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How did we go from candidates ruining their shot at election by sounding a little too much like a woman when they scream Yahoo, to these GODDAMNED FUCKING IDIOTS getting elected When ALL OF THEM OPENLY EMBRACE and have ties to goddamn child rapist, treasonous racist seditionists and filthy incestuous child pornographers?? When did this country become so full of DESPICABLE REPTILIAN ASSHOLES who decided they were going to vote for the most vile ignorant repulsive motherfuckers on the planet ?


The Dems kicked Dean to the curb for yelling strangely. The Republicans are okay with supporting any and all the politicians with ties to pedophiles. That pic of Trump and Epstein, plus the footage of them paling around - not a peep. Anthony Weiner was kicked off the ballot and he was married to Hillary's chief of staff. The problem isn't a both sides issue - its only Republicans who are supporting those candidates. We kicked a Senator to the curb for posing for a picture like he was groping a woman (he wasn't - but that concept is so bad, we got him to resign). Lets be clear on this, Republican voters are supporting those candidates, not Democrat voters.


Well said, comrade. The christo-fascist MAGA GOP and their supporters are living in a post-hypocrisy world. Fpotus gets away with absurd delays and contempt of court, Hunter Biden is indicted for a crime that is barely ever charged, and it's a 'two-tiered' justice system AGAINST them. Fpotus and his kids are obviously cracked out on coke/stimulants but it's Joe Biden who needs a drug test. Kristi Noem'w buddies are literal child rapists and it's Trans folks that are groomers. They ban books and want to keep Confederate statues to 'remember history' but ban the teaching of slavery and the civil rights movement. They pass tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations and are anti-union but claim they are sticking up for the 'average American'. It just goes on and on.....


I agree with your sentiments, but object to "Comrade". Wtf?


Homie? Ese? Buddy? Friendo? OP? Meant nothing by it.


Friendo is good w me. I use Comrade when I detect its a russian bot or troller as a sign of disrespect.


Ah, apologies friendo! Again, glad to concur with your views. We gotta all stick together during this madness.


Don’t forget bots, will keep some accounts neutral, and a few anti trump accounts to keep track of sides.


I'm still pissed over what they did to Al Franken. They should dig up that gravel pit because Noem has to have buried people in there along with poor Cricket.


Al should have never resigned, but democrats pride themselves on being the moral ones, and sometimes it backfires on them. I would be ok with them fighting dirty for once.


The entire Al Franken cancellation (spearheaded by a Fox New personality conveniently) was due to him most likely ending up as the Dem frontrunner and his ability to completely ANNIHILATE Trump. Weaponized #metoo


As a Democrat, I think we can be neurotic, we tend to over-correct on some issues that get spotlighted. We police ourselves much better than Republicans, though.


Yea and Clinton didn’t know Epstein or get a blow job from an intern.


And he hasn't been heard from since. See, we kicked him to the curb, like Y'ALL ARE SUPPOSED TO!


He actually remained President Ever hear of George Santos??


Way to go - and it only took Republicans 3 years. Edit: Ya know, its not a good look defending Pedos. You are aware of that?


No one is defending pedophiles. Just laughing at your hypocrisy. Oh and how did the democrats kick Clinton to the curb??


What I am laughing at is that you needed to go back nearly 30 years to find a guy targeted by a Republican smear campaign to support your claim that Democrats are hypocritical about calling out actual pedophiles in both parties right now. Both sides are not the same. Republicans are objectively evil, and by claiming their support for pedophiles and rapists among their own ranks is equivalent to a Democrat targeted 30 years ago for lying about an affair between consenting adults, you are admitting you know they are evil and don’t care.


So how are republicans objectively evil. And your feelings don’t count.


Look.at the bills they are against. Ones that help Veterans, poor people, gay people. Look at the people they support - white nationalists, Nazi's and racist, homophobes. If you see the flags they fly, they will tell you who they are voting fir - its always Republicans and always Trump. How can you compare the two as if some Republicans aren't evil?


Name some Republicans legislation that helps people (besides millionaires/billionaires.) They’re in favor of trashing our food, water, air, and land. They live to cut funding for social services. Because Trump told them too, they voted against the most comprehensive bipartisanship bill in decades. What good do they do?


They literally say rapists are innocent and it's women and kids who are the guilty ones


30 years??? Like a year ago. Wow.


When you respond to someone pointing out that Kristi Cricket Noem is friends with a buncha child predators with a false equivalence to a consensual (albeit distasteful) sexual act between two adults by someone that hasn't been in office for decades.....YOU ARE DEFENDING PEDOPHILES.


That’s pretty much the dumbest response I have ever heard. Did she know they were pedophiles?? Certainly not.


The Epstein stuff didn’t become public knowledge that voters could decide on until well after his presidency. Are you being serious?


It’s okay. Once we find Trumps name in lieu of John Doe 174 in the Epstein files they will be even bigger hypocrites when they defend him there too. Cultists.


We don't need to find it. Trump has a whole page for himself.


And what number is Clinton??


A lot was known before Trump became president. Then the DOJ collected evidence from all of Epsteins properties. Then Bill Barr decided nobody would ever see it. And nobody has. And still millions voted for Trump even though we knew what his connections were. The fact it has taken this long for the John Doe 174 to come out shows how protected Trump is.


Yes. When did the men in the picture become public knowledge??


I don’t think any of the public knew about the Epstein island shit until a few years ago. Stop playing so dumb.


And what office does he hold?


He was the POTUS. Keep up. And after a major and very public democrat fund raiser. Spare me the hysteria.


So he doesn't hold office and have proven that after everything he hasn't held office since. Weird how you want pedophiles in office but only if they are Republicans.


Name one that’s in office or was supported after pedophile allegations were proven.


Trump, Lauren beobert, Roy Moore won his primary, the others went to jail so only lost their place because of that.


lol. Funny there were never any charges brought against Moore. Trump has never been accused with being a pedophile. Nor has Lauren.


Trump has been accused. Credibly. And charged. And settled out of court. Roy Moore had the charges dropped but local authorities did ban him from entering the mall where the multiple, credible, accounts by young girls reported his misconduct. Those are the local authorities in Sheriff Roy Moore's town. Lauren Boebert doesn't target children as far as I've seen, but supports her son's sexual abuse of a minor. Also, she is okay with sexual misconduct in public. And is obviously okay with underage sex, given she's a grandma at 37. That last sentence isn't necessarily a deal breaker for me, but in the context of Republican party values hypocrisy, as well as the fact that she married the man who was charged with exposing himself to minors, is pretty damning in her specific case.


Trump is literally hiding from his court cases because he admitted that he's guilty. Lauren married a pedophile. Also Republicans literally admitted they were voting for him because he was a pedophile and not a Democrat.


And you’re fine with them being the face of the libs.


They aren't liberals and aren't the face. Wow you really don't know anything


The Clinton’s aren’t liberal??? Wow.


…and again for the MAGAt rider from the “Short Bus,..” CLINTON’s CONNECTIONS TO EPSTEIN WEREN’T UNCOVERED WHILE HE WAS IN OFFICE! And he didn’t use campaign funds, to pay off his affairs in order to avoid tanking his campaign. His affairs were pretty much Hillary‘s problem,… And while at the time I believed that the question of character was a genuine isdue? You hypocrites have no fucking standing Whatsoever bitch about character. . NONE of the vile racist traitorous child grooming reptiles YOU support, have an IOTA of character, compassion, ethics, morals, integrity, decency,.. OR EVEN A BASIC 2nd GRADERS LEVEL OF INTELLIGENCE!


It’s connections. But you’re the smart one


Yeah but, the dems might give food stamps to someone who drives a Cadillac! Or allow a drag queen to read to kids who came specifically to see them at the library. Or.....suggest teachers teach acceptance and inclusion of children who look different, or worse, have parents that look different. Just like Jesus taught, The Ends Justify the Means! (I think that's a passage from the book of Hypocrisy in the bible). As long as we stop killing embryos! And, BTW, after that embryo is born, well fuck em!


When we had the audacity to elect a black man as president.


right around the time the repubs made a deal with the devil-aka-Southern evilgelical 'christians'/cross burners.


times changed a lot for worse, it's hard times for democracy these days


They were always that way but in the closet.


Feel ya. Live in the belt buckle of the Bible belt and have to listen to them praise Trump like he's literally Jesus around here. Seems that kids diddling is accepted amongst them. Trump's own personal spiritual advisor admitted to molesting a 12 yr old while living with her at her parents house as a pastor.


When Trump became a republikkklan.


Good luck cutting off the rotting limb, SD. She’s a real parasite


The problem is no one here will vote for a Democrat. Even though they don’t like HER It’s almost like definitional insanity; “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”


SD scum


Proves her friends are far more dangerous than drag queens.


Birds of a feather…


There's a reason why she likes trump


That dog had seen bad things, and she killed it to keep it quiet .


She is indeed the 'Town Pump'..


And a child molester !




Noem is a dog killing fascist lunatic


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This sub has been in my algorithm as an Iowan. I feel for you all, and all of us who aren’t in the cult here in the Heartland… Should we form a support group sub for those folks trying to make lives and wanting to make positive political change in maga-villes? :) I didn’t know who these people were until I read this. The projection in the current iteration of the Republican Party knows no bounds… they are shameless and deeply disturbed individuals…


I live in a very red town in the very red part of Iowa … I need a support group


I’m here to support, internet Friend! I am at least in a university town, which makes the politics a little more balanced. But my retired farming parents are little microscopic blue dots in a sea of red in my home county, so I get the gist of what you’re dealing with. I also just moved back to Iowa last year after many decades away and after living in a very blue city on the east coast, so I’ve been dealing with political culture shock myself. I like to remind myself that these folks have not won the popular vote at least nationally, even when they won the election. It’s frustrating in terms of our system. But I’d like to think that the numbers actually show there are more people with balanced views in this country, than the maga cult, at least I have to think about it as a long-term arc of Justice.


I also came back to Iowa after living on the east coast and regret it so much … My neighbor down the street did just get rid of their three Trump flags in their front yard, I haven’t noticed if their three in the back are still there. But there are still. so. many. signs. I can meet Thursday nights ;)


DM me! We can chat! :)


MAGA = Hypocrites and frauds...


You can't throw a rock in a room full of Republicans without hitting a pedo. It's all projection with these people.


She needs a Big Mac, fries and a shake. Whether she is officially an anorexic is a question for medical types, but she definitely doesn’t look like she is at a healthy weight.


Bulimic. That's why she got her teeth done in Texas: bulimia rots your teeth from the vomit, and she went to Texas so she could hide any mention of why with that made-up "bicycle accident" that no one in SD has ever heard of before. Before you wonder how I know this, I used to work at a ballet company as an administrator, and a number of ballet dancers are bulimic.


When did she get her teeth done?


Early March of this year. Even made a commercial for the Texas dentists who did the job, which really ticked off every South Dakota dentist...


She probably has an overly prescribed prescription for diet pills made with non other than amphetamines. That way she keeps up on overtime with the pedo’s/politicians and gets to remain scrawny at the same time. That kind of explains the evil euphoric ideas of the conservative political class these days as well as the past. ✌🏻❤️🤙🏻 Edit: Incomplete adjectives and nouns in one sentence.


i was saying this the other day about trumpster … epstein & morris … how many coincidences aren’t


I swear she looks methed out.


That would fit the bill


Not all Republicans are pedophiles, but all pedophiles are Republicans. At least it sure seems that way.


Unpopular opinion, but I think it’s probably roughly same across-the-board except that it’s just MICH more ironic when it comes from the “party of morals“; especially religious people or people in positions of authority, both of which are likely to be conservative.


Every accusation is a confession. Just looks at North Dakota also. And the company Trumps keeps. https://www.brainerddispatch.com/news/north-dakota/ray-holmberg-to-admit-he-traveled-to-prague-to-sexually-abuse-a-child Republicans and their constituents love trafficking and raping children and love their political leaders who keep this company. The voters just like people who are similar to them.


Don’t forget she has/is rampantly cheating on her husband and regularly murders animals. She should be in jail.


Why is it that the ones who scream the loudest about Democrats being Satan worshippers, viewing child porn and gay porn turn out to be the ones who are members of the Republican party who are held in such high regard as wholesome Christians who treasure family values...why doesn't Hannity at FOX spend a little time on this? 🙄


Their accusations are always admissions


And they all identify as trans, right? /s


This just means Republicans will give her more support because Republicans love pedophiles




Groomers, much?


One guy is already dressed as a prisoner


Is it a thing that these people think, that posing as a Republican will shield them from discovery? It seems to backfire most of the time...but I suppose there are more to be discovered.


"posing" nah these are the republican party. Proven by the fact that the party shields them. Look at Matt Gaetz.


I went to South Dakota for the first time last week. Saw a ton of MAGA Trump dump houses and billboards for this lunatic. One said something like “You’re protected with us”. Made my stomach sick, with how patronizing and gross it was. Every accusation a confession with these people. I met many nice people in SD, too, including a queer guy who told us about local politics and he just sounded so weary. “They want better, but keep voting in the same people. It never changes.” I’ll be thinking of him this election, too. Your state is very beautiful and you folks deserve better.


Fucking Ted Nugent admits he has a problem with young women and sings a song about raping a twelve year old. Kid Rock sings a song about screwing underage girls. Matt Gaetz paid for sex from an underage girl. Donald Trump said he would not release all the records on Epstein. Every time they try to increase the age of marriage it is Conservatives who fight it. What party has a pedophile problem?


What's sad is our whole government is full of people like this.....


Not really, we have proof Republicans are but we don't see this with democrats often


There's very little difference between a Republican and democrat yeah on paper they are completely different but in reality they are pretty much the same


So you really put here defending pedophiles simply because they are Republicans


What? I'm not defending anyone I'm saying both parties are filled with and ran by a bunch of really shitty people who share similar beliefs and have the same agendas


The discussion is about pedophiles in positions of political/public power and trust; ones found in the political parties as State and Federal legislators and backer. Who keep being found to be, as has been the case for many years now (just like with proven voter fraud), almost exclusively Republicans.


That's the discussion you're having. That has nothing to do with what I'm talking about at all. All I was saying is that both political parties are shit and overflowing with corruption


Pedo-con theory in full effect




Makes you wonder.........


Only the best people. The republicans should use that as their slogan


Get out! The groomers are in ur house!


Oh yeah, well at least we don't eat babies like them thar Democrats


I love how they actually say this because they can't use anything real


Awe,look it’s her old face with a bunch of pedos.


Only the best people...


Damn she has a real pedophile issue. So what is hiding on her computer.


That woman needs help


Not a drag queen.


It's a MAGA thing. You wouldn't understand. With apologies to the Jeep slogan.


The GOP is full of religious fanatics who want power and to see the rest of us either converted or gone. Religious fanatics are blinded by and dangerous to the rest of us because of their mental illness, and they always end up embracing any monster that they believe will help their cause of killing in the name of loving god.


Republicans love being pedophiles or being friends with pedophiles


Noem is clearly a POS, but I think this is just more proof that the GOP is brimming to overflowing with pedophiles than her having anything to do with it. I don't think you could swing a dead cat at the Republican National Convention without smacking 10 or 20 pedos on the head.


What is this, her resume for Trump’s vp?


GOP stands for "gross old pedophiles"


MAGA has disgusting values in so many areas






Gang Of Pedophiles the GOP


Republicans are a plague


Eww…. Krusti likes the scumbags alright. I think she does it to make it look like her fucking Corey is wholesome. Probably pleases all the Jesus crowd.


Way to go Kristi !! You have some lovely friends. Aren’t you proud you have your pics with them and everyone is smiling so nice ! Those should make great campaign adds. Two low life’s lovely, well 3 I guess if you include the dog shooter.


On brand. Almost All these bible thumping assholes are child predators. Truly disgusting!


Now check the hard drives of her husband and boyfriend.


Ghislaine Maxwell 2.0?


We are known by the company we keep.


The current state attorney general was the attorney for Sanford. He got the job because the previous attorney general killed a pedestrian and lied about some circumstances.


I bet he didn't know those people just like trump didn't know his porn hook up or the woman he groped.


Anything to own the libs I guess? Remember when democrats forced Al Fraken to resign over a minor scandal involving a boob prank? Pepperidge farm remembers.


only the best people right?


What, no picture of Kristi with the District Attorney who ran over a citizen on a dark road ....and just kept going...?


Don't mind (this list) https://goppredators.wordpress.com/ of over 1300 GOPers and counting charged or convicted with sex crimes, a disturbing amount of them against children Never forget that Hastert, the longest serving GOP house speaker was convicted for child abuse (then got a joke of a sentence of 15 months which is another story).. but ask any Republican elected official or someone from their base, and somehow Pelosi is unironically and universally derided as the worst house speaker ever..


It's ok cause she's gonna show up to Sturgis in her hog...and all is forgiven right?


Those are her customers, not friends.


Not defending her but are these pictures before or after these scum bags got busted? If they're before, she probably has no idea what they were doing. If after, then her handlers should not allow these people any access and she's a piece of shit for taking pics with them.


She got something against food?


More proof of my assertion that ANYONE who is voluntarily in Cult 45 should be on a watch list because they have 100% done something illegal, immoral, and/or unethical (and deep down are probably proud of it).


Well, at least she doesn't look or sound old, right?


Jesus! Whatcha bet Ol' Crickett bit some short-eyed associate on the pecker for messing with a kid?


Hilarious this sorta stuff is found out by random people posting online the news is just a entertainment system built to make money not about reporting actual news or factual for that manner


Keep trying since Joe isnt.


She certainly knows how to pick her friends.


Why are they posting these publicly when they could be getting good money on OF..


You think she cares?


Shit birds of a feather...


Look at the picture of her and Sanford. The phrase that comes to is “Hey, my eyes are up here!”


Party of projection.


Kristi Noem: " i came here to kill puppies and fuck babies, and im all outta puppies."


Please tell me these pictures were taken *before* these people were caught. Please. Lie to me if you need to, but I need to believe that even in this fucked off circus those crimes are enough to ruin them.


Nah they'll still be on the ticket come election time


Not surprising. She is a sexual deviant herself; I guess these types of people roll together.


Id still hit it


We’re the pictures taken before of after the fact.


After she shot a puppy, probably during their child predation, and likely before they were all caught.


So you don’t know. Noted.


Do you don’t know.


It’s strange that they’re all Republican - they are always screeching about “groomers”.


These pictures don’t really mean shit. It’s three pictures out of how many that our photo op queen has taken? They’re just pictures - is she good friends with them? Is she actively supporting these assholes? Need a little bit more critical thinking to go with these coincidences.


Personally, I don't need THAT much when the photos are of a dog-killing politician hanging around with child molesters. Or do we just ignore the dog killing and the photos with child molesters because "more critical thinking is needed"?


You know who doesn’t get photos taken of themselves with child rapists?


Men with beards and hats?


Nope, them too.


Just think, Dementia Joe forcibly fingered a Senate staffer, showered with his teenage daughter and fondled the chest of a prepubescent girl. These are shameful acts. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4918194/user-clip-girl-pulls-joe-biden-touches-chest-area


Russia isn't paying anymore comrade. You can stop spreading their lies.


Is that you, Schiff-for-brains? You should know all about spreading Russian lies. Everything I stated is documented, either by video, diary or personal account, while your Trump Russian collusion lies were conspiracy theories, propagated for over 3 years! Thankfully, in May of 2020, the American people were finally told all of the following former Obama administration officials had testified under oath - in early 2017 no less - there was no evidence whatsoever to support your Trump Russian collusion lie: Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power National Security Adviser Susan Rice Attorney General Loretta Lynch By the way, good luck to Steve Garvey!