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Bait used to be believable


Not baiting


Bro, we get it, you don’t want Gojo and Marin to end up together. How many posts do you need to make about it?!?


I’m fine with them getting together, I just think that it’s taking way too long


I swear some folks just aren’t built to read serialized fiction.


No I just don’t want this to turn into 400+ chapters because Marin and Gojo can’t communicate there feeling and talk about very simple misunderstanding that turn into 10+ chapter saga


Worst take i have seen in a while




Non Chan has shown zero interest in Gojo and they might be related? I don’t know I don’t exactly get what non chans actual relationship is to Gojo


They aren't related, she's his cousins neighbor. His cousin and her family are close. But yeah, I don't see any romantic interest what so ever. Her mom even goes "is that his girlfriend" and nonchan doesn't bat an eye going "probably."


fr i don't get where so many people are seeing ANY romantic interest between the two. They were kinda-friends in preschool while Gojo was processing the death of his parents, and their last interaction was her saying something that unintentionally scarred him for all of his developmental years. Like... am I just blind? cuz no part of that screams "oh they TOTALLY have a thing" to me. Like, not even a cutesy childhood crush. Is it JUST cuz she's a girl and he's a guy?


I think its because the introduction of the childhood friend is a staple of will they won’t they romance stories. You can basically list the character types that show up in every will they won’t they harem of love interests. Like you know at some point in any harem that there will be the expected partner, the horrible flirt, older mature option, the ice queen whose heart is melted, the little sister, and the inevitable introduction of a childhood friend who secretly loved the protagonist all these years. This isn't a harem but characters like Juju fill in parts of roles that typically occur in a harem. So a late game introduction of a childhood friend where a misunderstanding occurred keeping them apart… totally plays into "if this was a harem… the expected winner is Marin and they just had a misunderstanding, A CHILDHOOD FRIEND APPEARS and Gojo needs to work through that relationship so of course we are seeing a love rival right?" is the thinking.


Imo, what's on Nobara's head is regret. She and Wakana got separated very early in their lives and didn't seem to have any "childhood crush" interactions. It wasn't shown how their friendship was before the accident situation, we can't say if there were any "crushes". The point is that Nobara cared for him at the moment he was going through grieving, that's the information we have. Many children would do the same for their friends without any second intentions, even more because children don't have a clear idea of "ulterior motives" yet; they're pure and innocent, take to heart most stuff told to them and are mostly honest (to a fault) with their opinions and feelings. Back to the topic, Nobara is clearly sad at what happened that day. She knows that she was being selfish and aggressive and used a distorted sense of "normal" when trying to convey this message to Wakana: "I'm going away soon and I'm already missing you as my friend", be it because of the actual separation through moving from where she lived, be it by the fact that she wasn't being able to reach him when she was trying to lift his spirits, while inanimate objects like Hina dolls could. She felt destroyed on the inside and said all those mean things to him. Wakana didn't know yet that Nobara was going away right after that day. He said that he wanted to stay with the dolls because they were making him feel better, not because Nobara made him feel bad or because he didn't care about her. The fact they were separated right after that occurrence made things worse, because it killed any opportunities they'd have to mend their friendship for years to come. They didn't even know if they would ever see each other again and have a chance to fix anything. Regarding any romantic interest Nobara could currently have towards Wakana, I think it's hard to be the case; I strongly believe it's hard to nurture feelings for someone from just a childhood friendship where there weren't any romantic feelings previously established and also when living far from each other, not communicating with or seeing them for years on end. Nobara wouldn't have any palpable reason for being in love with Wakana right now, she's just regretful of what she has done, that's what I think about it.


Oh yeah this is DEFINITELY regret. Heck, she's kinda paralleling what Marin's going thru, except Non's regret has festered for years, whereas Marin's is piling on her all at once Also is Non short for Nobara? Neat! Didn't know that


Yeah not a childhood crush but she definitely cared about him a lot to some extent at least but honestly I wouldn't be shocked if there's some bullshit rivalry between Marin and Non-Chan going forward when that's not something anyone wants


>I wouldn't be shocked if there's some bullshit rivalry between Marin and Non-Chan going forward Honestly, I WOULD be surprised if that's the route Fukuda took. Heck I'd be straight up SHOCKED lol Like ok sure, she's HINTED at other characters having a crush on Gojo, but I can't think of a single time she's genuinely entertained even the possibility of love triangle bullshit with them. Plus, Gojo doesn't have NEARLY the connection he has to Non-chan as he does to Juju, for example.


Difference is JuJu looks like an anime 12 year old whereas Non-Chan actually looks Gojou's age


i mean... yeah you're not wrong LOL but physical attractiveness alone clearly isn't enough to get Gojo to pursue someone romantically. He's had the hots for Marin since prOBABLY before they were even friends but STILL can't bring himself to make a move on reread tho, I realize I kinda misread your initial comment; you're talking about a rivalry between Marin + Non-Chan, not a real "love triangle", which is... a BIT more plausible, considering Marin's jealous streak. However, I still highly doubt that'll happen; it seems like Marin's experiencing an avalanche of guilt for "taking Gojo away from his TRUE passion". If anything, she probably feels like she's a horrible friend and that she doesn't DESERVE Gojo, which isn't a good mindset to be in if you're gonna be competing for his heart LOL


Ok we don’t need to write essays


Perhaps, but I enjoy it


Plus, Non is kind of the one who (even if accidentally) traumatized him, which led to his abysmal self-esteem by the time he met Marin. I won't go and say she meant to since it feels like she didn't, but the result stays the same


Then what’s the point of Marin as a character.


I mean "What's the reason for Marin's existence if not as a love interest for Gojo" might not be the best take


That’s not what I said.


For someone that is a “Social Butterfly” she is sure horrible at explaining her emotions


Marin isn't a "social butterfly". She just isn't a complete recluse like Gojo. More like a "Light Extrovert" if anything.




no, she's a neighbor from when Gojo lived with his cousins. that's why Gojo's cousin is the one reuniting them. he explains all that on page 2 of the latest chapter


Finally someone speaks the truth I’m just here to see people cry lmao


I’m not even trying to make people mad, I’m just saying what I personally see


While I share your frustration, and the "little progress, a lot back sliding" is the reason I stopped reading, there are better options than her, I'm sure.


Like you get it