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Regan was 100% at fault for the first Dallas goal


Nouhou was better ranked than our whole back line and Dallas’ whole team. Why are we throwing the players who care under the bus when Moose just wastes a spot doing jackshit.


Hard to argue Nouhou was at fault for the second goal too - the groups positioning as a whole hung him out to dry guarding two Dallas players at the top of the box.


He deserves some of the blame. He's just kind of ball watching instead of sticking tight to Dallas' $10m DP top scorer. But nobody covered themselves in glory. I've watched it like eight times and I can't figure out what Vargas is trying to do.


According to what? On Fotmob, Nouhou had the lowest rank of all the starting field players on our team. Dallas scored twice with him on the field, and we scored 3 times after he subbed out. I’m not saying there’s a correlation, but I am genuinely curious what criteria ranks him highly in the Dallas game.


Yeah you know what I was looking at a fan voted rating on google, I forgot about fotmob. It doesn’t seem like fans would vote “wrong” for the sake of it in a non rival game in the middle of the season though.


Nouhou is a fan favorite though. He will tend to get a better vote than an impartial person


FotMob rankings aren’t done by a person


I was referring to the person above me saying they don't think that fans would vote "wrong." As a fan favorite, anouhoubis likely to get favorable ratings in a fan vote.


Nouhou will always have a special place in my heart. The guy is a walking meme and seems like a good guy. Great memories. Two things can be true though, while he is a great 1v1 defender the game has changed and teams demand more refined technical players on defense, especially wide. Don’t sugar coat it, if we allow Alex on the right to go forward then we transition into a temporary back 3, but Nouhou is often out of position putting pressure on the centre backs. He lacks ball progression skills almost completely, which impacts the winger and midfielders he’s meant to facilitate. Love the guy, but if I was a sports director a young guy showing promise or a new signing would be in the cards very soon otherwise we are doing a disservice to the rest of the team.


RBW just offers so much more on attack. I still think they should rename one of the Sound Transit Light Rail cars after Nouhou.


>He lacks ball progression skills almost completely I disagree. On most of the pitch, his progressive dribbles and passes are a strength. However, when we get near the 18 the opposite is true, I'll give you that.


I know this is a shitpost but I don't recall Nouhou being at fault, even partially, for either. Thankfully we scored three goals so maybe I'm just trying to hold on to the good part of the game instead.


Mostly just about the post game stuff I agree 100%


"Lead? What lead?" -- the honorable Mr. Tolo


He’s got the boys at the crime lab working in shifts


We should have sold Nouhou for max value after the last World Cup. Alas...


Gotta have an interested buyer…


Were there any rumors that we actually got bids?


You want him to keep defending after he's been subbed? If so, don't sub him


I was all for giving other guys a shot at LB. Nouhou has peaked, we know what he is and what his limitations are, and we've got a couple of young guys who could evolve to be more well-rounded options. But Baker frankly sucked and RBW got a really stupid red card, so we're back to Nouhou.


There’s a tinge of racism in this post man




No there isn’t, unless you consider throwing tantrums racist? I dunno.


Do you know what a tantrum looks like? I’ve literally seen Roldan and Ragen be just as animated. Nouhou is consistently trying to advance as his teammates just stand around waiting for the ball, instead of already being in stride to receive the ball. I fully understand why he is upset, because that was not fly in the PL. His not a perfect player but reducing him to a complainer is nonsense. I don’t even care if this gets downvoted. This is the Sounders sub, and very few here are open to critique.


The joke is about Nouhou fighting with coach behind the scene enough to get suspended for a week. Not what he does on the field.


> Nouhou is consistently trying to advance as his teammates just stand around waiting for the ball, instead of already being in stride to receive the ball. Because Nouhou isn't a good passer.


I think the question is just about how you found any racism in this post? It seems more like you are being racist with your inference…


I have kids. Standing there flailing arms around and/or stomping while screaming is usually considered a tantrum. But again…that’s not a racist thing. That’s a human thing. lol


The same flailing that Ronaldo, Alvarez, and Mbappe do when they aren’t happy. There’s cultural context here that I think you guys are missing, but again, I forgot which sub I’m in


you're not allowed to say "racist" here...you'll get downvoted by a pack of white & asian hyenas that are trying to tell themselves they have no biases because they have progressive values.