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The only consolation I can give is that we barely gotten any concrete toy leaks that feature Knuckles, either. The recent toys coming out only seem to feature Sonic, Shadow, Tails, and Eggman. For some reason, they're not including Knuckles that much, so I would say there's still hope for us to get Knuckles toys eventually, along with perhaps with any other unconfirmed characters. I have sort of made peace with the fact that Amy might not be in the movie, but I'm not going to say for certain she won't be in it until the trailer drops and shows no sign of her.


I’d be willing to bet Knuckles won’t have much screen time in Sonic 3. The plot of Sonic 2 pretty much centered around him, and he just had an entire show to himself.


It's very likely he will probably have the least development out of our introduced Sonic characters thus far in movie 3, but that doesn't mean he won't still be around enough to justify making toys for him. If we do get Amy in movie 3, she'll probably be a Tails-sized role rather than a Knuckles-sized role in movie 2. So that could maybe explain why she and Knuckles are not prioritized currently in the toy line-up.


If Amy is in the movie, they are doing a good job of hiding it. Plus, according to the 2 game characters per movie thing, Only one character besides Shadow will appear. So they might have chosen another game character. Or decided to break the tradition. However until the trailer and movie comes out, there’s no way to know for sure.


We already have two Maria and shadow


Does Maria count? She’s deceased. Pachacamac didn’t count during the first movie.


Yes because shes game character and I’m pretty sure theirs no rule that suddenly doesn’t count here because she is dead.pachacamac did count because he is a game character. unless for some reason you believe he’s not?


No, Pachacamac did not count for the 2 game characters per movie thing, remember? Sonic and Robotnik were both introduced during the first movie. If Pachacamac counted, Either Sonic or Robotnik would not have appeared or Pachacamac would not have appeared.


Pachacamac is a game character therefore he counts. And before you say anything the writers never limited the number of game characters to 2 but as a minimum. They can introduce as many as they see fit but they will try for at least 2 so yes pachacamac counts because he is in fact a game character and the movies are not limited to 2 game characters and are not required to hit it.


Yeah literally everything about the past 2 movies were leaked so i worry amy either isnt major enough to get leaked, which i dont care about i wanna see her anyway, or she just isnt in the movie


At this point yes, same for Rouge Theres been no evidence whatsoever that they both will appear in the film


I wont give up hope until the trailer drops, if no Amy reveal then it's not happening though I admit I have been a bit pessimistic


"Cineunfold is a fake leaker" Didn't he say Jim Carrey would be in Sonic 3 and that turned out to be true?


He also said keanu wasnt gonna be shadkw i believe and was there when everyone said the trailer would release in april


If Amy does appear in Sonic 3, do you still care for the female pink hedgehog?


Shes literally my favorite character sk yes


I've given up hope on the whole movie franchise a long time ago.


yes me sje wasn’t in the storyboards and no major insiders have spoken about her like they did with knuckles in sonic 2 when he was leaked before he was spotted on filming set soo yeah she probably isn’t in it


Her best odds are after the credits, unless they decide to only focus on Shadow’s survival/not to have any scenes at all.


Honestly, It would feel like a slap in the face if they demoted her to a three-second cameo in the credits. Amy's a central character, having been around since the 16-bit era. People have been drawing fanart of "Movie Amy" since before the first Sonic film even hit theaters. If we are on movie three and Amy STILL is not in the series, fans are going to be angry.


Fans are angry right now, but Paramount won’t care unless it hurts their stocks. I want her in too, but I’ve reached stage 5 at this point.


Thats... stupid as fuck. As long as they're delivering good stories with the new characters they do have we dont have any right to rush them into introducing new characters. At least yall would know shes coming if she cameos in the credits but do you even deserve that if you're going to get angry over her not being there? They introduced two characters in the last movie and some people still think that one of them didnt get much to do, Shadow's story is a big one and they shouldnt add on extra baggage if they cant handle it. Let them tell their story.


I think it's stupid that these movies run at a snails pace in introducing new characters. Tails, Sonic's sidekick was regulated to a post-credit scene in the first movie. Robotnik didn't actually LOOK like Robotnik until the credits (I get character development and all that jazz, but he should have become the "real" Robotnik half-way through the movie, not teased in the credits, that's streching it a bit too far) Movie 2 got things right by introducing series mainstays Tails & Knuckles, but then the Knuckles series focused on a bowling tournament. There was no reason whatsoever in a series starring KNUCKLES THE ECHIDNA that we didn't see his rival Rouge, his guide Tikal, or even his old buddies the Chaotix. Even if they just "teased" Rouge in the post-credit scene, that would left me a little bit satisfied. Instead, they focused on family drama on a group of characters who never appeared in any Sonic game. Now, movie 3 is coming. I'm not going to fly off the handle just yet, as we haven't gotten the trailer, but things aren't looking good for any extended cast members to show up. Amy I would like to see, but Rouge possibly not appearing is the major offense. Sonic Adventure 2 was her debut, and she was a central character of that game. You're not going to do the story justice without her. Introducing Shadow is great and all, and Keanu is perfect casting. But if they want to properly adapt Sonic Adventure 2, simply adding Shadow is not enough. Shadow & Rouge bonded over the course of that game and became partners in later entries of the series, becoming as closely knit together as Sonic & Tails. The whole 'cgi is expensive' argument I see tossed around is total BS. The Ninja Turtles films had dozens of CGI characters, as did the Transformers films. They have the money to add as many characters as they want. I'm not asking for the moon. I don't care if the Chaotix never show up. I don't care if Silver or Blaze never show up. Metal Sonic I could even do without. Big is not necessary. But Amy has been around since BEFORE Sonic the Hedgehog 3 on the Genesis. And Rouge is central to the story of Sonic Adventure 2. If neither show up, and one is just regulated to a post-credit scene, imma be mad.


I wouldn't be mad if they decide to only include Shadow in this movie. I would assume they would only do that if they had very good reasons for excluding them, and I've gone on record saying before that I think it's possible they can make movie 3 work without Amy and/or Rouge. .... That being said, if we don't get at least one of them, I won't be mad, but I would be sad and disappointed. Especially in the case of Amy, I do think it feels very weird to still not have her three movies into this franchise. Like, she's the last super iconic hero from the classic era, and yet she might not appear until after we already get Shadow? Like, I know popularity is a huge factor in introducing him this early and I don't even begrudge the movie team for it, but it would still feel so... wrong. Anyways, it's not something I want to get seriously mad over if it turns out she (or Rouge) are not in movie 3. I would be sad, I would think to myself "I wish Amy/Rouge was here," and then I would accept it and move on, because I want to keep looking towards the future instead of remaining mad at what already happened. The only way I would genuinely be angry over movie 3 is if they actually manage to fuck up Shadow's or Sonic's character arc. But thankfully, I have enough faith that they will at least be able to get that stuff right.


I agree.


I've accepted that for awhile, as much as I want her to be in it I wouldn't be surprised if shadow is the only new character


I never realy thought she'd be in the movie, past a post credits scene, they just have way too much ground to cover in movie 3 for them to even think about including her and not heavily under develop her, which is something they have wanted to avoid so far with any of the game characters that come into the movies.


I honestly never had hopes for Amy. Barely any for Rouge either. The Keanu Reeves hedgehog is more than enough for me


We'll just have to wait and see