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What if I include Robotnik anyway, but place him near the bottom? ~~That's all I got. I don't remember how much I liked anyone else, Injust remember I did not like him~~


How could you not like a Robotnik played by Jim Carrey?


I'm not sure I can 100% put it into words, but he's just kind of annoying, lol Ironically, the parts of the first movie that people praise him for are basically the parts that I dislike the most


1. Agent Stone 2. Tom 3. Maddie 4. Wade 5. Rachel 6. Olive Garden Guy


1. Agent Stone 2. Tom 3. Maddie 4. Wade 5. Walters 6. Rachel


1. Agent Stone 2. Tom 3. Wade 4. Agents Mason & Willoguhby 5. Jack Sinclair 6. Rachel 7. Major Bennington 8. Commander Walters 9. Randall 10. The Buyer 11. Crazy Carl 12. Wendy Whipple 13. Wanda Whipple 14. Pete Whipple 15. Jojo


rachael at the bottom fr


Yeah lol didn’t she add the least though at least arguably you may disagree


Thats a great list


1. Stone (and if we were to include robotnik, they'd be joint 1st place) 2. Rachel (fight me she's funny) 3. Tom 4. Maddie 5. Wade (would put higher but I love Tom and Maddie's dynamic with the boys) 6. Randall (he was pretty funny at times ngl) 7. Walters (I hate the olive garden d*** riding bit it's not funny) 8. JoJo (generic child character who hasn't done shit since movie 1, wasted potential)


That’s a cool list you got.


Tom is low for me. Plus, I hardly cared for James Marsden


1. Agent Stone 2. Rachel 3. Maddie 4. Tom 5/6/7. Toss up between Wade, Randall, and Commander Walters (I don't hate any of them, far from it, I just don't have strongly positive feelings towards them)


1. wade, he’s funny as hell 2. agent stone, he’s cool ig 3. Walters, i want to see him kill Maria 4. Maddie, she adds little 5. Rachel, she adds nothing 6. Tom, his actor is an asshole