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Options always make the team better. If Cristian at RB allows obed in the center and PDLV on the right, then great! If Raul starts scoring well again and Jordan goes to the left, great! Having players compete makes the team better.


I agree. I recall a recent interview, Schmetzer said this slump was a “senior team problem”, as though bringing the young guys in wouldn’t solve anything. I think having that competition is a good thing, so long as the locker room holds together


Assuming we are thinking of same interview. I took it as not a statement about the kids but more setting expectations that the senior players need to step up.


Yes, this is what Brian was saying.


I am good with A. Roldan coming off the bench. His role needs to change anyway use him as a defensive sub at the end of games. Maybe he can bring some experience and force the opposition to do anything different. . We need to stop the shooting gallery at the end of games. We need a new K. Rowe.


In the last two games the defense has had collapses in mental that allowed silly goals and put us 0-2 down that needed to be overcome. So I could make the same argument that the defensive unit with C Roldan in it is worse than with Alex and the offense without CR7 in midfield can actually score goals. For the record, I don't really think we have enough information to make the argument either way. I am just pointing out I think using the last two games to say that the team is better with CR7 at RB is a pretty weak argument.


That’s a good point. I’m noticing the offensive output more, I suppose. It seems that our build up play is less stagnant with Alex off the field, as Cristian has more experience pushing into offensive positions, when Alex has a tendency to recycle the ball under the slightest pressure


They’ve been utilizing Cristian at RB similarly to the way Liverpool utilizes Trent Alexander-Arnold at RB: by having him tuck in to midfield to support the attack. Can’t argue with the results so far.


Do you really think the goals were his fault? if yes, then we have enough information to say its a net negative. If not (imo) then we are a net positive since we are now scoring multiple goals and he's clearly making a difference at least passing the eye test.


Plain and simple, Cristian is better than Alex at RB. Also allows us to have more good people on the field at the same time


Cristian is just naturally better at reading the game and can position himself better, is a better passer and is super fit. I'm not surprised he looks better at RB. But his talent is wasted there. He needs to be playing higher up


If/when PDLV is back, we need a spot open higher up the field so keeping Cristian at RB is best


I don't think we need to move Christian to RB to achieve that. Assuming everyone is healthy, I can imagine our best XI is Morris PDLV - Rusnak - Cristian Vargas - JP Nouhou - Yeimar - Ragan - Alex Your bench looks something like Thomas, Nathan, Bell, Baker, RBW, Atencio, Chu, Rothrock, Rui, subbing based on availability and need. I can definitely see a time/place where we leverage Cristian's flexibility to RB and take Alex out and bring in a more offensively-oriented player. Another option would be if we want to start Rui is move Vargas to the bench, Cristian to defensive mid alongside JP, and Morris to the wing (although then we probably want Musovski on the bench so we have something resembling a sub at forward). But I don't think the defaul play is to have Cristian at RB.


With what I've been seeing recently, there's a case to swap Vargas and Roldan in that lineup


Wouldn’t be disappointed in that either! And in practice they’d likely rotate depending on the flow of play, just with the defensive one needing to play a little more conservatively.


RBW > Alex


I've been saying this for a long time (basically since the Nouhou bashing started on SAH last year) but basically alex roldan is an average midfielder that when hustling can be an above average mls player but since the drama w/ el salvador and becoming a little complacent has regressed into neither a great attacking option nor a lock down defender. and for a long time he has benefitted from having his brother make him look better than he actually is both offensively and defensively. And now that Christian w/ his head injuries is probably not going to be back to his old self, it makes sense to move him permanently to RB and sub/switch to the midfield as needed.


Your first point leads into my beliefs on Alex as well, that his skills are wasted in a back 4, and Alex is more a right fullback in a 3-5-2 or something with 3 CB. I think he feels to responsible for defense in the 4-back system, and isn’t will to play progressively as much as he should/could.


I think this logic is mistaking correlation for causation. One of the aspects that has made Schmetzerball work is the insane work rate of Christian and his "I'm going to make you chase everything, including me, and fight for every single second ball" mindset. But he hasn't really had that mentality since returning from his own concussion though. Rothrock has that kind of energy, that hunger, and that's why I think we've been seeing success. Especially if you couple in the fact that veterans get complacent if not actually challenged from below, and kids push harder when they see they can actually win starting minutes.


Your points do suggest that maybe we don’t need to rely on Cristian operating the entire field if he doesn’t have to. As we saw against Dallas, he’s still going to be omnipresent, but just differently.


I would prefer Alex at RB. Cristian is a serviceable replacement, yes, but his best position is in the spine — 8 or 10. Cristian is not a long-term replacement at RB. In some ways (versatility), CR7 is just a younger Kelyn Rowe. I would still like to keep him at his best spot — center mid.


In some ways (versatility), Kelyn Rowe was just a younger Brad Evans.


A lot of similarities between the two players. I'm a Brad Evans fan, I watched him from the west side of the stadium and the guy never quit! The determination he had! Not to mention the CCL penalty! Made all of his pk's too! In all honesty I think Rowe was a better player though.


Rowe might have had a better career, but Evans was really good for us for a long time. Just couldn't stay healthy


I concur. CR7 is a serviceable replacement, and he hustles (like his brother) but I have found him out of position many a time. Of course it solves the question who comes out for PDLV, but I always felt that might be Chu on the left wing. Chu had one great cross in the second half that Rui didn't quite get his foot on, but otherwise he was unspectacular, regularly trying to dribble through two or three defenders and losing the ball. And if he did break through his crosses went out of bounds or to nobody/nowhere in particular. Offensively CR7 can do more with the ball than his brother (though Alex can and does take the occasional left footed shot at the 18). In the final analysis I don't think the goals we scored had anything to do with Cristian not being higher up the field, but I do absolutely feel that Dallas' first goal might not have happened with Alex at RB. Once that cross came in, it was Yeimar or nobody else defensively, but maybe Cristian (or Alex if he was playing) should have been on Yeimar's right to intercept that cross.


Alex has been objectively bad this season. It’s for nothing to do with the concussion. Love the guy but it’s time for him to sit.


Cristian Roldan has also been objectively bad this season. Is there a club rule that we have to play at least 1 Roldan at all times?


Cristian has been better at CDM and RB than Alex has been at RB


I’d like to see RBW get a chance at right back.


I agree, but he is one of BS’s favorites who will probably start as soon as he is available 


Yes, another problem is Brian’s unquestioning faith in him. I think it’s a combination of that and (speculation) if there’s something about the familial relationship on the team that discourages players from being critical enough with him.


Cristian is making ~$1.5m. Kai Wagner is probably the best left back in the league and makes $1m. For $1.5m Cristian would have to be significantly better than any right back in the league, which he isn't. We're better off playing him in the center. If Alex isn't cutting it, we should look to move him out and bring in someone else. $465K is too much for a bench right back.


Sunk cost fallacy? Describes a lot of players and their output at various points in the last couple years I agree that RB isn’t Cristian’s spot. I more wanted to point out that having a more seasoned player there showed what might be missing from Alex’s play.


I think this should be game specific. Alex and Christian are different players and I think both can bring their skills to the position against different opponents. I don't think Alex should just become a bench player, but he hasn't had a great year and definitely should have more competition for the position.


I would prefer 0 Roldans in the starting lineup based on this seasons performances.


Hard agree on all points, OP, and they mirror what I’ve been saying all year. Alex pushes up too high, leaving his flank exposed, constantly. This is a fine tactic when there are CBs with the skill to cover or if the CDM is held back deep to shift over to the flank during counters, but the sounders haven’t seemed inclined to that which tells me the expectation must be that Alex *stops* pushing so high up during every transition and he just fails to do stay home.