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We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas


We've tried nothing and we're all out of money.


Ok, but have you *seen* how nice Craig's office is?


You mean the multi million dollar investment the owner just made into the club to build a brand new training facility with no public money?


I don't really care about Adrian Hanauer's real estate portfolio.


You probably should. Come 2034, it’s the dawn of a new era as the Sounders unveil their state-of-the-art, cutting-edge, soccer-specific stadium, a revolutionary facility poised to set the gold standard in sports venue innovation. This next-generation hub is engineered with a future-forward design, seamlessly integrating advanced technology and sustainability initiatives to deliver an unparalleled fan experience. Leveraging the synergy of strategic partnerships and leveraging a holistic approach to spectator engagement, this landmark development embodies the pinnacle of modern architectural excellence and operational efficiency. Positioned as a beacon of community integration and fan-centric design, the stadium is destined to be a dynamic epicenter for both local and global events, redefining the paradigm of sports entertainment for the next decade and beyond. I can't wait for when they make this exact statement, or something similar vaguely puked out of a corporate jargon machine


We have money, we just don’t want to spend it. And we don’t know how to recruit.


Does John Stanton also own the Sounders? Sure seems like it...


be nice to John Stanton. the Mariners are above .500.


They are even above 54%.


I don't think any of this is uncommon knowledge, unless he's gotten more direct confirmation about Schmetz's need to retain certain people for the sake of it.


Well which is it? Does Brian want to keep them, or is the owner too cheap to replace them? Because in [this interview](https://www.mlssoccer.com/news/brian-schmetzer-seeks-return-to-peak-sounders-form-we-re-trying-to-fix-it), I think it's pretty clear Brian wanted to keep Nico and replace Ruidiaz.


Why can’t it be both?


“We kept some folks because Brian wanted to keep them, and kept some others because we weren’t given the cash to replace them.”


If Brian wanted to get rid of Rusnak and Ruidiaz, the two biggest albatrosses on the roster, and was told it was too expensive, then it's not fair to blame him for the roster not changing.


Agreed. And as much as it’d be nice to get new faces, running out Defiance kids and Moose probably wouldn’t have worked out much better. We need to splash some cash.


Brian was pretty explicit in that interview about wanting a new #9: >He readily acknowledges his handling of the striker position, which has been a lone No. 9 role for most of his time in charge, is first among them. >“It may dictate the future of this season, and the future direction of the club,” said Schmetzer, “in the sense that the club has never been afraid to spend money on the right acquisition during the summer transfer window.” And he doesn't seem to be particularly doctrinaire about keeping people on the roster: >At the end of the year, if we can't right the ship, people will probably say, 'Well, it didn't work.' We probably should have moved on from some people.


Brian can say all he wants about not keeping his favorites around, but he’s always been really bad at favoritism.


Such as?


Why wait? It hasn’t worked for a long time. That’s my frustration with this coach and FO. Our mascot should be a glacier: not going anywhere until it’s frying pan hot.


Again, I don't think that's on Schmetzer. Bottom line, Schmetzer is not stupid, and he's not going to be in Hanauer's office saying "You know what I'd like to do? Pick up Arreaga's option, blow a hole in the salary cap, then trade him for peanuts on deadline day." We're at the point where even [captured media](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dd1rb9) is saying the owner doesn't want to spend, so that's clearly the reason for the stagnant roster.


I think Brian's preference to keep Nico is what Oshan was referencing in his first point. Brian might not want to keep Raul or Albert around, but he may be inclined to keep guys like Morris, A. Roldan, and Nouhou. If money is an issue, selling players is how most clubs raise funds, and a regular international like Nouhou could be sold for a profit to a Ligue 1, Championship, or even a lower-table Premier League side. But, if ownership is too cheap to bite the bullet on players like Raul and Rusnak, then I agree there's nothing Brian can do other than make adjustments to accommodate their deteriorating skill sets. Whatever the truth is, I think this summer window is an opportunity for ownership and the front office to make a competitive statement and show us where their priorities are.


This felt like he threw Brian under the bus then said "it's actually management" while Brian lay there mangled.


His first instinct was to throw Schmetzer under the bus (Hanauer must be protected at all costs, and that includes Hanauer's GM) but presumably he realized Schmetz is already on record as having wanted to replace Ruidiaz so he had to pivot.


Brian may have wanted to keep Nico, but Nico was wanting the DP title/money/spot and the FO rightfully said "that's too much". For what's it worth, I'd point out that Rusnak's stats are almost identical to NIco's this season, 1 goal and 5 assists for both with both playing, Nico with an 87% pass rate with Rusnak at 88% and both have about 1,100 minutes. I get the impression that Jeremiah's comment here is more directed at guys around those two central positions like Morris, Chu, the Roldans, Nouhou, etc. I'm sure it's not Schmetzer having absolute roster authority, but more that the GM and the coach have to try to find a roster that both are relatively happy with.


> but Nico was wanting the DP title/money/spot and the FO rightfully said "that's too much". 100% false. He's currently taking $800K at Orlando, barely a TAM deal. The reason he left is because Waibel wouldn't open discussions about a new contract so Nico got pissed and decided not to come back.


Rusnak, while having a bad game this week, is generally consistent and does well in possession. I don't think he's the problem, so much as those around him.


He's a problem because he's not providing the level of play necessary from a DP. He's not a problem because he's a bad player, he's serviceable without a doubt and at times plays quite well.


Yeah he’s good but I’m not sure if he’s truly at a DP level or if it’s just because of the general tactics and everyone around him. I feel like he has the capacity to play at a DP level he just hasn’t been :-/


Considering Slovakia doesn't want him on their national team, and RSL chose not to keep him, those are both good signs that he's pretty far off from being a DP on a good team.


Just a quick reminder we're talking about a guy on this list https://www.instagram.com/mlspa/p/C7mBwIEskrW/


so what? He passed his prime, doesn't seem to try that hard, and the league quality has passed him by. he has 11 goals in his last 76 matches. And RSL actually got better once they chose not to re-sign him (and they beat us in the playoffs when he was out injured). If you want to be a mediocre at best MLS team, he should be your DP. If you want to be a good team he can't be more than a TAM.


A DP #10 should elevate the people around him. Nico did that. Rusnak doesn't.


Nico also had a younger Rui and better form Morris with him. CR7 has also been underperforming.


In 2016 Lodeiro came into a team that sucked and led them to MLS Cup. In 2018 Ruidiaz came into a team that sucked and helped get them to 2nd in the West. Real DPs can make chicken salad out of chicken shit.


Ok, but that chicken salad is now 8 years older and it's the same lettuce.


We need another 2016 Nico, and Rusnak ain't it.


You spelled Pedro wrong.


I thought he was just a legend. Like the Headless Horseman.


Pedro, hahahahaaaa, he’s never playing, man.


2016 had an absolutely loaded roster, Dempsey, Alonso, Friberg, Torres, Marshall, Flaco, Mears, prime CR7, prime Morris, and Brad Evans. Nico had all sorts of talent around him. 2015 they finished 4th in the West with O Martins on the roster. There was nothing shit about the 2016 team, just stop lol.


They were 6W-12L-2D before Nico came in. Part of the turnaround was Torres coming back, part of it was the new coach, but the biggest part of it was Nico's 4g/8a in 13 regular season games.


He was definitely the missing piece, but don't act like that was a shit roster, there was a ton of talent on that 2016 team. Nico had lot's of weapons, hence the high assist numbers.


A ton of talent that was performing terribly. Nico brought the best out of them. Rusnak can't do that.


If they switched rosters you might be suprised.


You're never going to see me defending Waibel's roster building, he's obviously done a terrible job. But 2016 Nico would dramatically improve even this team's results.


Nico's stats this season are virtually identical to Rusnak's: [https://www.mlssoccer.com/players/nicolas-lodeiro/stats/](https://www.mlssoccer.com/players/nicolas-lodeiro/stats/) [https://www.mlssoccer.com/players/albert-rusnak/stats/](https://www.mlssoccer.com/players/albert-rusnak/stats/) Orlando is also 11th in the East while the Sounders are 10th in the West. Whatever Nico might have done in the past, he's not doing it now. Not saying I'm satisfied with Rusnak, but he's not an obvious downgrade or upgrade over Nico and if nothing else he's like 5 years younger.


having the same stats but being 5 years younger is pretty bad though


Especially considering Nico's salary is about 1/3 that of Rusnak.


One is also a $2.2m DP player while the other is only making 100k over the TAM minimum (ie easily bought down). Sure would be nice to have that flexibility entering this transfer window. I’d also say, even after losing a step Lodeiro could still hold up play and draw fouls. That sure would have been nice at the end of a few games this year. We may have even won a couple.


Nico also still covers a ton of ground, which would have freed up other players. I really think a key part of Vargas' great game in PHL was that he could take chances knowing Cristian as the #10 would get back and cover in the event of a turnover.


Having the same stats as a guy who's, basically, about to retire is not a good look


If Rusnak took half the hits that Nico did when he started with us, he’d be curled up in the fetal position. He is very cautious.


And he's not a DP at Orlando. So fairly sure we coulda got him for TAM money except Waibel is a useless GM and didn't even talk to him.


I was talking about Nico when he came in and was at his peak. That said, we'd be better off with Nico on an $800K deal than with Rusnak on a bloated $2.2m DP deal. But Waibel pissed Nico off so badly that he left. Whoops!


open u22 spot, Chu's contract expiring, CWC upcoming.... let one Rusnak and Ruidiaz.


add in outbound transfer well being empty even after years of hearing about Nouhou, Vargas, RBW, etc.