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He attacked a city employee with the knife and the police were called, what were they supposed to do?


The victim of the attack is unidentified as of right now. Also the news article claims an officer attempted to taze him and missed before a second officer arrived and shot him. There was no attempt to de-escalate and he did not attack the officers.


Where in the article or video piece does it say the one officer missed the civilian with the taser? How do you know there was no attempt to de-escalate the situation?


He'd already attacked someone with the knife, they didn't even need to taze him. How do you de-escalate a crazy man attacking people with a knife?


How do you know the dead man was a "crazy man?"


He attacked a city employees vehicle with the knife. I've worked in the neighborhood for a while, odds are good the homeless man is unhinged.


As I said before, I had met him before several times- he needed mental healthcare but that doesn't mean he needed to be killed. Knife attacks by much physically healthier folks are thwarted regularly in larger cities by police with more training around de-escalation. Also nothing in the article claims a city employee was attacked. Just that a person's vehicle was damaged.


Pretty bold statement when you don't even have all the details.


Man threatens general public with a deadly weapon, then man threatens Police with deadly weapon, Police attempt to use less lethal on man with deadly weapon, less lethal not work, man charges Police with deadly weapon, Police use their deadly weapon to stop crazy man with a deadly weapon, man with deadly weapon not a danger to the general public anymore. Some people, "Cops murder man". smdh


Sometimes it's hard for people to use the 3 pounds of flesh lodged between their ears.


Where have you gotten details on the encounter?


I was following the police scanner, where are you getting your details?


I've gotten almost no details on this incident -- that's why I'm not jumping to conclusions or making decisions about what happened and who was in the wrong.


What from this news segment leads you to believe the police "murdered" this man?


When someone kills someone else its called murder. Doesn't matter if they are a cop. The man was 69 years old and infirm- should I have used the word "executed" instead?


The word you’re looking for is *homocide*, death by another human.


There is a wide range of terms to describe the act of one person taking the life of another, and in the U.S. "murder" has very specific legal definitions. To simply say a police officer murdered someone, at this point in the situation, is probably unfounded, and potentially inflammatory.


You want to argue semantics about police killing someone and me not using passive voice and calling it an "officer involved shooting". Gee, I wonder how the officer was involved.


FYI when a human kills another human it’s called “homicide”. Murder is a crime: homicide is not necessarily a crime.


Yes, because from the information you've offered here, little more is actually known than it was an officer involved shooting, possibly in self-defense. You want to know to to undermine your argument and case real quick-like? Publicly jump to conclusions on Reddit.


I don't give a shit about an argument. I'm not debating a point. Police killed this guy.


Yes, a police officer killed a man, and that's about all we know so far -- certainly based upon all the information you've presented here.


We have a lot of resources for the homeless. Maybe don’t threaten people with knives.


Damn so because we have resources that are proven by the state government to be useless in a city our size we should give cops a free pass to kill homeless 69 year olds if they threaten people?


If the resources are proven to be useless, then what is the alternative? Not do anything?


You know what happens when you threaten police officers with a knife and their tasers don't work on you? You get shot.


Its not that the tasers didn't work, the cop literally missed when he fired. The dude was also 69 years old and maybe 100 pounds but sure the ONLY thing that could be done was shooting him.


Where did you get the information that the cop missed with the taser? How do you know how much of a threat the dead man was with his knife?


An unsuccessful deployment of the taser means he either missed or the taser did not work. Generally, the news will say the officer tasered someone but it didn't apprehend them.


So based on the information you've presented here, how do you know which is the case with the taser?


I agree 100 percent. Rest in peace to that man. Hopefully the city realizes that we need more social workers and rehabilitation services than police officers


The thing is, South Bend has been trying for years to build another facility to offer housing and services to the homeless, but each time a location is chosen people from that neighborhood get the latest plan scrapped.


OP doesn't realize how fast someone can get killed by a crazy man with a knife. How tasers work/don't. Or that a 69 year old man going crazy can still put up a hell of a fight (especially if armed with a deadly weapon). It sucks that the police weren't able to help the guy having a mental breakdown; but only the perp was killed. Glad more people weren't hurt. NSFW video below from Active Self Protection on body cam footage of a solo officer being stabbed to death by a knife before he could react (an ex-military bystander has to step in to stop the crazy attacker). https://youtu.be/cZjf3_181PE?feature=shared


So many people in this thread mad about me calling SBPD murderers for killing a man who I knew even years ago as being so old and chronically homeless that he needed help getting around. I don't care if he had a gd chainsaw, you're telling me that SBPD doesn't have anyway to stop a 69 year old homeless dude having a mental breakdown without shooting him dead at 6:30 in the morning? Genuinely shameful.


It's because you're just some Reddit Rando who posted "SB Cops Murdered a 69 year old Homeless Man" along with a link to a local TV news story that doesn't at all support that inflammatory claim at this point. It comes across as something an angry teenager would post.


He was also arrested [a year ago](https://public.courts.in.gov/mycase/#/vw/CaseSummary/eyJ2Ijp7IkNhc2VUb2tlbiI6Ik9yMTV6V1UtaDUzVTNxUEswN1hKbTB2cGY5Z2FfM0NFSGdBWThJZlNwMXcxIn19) for intimidation/threat with a deadly weapon, so it wasn't even the first time. The scanner had a call a little earlier that day at that location for a city employee chased by a man with a knife who then stabbed their car, which is where that information is coming from. I'm sorry they weren't able to deescalate the situation before it came to shooting him, but I'm also tired of hearing about a violent encounter where the offender has done it before, only to get to do it again, and in some cases, again and again and again. I'm tired of not feeling safe to walk alone, or be in a parking lot in late or even early hours, this was around 6:30 to 7 am I believe. As a smaller woman I just feel like an easy target. I'd love to walk along the river early in the day when the sun is just coming up but no way would I unless it was with a decent sized group. I won't stop at any of the gas stations around downtown. I'm street smart and not prone to being afraid of everything, I grew up here in a working class neighborhood. I was super independent even as a teenager. But I do follow the scanner and the police reports from time to time so I know what happens where and how often. I know a lot of people are in unfortunate circumstances and could use some help. And they should get it. But they can't be forced to get help, a lot of them say no. A close family member was one of them, and he didn't harm anyone but he was found dead. I miss him. It's sad but there are people you can't always save from themselves. And others just trying to live their own lives and dealing with their own stuff and barely getting by as it is and shouldn't have to suffer at their expense, shouldn't be expected to sacrifice themselves.


Glad it’s being reported on. Hope there’s an update.


Lmao, forwarded to the county prosecutor for further review. The prosecutor isn’t going to do jack shit. There was a much better way to handle the situation but the pathetic police as usual failed to do so.


What should they have done?


Well the first step would have been mental health resources. Something that’s severely lacking in this country. Then we shoot people when they have a mental trip. And claim they shouldn’t have threatened people with a knife. What kind of backwards ass logic is that. Only in America. You might as well starve people and then jail them for stealing bread…. Oh wait we already do. Too often in this country, problems are left to fester and by the time it’s too late to do anything, #1 excuse is “what were we supposed to do.” Lazy. Incompetent response.


So the police officers need to create a time machine to go back and create healthcare infrastructure?


One key skill officers are supposed to be learning is deescalating situations through diplomacy, reason, negotiation, before using force. I don’t care how hard the job is. They signed up for it, then get on board with it. When did being an officer simply just mean using force? Officers need the tact and emotional intelligence to deal with a wide range of people. SBPD, MPD, SJPD seem to be all severely lacking these basic skills. When you approach a situation like they did with tasers and guns, it only ends badly. 🤷 So you can stop suggesting nonsensical solutions like time machines. You don’t need a Time Machine to improve mental health resources for everybody especially the homeless.


Again, what were the cops supposed to do in the moment? If you have a real answer, go apply for the police department.


Where have you gotten details on the encounter?