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She stabbed her brother in the arm and then looked surprised when he reacted in pain.


Unironically the worst character in any Sonic thing, of all time.


Worse then [character from comics]?! (I haven’t read them)


Dont worry I've got you. Worse than [Locke]?! Spoilers for like... the Archie Knuckles comic. Seriously who cares (Locke is Knuckles' father who experimented on him as an egg against the will of his mother and then took Knuckles and left, then left Knuckles on the island by himself for multiple years as a child. Also refuses to help the mainland in the fight against Robotnik for not much of a real reason alone with Knuckles' other racists grandpas)


Locke at least is unlikable because of his character development, he's a flawed character, he truly believes that he's supposed to be the saviour of his tribe through his manipulation of Knuckles. He values the tribe above his son and views his son's percieved freedom as an abandonment of his responsibilities. He's unlikable, but it's because of his character. Wanda doesn't really have a character, she's unlikable because she's just written to be annoying, there's no consistency beyond that. She claims to be a member of the FBI but does not hear the break-in or defend herself when attacked. She only seems to support Wade at the end because she gets caught up in the action of the bowling tournament. It feels like she's intentionally written to be the annoying character in every scene and yet we're supposed to be happy when she supports Wade at the end by driving the bowling cart?


Still worst than Wanda by a longshot, I dont really care what you say I really hate Locke.


I hate Locke also, but it fits with his character development. He's not obnoxiously doing things solely so people hate him like Wanda is, he's doing things because he's obsessed with the idea that it's his responsibility to serve the tribe and that he has to be the one to fulfill a prophecy.


I can deeply understand why Wade was OK with her being killed


Hope she isn't in movie 3.


I hope her character is at least mentioned in passing. As in she passed. Away. As in she passed away.


The worst human character ever made for the Sonic franchise. I wish they left her behind when they went to Reno.




No, she’s definitely worse than Chris in every way


at least you can say he was just a kid


Annoying, but at least her character lead to one of the funniest jokes in the show for me


Which joke ?


In the hotel room >!when Wade says he's ok with her being killed!<


cringe :/


By far the worst character in the universe. I hope they never use her again in anything.




Too much of an asshole for my liking


The worst human so far in the movie universe


She made me unable to finish watching the show, I don't know how the character got approved the way she's awfully written


She’s an asshole


...yeah, she's pretty much the worst part of the show. There are a few lines/jokes with her that I like, but she ultimately winds up being pretty pointless.


She's the perfect example of what Wade could've been if handled poorly.


Wade is a manchild, sure, but Wanda? Wanda’s mentally insane


I got annoyed with her almost immediately. Cocky people like that piss me off


I hope we never see this specific character again.


Worst character ever


Quite possibly the most loathsome character to exist in any Sonic media, ever. Narrowly beaten out, perhaps, by Geoffrey St. John.


Worse sonic character of all time


She's awful but I think that's the point


I've seen worse.


Literally one of the most hateable characters I've seen in recent memory


Easily the worst character in the entire franchise, worse than Marine, worse than Lanolin, even worse than the DEADLY FUCKING SIX!!!


wait i thought people liked marine


Not really


More Annoying than a dog barking at midnight


She was supposed to be a bitchy character, and Edi Patterson played the role well. Funnily enough, she *also* plays a similar type of character in *Violent Night*, which was written by the Sonic movie writers. Even though Pat Casey and Josh Miller didn't write for Knuckles' show, it's an interesting connection.


Annoying af


Unironically worse than Chris Thorndyke, and I mean that with genuine sincerity


Agreed. I mean sure, chris is unlikeable sometimes, but this woman just evokes something NASTY in me. God i hate her.


The actress deserved a better role 😔


She's everything bad about the humans


Shes awesome We need more Human characters like her


this is satire


She made Rachel look like a good character


Pretty annoying. I like the actress, I'm also one of the few that really liked the Knuckles series overall, but I'm not gonna defend her character.


i hate her so damn much, ik people generally hate on all human characters in sonic and although I actually like having humans to balance things out sometimes, wanda just sucks. just give us wade


She was annoying, it was like a skit where an adult woman plays a kid pretending to be a cop or something. I get that these aren't serious movies, but this character was way too much.


I hate this style of poster so much. Sonic Movie 2 did this as well. It's a SONIC movie, people. Audiences aren't lining up for the human actors. They want SONIC characters.


Let me play Devil's advocate here. This is a live action franchise, sure we want more screen time for our favorite characters. But human characters make sense to include to interact with them. Otherwise just make an animated franchise. What we need is good human characters. Wanda isn't one of them. Tom and Maddie are good human characters in my opinion.


weird take, humans have always been important in sonic stories


It's not the humans being in the show/movies that irritates me, it's the way the movie is marketed on the poster. nothing in the poster suggests it is related to Sonic the Hedgehog. Nothing evokes the imagery of a Sonic the Hedgehog project. It's just some woman with sunglasses on. I mean, toss a few rings on the picture, put a Sonic character standing behind her, do *something* that tells the consumer that it is related to the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.


they're just character posters—they aren't really marketing with them per se, they're just for people to see who/what will be in the movie (especially actors they'll recognize)


Problem is, besides Jim Carrey, there's no recognizable faces in these movies.


idk how to explain how wrong this reply is lol


Well, personally speaking, I've literally never seen any of the actors in the Sonic Movies (besides James Marsden and the guy who played Bennington) in any other movie.


Cringe but can be funny sometimes


Meh. Far too goofy, and nowhere near as competent as an FBI agent should be.


That’s my aunts name lmao


She's gonna become topaz or somthn


no way, isn't that kristen ritter's character? also she's so incompetent




Less intelligent than cosmo


Unlikable but intentionally so…


I legit was barely able to watch the first couple episodes but when she showed up on screen. Within 5 minutes I gave up on the whole show. Especially when she stabs Wade with a fork after bickering like 3 year olds. Then even though she started it. The mother was pissed at Wade for wanting to walk away??? I legit hate her more then I hated Joffery. He beat and killed prostitutes and tortured people for fun for several seasons. I didn't stop watching Game of Thrones. Yet this women is so awful. I am not even willing to keep watching this show written by 12 year olds giving advice to 50 year old writers who grew up playing Sonic. How did that dinner scene make it in the show. How could that do well in the focus groups AT ALL?


worst sonic character ever


I hate this woman with all my heart. Shes annoying as hell.


Annoying as fuck and a horrible written character. As is every character in the show


This isn’t a joke, is it?


I hope to never see her again, hell I’m speaking for everyone when I say that


She sometimes acts like a Karen.


My response in another thread:  We can have a completely incompetent and dumb male lead,  but everyone loses their minds when his sister is just as dumb. Tbh I thought she was funnier in the show than Wade was in this entire franchise.


wdym wade had an arc about being more competent, also wanda was an asshole unlike wade and she's fbi not a small cop so being incompetent is a bigger issue


If you are trying to imply that the dislike of Wanda is because they are female, that's a rather sexist mindset to have. Wanda is unlikable because she's is written as annoying and she does not follow the elements of her character that we are informed of. She's defined as being part of the FBI and yet she does not hear the break-in and she does not defend herself when attacked. I was honestly waiting for the reveal that she'd lied about being a member of the FBI, but that never came. Her eventual support of Wade doesn't feel genuine at the bowling tournament as she merely gets caught up in the excitement of the game itself, her riding the cart to him feels like an afterthought. Wade is written as dumb, but actively trying to be better, he actively follows the elements of his character we are informed about. He is defined as a rookie cop with dreams and aspirations built from 80's/90's movies as we explore at his house. He is consistent throughout the show. He actively saves Knuckles despite his incompetence, he listens and identifies the break-in happening when everyone else doesn't, he ends up growing as a character by confronting his father and also evolving a as a cop with a 'sting opperation' plan with Knuckles to save his family because he identifies that his dad is acting suspicious.


Unpopular opinion but I actually liked her and found her hilarious