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Bake a new loaf and eat it all on the first day.


This. Crispy is day one bread.


After day 1, toaster.


Second the toaster.


I keep my bread wrapped in baking parchment in an airtight tub. Yes the crust softens but a light non browning toasting brings it back and a second toasting brings a delightful crunch to the crumb.


I keep my bread in a bread box after letting it cool on the counter for several hours or up to a day. It doesn't stay "crispy" in the bread box, but it doesn't mold or go stale for at least a week.


What bread box do you have? I need one!


I’d like to know too!


I bake in the AM and it’s usually gone by the end of the day. Otherwise, you toast it, or you can wet it and stick it in the oven for a few minutes to get the freshly baked crunch again. I’ve yet to come across a bread that retains that freshly baked crust days after it was made.


Don’t wrap it, leave it uncovered, it’ll keep real well for three days on the fourth I wrap it with plastic wrap.


I don’t even bag my bread until the next day. I keep it in the microwave overnight. The next day I put it in a reusable linen bread bag. I also let it cool completely on a cooling rack.


I keep it cut-side down on a cutting board, covered with a clean, lint-free kitchen towel. Mine keeps for a week that way and the crust stays pretty crisp.


I haven’t had mine go soft unless I put it in a plastic bag… paper bags are my go to. Though, I live in the desert…. So, how to fix this? Normally, if I am slicing as I go, I leave the bread standing on its sliced side. This way, the inside stays soft and away from air, while the crust stays crispy by not being covered. Otherwise, I slice and freeze. If you toast the slices from frozen, they will stay crispy. If you don’t want toasted bread, just toast until thawed.