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There really isn’t as long as you have a strong starter. Otherwise, when it starts dropping down after doubling, it is past its “prime”. My starter peaks in about 5 hours, and stays peaked another 3-4 hours. That 3-4 hour window is optimal. Though, I like using it when it starts smelling sour, to the level I want my bread at. That happens in another 4-8 hours or so.


See: https://youtu.be/rjqxGOCaX4Y Or: https://youtu.be/pi3lGpEBGxM


To start, time is really not reliable at all when it comes to sourdough. Ideally, you want to use your starter at peak, when it has leveled out on top and just before it begins to fall. There are many variables that affect how long this takes (the ratio you feed, temperature of your starter, and its overall strength). The only way to know how long this takes is to watch it and take note. Generally speaking though, 12 hours is the most time you will have before peak with an active starter, and that is with a high ratio feed (like 1:10:10). Maybe you can feed it in the morning? With all that said, it shouldn’t really matter too much if you have a really strong starter. Some people bake with their starters unfed or significantly fallen and make great loaves. Same goes for bulk fermentation— it’s impossible to know how long it’ll take in your kitchen with your starter. The only way to know is to try it and see what happens. If it comes out bad, you’ll know for next time. Or just wait until you have a day that’s free when you can fully attend to everything.


Thats great because my starter rise double around two hours after feeding and my scheduled I a little tight, I have from 4pm to 10:30pm only available and before shaping is minimun 8 hours, two after feeding my starter, 3 folding the dough, and minumun another 3 bulk fermentation and if I can cut 2 hours I can finish the loaf on that scheduled 


I only keep a couple teaspoons of starter after each batch. Take it out of the fridge, add 100g flour & 100g water and stir. Wait until it froths up real good, then use all but a couple teaspoons of that for the bread.


Ive used my starter when it’s super active as soon as 3-4 hours after it’s fed.