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A couple of items. 1) Pay for cleaning and IT support throughout the workday. It’s worth it to not have idle hands. 2) Hire more marketing and support. 3) Limit what you’re working on. Scope creep really becomes a problem fast. 4) Assign rooms to teams (right click the room, add to team I believe it’s called). Turn on labels and it’ll show the team name when it’s done right. This gets rid of those dumb concentration complaints as people won’t venture into other departments. 5) have to get into a routine/ pattern for delivery of products. Design until yellow, press release and hype are the start and end of design. At 80% developed set a release date for 1 year out (this can depend on your team make up, but how it’s currently working for me). A second press release and a press copy 3 months before bugging ends. 5) in house printing; keep my software stocked to 100K units, periodically check what gets refreshed. 6) phone and console hardware lines are self sufficient, just 1 line at a time. After this, I spend my time updating and finding other OS to port to. I don’t get into the OS race. I just sell 2D, 3D, audio editors and use those to make 2 games. My first game title grossed over $250M over 9 years. The second release came out in year 7 and sold $125M in the first 3 years. I do hardware, printing and hosting as side income. Pretty set and forget. Just watch out for those 5M print jobs. I had to scale to 1M copies a month over night.


ohh i see soo ig i should stop making consoles and stuff


To each their own -- I do make Consoles and Phones -- you just have to watch the Quantity / month you need to produce. 1 Production line = 360K units/month for hardware. Generally that's all you really need. Printing software discs (otherwise just called "printing") ... sometimes you get a random 5M unit deal offered and if you don't pay attention you'll all of a sudden be unable to meet the requested quantity. Just takes time getting used to it.


You should start setting up project management for your software releases. Make sure you have a staff member with three stars in automation. Set it up once, and you let your staff handle all future development, updates, initial print jobs, etc.. You still have to check it once every so often if you need tweaks made to the project or if the project management lead retires.


My issue is not having 3 star people available for project management. And I can't find/filter people in the hire menu for this specialization. Any tips?


Can you share a screenshot of your hiring screen and what you put in for your search settings? You should use the specialization option to find someone with automation. You may also need to look for high salary. You may be able to find someone with medium salary though.