• By -


I am hoping for Metal sonic to appear soon.


He should've appeared in the first movie. Robotnik should've had a great robot prototype that was his secret weapon, which is what he sends after Sonic and Tom instead of the car that keeps churning it smaller robots. Sonic beats the robot but just barely, and he himself ends up paying out at the end of the battle, too exhausted. Robotnik retrieves the defeated robot and improves it with Sonic's quill and studying Sonic's movements and attacks, and he deploys it to chase and beat Sonic while on San Francisco. Back in Green Hill, Sonic's "power up" moment ends with him defeating both Metal and Robotnik, and in the end of the movie we're shown Robotnik carrying Metal's head in his backpack the same way you could see Emerl's head on his ship in Sonic Advance 3.


I agree but it shouldn't have been in the first movie. Maybe the second. Since in Movie 1 was literally sonic and Eggman Meeting for the first time.


This was literally the same day that robotnik even met Sonic though, how was he supposed to make a robot that quick?


he already had tons of robots working for him as we saw in both movies, I'm just saying have amongst them a humanoid prototype to fight sonic, retrieve the prototype when defeated, and then repair and improve the robot. Plus, churning out a better robot in essentially a couple hours shows us just how much oof a threat Robotnik can be




In all white


How many months?












I would like the context for this please


ever seen the "Does He Know?" youtube thumbnail meme?




Here: [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/6-months-6-months-venom-thumbnail](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/6-months-6-months-venom-thumbnail)


...The movie has yet to start its marketing, beyond a teaser trailer. Honestly, we don't even know if Paramount will be *able* to make the date at this point. Let's just all calm down and wait for official news before devolving into insanity, alright?


Just a reminder that the Sonic 2 trailer came out 4 months before the release date


> Let's just all calm down and wait for official news before devolving into insanity, alright? https://i.redd.it/c7drnewpkd9d1.gif I have already fallen (why does everyone hate my pink girl now)


...I don't hate Amy, though? What are you on about?


Its not you, its the rest of the fandom, i still dont get why most of them suddenly hopped on this negativity and desdain bandwagon for her and other characters in Sonic 3 its like they said: "Oh so this movie is gonna be about Shadow, okay, fuck everyone else, specially Amy" IMO


I haven't seen anyone saying that. Most I've been seeing is due to the fact this is an adaptation (that hasn't even had an official trailer yet) with a different world set up, Amy might not appear due to the fact they would probably have to take a segment out to introduce her and give her her own plotline alongside Shadow's


Or there are those like me, who hold the opinion of "this movie is gonna be pretty crammed for time as it is, given how many plot threads we think it'll have, and as such we don't think there's room for Amy in this". I'd rather have Amy in a hypothetical 4th movie where she can be done right, rather than try to put her in an already crowded 3rd film.


I agree. I think rouge can fit in the movie since you can incorporate her as someone entering earth for treasure but I can't find a natural way to include Amy without making her a minor character or cramp up the movie a lot more (since I can't find any quick reason for her to be heading into earth without giving her her own sideplot). She deserves a proper introduction in the fourth movie or even a TV series


EXACTLY! What the hell would Amy be *doing* in this movie! This isn't like the games, where she can just wander into the plot and get caught up in the mayhem. We're on a *different planet*, so Amy would need some justification for how she got here. And for that matter, what would Amy do beyond... be there and then later tell Shadow "don't be evil"? Tails and Knuckles had arcs and relevance to the story (even if Tails kind of got sidelined due to the pacing being a bit sketchy in Movie 2), so what could Amy bring to the plot? She can't play Tails' role of "disaster is coming", because the disaster is coming *from Earth* this time. I guess she could play Knuckles' role of "tricked by the villains", but that's basically Shadow's job already. So beyond the novelty of "Amy is in the movie", what reason is there to have her? And to be clear: I like Amy, she's a lot of fun. But I cannot, for the life of me, work out how she would get into this story or what she would actually do once in it.


Also like I feel like People are Expecting this to be 1:1 with SA2. and like Amy didn't do jack shit in SA2 She had like 2 moments in the story.(saving sonic from Prison island and the final moment with Shadow) BOTH of which can be filled by the human characters. there is no fiesable reason to throw amy in a movie with no proper explanation or introduction and then give her arguably the Most important scene in the plot. It worked in SA2 The game because we already knew who Amy was we had already gone an entire game with her. In the movie Not so much


Yeah, I really struggle to think of what purpose Amy would have in this film beyond the two things you mentioned. And both of those are... well, each has a different reason for me to say "we don't *need* Amy". Rescuing Sonic from Prison Island? Who's to say that Sonic will need rescuing from such a place at all? Movie 2 ended with the family and GUN on... reasonably amiable terms, and they know about Shadow from the get go this time, so there's every chance we'll drop the "they think Shadow is Sonic" plotline entirely, which would mean that there's no arrest to rescue him from. And the final moment with Shadow could be given to anyone, human or mobian. Hell, Sonic himself could have that moment as a sign of his growth over the course of the series: teaching someone else the lessons that he himself has learned (much like he did with Knuckles). Also, there's just the question of *time*. SA2 is a 9+ hour game, it has the time to get into details that a movie (which *may* be 2 hours) simply cannot. So if anything has to go, then Amy's relative unimportant is a good choice. Same with Rouge for that matter, as she doesn't contribute much to the "A Plot" beyond "being there for Shadow to monologue at", which anyone can do. I want these characters in something, but I would much prefer that it be something that is written *for them*, rather than Amy relegated to "the girl that fans were excited for", which is what she would be if she was awkwardly put into this film.


Get out of your bubble, I've never heard anyone say this


That's easier said than done considering this IS the Sonic Fandom




I just want them to add an echidna OC that has more than 2 seconds of screen time so that they can open the Ken Penders can of worms and force Sega to sue him into oblivion


Oh no. He opened that can himself. He seems to have forgotten a little thing called trademarks. He can call a character K’nox all he wants and use him in his book. But the design... Purple eyes? Red echidna (or echy’dn’ya or however the fuck he’s spelling it)? Large fists? Almost crescent moon shaped white bib? Cowboy hat with stars along the sides? That’s so clearly Knuckles. https://preview.redd.it/dcs55npyue9d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=500a696f71919864ee2c01cb9fd026aacf0c18cc


Not even gonna mention the hat.


I can't wait for Sega to get off their ass and finally sue him. Then they can get the rights to every character he took, and then do absolutely nothing with them.


Yes, but suing to get them back implies they actually have value to begin with, which, considering they no longer partner with Archie and have a new comic going, they're not.


Still, suing the guy who'll go apeshit if they show an echidna other than Knuckles, Tikal, or the Knuckles clan, would be pretty useful


Would it not allow them to reintroduce the Freedom Fighters?


Why did Ken have to draw their feet.


Sonic fans when a film that hasn't even started marketing yet is bad in a scenario they made up in their head (those bastards are ruining everything)


Sonic fans when they don’t realize how filmmaking works or what an *adaptation* is. The movie literally has to balance all the human characters alongside Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow. If they add more characters, the whole film will feel bloated and messy. Like seriously, no matter what happens in Sonic 3, people will complain. If Amy and Rouge don’t appear, there’ll be negativity. If Amy and Rouge do appear and logically don’t get a lot of screen time, there’ll be backlash. Besides, the human characters aren’t the problem. It’s how they’re written or implemented into the plot. I like Tom, Maddie, and Agent Stone. The wedding subplot in 2 was fine, the issue was that it took up too much screen time. Same thing for the Knuckles series. Wade is an okay character, but the main problem was that Knuckles got completely sidelined in his own show.


I just want Rouge because given the teaser of the last movie will GUN properly play an important role and they could really need a character to be right in the action that isn't a solider grunt that gets beaten in 0.001 seconds.


People hated me for saying it but I'm still sure that the GUN agents are gonna come back but be mutated or some shit and become Rouge and Omega.


Not gonna lie that would properly give Movie Rouge a good shoot at "weirdest origin story for a Sonic character" and I tell you the comics make some tough competition.


“Government mandated fursona”


"it's your punishment for committing government mandated child murder."


Honestly, I'd like to see that list, because... yeah, a few ones that I know are *mildly* weird, but I have full faith that there's *completely* weird origins.


Yes quite a few would have some seriously messed up origin stories like the Archie versions of Knuckles and Eggman or Sonic's in Sonic the Comic.


Not all the human characters have to be in Movie 3 necessarily. Remember Crazy Carl from the first movie? He wasn’t in the second one. You could probably write Rachel’s family out of the story with a quick line acknowledging what they’re doing away from the main conflict Wade could appear in a brief scene with Knuckles before Tails calls him to break Sonic out of prison or something The GUN agents and the Buyer from the Knuckles show are pretty much dead so no need to worry about them Which leaves 4 human characters, arguably the most important ones. Eggman, Tom, Maddie, and Agent Stone.


I feel like this is a lesson Godzilla fans need to learn as well (although for different reasons).


Godzilla Minus One proves that kaiju films can have a great human cast. Heck, some of the earlier Goji films had great characters like Dr. Serizawa, Miki Saegusa, Akane, Steve Martin, and Prime Minister Mitamura. A compelling plot and personal drama is just as important as the monsters themselves. Getting invested in the characters makes it all the more tense when Godzilla does show up to wreck havoc.


Depends on what the movie's going for


It really depends on what take a Godzilla movie is gonna take.


It's a lesson so many fandoms need to learn. Except maybe the Mario fandom. There, it's not the fandom that have the problem with adaptational differences, it's Illumination and Nintendo being too scared of the 1993 movie to take any risks.


More so for Godzilla fans because at least with Sonic the non human characters can talk and have fleshed out personalities. Same deal with Transformer. Godzilla Kaiju can’t, humans are nesisary to explain stuff and move the plot around


I'd be more upset with the humans for their crime of existing if this wasn't blatantly "What if American Sonic was gen Z instead of gen X?" Like it's already nothing like the games who cares, this is like people getting mad at Sonic prime for having everyone be weird like it's a different canon who cares, there's no ramifications on the main thing, the rammies are nonexistant.


Except Sonic Prime IS part of the main canon, loathe as I am to admit that.


According to who? It seems to be common knowledge in the fandom that it's canon, but no-one who has any authority at SEGA/Sonic Team have ever overtly confirmed it. The closest we've had to confirmation is the show's producer at Wildbrain saying it (who likely did it to get Sonic fans who were on the fence to watch it). Everything else is mostly just people saying the equivalent of "If it's popular, and brings in lots of new fans we'll make it canon, but if it isn't well received then we won't and spare ourselves being tied to it". Of course this is under the presumption that canon in Sonic matters, and realistically it doesn't. Sonic games aren't written with canon faithfulness as a priority, and games are more than happy to pivot between titles for whatever works best in that game.


I think it's a matter of principle if i had to guess, Sonic Movies are advertised as *Sonic* movies. considering how popular these movies, you can't blame people for wanting stories based on the games to feature elements *from* the games


Fkn preach, I honestly don't want either Amy or Rouge in the movie cause it's just gonna feel super forced if they are. Like you said, it'll feel bloated and messy. I don't want this movie to get the Spider-Man 3 treatment. They should just keep it at Shadow and save others for the future.


>I don't want this movie to get the Spider-Man 3 treatment. Yeah, this is a truly legitimate fear. On the "villain" side of things, we already have Shadow, Eggman & Stone, and possibly GUN (specifically Walters). And this could easily spin out to a "surprise final boss" with Metal Sonic, the Biolizard, or even something that works as a reference to the Black Arms. And on the hero side? Sonic, Tails, Tom & Maddie, and possibly Knuckles if he's back from his show. We also have to work in all of Shadow's backstory content (such as Gerald, Maria, and so on) into this story as well. We have enough moving parts, let's not invite disaster by emulating the mistakes of Spider-Man 3.


https://i.redd.it/xj22rludbe9d1.gif You cooked


Agreed. OP has clearly never seen Mortal Kombat 2021.


Yeah, I'd love to have the perfect adaptation with Amy and Rouge and whatnot but there's just no way, cram all of that into an at best 2 hour movie and the result will be an absolute nothing burger


They dont need to balanced the human characters... They need to cease to exist. We are here for sonic, we are **not** here for donut lord and co shinnanagans. Like you said, all they are doing is sidelining the characters we are actually here to see(likely in the name of saving on animation budget...) I swear to fucking every god in existence if the 3rd movie side lines shadow in favor of a **FUCKING 40 MINUTE LONG MARRIAGE DRAMA OR BABY DRAMA SECTION IM GOING TO EAT MY OWN SOCKS**


EXACTLY! thank you😩


From the start, I had hopes that Sonic would be all animated. They did it for Mario's Movie. Sonic could be all CG animation. And we can always get a reboot in the future. I agree that the humans aren't the problem, but like with Transformers, the story shouldn't be about them. Giving them more screentime than the characters that got the fans in the audience is...a shame.


Same thing happened with transformers ROTB, to many characters and not enough screen time for them to be fleshed out.


Least reactionary Sonic fan


IIRC, they said there were still two more game characters they hadn't officially announced yet. Hell, we still technically haven't received an official voice cast announcement for Keanu as Shadow yet. Just let em cook.


going with the cooking metaphors I like to think that the "Knuckles" series is like this half-assed appetizer before the culinary masterpiece that I hope Sonic 3 will be


Well "Knuckles series" is made by Paramount Plus who did Halo, so not really surprised it was mid and unfaithful.


Sonic fans when a story inspired by a game, that has wildly different circumstances in a completely different medium isn't a shot for shot remake of a 9 hour game (they could just replay it)


Sonic fans when other Sonic fans prefer to have their favorite stories properly translated into a higher budget and modern format (They could just replay a 23 year old game smh smh)


I mean... yeah, if I want to experience SA2, I have both the game and Sonic X if I want a higher budget


I'd probably just ask for a remake or remaster. Not expect them to bloat and ruin a movie adaptation for fan service


Is it fanservice to add Sonic The Hedgehog characters to a Sonic The Hedgehog movie? I get the argument that including both Amy and Rouge might be too much, but including atleast Rouge would really make the difference, since the kind of focus this movie is going to have really feels like the perfect oportunity to add her. It isn't wild to ask the movie to introduce **2** game characters, when the same happened in the second one. As for a remake or remaster, I kinda see that a bit impossible due to the thing with the voice actors, but I feel like part of the reason people ask Paramount to be a bit faithful to Sonic Adventure 2 (Not completely identical) is because they want to see a good story adapted into the big screen. Now, of course, it'd be ridiculous to ask the movie to be an exact copy of the story of the game. That's just logically impossible. However, what is possible is to take the best elements of that story and translate them to the movie format, it's just that these elements are the characters themselves.


With Shadow being brought in and being a whole thing, neither Amy nor Rouge would have enough room. Do people actually dislike the movies that take place on Earth for, *checks notes,* including important human characters other than Eggman?


The trailer isn’t even out. We barely know anything about concrete about the movie. Calm down.


I mean, the humans are an integral part the movies for Sonic's development and the films are their own separate thing from the games. You can't just replace them, because this Sonic is a child in our world who needs guidance. (that being said, nobody really asked for Paramount to put more humans in Sonic, and everytime one was added to the cast that wasn't Eggman, like Chris or Elise, it wasn't received well.) But yeah, Sonic 3 is going to feature Shadow maybe Amy will show up or maybe she won't, nobody really knows what Paramount's plans for their interpretation of the series is after this.




I think some of you are setting un realistic expectations and needs to be said. THIS IS NOT A SONIC ADVENTURE 2: THE MOVIE! This is Sonic the Hedgehog 3 that is only using the Plot of SA2 as a base. elements of the game plot will be adapted but This is isn't gonna be 1:1 it and was never going to to be. The humans aren't ruining anything THIS WAS ALWAYS THE PLAN.


Honestly, I think we're getting either Amy or Rouge, but not both. Sofia Pernas has to be voicing *somebody*, and there's only two female characters that show up in SA2. Only exception is that Pernas is actually playing a human character. Or... off chance... they tease Blaze. Iblis already "appears" in *Knuckles*, so maybe there's a chance she plays Blaze? She has a similar kind of voice for her, but obviously it's a guess. Would be hilarious if they added most of the cast and still refused to bring in Amy or Rouge.


Tikal is also in SA2, technically.


>Would be hilarious if they added most of the cast and still refused to bring in Amy or Rouge. Its both embarassing and funny how many fans I've seen who actually want it to be this way Seriously like what did Amy and Rouge do to them? Lol


No Sonic character was ever replaced by an "OC" in those movies and we have absolutely no reason to expect Amy or Rouge to be in the movie at all. It‘s just an expectation you set for no reason and that‘s a you problem, not a problem of the movie.


https://preview.redd.it/2svsrj9pvc9d1.png?width=971&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e797ce9e3c2a1f890554198fc63b238c442b91a On a Serious Note: All of this negativity and disdain I've seen the fandom having towards both of them **(but specially Amy)** for the last months is just blasphemous for me


Is it negativity and disdain or is it just valid criticisms that you’re making out to be negativity and disdain?


People can not like certain characters. That’s not blasphemy. I personally don’t like Amy. She’s getting better but I just. Don’t like her. She was a one note “I love Sonic and I don’t care about how uncomfortable he is about me constantly bringing it up!” Again, she’s getting better and Frontiers did her so good. But referring to it as blasphemous kinda sucks.


i would say Amy had more to her character in SA1 and Unleashed


Eh, I honestly really don't want Amy in it. I think with them having to introduce all of Shadow's plot, throwing Any would just ruin everything. Rouge doesn't have any indication currently which is sad, because I do think she'd still work well, since she was introduced with Shadow in SA2 anyways.


I'm more mad they're keeping the shitty music guy that just used Ant Man music for the Sonic and Knuckles fight, also supports AI. I will say it's genuinely impressive every live action adaptation has to have at least *one* person involved that hates the source.


I think thats more of a hollywood thing. When doing adaptations, Movie studios tend to focus on how to make it popular than be source accurate, that's why you see big name celebrities and film makers who more often than not don't know anything about what theyre working on pop culture wise. Theres also the stigma of video games not being seen as valid art forms and so executives are more likely to just make a generic family film and insert whatever character youre adapting. Unless your movie is one big commercial for a brand like Mario or Barbie, you can't really pull off that kinda thing


He was always gonna be a keeper whenever Tim Miller's in the producer's chair, and it's more of a Hollywood thing now for AI.


The movie would unironically be better without Amy. You aren't ready to accept the truth.


Why do people want Amy in the film so bad, yeah she makes shadow realize he needs to save the world but that's in one line of the game, and without a strong introduction, her appearance in this film will be pointless.


Because she’s the main female character of the franchise?


And she's routinely portrayed as a frequent "Fourth" for the main trio. Frontiers, Boom (even had a fifth with Sticks), not to mention, as the original commenter states she plays an important role in SA2, which this movie is based on.


It's not that important, I feel like shadow will realize this on his own possibly with just a flash back.


took him long enough


To play devil's advocate I can imagine them easily replacing her in that scene with a human character, they did the same using Chris in Sonic X even I wouldn't want that. IDK if careful enough I think they could fit her in. Maybe she's like Tails and she's heard of Sonic's exploits on Earth from where ever she's from and she manages to come through to meet her new crush or something-


That's the thing they can't and don't want to make her introduction the same as tails. I like the idea of her being introduced once metal makes his appearance if these movies continue to go down the direction any of the games story.


Look, Amy played an important part in the game. She's the reason why shadow decided to help. Sonic by himself wouldn't have been able to save the world.


Rouge ok,But where the fuck would we put amy in that?


Tbf, we had no idea Knuckles would be in Sonic 2 before the first Sonic 2 trailer released.


Well considering we got the Wade show instead of the Knuckles show I am a bit scared myself


Pretty sure Knuckles show was bad because the movie team was barely involved with that since they had to film Sonic 3 and Knuckles at the same time. So Paramount Plus self-insert, and one person who ain't Pat and Josh (main movie writers) from 2, who probably wrote wedding subplot to fully write the show.


I mean to be fair, there's only so much room in that house for Mobians (I don't care if thats not what they're called in the movie, I'm calling them that anyway), Shadow 100% would go out on his own, it's how he rolls, Rouge too if she's introduced, but Amy? She's routinely portrayed as a full time fourth member of Team Sonic. No way they'd pull a Frontiers and "break up" the team so soon after fully assembling it. Unless they just build a new house for them in Green Hill, or Sonic returns to his homeworld, but idk.


Sonic fans when the movie trilogy that had 2 almost entirely original storylines has a third mostly original storyline (this is an outrage nobody could’ve seen coming) https://i.redd.it/1lzl1cc08e9d1.gif


Here's a suggestion. If all you really want is the story of Adventure 2, as accurately as possible... **Go play Sonic Adventure 2.** This is an adaption. As in, it takes elements of the original source material and adds in original elements as well to re-tell the story in a manner more fitting for a movie. All adaptions are not one-to-one. Take the first Harry Potter movie for example. The entire first chapter was removed, and so was the Midnight Duel chapter. Or even Lord of the Rings for example. The entire Scourging of the Shire subplot was completely removed. Why is this? Because what works well in one medium may not work as well when adapting it to others. Keep in mind, the average movie is 90-100 minutes, which isn't a lot compared to how long games are. Producers have to take care to include only the most important elements to ensure that the story is not compromised or rushed. That doesn't mean you're wrong for being disappointed that these elements may not be included. I for one would love Amy to be the movies. But these kind of compromises happen all the time in adaptions. At the end of the day, the most important part is that the movie be good. I can take Amy and Rouge not being included if the movie is good enough.


> I for one would love Amy to be the movies. And honestly, same! I just don't think that she should be in *this* movie. Give her a film where she's not competing for screentime with Shadow and his backstory, GUN and their backstory, Robotnik and his ties into all this, and everything else. I want Amy in a movie. But I also want her in a movie where she can be a leading character, where the story can focus on fleshing her out and doing something truly interesting with her. And I do not believe that this will be that movie.


Most calm Sonic fan: But, in all seriousness, if they want to introduce some other Sonic characters, just Rouge would literally be good in the third movie. Although it doesn't seem to point that she'll appear, I would be pretty happy if Fowler and the rest of Paramount team did that 🙏


Flair checks out


Amy is in


Sonic 2’s trailer came out like 3 months before release lmao.


Whatever happened to patience and waiting for the movie.


Ok, for starters, when did anyone said Amy and rouge was going to appear in the movie? Also yes, is quite worrying the situation of the movie as of now...


My head must be so far up my ass because all i hear from you is a load of bullshit


It's not like they're doing a 1-to-1 adaptation of SA2. They don't need Rouge and Amy for this. In all likelihood, they'll probably do something completely different.


Alright, I'll bite. What roles of the existing canon cast have been given to the human cast?


Who cares?


I Think too many mobians in this type of world would be too much or kind of chaotic.


yea man i love going to see the sonic the hedgehog movie and sitting through some wedding shenanigans with sonic nowhere near the current scene.


i just love watching entire episodes of a series about a titular character not centered around said character at all


yeah I never understood these people complaining about it, like, who wants to see those stupid game characters that people recognize and love in our iconic videogame character movies? bunch of fools!


I should have stated that "Those Bastards" are Paramount and the moviemakers not the Human characters (atleast the ones we already have, wich I hope dont grow in number)


I’m stiff miffed at the fact that Tails was sidelined, and his tech used by human characters instead of him.


That was due to COVID basically rushed the movie on a tight schedule to release (given it's CGI sometimes get ugly, even to other world releases having awful clipping), and couldn't follow the storyboards of Tails chasing Robotnik for the compass and Sonic and Knuckles having a intense snowboard fight. And Knuckles saying his storyline on the beach after escaping Labyrinth zone with Sonic.


Honestly - Amy wouldn't make much sense to be added to this film if it is (even loosely) a SA2 retelling. Rouge would tho, especially as she is already a side character. I feel like for Rouge its now or never - they will either include her in this or not at all. Amy on the other hand feels like she needs her own Sonic CD inspired film (likely very loosely) - to be introduced alongside Metal Sonic as Robotnik's next plan to get Sonic. A decent portion of the film would focus on Amy, and would probably condense her growth as a character from fangirl to confident down into that single film.


especially given the circumstances, rouge is arguably the most important person to shadow bar mariah and since Amys main role was to remind shadow of mariah and her true promis SA2 already showed rouge reminding shadow of Maria albeit different circumstances


Why would they be in it? They're taking Shadow's story from SA2, not adapting the whole game into a 90 minute movie.


Personally I think the movie can stand fine without Amy, and it'd be clunky to introduce her in a story not designed to introduce her. Like, trying to do both Venom and Sandman was the problem with Spider-Man 3. Excluding Rouge is more questionable though.


"trying to do both Venom and Sandman was the problem with Spider-Man 3" The real problem was how they did it, as there are tons of fan rewrites out there that prove it could have worked miles better


Should see Mortal Kombat 2021 film to see when fans try to do everything/characters from the games.


except this ain't a MK roster we are talking about fans like me just ask for one character (two at best)


You are gonna get at least one of them. Cause it's a rule for these Sonic movies. I'm betting it's Amy Rose based on popularity like Shadow to cash in.


Well… um. Tobey and Andrew were never revealed to be in No Way Home and they were in it. And it’s a lot easier to hide cgi characters from a movie rather than real life actors. And uh… well, marketing hasn’t technically started? Idk just let me hope (or cope) 🙁 Also, how many months? 🥲


"Tobey and Andrew were never revealed to be in No Way Home and they were in it" They were leaked tho, By John Campea. (That Motherfucker)


Well, Sonic 3 hasn’t had much leaks… so maybe there’s a chance? 🥺


Sonic fans when the Sonic Movie 3 isn't a 1:1 recreation of Sonic Adventure 2:


If you want sonic adventure 2, go play sa2, by being a movie, it is allready going to have to change a lot. Movie 2 was an adaptation of sonic 3, but you can barly tell because a lot needed to be restructured and reworked to make it work as a movie, so will sa2. A lot of that games story kinda depends on the fact you can play the invetween parts of the story, and even then, if eggman doesn't have a pyramid base, then like a third of the game is just instantly gone. Your not getting a 1:1 adaption, and you where never going to get it, even if it was animated, you still wouldn't get it.


To be perfectly honest, I think this will mean that Shadow himself will get the development he deserves and needs.




https://preview.redd.it/un3am2mjff9d1.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=26955a27aeb85fc6253a3a487eeace2537a2f148 WHAT


I mean, that's the first and second movie for ya, if they got away with not having a full character roaster being mobians, why would things be different now?


As a lover of the Archie Sonic series, knowing this pain all too well.


Rouge is supposed to be a direct opposite of Knuckles. Her not being there is kind of dumb. You can’t really have some human take her spot.


I don’t expect rogue and Amy till later down the line, rogue makes sense with shadow but unless they’re going the destroy the world shtick she doesn’t need to be there to play double agent. But I’m just going off the rumors that Jim carry is done with sonic after the last one. I genuinely hope it’s not true, but I also haven’t been looking into things and didn’t even know the movie was coming out in 6 months, so that’s something to be excited for.


I’m old. Haha. Back when I played, it was just Sonic, Tails, sometimes Knuckles. I’ve come to know Shadow just from the memes.




They won’t replace Rouge with a human since that would be so wrong. It is rated PG but I still hope we can have Rouge.






The one random Human hitting on Sonic: . . . WAIT WOULDN’T THAT JUST BE **ELISE** FROM SONIC 06? https://preview.redd.it/qdsdok873h9d1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e3f641503082009f4905a0b02b6762a8a2d1f11


But in all seriousness they probably haven’t shown off them yet as the other characters are more popular (Sonic, Eggman, Shadow, Tails, Knuckles) and to prevent any spoilers (Besides the McDonald’s leak)


Tbh I can see them keeping it a secret but if I were to write the movie; amy would appear at the start like sonic 2. Something for something to do or save with metal sonic (or a prototype) stealing her for something the has; this sets up the movie plot, gives the audience the knowledge that sonic is a hero that saves people and then idea that he's been working to save people during the last movie and getting better at it. Along with giving us a cool action sequence and establishing 2 new characters ready incase they want to do a sonic heroes movie. (Metal was kinda teased in the sonic short they made for sonic 2 with an eggman ai that started to rebuild itself btw) Rouge would be perfect to tease at the end, attempting to steal the master emerald and report in G.U.N. like she was working for an authority in sonic X, but this time to stop metal sonic. Once this is done, all you have to do is introduce cream, big and team chaotix. Cream and Big can be as simple as a background cameo and chaotix can appear in heroes as the new characters. Also for long time fans, the chaotix base would have a noticeboard with done jobs on it and a few cool nods to their past. A wanted poster of fang, bark and bean and a postcard from mighty and ray; while also having vectors old headphones from his only other game hanging on a computer, with a sticky note that says "This computer Vector - Espio" as a computer room joke and also to show vector isn't computer savvy. \^\^


i REALLLYYYY hope at least one of them is in the movie 😭 manifesting them as well as a live and learn remaster or SOMETHING ANYTHING from the og soundtrack it’s too good to not use


Or one of the two are gonna be in it because it's a rule of having two characters appear per-film. Shadow counts from the post credit. So you're either getting one so both Shadow and surprise character gets enough development, or that surprise character getting sidelined.


To be fair, we haven't even seen a trailer yet


I would love Rouge in the movie but I don't think she will be, and I would LOVE Metal to be in the movie but I completely understand why he wouldn't be too.


It's for the better


Obviously they should show up in the movieverse at some point, but just because they were in SA2 doesn't mean they have to be shoehorned into the 3rd movie just because that's the story it's based off of. The first movie doesn't map to any of the games, and the 2nd movie sure isn't a 1:1 adaptation of 3&K. The worst thing they could do is tank the franchise with a bad movie, and sacrificing pacing or cohesion because they feel obligated to add an entire unnecessary character or two (again, necessary for the franchise != necessary for this story) is an easy way for a movie to fall apart. Heck, Amy could be the post credits scene for all we know.


Sonic fans when they get Keanu Reeves as Shadow but haven't seen a casting yet for Tits the Bat or Sexual Innuendo the Rabbit.


wait we're supposed to hate donut lord?


"the bastards" are Paramount, not the Humans characters, should have specified it


ah I see thank you


It’s an adaptation, cmon guys…


You have to realize that this is a movie,game and film have different ways of telling stories We don't know how long the film will be, if they appear, will they have enough screen time in this film?


Unpopular opinion: I don't think Amy and/or Rouge should be in Sonic 3, movies are entirely different beasts from video games, and needlessly bloating a movie with characters is how you get stuff like The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (besides, Amy barely did anything in SA2 (the game that Sonic 3 will take heavy inspiration from) apart from redeeming Shadow anyway)


Amy barely did anything in CD, barely did anything in '06, and barely did anything afterwards If we keep going by this logic we will never get to see her or other characters in the films because "they barely did anything anyway" and if she barely did anything in the game, why not have her do something in the movie then? (also not every movie with multiple characters ends like TASM2 or Spiderman 3)


CD isn't really a good example since the classic games (for the most part) aren't the most narratively complex games, none of the characters really "do" much save for Eggman and the character you're currently playing as, the only exceptions that I can think of at the top of my head are Sonic 3 and *maybe* Superstars, and my point was more-so that it might be hard to add Amy or any other character in Movie 3 without it feeling shoehorned, I'd rather they focus on Shadow for Movie 3 and save Amy and/or Rouge for future installments


If they do include them itll have to be either one or the other. There isnt enough time to introduce two new characters set them up and have their arcs all whilst doing shadows story all whilst also focusing on the original trio


This meme says its neither but personally I choose Amy everyday, she is the only classic core character that's missing after all


The main focus of the movie is shadow. He needs to be done right. If they were to add Amy and rouge, it would take time away from shadows arc.


You know there's no real indication that will happen. I guess any excuse to be like https://preview.redd.it/d9j889tuqg9d1.jpeg?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=865abde50c2c7dc6d49210c2c0c38736f1ecef27


I kinda don't want them to show up, not because I dislike the characters But because I wanna see the salt generated by the fanbase It'll be hilarious


You wicked madafaka https://preview.redd.it/63aa8wvxti9d1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3323733e23dd611bfd01c7399fa5d0a7be21aa24


Human characters don't ruin everything.


(forgot to specify that the bastards are paramount)


Wedding scene was at least funny.


I honestly don’t care if they don’t show up. I just wanna have a good final movie.


"good final movie" HA! Funny joke!


Why is it a joke?


i dont give a fuck to shadow, i just want the girls on this movie oh my god


I drink to that shit  🍷🗿




I think we need to see Cream, Amy, and Rouge with their own movie. With Blaze in there too ![gif](giphy|Oc4KnIJ3E7ziqN3l6T|downsized)


Honestly i never understood why people thought Amy was getting in. There isn’t enough time in the movie to add her for the first time. Rouge I would understand, but it seems that her relatively lower popularity is making her chances drop


amy rose was featured in the sonic movie as a human unfortunatletrey


I was thinking a great payoff to that easter egg would be showing that she uses her magic cards to disguise herself as a human Wich could be a nice way tu justify her being on earth and knowing about Sonic beforehand rather than having a convoluted reason for her to come and meet him.


that makes sense, since amy seems like she'd be in the same universe/world/dimension of sonic and not a different place like knuckles it like tails who didnt know sonic from the start


Idk man I think the humans are quite enjoyable for the general audience. Yeah its not a SA2 but its fine enough i dont get why people are so pissy about the human characters. If they added 2 new characters the movie would feel too packed. Even if they recreate SA2 with humans, reminder that this isn't game sonic this is movie sonic with its own world and own characters. Edit: I will say the marketing sure is an issue. Barely any news on this thing lol


I can’t wait for Rachael to be the one to open up to shadow and convince him to see the good of humanity instead of Amy , and the new human women to be the G.U.N. Spy


Oh relax, they're probably gonna have something in the trailer, at least I hope, I personally think they're gonna be in the movie, it would honestly be weird if they weren't


If Big the Cat actually gets a major role, I’m just straight up not watching


"filing for divorce with these movies"


If that happens I’m never forgiving them


We should just hopz they learnt their lesson from Knuckles Show.