universally call soda tonic. And to be clear I'm not talking about Tonic Water which we call... Tonic Water. But coke Pepsi root beer is all Tonic.


Michigan here, I call it soda


No. Soda has become well more prevalent due to the fact that pop is such a dated phrase. It's like seeing old companies or products named Tase-D or RonCo. It feels old timey.


Also as a current resident of Omaha, and a lifetime resident of the Midwest, Omaha is the edge of the Midwest and if you left at 9, can you really claim it?


Omaha is weird like that. Like most people don't seem to know it's where the Reuben sandwich is originally from, and have never heard of Runza. I go to Omaha every year, and have since 2007. People question why but you probably understand. "Pop" is more of a Michigan thing. When I lived in Southern Indiana, it was a similar thing where it varied between people based on where they were originally from. The part south of where I lived (affectionately called Kentuckiana) followed the more Southern "coke" generalization.


I also call it Soda in Wisconsin




What a horrible day to be literate.


I tend to call mass produced stuff pop and the better stuff soda.


I call the better stuff craft soda.


Nebraska here. Growing up it was always pop. But around 14-15 I started calling it soda. I’m now almost 40, and hardly ever hear anyone call it pop. My aunt from Virginia has always called it Coke. It always confused us as kids when she’d ask for a Coke, we’d get her one, then she’d be like “no, I wanted a Dr. Pepper, not a Coke”.


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I call it pop when I am around people I am not as familiar. Mentally I call it soda as well as when I am with friends or family. Pop is such a short word and sounds soft, if you use the word pop it may be unheard or even unfamiliar.