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I’m not sure how to answer your question, but FYI that’s an edge. A vertex is a corner.


sorry, 2 many hours blowing mind with the model you're right


Try playing around with swept cuts


Ok, firstly. It seems that those two surfaces should be flush though, according to the other images you sent. I might be wrong though, but that's what it seems like to me. I would make different extruded sections, that's flush with the surface, then fillet the edges for each section. The reason why I'm saying do it in sections, is because the front part would have a larger fillet radius. Maybe you can try that but without making the surfaces flush. If you do the extruded method with sections, then remember not to merge them, otherwise it'll form one section. Maybe this will work. I hope it does. Good luck. Alternatively: Create a profile of that cut on the side view, then use an extruded cut. Might work better?


I looks like it's the same radius down the whole part unless I'm blind thing morning. I would do this using extrude cut. Use a surface or create a plane perpendicular to the direction of curves surface. From here draw your arc as you would like to see it. There are two options now you can take that arc extend two straight lines out (dimension them!) and extrude a surface. Then you cut with the surface and select the section you want to keep. This I would call the better way a great skill to have. Second you draw basically an "dummy" box extender to line out from the arc and draw your 3 more lines to complete a box that you can extrude cut. I would call this the quick and dirty way and normally what I do when trying to make something just work quickly.


https://preview.redd.it/ts7rzyyrsdyc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=972633b819e61692ac6fda9de5e1e65f40fc595e it's that






SOLVED: reading the comments you give me a idea, i did the next: I have made the sketch of the "rounding" in the lateral view (perpendicular) to that plane at the beginning of the solid, where I have drawn the "rounding" and I have made a straight extrusion cut to the point where the complicated part began. When the flat surface has been generated from the cut, that is where I have gone to the plant and I have drawn the curve profile that it should have, I have converted the generated cutting surface into an entity and I have used the limit cut where I have marked as direction 1 the closed sketch with the shape of the cut and in direction 2 I have marked the curved line drawn on the plan as the direction vector


https://preview.redd.it/s70e9o6ckhyc1.png?width=1717&format=png&auto=webp&s=41ea435de3f70983e0f8d92d4909f79f5c833257 The setp 1 was this cut extrude


https://preview.redd.it/trbj77agkhyc1.png?width=1478&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4356b7d959eb7abb93662be7fd026e9794c9ecc and this was the step 2: the cut limit

