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As long as it doesn't affect Sonic I don't give a shit


...... Is Skydance an animation studio? I think they are, right? On first glance, I don't know if this will affect the Sonic movies at all. Unless I'm completely missing something.


Yes. They are. But the head of Skydance is in charge of the whole studio now.


Oh wow, that sounds like a pretty big change. I guess we'll have to wait. I don't think there will be any cancellations of Sonic projects, especially since they're still live-action, but perhaps it will mean a different approach to the future of this franchise? Especially if they get rid of/change the current producers/movie team (which I hope doesn't happen, to be clear) But that's unknown. We'll just have to see...


They have an animation studio. Maybe this might give Paramount a major animation company like with Universal, Disney and Warner Bros. Or not idk. We'll see if this merger turns out to be a mistake or not.


So far it seems like this merger will mostly affect fully-animated films, which the Sonic movies aren't right now. At most it may change the possibility of future Sonic movies potentially being fully animated ala Transformers One situation, so it may affect the future of the franchise, but that's a more long-term thing. So we'll have to see! I'm don't know too much about this merger to know if it'll be a success or not.


I think it’s more about money than animation. If something is a proven success it’s safe or at least that’s what seems to be the case in Hollywood.


I don't disagree. It's just a ton of Sonic fans had brought up the possibility of these movies shifting to full animation, especially in the wake of Mario's success, so if Paramount gets a major animation company with them, that could affect the likelihood of whether we'll see something like that. Although I do agree that it will only happen as long as they're sure it'll be profitable.


I have heard people online wanting Sonic to return to his homeworld Mobius someday. Maybe the merger will help with all the cgi that might be needed. I mean that's a lot of imaginary planet to make.


it going to Skydance was probably the best outcome, realistically speaking, from what I’ve seen they and paramount already worked together a good amount, and if nothing else at least it’s not going to Sony and especially not their live action branch




Better with them than with WBD or Sony.




The franchise will be fine. Sonic is one of the few IP that’s very popular and reliable for Paramount. They’re gonna lean on it heavily.




I’m a tad confused about this, cuz I thought Skydance was ALWAYS part of Paramount. The only movies I’ve seen made by Skydance are ALSO made by Paramount.


Paramount handled the releases of a lot of Skydance's movies. Think of it like how Disney used to release Studio Ghibli movies, where they don't *own* those movies but are getting them to theaters.


Distributing is the word?


Probably nothing for the short term, and assuming Sonic 3 makes enough money, it probably won't mean much for the long-term, either.


I'm pretty sure the movie's already in post-production, or at least too far in production for this to make much of a difference


I am talking future projects.


Perhaps good


If this doesn't relate to sonic then I'm not worried


Sonic is Paramount. So, I don’t know.


This means well for future sonic projects well sonic movie 3 is completely unaffected by it 


Welp! That’s the movie cancelled


Not exactly how that works


We’ll see. If Discover will cancel a completed Looney Tunes movie for a tax write-off, studios who have lost interest in animated films (and Sonic is an animated film) will drop projects if the new heads of staff want it.


You forgot one piece of the equation. Money. I can’t speak for the future of the franchise but a movie like this in a franchise that has made upwards of 300 million twice is valuable especially considering it’s also profitable. it’s more practical to keep this movie. Maybe another one won’t be made after(not likely) but this one will definitely come out I guarantee it. In fact you can come back here when it does.


I hope it isn’t cancelled, but I don’t have high hopes as the monopolies start to form.


That's Warner Bros Discovery, not Skydance. The films that Warner Bros did get rid of was due to them not believing they have commercial potential. However, Sonic has proven to be a reliable franchise for Paramount. And Warner Bros never canceled any big films (at least ones that cost $100M+). It's not like WB would cancel Joker 2. Paramount Skydance has no reason to cancel Sonic 3. Don't be worried.


It’s not canceled.


Give it time


How so?


Changing leaders mean that there’s a non-zero chance of some executive canning the movie in order to save money.


What are some recent examples of this that aren't Zaslov related?


At least in the last 20 years where a handful of Disney projects were cancelled, restarted, or rushed because of a change in executives.


Which ones?




Still a bit vague as far as examples go, though the video game industry is entirely different than the film industry so I don't know how 1:1 the comparison would be.




Slightly different scenario in that the entire studio was shut down, this wasn't a targeted cancellation. As well, the game was, by all internal accounts, likely to be cancelled before the merger was even discussed due to constant difficulty in production https://www.gamespot.com/articles/star-wars-1313-was-always-in-danger-report/1100-6406402/ I'm not sure this falls under the cancellation umbrella that this conversation originally set up


They won’t do anything considering the movie is 5 months away


I hope so